All about gentle hair dyes

Natural shiny and silky hair attracts attention and is the pride and adornment of any woman. But nature is often stingy with awards, so the beauty industry comes to the rescue. Hair density can be increased with extensions, and the dull color can be changed to a deep luxurious shade with a gentle hair dye that does the job without compromising its appearance.

Previously produced paints contained a high percentage of ammonia or ammonium nitrate, which were very harmful substances; when applied, they entered the body, which could cause various complications or allergic reactions. In addition, they very dry the hair structure and led to their weakening, loss and split ends, the only escape from which were scissors.
The developers took these points into account and developed paints with gentle substances and components that have less pronounced side defects and bring less harm to hair without the presence of ammonia. In addition to everything else, they contain various vitamins and elements of natural origin, with the help of which the hair is restored and returned to its well-groomed appearance.

Advantages and disadvantages
There is a lot of debate about the positive and negative aspects of semi-permanent paints, but a significant preponderance goes towards the former, since many problems with hair are solved. They have the following advantages:
- no allergy to components; to create such an effect, ethanolamine was synthesized, the molecules of which are much larger, so it is more difficult for them to be absorbed into the skin and cause irritation;
- lack of a specific smell;
- the color comes out muted and looks very natural;
- lovers of experiments, this product is indispensable; if the shade came out unsuccessful, it will quickly be washed off without leaving any trace;
- experiments with shades may not be limited, and after a while the transition between colored and natural curls is not visible at all; with constant use of the dye, it is reliably absorbed into the hair structure, therefore, with further use, the composition can only be applied to the roots, without touching the length itself.

The negative aspects include the following factors that must be taken into account so that there are no unpleasant surprises when buying a product and after painting:
- high cost, which is explained by the addition of natural substances to the paint, the production of which increases the price;
- the coloring material is quickly washed off; the color is not persistent and is washed off somewhere in 1.5–2 months;
- you cannot dye more than a few tones - a brunette will not easily turn blonde, since the pigment in her hair cannot change as easily as when applying a product with a high ammonia content; maximum her curls will turn brown;
- not suitable for complex types of staining;
- there is no effective painting of gray hair.
Important! When buying or using semi-permanent paint, you need to take into account all the pros and cons in order to give preference to those tools about which there is a lot of different information.

What are they?
Based on trends, manufacturers are trying to create products in such a form as:
- gel;
- paste;
- cream;
- mousse.

Distinguish types and durability of socks. There are permanent and temporary paints that are washed off after washing your hair several times. One of the safest remedies will be a special tint paint. It brings minimal hair discomfort and is inexpensive.
In terms of its properties, such a composition is not very suitable for full-fledged coloring and is used in the case when it is necessary to make a more saturated shade of curls or refresh them after a time after the main coloring. And there are no noticeable results in the fight against gray hair. This will require a combined approach, which consists in the fact that ammonia is applied to the roots, and a gentle paint is applied to the entire length.
Thanks to technology, it is possible to safely and gently lighten and change the tone of curls. For this, pastes and gels are best suited. They gently cover the entire hair with a thin film, the reaction occurs in the depths, and not on its surface.
The low content of the oxidizing agent and useful components minimize the harmful effect of the elements of the composition.
Depending on the composition, paints are divided into the following categories:
- professional;
- unprofessional.

The first group will be preferable, since it is the most gentle and safe. The composition contains a high percentage of color pigment and no oxidizing agent or oxygen. And this component is necessary, since the pigment cannot be taken without it. The oxidizer will have to be added separately, focusing on the color and quality of your own curls. At the same time, amateur performance is not needed, it is better to seek help from specialists in the salon, who can conduct a correct analysis of the hair and select the concentrate necessary for it. You need to take oxygen from the same company as the coloring agent itself.
Professional paints mix well with each other, if the fair sex has a desire to create a personal unique color. In addition, such a procedure can prevent the appearance of green hair. A similar defect is typical for light hair if the procedure is carried out without taking into account all the necessary nuances. Non-professional options are available for domestic use. The set includes a prepared oxidizer, and there is also a balm for fixing.
Important! Reviews about the gentle effect, and which dye from this type is safer, vary greatly. Every woman can choose any tinting product for bleached hair without causing any more harm.

