Capricorn-Tiger woman: personality traits and compatibility with other signs

The Capricorn-Tiger woman combines the strong character traits of two different horoscopes. This is a very favorable combination for realizing the powerful potential of a person. From the patron constellation, the lady received analytical skills and rationalism, and from the active Tiger - energy. In addition, the Tiger smooths out the severity of Capricorn a little and makes a person more open and sociable.

A successful combination of Tiger and Capricorn gives birth to a person practically devoid of flaws. This is a person who is able to withstand dignity under a variety of circumstances, to overcome adversity and is distinguished by a calm, balanced character. Such a girl does not tend to be cunning, betray and hypocritical. She always chooses the environment responsibly. Due to innate caution, she has been a little shy since childhood. The girl does not actively contact strangers and keeps herself apart.
Tiger-Capricorn not only effectively plans his life, but also willingly helps others. This generous woman is usually ready to help out friends or relatives, taking on other people's problems, without requiring reciprocal gratitude.
Her dedication usually allows her to achieve everything that she values so much: material well-being, a stable job and a measured family life.

She knows how to make money no worse than men and knows their account. This astrological combination endows the lady with a not too light disposition, but helps her to become an integral nature and a person respected in society. Such a woman wants to keep everything under her control and she meets any unplanned changes with hostility. The Tigress-Capricorn hides her emotions inside, which is why not every person can understand her true attitude towards herself.Such a trait as self-control also determines the range of interests of our heroine. Everything related to emotions (romance novels, adventures, hobbies) fades into the background, giving way to career achievements. The Capricorn tigress does not want to waste time and energy on something that does not concern her work.
Often, even such an important component of a woman's life as marriage remains in second place. Only the closest people know about the vulnerability that is hidden under the guise of a strict and self-sufficient lady. The reason is that our heroine can talk about anything without any problems, but not about her own feelings, especially with an unfamiliar person. For all the propensity for planning, the Capricorn Tigress is not so calculating and is not ready to step over others for the sake of her well-being.

In love
Lady Capricorn, born in the year of the Tiger, attracts men with her sociability and insight. At the stage of choosing a companion, she is too strict, even when she sees a suitable man nearby, the girl keeps him at a distance until she begins to fully trust her chosen one. When meeting, it will not be difficult for her to please the interlocutor, since she is honest, kind and direct in communication. There is hardly a situation in which our heroine could give up. She charges others with the confidence that any situation has a way out, and strong women are admired by men.
With her, the gentleman tunes in to a serious relationship and tries to correspond to her ideas about the ideal. She is not attracted to marginalized people with no goals in life or fickle hero lovers. In the foreground are such qualities of a potential partner as responsibility, the ability to keep one's word and the ability to support in a difficult situation. Since she herself is actively working and earning decent money, the companion must also be “in business” - have a good job and be hardworking.

In communicating with their loved ones, Capricorn Tigresses rarely say warm words, preferring to confirm their feelings with actions. They need an intelligent ally to talk to. They do not like pressure and attempts to drive them into frames, they always strive to fence off personal space. They are jealous and hate to be made to feel this way. They do not need experiences in a relationship; instead of passions and intrigues, the Tigress-Capricorn will prefer a strong union based on mutual trust and respect.
Such a lady chooses a man not under the influence of an impulse, but after carefully considering the pros and cons of this relationship. If she lacks something in a relationship, she gently but persistently makes it clear to her partner. She doesn't particularly like to experiment, so the partner needs to be prepared for a slightly monotonous personal life. The Capricorn tigress is not used to showing feelings, because of this it can seem detached. To prevent this from happening, she needs to more often connect not the voice of reason, but body language to communication, and then the union with her beloved will become more harmonious.
The problem in relationships with the opposite sex can be that such a woman craves freedom and the opportunity to retire, while she herself wants to keep her husband's life under control.

