All about Majirel hair dyes

Women all over the world strive to change their image, they are constantly attracted to new experiments. Majirel hair dye helps to look fashionable, attractive, it transforms hair, makes it beautiful, shiny, with a bright saturated color.

About the brand
The popular French company L'Oreal Professionnel has been producing professional hair cosmetics for over 100 years. With the help of its products, it offers not only high-quality hair dyeing, but also solving various problems of caring for them. The choice of product lines produced by the company is very diverse:
- elimination of hair problems;
- hair coloring;
- for hair care.
All over the world and in Russia, the company's products are not lost on store shelves, they are actively used not only for professional use in salons, but also for home dyeing and hair care.

Why dye your strands?
The answer to the question is unequivocal: to look new, beautiful and attractive. Dyed hair gives the image individuality and expressiveness. The curls shine more, their volume and density increase. Hair freed from gray hair makes a woman young, gives her confidence in her beauty, uniqueness.

Which company should you choose?
This question arises for many who decided to dye their hair for the first time. L'Oreal offers the Majirel line of paints, one of the latest developments for professional coloring. It includes polymer Ionen G, enriched with Insel molecules, which make it possible to achieve a long-lasting saturated color that is harmless to hair.
Without changing color, the dye stays on the hair for up to 10 weeks.

Basic properties
It is no secret that numerous applications of hair dye have a bad effect on them, they can become brittle, thinned. And it is not always possible to achieve the result from the paint that you expect. Majirel is a professional dye, it will not disappoint clients, it will give their hair the desired look.
- Compared to other products, Majirel hair dye does not contain ammonia, which has a detrimental effect on the bulbs.
- Lipid component, Specially inserted into the formula to enrich the structure and restore hair, it protects against the effects of natural factors such as ultraviolet rays from the sun, frost and precipitation.
- After dyeing, the hair color will be match exactly the selected sample on the package.
- It will not be difficult to find the right tone from a varied palette of colors, and every woman can find a shade that suits her.
- Apply the paint mixture to your head easily, it mixes with the oxidizing agent, and does not spread at the end of the application.
- For dyeing gray hair the developers have compiled 3 groups of shades. And you can achieve an excellent result if you follow the instructions for drawing up the composition.
- Fashionable trend among young people - apply tone to blonde hair. Toning can also be done at home using Majirel paint marked "Color +".
- Majiblond is used for lightening.

Complete set of products
The box on which the main dye information:
- composition;
- basic properties;
- number of the selected color with its designation;
- the purpose of staining is described;
- the staining results are described.

The tube itself with cream paint and a mark on the volume. Detailed instructions for use in Russian with explanations about the time of staining to obtain the desired effect. A bottle with an oxidant of 6 or 9%, 12%, which is purchased depending on the task of staining.
It is recommended to seek the help of a specialist in the salon to obtain a 100% effect from staining in the intended shade.
But home staining is also permissible, independent, in compliance with all staining rules. In doing so, great results can also be achieved.

Subtleties of application
Before staining, you must prepare a set of tools and components. Glass or ceramic cup used to dilute paint in it, gloves. Looking for combs, simple and with a sharp end. Color-matched paint with an oxidizing agent, fixing shampoo, balm.
General instructions for using hair dye include a number of steps.
- Dry hair must be dyed, always unwashed for 2-3 days.
- The paint is mixed until uniform with an oxidant in the required proportions and depending on the purpose of staining.
- Use only glass or ceramic dishes. Do not use metal containers.
- On the forehead, temples, neck, spread the cream with a thick layer, preferably greasy, to protect against paint on the face.
- Protect hands with gloves.
- The hair is combed well and divided into two parts in the middle of the head. Mentally mark the composition so that it is enough for both halves.
- On one side, in small strands, begin to apply the mixture from the hair roots.
- Gradually take strands from the forehead to the back of the head, and then move to the second half of the head.
- For the convenience of painting the rear, the rule of two mirrors is applied. They are placed in parallel, they look into one and see the reflection of the back of the head from the other.
- It is necessary to cover the head thoroughly, but as quickly as possible for the uniformity of the temporary staining regime.
- Hair with the applied composition is collected with a bun and with hands, trying to distribute the mixture evenly, grabbing the ends of the hair.
- The rest in the container and on the hands is spread on the front of the head.
- The paint is kept on the head according to the instructions for use attached to the package. At the end of the exposure period, wash off the paint with warm water, wash your hair with shampoo to fix it, and then with a balm of the brand recommended for L'Oreal Majirel.

