All about Gamma hair dyes

Today, no one can say for certain when exactly the world's first hair coloring took place. Historians claim that it existed even in the period before our era. Of course, in those days, the methods and ingredients for coloring were completely different. For example, it is known that noble people from Assyria and Persia in 2000 BC dyed their hair before sacred and magical rituals. They did this using various herbs and berries containing natural dyes.
Today the situation in the world is completely different. Any fashionista or fashionista can afford such a simple and fairly quick procedure like hair coloring. And the palette of colors of modern paints is simply amazing. With all this variety, it is very difficult to choose a paint for yourself that will not only meet all the requirements of the buyer, but also be suitable for the price. One of the most democratic hair dyes in this regard is the Gamma product, which is produced by the Moscow cosmetic company Svoboda.

Benefits of paint
The mentality of the modern man in the street makes one think that the cheaper the product he buys in a store or supermarket, the lower its quality. However, despite its economical and customer-friendly price, Gamma hair dye also has excellent quality. This fact not only breaks stereotypes, but even forces us to reconsider our views on other domestically produced products.
Among the undoubted advantages of this product, the following should be highlighted.
- Long-lasting and rich color. Unlike many other hair dyes, Gamma is highly resistant, and its color does not fade over time, remaining as bright as on the first day after dyeing, even after washing your hair several times.
- Matching the palette. When painted in light colors, neither yellowness nor copper shade appears. And the color obtained after staining is fully consistent with the one that the color palette suggests. That is, if ash-blond is indicated on the package, then this is the color that will turn out after application.
- Diversity. A wide range of colors of Gamma paint, which has about 30 shades, makes it even more attractive to the consumer. Among them there are both classic natural colors and more daring, suitable for young people or people with free views.
- Affordable price. In retail sale, Gamma paint from Svoboda is offered to the consumer for 100 rubles. The price is quite approximate and may vary slightly in different retail outlets. Nevertheless, 100 rubles is a great price for a paint of such a decent quality.
- Ease of application. The packaging in which the paint is sold contains everything you need for convenient and quick staining: an oxidizing agent, which is divided into 2 parts, and a tube of paint of the selected shade.

How to choose a shade?
If you look at the reviews of hairdressers, you can compose for yourself the perfect way to choose a shade of Gamma paint. It is necessary to give preference to shades that are only 1 or 2 tones darker (or lighter) than the natural hair color. This simple rule will help maintain the natural appearance of not only hair, but also the image as a whole. This advice, however, applies only to those girls who want to emphasize the naturalness of their hair. For those girls who like to experiment with their image, there are other tips.
For example, do not forget about the so-called color types. Each person has his own color type - warm or cold. So, brown or green eyes belong to people of a warm color type, and gray or blue - respectively, cold. There is an opinion that when choosing a paint it is necessary to be guided by the rule: warm - for warm and cold - for cold.
A warm shade of hair dye is considered golden or copper, a cold one is ash blond. By choosing paint in this way, you can achieve the perfect look.

In addition, do not forget that bright red or reddish shades can accentuate imperfections in the skin of the face. Therefore, girls suffering from skin problems should abandon such catchy colors and choose less defiant shades.
Before buying, it is worth deciding whether coloring with a pigment of the selected shade will be an experiment or will become a permanent procedure. Much depends on this choice. For example, a one-time staining with a daring bright color will help you temporarily change your image, try on a completely different look. Often it is this one-time staining that becomes permanent. Seeing themselves in a new image, women of fashion decide to leave it for a long time.
Despite all of the above, these are only tips to help you choose the right shade, but only the buyer can decide which hair color to wear. At the end of the day, don't forget about individuality. And if a girl with a cold color type wants to try on a warm hair color, then why not.

Before you start dyeing your hair, there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, Gamma is a very long-lasting paint, and you should think carefully before experimenting with cheeky colors. To reduce the color, if it does not suit you or will quickly get bored, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort.
Secondly, a small test should be carried out to avoid mistakes or misunderstandings.
Before you start dyeing your entire hair, you need to dye a small strand at the bottom of the nape.The resulting color on it will tell you whether it is suitable or not.

It is noteworthy that Gamma hair dye comes with 2 sachets with an oxidizing agent. This is very convenient for those who only want to tint the hair roots. So you can save the second sachet of oxidizer for the next time and use it when the need arises.
Experienced hairdressers also advise doing a test for the sensitivity of the skin to irritation. To do this, the paint obtained after mixing the ingredients should first be applied to the area behind the ear. In this place, the skin is delicate, and if irritation appears, it will become clear that no matter how good this paint is, in this case it is categorically not suitable.

Dyeing your hair with Gamma dye works in the same way as dyeing any other hair dye. After preparing the dye solution, it is evenly applied to the hair according to the instructions attached to the package, and the dye is allowed to act on the hair.
The consistency of the solution is creamy and similar to thick sour cream. This provides convenient application and prevents bleeding. Due to the presence of ammonia in the paint, the paint has a somewhat pungent odor. But this fact is not critical. After all, no hair dye has yet been invented that is completely odorless.
For dyeing long hair, it is recommended to use 2 packs of dye. This will ensure even coloring of the roots, gray hair and give the hair a beautiful lively look.

After staining
Unlike other kits, Gamma hair dye does not contain hair balm. And for a paint that has such an economical cost, this is quite normal. However, after dyeing, you still need to apply a balm to your hair. Coloring, no matter how good and gentle the color is, is always stressful for the hair. And staining with Gamma paint is quite aggressive due to the presence of ammonia in its composition. Therefore, it is not recommended to neglect the use of the balm.

Experienced stylists recommend refraining from using a hair dryer or straightening iron after dyeing your hair at home. Using these devices immediately after the procedure can only do harm.
After dyeing your hair becomes a habitual procedure, you should pay attention to which shampoo to use. So, shampoos with the presence of an extract of oak bark, chamomile or nettle will be ideal. They will help in hair restoration and prevent dandruff.

Beneficial features
Surprisingly, Gamma hair dye has not only a number of indisputable advantages, but also has a beneficial effect on hair due to the presence of vitamin C and panthenol in its composition. These 2 ingredients significantly minimize the damage that the ammonia in the dye can cause to the hair.
After dyeing, the hair becomes much softer, shiny and takes on a lively attractive appearance. So, reviews of hairdressers often say that the use of Gamma paint not only changes color or paints over gray hair, but also hides the effects of stress. Beautiful, well-groomed hair can even make your look younger and more attractive.

Contrary to the conventional wisdom that dye harms hair, makes it look dull and contributes to hair loss or breakage, reviews from hairdressers suggest otherwise. If you follow the instructions and follow all the instructions, even regular coloring will not cause severe damage to your hair. Moreover, strict adherence to the rules after staining can negate all the negative consequences.
A review of Gamma hair dye is waiting for you in the video below.
I have champagne eyes and only cold shades suit me.