What do the numbers on hair dye mean?

The desire to change oneself sooner or later arises in almost every girl or woman, and the first thing that they change in themselves is their hair color. Change of image is a responsible task. Each girl is distrustful of radical changes, as she is afraid to spoil this hair with her nature, and after all, "hair is not teeth - it will grow back." Since the assortment is large, you should decide on the choice of a coloring agent. To prevent possible negative consequences, it is worth taking a more responsible choice. Each has already faced the fact that after painting the color does not correspond to the display on the package. Many do not know, but you can choose the tone by easily relying on its markings shown on the front or back of the box.

What are the numbers on the paint for?
The range of coloring agents is so great that every girl or woman has a difficult choice. The benchmark falls on several factors: the brand, price and appearance of the product itself. Never make hasty conclusions, relying on the words of friends or even strangers, because each person and his skin are individual: what came up or took (as in our case with paint) alone is not a fact that will suit you.
After the choice of the manufacturer has been made, the shade should be chosen. In the selection process, most consider the photo of the girl on the package or the provided palette with tufts of hair, then read the name of the tone and try to understand it. But no one is interested in finely printed numbers, and they will be able to provide more accurate information about the required shade.
Tones are indicated by a series of numbers. It can be either one or several numbers.

What do they mean?
The first digit is responsible for the naturalness and degree of penetration.
The transnational scale of natural tones will help in decoding:
- 1 - black color;
- 2 - deep dark chestnut;
- 3 - regular dark chestnut;
- 4 - chestnut;
- 5 - light chestnut;
- 6 - dark blond;
- 7 - light brown;
- 8 - light blond;
- 9 - blond;
- 10 - light blond.
Tones 11 and 12 indicate deeper highlights (very light and platinum).

The tone, which has one number in the marking, refers to the natural color. But most often they are used in the designation of dominant and secondary shades (third and second digits, respectively).
The second number is responsible for the secondary shade, it has seven positions. They are deciphered as follows:
- 0 - a range of natural shades;
- 1 - purple pigment with blue, related to the ash row;
- 2 - the presence of a greenish tone - to the matte row;
- 3 - a combination of yellowish-orange pigment - to a golden palette;
- 4 - a combination of copper (reddish-yellow) - to the red row;
- 5 - a combination of reddish-purple - to the mahogany palette (reddish tint with light bluish tints);
- 6 - a combination of bluish-purple - to the purple row;
- 7 - combination of reddish brown - natural base (havana - deep dark brown color).
The additional pigment most often refers to the main one in a 1/2 proportion. There are also other ratios (eg 1/3). Decoding of the third digit:
- 1 - smoky (ash) shade;
- 2 - purple;
- 3 - gold;
- 4 - copper;
- 5 - mahogany;
- 6 - red;
- 7 - chocolate (coffee).

Some manufacturers use letters as a designation (paint "Pallet") (the depth of penetration of the color is marked with numbers):
- letter C an ashy tone is indicated;
- PL - shade of platinum;
- A - super lightening;
- N - natural range;
- E - beige color;
- M - matte structure;
- W - brown (chestnut) color;
- R - red tint;
- G - golden color;
- K - copper;
- I - intense or enhanced color;
- F, V - purple.
Marking with only the first or first and second numbers excludes the presence of various shades, that is, the tone of the coloring agent is exclusively natural.

You can also find out the degree of durability, which is indicated on the back of the package. There are four of them: from zero to third.
The zero digit is used to indicate the paint with the lowest durability and is referred to as "temporary paint with short duration." This category includes mousses, sprays, fragile cream paints and other products.
The number one is responsible for products that do not contain chemicals in the composition. They will allow you to add shine and renew the color of your hair. The second will tell you about the semi-durability of the coloring agent, the composition includes directly peroxide and ammonia. The chemical resistance of such a cosmetic product is approximately three months. The third corresponds to the more resistant paint from all of the above.

