All about L'Oreal Excellence hair dyes

Hair color plays an important role in the image of every woman. Therefore, you need to carefully approach the choice of a suitable paint, study all its advantages and disadvantages, and only then decide what you should buy. In this article, we will help you learn everything about L`Oreal Excellence hair dyes. All their features, what they consist of, how they work, how much they cost, and, of course, we will tell you about the reviews of real buyers.

It is the first paint in France to contain a creamy texture. She is one of the best paints of the L`Oreal Paris brand. The main features of L`Oreal Excellence dye are three levels of protection for your hair. For this, the kit includes a caring balm and serum that protects the hair from chemicals and reagents. The serum is an innovation of the L`Oreal Paris company. It is used immediately before applying the main paint and protects hair from harmful effects. Balm-care, also included in the components, moisturizes and softens.
In addition, the composition of this paint contains pro-keratin, which contributes to the density, shine and silkiness, the Ionen G polymer, which gives long-term durability, saturation and brightness of colors, and ceramides, which give protection and restoration of hair.
All this helps to maintain a long-lasting and rich color, nourishes and restores the structure of your hair.

Thanks to the texture of the cream, the paint does not run off and is evenly distributed through the hair. This allows for a dense coloration along the entire length and reduces the possibility of eye contact. Also, a special comb attachment has been added to the package, making it easier to paint. This is an exclusive development of the L`Oreal company. It allows you to color your hair yourself at home, without unnecessary problems.
L`Oreal Excellence may well replace professional hair dyes used in beauty salons. It is recommended by many professional stylists. The price is quite acceptable, it varies from 200 to 400 rubles, depending on the region of residence.

The Excellence palette has changed several times throughout its existence. The appearance, packaging, and even the tones themselves changed. Now on the official website of the L`Oreal company, three series of L`Oreal Excellence hair dye are presented:
- Creme;
- Liquids;
- Pure blonde.
Below we take a look at the shades of each of these series. And as a bonus, we'll tell you how to choose your ideal color based on your appearance data.

Color palette
The largest and most varied of the entire palette is the Creme series. At the moment, there are 23 shades in this series - from classic black to light-light blond:
- 1 – black (cold classic, no ebb);
- 2 – dark brown (shade of dark blond);
- 3 – dark chestnut (very dark, cold chestnut shade);
- 4 – chestnut (this shade is similar to black tea);
- 4.15 – frosty chocolate (shines with intense shine);
- 4.32 – golden chestnut (color of rich cognac);
- 4.54 – copper (red tint of copper);
- 5 – light chestnut (intense brown color with coffee notes and pearlescent tints);
- 5.3 – light golden chestnut (shade of chestnuts with golden tints);
- 6 – dark blond (Brown);
- 6.13 – dark beige blond (gives a delicate beige and pinkish glow);
- 6.32 – dark blond golden (close to nutty, there is a golden tint);
- 6.41 – elegant copper (resembles a light chestnut);
- 6.46 - tlight brown copper (brown with red notes);
- 7 – fair-haired (natural, natural color);
- 7.1 – ash-blond (with silvery, cold shades);
- 7.43 – copper-blond (natural with a red tint);
- 8.1 – light ash-blond (light without pearlescent overflows);
- 8.13 – light beige-blond (light with mother-of-pearl);
- 9 – light blond (very light natural shade);
- 9.1 – light ash-blond (cold silver-ash);
- 9.3 – light golden blond (blond with golden highlights);
- 10.21 – light pearlescent (pearl pink).

The next series, Liquids, has 6 gorgeous, magical shades:
- 4.02 – captivating chestnut (reddish cold color with brown tint);
- 5.02 – seductive chestnut (rich chestnut overflow);
- 6.02 – legendary chestnut (warm reddish color scheme in brown tones);
- 8.12 – mystical blond (pink caramel);
- 9.32 – sensational blond (pearl shine with a peach glow);
- 10.13 – legendary blond (golden with light reflections of pearls and mother-of-pearl).

And the smallest series, Pure blonde, is designed for full lightening. It has only two shades:
- 01 – super-brightening natural light brown;
- 03 – super-lightening ash blonde.

In order to find the right paint color for you, you need to know your skin type. Light pinkish skin with a blue, gray or green tint is of the cold type - ashy shades are suitable for such women. The warm type is skin with a yellowish tint; golden tints are suitable for these women. If your skin has an olive complexion, you should try darker shades, all the way to black.
To find out what color your skin casts, apply something white to your bare face while standing by a window for natural light. If your skin appears yellowish, you have a warm type; if bluish, you are cold. Skin tone can change with age.
Another way to find out if you are cold or warm is to look at your own jewelry. If jewelry made of silver suits you more, then you are of the cold type, if made of gold - warm.