In family
Due to the tiger's softness, a woman will reveal her inner world to close people and become for them an “affectionate cat”. Despite the initial seriousness, in marriage, the Capricorn-Tiger wife treats her partner warmly and kindly. By choosing the right man and starting a family with him, she demonstrates herself to be the ideal woman for married life. This is a caring mother, a wonderful housewife and a neat woman.
The Capricorn tigress is very persistent, but this pressure is not raised to an extreme degree. Due to such a wise policy, a lady can quietly get her husband out of her. More precisely, present your idea in such a way that the spouse will take it for his. The Capricorn tigress adores her home and seeks to equip a "nest" in the first class. Sometimes she is not averse to doing something with her own hands in order to bring even more coziness to the interior and create a warm atmosphere in it.
Relationships with children among representatives of this astrological combination are often built "on equal terms", which is why they fail to apply an authoritarian approach. With this approach, the offspring does not receive proper control and a sense of security.

In work
As you know, Capricorn is always tuned in to work and building a career. In this case, the Tiger helps to achieve these goals without serious effort. Moreover, work occupies almost the main place in the life of the heroine of our article. She does not tolerate lazy people, but, having met them in her team, she tries not to go into open conflict. Instead, the Capricorn Tigress simply does his job one hundred percent, without being distracted by instructions to colleagues.
Despite their good potential and leadership skills, these ladies rarely mark the boss. This is because they do not particularly like to bear great responsibility for the work of other people. Indeed, management often requires toughness, resolution of conflicts, and this is not to such a nature's liking. Capricorn-Tiger tries in every possible way to avoid acute situations.

Employees love Capricorn Tigers for their reliability. They do not let their colleagues down and always do the part of the work that was entrusted to them. These people cannot fail one of their comrades due to their moral principles. They also do not tend to make friends or spread gossip in order to join "their circle", they already have enough loyal friends in the workplace. Due to excessive diligence and lack of proper rest, a woman may experience depression and other diseases that threaten with such a rhythm of life.
The boss can always entrust her with "men's" affairs, in which you need to show analytical skills, the ability to collect facts and draw conclusions. The Capricorn-Tiger woman is usually easily given the exact sciences, jurisprudence, any work that requires planning and calculations. After work, she will prefer passive rest, with a good book or an interesting movie, or a gourmet dinner with her family members.
This representative of the fair sex does not like a woman works a lot and rests little. Having received an unscheduled vacation, she will happily spend it at home, enjoying every moment of freedom from business and work.

According to the eastern horoscope, the Tiger is an example of nobility, activity and courage. Astrologers call his union with the Pig, Rabbit, Dog, Rooster and Horse successful. Average compatibility can be characterized by relationships with a man Rat, Goat, Tiger, Dragon, Snake and Bull. An alliance with partners born in the year of the Monkey is considered the least successful.
The Western horoscope gives its own classification of marriage unions. Based on it, Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus, Pisces can become the best partners for our heroine. A less suitable party would be men representing the constellations Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries and Libra. Unsuccessful stars see relationships with Gemini, Leo and Sagittarius.

So, the Capricorn Tigress is a reliable, purposeful and discerning woman who cannot sit without work. The role of a housewife is not for her, since only having an interesting and decent job does she feel happy. Moreover, only in the family does she show all her gentleness and kindness. The people around them appreciate the representative of these signs for reliability, responsibility and loyalty to her word.
See the following video for the characteristics of the Tiger sign.
Excellent thank you!
Almost everything is true, it is precisely said. I would never have thought that it is possible to approach reality so accurately, but they say that horoscopes are not true ... I hope all Capricorn-Tiger women are like that. How lucky men are! I envy them myself. Take care of them while they are with you!
Elena, of course, is not all like that! All people of the same sign are very different, they have many different nuances.
It's all true.
It’s me, but I don’t like to work and tinker around the house.
Everything to the point, it is.
It's true, but I'm also a little lazy) and would gladly become a housewife)
As if they wrote about me.
As a Tiger-Capricorn, I can say: the union with the Pisces-Pig is very successful. The husband is happy)
It is precisely said: I am a housewife, but you can find a lot of work at home too! Snake-Gemini marriage - wonderful!
As accurately described.
I have never believed horoscopes and other things, but this is described so accurately, I recognize myself and my marriage to my Libra-goat husband is very happy.
Great analysis, thanks.