Hair dye allergy

Unfortunately, it is impossible to insure against the development of allergic manifestations to hair dye. We will tell you more about this form of allergy.
Hair dyes help create a unique look. Nowadays, there are many different coloring products that can help change the natural color of curls. The peculiarity of such paints is that they have different shades and are produced in different countries, the products also differ in their chemical composition, namely, what ingredients are included in their composition.

As a rule, modern paints contain quite a lot of chemical components. Each of them has its own characteristics of the impact on the human body. The contact of such substances on the scalp and leads to the appearance of allergic symptoms in some women.
It is worth noting that paint allergy is an individual reaction. For example, one woman may have it, while another may not. This largely depends on the individual sensitivity of the organism to the chemical components present in the composition of the product. When such substances enter a sensitized (sensitive) organism, they act as allergens - that is, substances that provoke adverse allergy symptoms.
Many women wonder if there are such hair dyes that cannot provoke allergies at all. Doctors note that, unfortunately, there is a risk of allergic rashes after using the coloring formulations.Moreover, this risk increases significantly in people who have a predisposition to developing allergies. And also in the group of "high risk", if possible, the appearance of allergic manifestations includes women who have been diagnosed with bronchial asthma.

Experts identify several components that can provoke the appearance of allergies, with a high degree of probability. Several substances are quite common.
- Methylaminophenol... This substance is found not only in some products that dye hair, but also in other cosmetics. This component is labeled in the composition of the product, as a rule, as Methylaminophenol.
- Isatin... It is mainly found in products with relatively low persistence.
- Paraphenylenediamine... This component ensures that the paint applied to the hair lasts for a long time. Some experts believe that this component more often than others provokes the appearance of allergic rashes.
How does it manifest?
The clinical signs of allergies after scalp exposure to hair dye can vary. Symptoms also vary in severity. For example, after using the paint, one woman will have only a slight burning or itchy rash, while another, after using a similar product, will develop Quincke's edema.
It is impossible to predict the severity of symptoms in advance.

One of the most common manifestations of allergy to the dye composition is the appearance of severe itching of the head. Moreover, this symptom usually occurs within 20-25 minutes from the moment the product is applied to the skin. The itching in some cases can be so unbearable, it can significantly worsen the state of health.
Itching during paint exposure is an alarming symptom. If this clinical sign only intensifies over time, then in this case, doctors recommend not to endure and immediately wash off the coloring product from the skin. After that, it is imperative to assess the condition of the skin. An ordinary mirror is suitable for this. If red spots or even blisters appear on the skin that itch a lot, then this is more likely to indicate the development of an allergy.

In addition to red spots and itchy blisters, allergies can manifest in other ways. So, the development of allergic pathology may be indicated by the appearance of:
- swelling of the face, neck, ears and lips;
- severe peeling of the skin in places of contact with paint;
- sudden onset of a runny nose with watery nasal discharge;
- lacrimation.

One of the most dangerous allergic conditions for allergies is Quincke's edema. This pathology can even appear in a person after the first application of an allergenic paint. The danger of this pathological condition largely lies in the fact that it develops, as a rule, rather quickly and can lead to acute respiratory failure. If medical assistance is not provided in a timely manner, then this is fraught with extremely dangerous consequences.
Quincke's edema is accompanied by the development of a number of adverse symptoms. This pathology proceeds with the appearance of severe edema of the face and neck. Severe swelling leads to squeezing of the larynx, which means that it also becomes the cause of breathing disorders. The face with Quincke's edema changes. At the same time, the eye slits usually narrow, and the lips, on the contrary, become larger due to the accumulation of fluid.
Women of all ages can experience the adverse symptoms of paint allergy. At the same time, women who have an increased individual sensitivity of the body to various chemical components are at risk.
Such women should be careful before buying hair dye.