Also, eye color plays an important role in choosing the right palette. Owners of black eyes are recommended very dark and black tones, but green-eyed girls are more suitable for warm, sunny shades of red, gold or copper; they should refuse ash and black tones.Lilac eyes go well with the silvery-ash color and the color of the raven wing. Brown-eyed girls will look great with brownish or reddish hair (chocolate, chestnut, copper). Hazelnut pupils are compatible with reddish and brown colors.
Lighter tones are suitable for gray-eyed beauties with warm skin, and dark ones with cold ones. Cold-eyed blue-eyed ladies are simply irresistible when paired with blond or dazzling black, while warm-eyed ladies with blue or blue eyes look good with reddish hair. It is better not to combine strongly light eyes with saturated shades - the look will become faded, it will lose its depth.

For the best effect, it is recommended to use a color close to your natural shade. And it is also important to consider that when using any dye, a coloring pigment accumulates in the hair, and with each new dyeing, even of the same color, the shade becomes darker.
In addition, dark tones can emphasize age, while light ones, on the contrary, refresh the image. The variety of the L`Oreal Excellence palette will help you make a choice that is perfect for your lifestyle and lifestyle. You can also experiment a bit to find your stunning look.

Advantages and disadvantages
Let's move on to the advantages of L`Oreal Excellence paint and its disadvantages.
- respect due to triple protection against reagents;
- suitable for both oily and dry hair;
- bright and rich color lasts up to 6 weeks;
- easily washed off, falling on the skin;
- you can use it yourself at home;
- uniform application and coloring;
- completely paints over gray hair;
- provides restoration of the structure of the hairline;
- there is no "wig effect".

- unpleasant odor;
- slight itching on contact with the skin;
- sometimes tingling;
- no 100% hitting the declared color;
- brunettes who want to go to very light tones will have to lighten the original color first.

Instructions for use
The packaging kit consists of the following components:
- serumprotecting hair before dyeing;
- balmhelping to provide gentle care after staining;
- dye with a creamy texture;
- developing agent;
- protective gloves;
- special comb-nozzle;
- detailed instruction by application.
After opening the box, you should first read the instructions, then check the product for an allergic reaction: apply a small amount of the substance to the elbow and monitor the body's reaction to its composition.

If after a while redness, severe itching or tingling does not appear, you can safely use the paint.
- Put on protective gloves, apply a protective serum to the hair (dry and unwashed) and carefully treat the tip. Add the developer to the cream color and mix (you can simply shake the bottle to mix). Instead of a lid, use a comb attachment - the paint will come out between the teeth of the comb.
- It is necessary to apply the paint without rinsing off the serum, evenly distributing it with a comb-applicator along the entire length of the hairline.
- After 20-30 minutes, wash off the paint with plenty of water and wash your hair with shampoo. Continue rinsing until the running water is clear.
- Then apply the care balm for a few minutes. Rinse off the balm with water and you can dry and style. The caring balm should be enough for several uses. Thanks to it, your hairstyle will remain soft and silky.
If you have very long and thick hair, you may need to buy two packs as one may not be enough. Also, indoors, under artificial light, the color will appear distorted.
It is worth evaluating the resulting color on the street or by the window - in natural daylight.

Consider a few tips that are recommended if you paint at home.
- To avoid dizziness and not suffer from an unpleasant odor, it is better to paint outdoors or outdoors.
- When choosing the right color, try to focus on a tone lighter than stated on the package.
- To avoid severe itching, follow the instructions for use exactly, check the composition for an allergic reaction in advance. Be extremely careful when using the dye. Try to follow the temporary regimens and not overexpose the paint for too long.
- It is best to store the product in a dry place; if it gets wet, the paint will be unusable.
- Look carefully at the date of manufacture before using or purchasing, a fresh product provides better staining.

Most of the reviews about L`Oreal Excellence paint are positive. Women note the uniformity of coloring. But almost all indicate that the tone is darker than the one stated on the package. According to the reviews, the hair is really soft and silky, the paint does not dry it out and does not give an oily effect. Resilience is individual for each individual woman. For some, the color remains bright and saturated even after one and a half to two months, while for others it is washed off after a couple of weeks.
It should also be noted that fair-haired paint was more suitable than owners of dark curls. On light hair, it matches the expected color more, looks brighter and richer, and lasts longer. Reviews show that gray hair is not painted over in all cases. Some people note that in the place of gray hair, the color becomes lighter than on the rest of the hair. It depends on the selected shade and on the original hair tone. In addition, some of the fair sex complain that the color turned out to be completely unexpected, there is not enough serum, and the balm does not work. Apparently, the dye is not created for all hair types.

Experts say that the best thing to do with the first application is not to try to drastically change your image, but to try something close to the original type to make sure that this product suits you. Only then can we proceed to more daring experiments.
User feedback on L'Oreal Excellence paint can be found below