Features of Goldwell hair dyes

Hair dye, produced under the Goldwell brand, is a high-quality product manufactured using German technologies. On store shelves, you can find not only permanent paint, but also a tinting agent. This composition is perfect for painting gray hair, will give curls a bright color, shine and a well-groomed look. The palette of shades presented by this company is quite wide, you can make your choice both in favor of natural tones and dwell on the original and extravagant coloring.

About the product
Today Goldwell paint enjoys well-deserved popularity all over the world. This is because it acts very effectively on the curls without causing harm, and it is also easy to use, it can be used at home.
Each of the boxes contains numbers and letters that help the consumer to determine the tone. The first indicates the base color and ranges from 1 - black, to 11 - the lightest. The letters N, BV, VR, M, B, G, K, RB, which follow, speak of the directionality of the tone, its intensity. For example, 6B is a dark blond beige, but 6BG already means that the color will have a golden tint.
As for the palette, it is very rich and able to satisfy even the most demanding taste. The wide range includes light brown shades and a collection of blond. Brown-haired women can choose brown, red and light brown tones. The copper color is also striking in the variety of shades.

When applying the dye, the hair is not negatively affected; on the contrary, the elumination procedure protects it. At the same time, the curls are moistened, nourished, and after staining they acquire a rich, persistent color.The composition does not contain harmful elements, and ammonia is completely absent.
An excellent result can be noted after the very first application. The dyes are gentle on the hair. Nanocapsules and enhancing substances in the composition help the pigment to properly assimilate. The curls will have a bright color and shine for a long time due to the content of UV filters and antioxidants.
In addition, a rich palette of shades, according to consumer reviews, helps to choose the desired color scheme. And also styling products will help protect curls from adverse effects, for example, sunlight or frost.
This tool is recommended to use not only in cases where there are no problems with the hair, and you want to change their color, but also when their condition is unsatisfactory.

Let's take a look at the most popular Goldwell product lines.
This collection offers really long-lasting hair dyes. They are able to hold out without losing color for more than 8 weeks. The mild oxidizing agent, like the coloring pigment, does not damage the structure of the hair, leaving it healthy and silky. The Topchic line completely paints over the gray hair, it is not afraid of overgrown roots. The color range includes a variety of tones from golden to light ash.
There are two ways to prepare such a paint - it all depends on what kind of tone was chosen. If you decide to use a special series, including 11 and 12 tones, you need to proceed as follows: the composition is mixed with two parts of a 12 percent oxidizer. When dyeing for the first time, it is better to start the procedure from the back of the head, as the hair is darker there.
The dye is applied along the entire length of the hair, but it is necessary to step back a couple of centimeters from the root, they need to be dyed after 10 minutes.

In the absence of heating the hair, the time that the composition should be on the hair is 30 minutes. With additional thermal exposure, the period must be reduced to 20 minutes. Re-staining involves applying the composition only to the roots. The waiting time is 30 minutes.
In the case where paint numbered from 1 to 10 is used, the tube of the composition is first mixed with the required oxidizing agent. It can be 3, 6, 9 and 12 percent. After that, you should proceed according to the previous scheme, the holding time also does not differ. If in this case it is necessary to paint overgrown roots, the paint is applied first to them, and after 20 minutes it is distributed along the remaining length. After this, the composition must be kept for another 10 minutes.
The manufacturer recommends not washing your hair before the procedure, and also applying the composition to dry hair.
At the end of the time, the paint is foamed with a little water and left for another 5 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed off.

Goldwell colorance
This collection is considered to be a toning agent. It is distinguished by the complete absence of ammonia in the composition, as well as the presence of a huge amount of useful substances. These are vitamins, amino acids, and even ultraviolet filters that will protect curls from negative sun exposure. However, at the same time, the dyes perfectly penetrate the hair structure without causing absolutely any harm.

Goldwell elumen
This line cannot be called paint, in the full sense of the word. Rather, it refers, like the previous one, to tinting agents, but the difference is in a special technology. Negative and positively charged particles in the dye and hair, respectively, are attracted to each other. This helps not only to effectively retain the coloring pigment, but also to restore the hair structure.
The composition of the paint of the Goldwell Elumen line contains a very large amount of useful and nutritious substances that have a beneficial effect on curls.
Consumers note that after the procedure, the hair becomes very smooth and shiny, which outwardly resembles lamination or care with keratin, which are carried out in professional beauty salons.

The application of this line has its own specifics. First of all, you need to wash your hair. The hair is thoroughly blotted with a towel, but not dried; it is necessary that it be damp. All components are mixed in an applicator bottle, with which the product will be applied.
Using a special nozzle resembling a comb, which can be fixed on the applicator, it will be much more convenient to apply the coloring composition, but you can do without it. The product is applied over the entire length of the hair and left on for 30 minutes. If thermal exposure is expected, the waiting time can be reduced to 20 minutes.

After the specified time, the paint must be washed off. Next, you should use a special shampoo containing an acidic environment. It will not only fix the pigment in the hair, but also make the color brighter and more radiant.
The only drawback of this line is that it is not intended for sale in stores, therefore, problems may arise with the search. Goldwell Elumen hair dye can be either purchased at a specialized outlet or ordered through the website.
The line is used by many professional salons, but it should be borne in mind that the work of the masters will not be cheap.

In fairness, it is worth noting that consumer reviews of the Goldwell-branded product are mostly positive. The negative concerns primarily the high cost of paint, as well as the lack of it on the free market.
More and more users note the positive qualities of the paint from the Goldwell Elumen line. It is not always suitable for painting over gray hair or completely changing the image, but it does an excellent job of toning and protecting hair, and the result lasts for a long time.

Both manufacturers and consumers say that for a more pronounced and lasting effect, Goldwell oxide should be used, other products can harm and spoil the result. The mixing process can be difficult for beginners, it is better to consult a specialist on this issue.
In addition, factors such as the condition of the hair, additional care products, and the frequency with which the user will wash their hair has a direct impact on the durability of the dye. For example, do not get carried away with oil-based masks, this will accelerate the washing out of the coloring pigment.

For tinting with Goldwell Colorance, see below.