How to relieve symptoms?
In order to get rid of an allergic reaction that has arisen after using hair dye, you can use several methods. The first thing to do is to thoroughly rinse the product off the scalp.It is recommended to do this immediately after the appearance of adverse manifestations of allergy.
Eliminate the adverse manifestations of allergies by special means - antihistamines. They contain ingredients that help relieve itching and swelling. Such drugs include, for example, "Suprastin", "Zirtek", "Claritin" and many others.

When symptoms of Quincke's edema appear, doctors advise not to carry out only home treatment, but be sure to seek medical advice. This will help reduce the risk of adverse effects.
Folk ways
To reduce itching, which in most cases accompanies allergic skin rashes, you can rinse your hair with a solution of pharmacy chamomile.
The components contained in this herbal remedy will have an anti-inflammatory effect and help to normalize the condition of the scalp.

For rinsing, you can also use decoctions made from nettle and oak. Usually, such remedies help with minor allergic manifestations. If the allergy manifests itself strongly, then in this case, the use of special medications is already required.
What to look for when buying?
The choice of hair dye is a rather demanding task. It is recommended to choose a product to change the color of your hair not only by the color or the name of the company that produces it. It is advisable to pay attention to the chemical composition of the product. The presence of paraphenylenediamine and isatin in it indicates that such a paint in a woman who is hypersensitive to the effects of these substances can provoke the appearance of allergic rashes.

But it is also very important to check the expiration date before buying a coloring product. Doctors do not recommend painting with expired paints. The use of such cosmetics increases the risk of developing allergies and other adverse symptoms. And the result of changing hair color may not be the same as we would like. That is why it is recommended to check the expiration date before buying a product.
Currently, professional paints are becoming very popular. These products are usually of high quality and will allow you to achieve the desired shade of hair. At first, these funds were used only by professionals in beauty salons, but now they can be bought in almost any cosmetic store.
Hypoallergenic professional paint will help reduce the risk of allergies.

Many women think that by buying paint from a well-known company, they are insured against the adverse consequences of its use. However, this is not quite true. Unfortunately, the higher the popularity rating of a paint, the more often it is faked. At the same time, unscrupulous manufacturers significantly change the chemical composition of the product and may even add toxic components to it. The use of such hair dyes is extremely dangerous, as it can lead not only to the appearance of allergic symptoms, but even to a chemical burn of the scalp and other adverse consequences.
Alternative options
Modern manufacturers of hair dyes are trying to protect their consumers as much as possible from various adverse manifestations after using the hair dyes they produce. At the same time, they try to make sure that the product retains its durability and allows you to achieve the desired shade of hair. Some manufacturers choose ammonia-free dyeing technology. It is believed that such paint does not contain ammonia products, which means that it can provoke the appearance of adverse symptoms somewhat less often.
Some beauties believe that in order not to face adverse allergy symptoms, one should only paint with natural dyes. These include henna and basma. Of course, these products are of natural origin, which means they do not contain such an abundance of chemical components as conventional hair dyes.

However, henna and basma have not only advantages, but also certain disadvantages. These include, for example, a small color palette of shades. The use of such products, of course, reduces the risk of allergies, but does not completely eliminate it. You can use such products for hair dyeing only if they are well tolerated.
One of the options for dyeing, in which relatively little damage to the hair occurs, is highlighting. In this case, the strands of curls are painted with a slight indent from the roots.
This technique also provides for dyeing not all hair, but only individual strands.

Allergist advice
To date, there is not a single paint that, in a hundred percent of cases, would guarantee the impossibility of allergies. In general, experts advise to carry out any experiments with paint carefully. If, after using the coloring agent, allergic manifestations have arisen on the scalp, then in the future, its use should be abandoned. In this case, it is better to choose some kind of alternative product.
Before using any paint, it is imperative to carry out an individual sensitivity test. Such recommendations are given not only by allergists, but also by the manufacturers of these products. The need for this test is indicated in a special instruction, which is in the package with paint. If, after such a preliminary examination, allergic symptoms appear on the skin, then it is better to refuse to use the product in the future.
How to properly test for an allergic reaction to paint, see below.