The subtleties of the painting method for gray hair are the difference in the structure of gray hair from normal hair.A confident, undistorted tone, when dyeing hair with gray hair, is obtained when using three shade base sets in the Majirel line: ultra, cold and warm.
If you want to have a colder shade, they are mixed in a one-to-one ratio, half of the selected base tone and half of the base tone. In order for the shade to be warmer, take the base one - golden, warm. If you want to get a natural cool color, you should choose a basic ultra. Start staining from root to tip lengthwise and leave to stain for 15 minutes. Then the roots are re-coated, and after 10 minutes the paint is applied along the entire length and kept on the hair for another 35 minutes.

L'Oreal Professionnel lines
L'Oreal Majirel hair dyes have several lines with a varied palette of shades.
The palette contains a large number of colors and a huge number of shades: basic, warm and cold, ash and pearl, red and coffee. The paint is easy to apply and stays on the hair for a long time. The use of oxidizing agents 6 and 9% gives lightening up to 3-4 tones.

A paint that has all shades of light tones in its palette. Deeply lightens hair without prior procedure. The use of an oxidizer of 9, 12% gives lightening up to 4 tones. A big plus for this paint is that, when lightened, it does not give the yellowish effect that is present in other dyes.
The dye is used for dyeing a medium amount of gray hair, while the hair becomes softer and shinier.

The dye is suitable for fashionable gentle highlighting of hair. In this case, coloring of individual strands is used. It is called French highlighting at the place of invention. This style attracts by the fact that it does not require constant touch-up, the overgrown roots do not spoil the look. It is suitable for all hair except dark and black. The use of an oxidizer of 6, 9, 12% gives lightening up to 5 tones.
It is recommended to carry out highlighting in the salon with an experienced specialist.

Paint for highlighting selected strands in a contrasting tone compared to a natural shade. They use persistent dyes and powerful brighteners, so the method is intended for women with dark hair and any hair length. Oxidizers are used 6, 9, 12%, lightens up to three tones.

The paint is used to enhance all reds, tones and copper tones in combination with the shades of Majirouge and Majirel Mix. When mixed, Ionen GTM affects the protection of the fiber structure and allows you to keep the hair shiny and soft throughout the entire wearing period. Oxidizing agent 6 and 9%, brightens up to three tones.

For the first time, such permanent dyeing was applied by L'Oreal Professionnel, creating 14 new shades and plus 4 with a pearlescent shade. The new palette includes: silver, platinum, ash tones. This Shimmer dyeing with a holographic effect is suitable for any hair color: blondes, brunettes, and red.

Majirel cool cover
The paint has 19 ultra-cold types of shades for gray hair - from noble coffee to ice, light blonde. Has a reinforced formula for painting over 50% gray hair. Majirel Cool Cover gives hair a natural, sophisticated look.

The reviews are mostly positive. Buyers note that Majirel paint has many positive features:
- quick and easy application;
- comfortable staining at home;
- naturalness - in its palette there are colors of exclusively natural shades;
- a high percentage of gray hair coloring;
- lack of yellowing effect when stained in blond;
- a guarantee of the result, the paint retains its original appearance for a long time.
There are few negative reviews, in which buyers note the high cost of paint. Sometimes they complain of a pungent, unpleasant odor when stained from a tube. Many are worried about the possibility of buying an expensive fake, instead of a real original paint.

In the next video - an overview of the lightening paint L'Oreal Majirel High Lift Blond.