Top brands rating
There is a very large selection of coloring agents on the market. Solve a problem that not everyone can use.You do not need to buy a product from an unknown company, as the result can be very different from the declared effect on the package. In addition, it may have a harmful composition or an unpleasant odor. It is best to turn to well-known brands, many of which produce professional products and formulations for home use.

Schwarzkopf Professional Igora Vibrance
This paint is easy to use due to its creamy texture. Its composition creates an even tone along the entire length and makes the transitions between roots and tips invisible. The line is designed for salons, but also good for home use.
A great advantage is its good coloring of gray hair.

Chi ilonic
Chi Ilonic is a high-tech product containing a special formula for color brilliance. It does not damage the hair structure.

Revlon Revlonissimo
This product gradually releases pigments after dyeing, ensuring color stability.

SCC-Reflection is a Finnish product.
Cranberry is its main component, which gives elasticity and shine to hair.

Matrix Color Sync
Matrix Color Sync is an American ceramide product. When dyed, it does not reveal hair scales, therefore, does not cause harm. It creates beautiful shades even on gray strands. The dye contains a natural coloring element that adapts to the natural shades of the hair.

Wella professionals koleston perfect
This paint has several times received prizes in the nomination "Best dye". Lipids in its composition contribute to an even and deep tone.
She is guaranteed to dye the strands and is very popular among craftsmen and all consumers.

Kapous has more than 70 shades and will be able to please any girl in her choice. It contains no ammonia and harmful substances, and plant extracts take care of the hair, it is suitable for painting gray hair.

Estel Sense De Luxe
Estel Sense De Luxe is a professional series that has a similar balm and shampoo to fix the color.

Wella color touch
Wella Color Touch regenerates and restores curls, and also nourishes them not only from the inside, but also from the outside. It enhances the natural color and moisturizes during dyeing, removes gray hair by 80% and is diluted with an oxidizer up to 3%. Consumers using this type note the ammonia-free composition and economical consumption.

Essensity Schwarzkopf
Essensity Schwarzkopf contains only natural ingredients and gives you a healthy look.
It does not contain ammonia and is suitable for those who want to set off curls after lightening.

L'Oreal Paris Casting Creme
L'Oreal Paris Casting Creme has a rather pungent odor, but is good because it does not spread. It contains royal jelly.

Garnier color shine
Garnier Color Shine has 46 natural colors in the line.
She takes care of hair thanks to cranberry extract and argan oil.

L'Oreal Paris Colorista Washou
L'Oreal Paris Colorista Washout is suitable for temporary toning, but may last longer on some curls. The color palette includes purple and turquoise variations.

Schwarzkopf perfect mousse
Even a beginner can use Schwarzkopf Perfect Mousse.
Air foam can be applied with a regular comb.

Syoss Oleo Intense
Syoss Oleo Intense is the most popular paint variation. The manufacturers have added ingredients such as aloe oil, B vitamins and wheat protein. It enriches damaged hair, as it penetrates deep into them and makes the color more intense. The line includes 12 different shades. The result is not very long-lasting, but users note the harmlessness and healthy appearance of damaged curls.

Important! As for paints for home coloring, the main thing will be simplicity and ease of application.
How to use?
The procedure for using gentle hair dyes includes next steps:
- before using the dye composition, it is necessary to test it on the inside of the elbow and wait 15 or 20 minutes; the allergy test, most likely, will not be confirmed, but you need to play it safe - if after the specified time there are no visible changes and redness, then the paint is suitable for the painting procedure;
- hair should be free of gel and varnish, as their compositions will interfere with work;
- the composition is applied to a dirty head, since the fat layer prevents harmful substances from penetrating into the hair;
- dark and red hair can give a yellow effect, for them it is better not to use cold shades;
- the paint is applied to the entire length of the hair; if the staining is repeated, then at first the composition is applied for a short time to the roots, and then to the rest of the curls.
- the coloring composition lasts up to 20 minutes, and if you want to have a deeper and more beautiful tone, it will take 30 minutes;
- after the completion of the work, the residues are washed off with shampoo and the color is fixed with a special balm.

Hair dye can harm hair in any case, no matter how gentle it is. And we must not forget that hair can deteriorate with the most gentle process, therefore, in any case, they need special care, nourishing masks and balms.
How to tint your hair with Wella Color Touch, see below.