Features of FitoColor hair dye

The famous brand of hair dye FitoColor has been enjoying well-deserved popularity in the market for many years. This is due not only to the good quality of the products, but also to the wide palette of shades, including colors for every taste. We will consider its features, advantages and disadvantages in our article.

About products
The manufacturer of FitoColor products describes the advantages of its products in as much detail as possible. For example, he promises consumers not only the absence of a negative effect on the hair, but, on the contrary, their nutrition and strengthening, as well as durability and reliable coloring of gray hair. However, in order to get the desired result, you need to have an idea of how to choose the right paint.
Each box has numbers, depending on which the shades of paint are determined. This numbering exists for all manufacturers of a similar product; dots or dashes may also occur.

Let's try to figure out what they mean. So, as for the first digit of the code, it means color and varies from 1 to 11. In this case, the number 1 denotes the darkest, black shade, and 11, respectively, the lightest. In the palette from 1 to 5 are dark colors, brown and mocha, from 6 to 11 - light. If the number is followed by a fractional dash or a dot, a tone is indicated behind them, several numbers of which indicate the presence of a special pigment that affects the color intensity. The shades are divided into warm, neutral and cold.
Phytosolba FitoColor hair dyes are composed of natural pigments and orange oil. It is its presence that strengthens the hair and nourishes it.

The difference from analogs is in the complete absence of ammonia, which guarantees the absence of an unpleasant specific odor. As a result of dyeing, the curls acquire softness, pleasant shine and lasting color. These dyes contain ingredients such as indigo, Brazilian mahogany, allspice, coreopsis and other ingredients that help protect hair from the negative effects of the environment and ensure its well-groomed appearance.
The palette is quite diverse and boasts 16 shades, among which there are both natural and brighter colors. Various shades of blond, chestnut, chocolate brown, copper cognac and others can be noted.

One cannot but mention the positive feedback from consumers who appreciated FitoColor paint. They note the naturalness of phytoline, its ability to give curls a well-groomed appearance, obtaining rich natural shades. The dye contains ultraviolet filters that protect hair from the negative effects of sunlight, as well as provide bright and beautiful shades.
The color stays on the curls for a long time, does not wash off, it turns out to be very saturated. The dye evenly acts on the hair, saturating each strand. In addition, one cannot fail to note the almost complete absence of ammonia and a pleasant smell of the composition. These hair dyes are easy to apply and can be used at home.
A scale is drawn on each tube, which is very convenient, if necessary, to measure the required amount of the composition. The included gloves reliably protect your hands from coloring pigments.

Despite the fact that the advantages of FitoColor paints are more than enough, one cannot ignore the possible disadvantages of this product. Among them, a significant part of consumers note the price, which is quite high.
In addition, the composition can not always be found on store shelves. Despite the fact that the palette is wide enough, these products are practically not used in professional beauty salons, since the masters prefer to use hair dyes with a wider color spectrum. However, this problem can be avoided by contacting the pharmacy where FitoColor brand products are sold, as well as ordering them online.
Manufacturers warn that consumers in such cases should only use the services of trusted suppliers in order to exclude the possibility of buying counterfeit products.

This hair dye has practically no contraindications, the exception is individual intolerance. It can occur, since the products contain many natural ingredients that can provoke vasodilation by their effect, which is not typical for chemical preparations. This manifests itself in discomfort on the scalp, as well as possible headaches. This can be avoided by performing a special procedure for examining the scalp, which can be done in a number of pharmacies absolutely free of charge. During the procedure, specialists will determine the type of hair and skin, as well as give recommendations for care.
As for the light palette, it does not always cope with painting over gray hair. It is best used to add a subtle tint to your hair. Darker tones work in this direction much more efficiently, it will not be difficult to change the color of curls with their help. The durability of the paint is undeniable, which confirms the difficulty of removing it from the skin. In order not to stain unnecessary areas, you can use a fat cream, applying it at the roots of the hair, on the forehead, neck and earlobes.
However, all the disadvantages described above are more than compensated for by the naturalness of the composition, which not only allows you to give the hair the desired color, but also has a beneficial effect on their condition and appearance.

Home application
Consumers who use FitoColor hair dye at home note that its application is not difficult, it is as comfortable as possible and does not cause difficulties. The composition does not drain from the hair, being neatly distributed along its entire length.
By purchasing paint of this brand, the consumer receives a tube of milk for color development, a tube of coloring cream, a protective agent, gloves for work, and instructions for use. It should be borne in mind that the paint is very resistant, therefore it is recommended to protect your clothes from getting into it by covering it with some kind of cape. Work should be carried out with gloves to protect the skin of the hands from active dyes.

First of all, you need to prepare the composition. The tube with the coloring cream must be squeezed out into the applicator bottle and shaken thoroughly until a homogeneous material is obtained, which, after cutting off the cap, should be stained. Hair before the procedure does not need to be washed, it must be dry.
Before you start staining, you need to decide on the method. They differ depending on whether the procedure was carried out earlier or the composition is applied to natural curls.

If the hair has not been dyed before, the product must be applied starting from the roots. Partings are made with the tip of the applicator bottle. As soon as the composition is applied to the roots, its remainder must be distributed over the entire length of the curls, while making massaging movements. The waiting time is half an hour, while the composition can change shade, which will not affect the final hair color in any way. After 30 minutes, the head should be moistened with warm water and massaged until foam forms, after which the composition is thoroughly washed off.

Next, apply the protective agent to the hair with gentle massage movements and wait 2-3 minutes. No foam will form during this procedure. After the specified time, the composition must be washed off.
In the case when the hair was dyed earlier and you need to pay attention to the roots, you should proceed according to a different scheme. The composition is applied to the roots, as in the previous case, but it is not initially distributed over the entire length of the strands. After 20 minutes, the paint is massaged onto the remaining hair and left for another 10 minutes. After the full time has elapsed, the composition must be washed off, apply a protective agent for 2-3 minutes, and then wash your hair again.

Every woman dreams of well-groomed, healthy and beautiful hair. When using dyes, some recommendations should be followed in order for the result to meet expectations as much as possible. FitoColor hair dye can be used monthly and will not harm your hair. In cases where the hair is thick or of considerable length, it makes sense to use 2 packs of the composition at once during the initial application. If a perm or other manipulation has been done that can ruin the curls, you should refrain from staining for a month.
It will also be useful to use additional hair care products, for example, a regenerating shampoo or masks. The use of balms and conditioners will make it easier to comb and make the curls soft. Performing these simple procedures will allow you to be satisfied with the condition and appearance of your hairstyle.

In the next video, you are waiting for a test of FitoColor hair dye in shade 4.36 Mocha.