The meaning of the numbers after the dot
There are a lot of designations and explanations. Some of them are worth considering:
- one zero after the dot (for example, "7.0") - the presence of natural or warm pigment;
- multiple zeros (for example, "6.001") indicates more naturalness in the shade;
- if one or more digits follow after zero (for example, "1.10"), then, as a rule, color saturation is present;
- after the dot are identical numbers ("5.11"), then they mean an increase in the concentration of the pigment;
- many zeros after the point - the paint allows you to better paint over gray hair.
Let's analyze codes by numbers based on Loreal paint (it is especially popular) using the example of tone "6.32" - golden dark blond:
- the first number 6 speaks of a dark blond color;
- 3 - refers to the gold series;
- 2 - there is a purple tint.

Pallet paints are also in great demand. Consider an example involving RFE3 - eggplant in the marking:
- R - red;
- F - purple;
- E - beige;
- 3 - dark chestnut row.

Selection rules
First of all, you need to decide what exactly you are expecting: cardinal or short-term changes. If you want to change your hairstyle for a long time, then you should choose chemical dyes. They will provide rich color and hold, but also do not forget about the negative impact on both hair and scalp (dryness is the main problem). But this problem can be easily solved with proper care, from time to time making masks or using special serums and balms.
Physical formulations (tint, toning) provide an opportunity for color selection and experiment, due to shallow penetration, they prevent damage to the scalp and scalp. When choosing such a composition, you can slightly change and give your hair an unusual appearance.
If you settled on natural dyes, then they will not only allow you to change the color of your hair, but also become a means of caring for your curls. The disadvantages of these coloring compositions include a narrow choice of colors and fragility, that is, after several procedures for washing the head, the hair loses its acquired rich color. These means primarily include henna and basma. Also, women often use chamomile tincture, onion husks, sage, lemon or their combinations as natural dyes.
If you do not want to change anything in yourself, but you just need to hide the gray hair that has appeared on some hair, then only products containing ammonia are suitable for painting. To choose the right shade, you need to take into account the amount of gray hair (undoubtedly, in percentage):
- if gray on dark hair is less than half, then tones with markings up to the seventh (light blond) with an oxidant concentration of 6% are suitable;
- if there are more than half of gray hair, it is recommended to use tones up to the fifth in cold colors with a concentration of 6-9%;
- completely gray or only less than 20% dark, it is better to use light tones from the seventh, since gray hair can be more effectively masked by means with a high content of an oxidizing agent.

First of all, for reliability and getting the desired result, consult a qualified hairdresser. The choice of the master is very important, since the further appearance will depend on this. Be prepared that the services of an impeccable hairdresser will cost you quite a lot, but the costs will be worth it, because choosing the right specialist will ensure quality work, sophisticated hairstyle and good mood.
The second is the choice of paint. It all depends on the desired result: for a radical change or shading gray hair, you should choose from chemical dyes; if you need minor changes, such as highlighting or adding shine to curls, use coloring agents in the form of toning shampoos or balms.
When choosing staining with chemicals, do not abuse the frequency of their application: such paints can be used no more than once every two weeks. Otherwise, you can seriously injure the curls.
The third is the choice of a suitable tone. Direct your attention to the fact that each shade has its own specific markings.
The information contained in it will make it easier to choose the optimal shade for you.

The final color is greatly influenced by the original color of your hair. In addition, if there is already some kind of coloring agent on the curls, then be prepared for an unpredictable result. This applies to natural dyes, especially henna and basma. When using dark shades, there will be no particular problems, and if you plan to lighten your hair, then be prepared for the fact that it will not do it all at once.
To once again verify the correctness of the chosen shade and exclude unfavorable results, test:
- take a small section of hair in the ear area and apply paint on it;
- withstand half the time indicated on the package;
- rinse and dry the strand well;
- take a regular sheet of white paper and, putting a strand on it, in daylight, examine the resulting color: if that suits you, you can paint over the rest of the remaining hair.
Do not forget that it is better not to sit out for a couple of minutes than to sit out and injure your hair.
Fifth, do not neglect your own health. Staining is not recommended if there are wounds, scratches or other injuries on the head.
For what the numbers on hair dye mean, see the following video: