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Water temperatures for red-eared turtles

Water temperatures for red-eared turtles
  1. Why is it important to observe the temperature regime?
  2. Optimal indicators of water temperature in winter and spring
  3. What should be the temperature in summer and autumn?

When buying a red-eared turtle, the breeder must learn all about the proper care of it. The first thing that he should pay attention to is aquarium equipment, living conditions and temperature regime.

In order for the reptile to develop normally, you will need to regularly monitor the temperature of the water in the aquarium, otherwise the reptile may reduce its activity and even get sick. What temperature does a red-eared turtle need and why it is so important to monitor this parameter, we will find out further.

Why is it important to observe the temperature regime?

When a person gets a reptile of this species, he must understand that red-eared turtles cannot live without life-giving moisture for more than a few days. Of the entire terrarium, the percentage of water surface area should be at least 75%. Thus, this type of reptile spends most of the day in the aquatic environment, where they eat, sleep, empty themselves, which is why it is so important to watch how the temperature of the aquarium contents changes.

For this species of turtles kept in a terrarium or in an aquarium, the indicator in question depends on:

  • from the season;
  • air temperature;
  • age;
  • health.

In their natural environment, they live and spend a lot of time in a body of water, and may even sleep in it. The vast majority of turtle species do not like to swim in a source that is too cold or too hot, and this species is no exception.

How well the content is tuned depends on how well the turtle feels. Since these animals are endothermic, and their body temperature increases or decreases depending on the external environment, a reptile swimming in an aquatic environment that is between 16-18 C will be very lethargic, sluggish, or even go into lethargic sleep.

If the water in the aquarium is too cold, the animal will most likely not enter it. Such conditions of detention can lead to health problems.

Besides, if the water in the aquarium is too hot, it is also bad for the pet.

It is recommended to install not only a thermometer so that you can monitor the indicators, but also a water heater.

Optimal indicators of water temperature in winter and spring

A lot of problems at the stage of keeping and breeding these reptiles appear due to the fact that the breeder does not pay enough attention to the temperature of the aquatic environment. If the indicator is too low, then you can soon see a negative change in the behavior of the reptile. She is indifferent to food, her immunity falls, she becomes passive. If nothing is changed, the turtle will simply die.

At the same time, if the temperature of the liquid is too high, the animal spends more time on land than it should, since the turtle becomes uncomfortable in the reservoir. Over time, she will get sick and die, and if not, then growth will slow down, as will activity. In order not to face a similar problem, it is necessary to maintain the temperature of the aquarium contents in the range from 20 to 26 C, the maximum is 28 C, with a slight deviation of up to 30 C.

To regulate the temperature, it is best to use a dedicated aquarium heater with a sensor. We must not forget that red-eared turtles spend most of their life in the water, so this indicator is extremely important for them if the breeder wants his pet to look healthy and cheerful.

What should be the temperature in summer and autumn?

If the temperature in the room where the turtle is kept always exceeds 23.8 C, only the bathing area will need to be heated, not the entire terrarium. In this case, an incandescent lamp or point light is used so that the required areas have a temperature of 29 to 30 C. The water should remain 22-23 C. It is important to ensure that the light from the lamp does not in any way fall on the water or that the turtle does not come into direct contact with the lamp. Be aware that overuse lamps heat the source surface to an undesirable rate.

Since the room is already hot in summer, the water should be cool. So the reptile will be able to control body temperature and not overheat.

If an air conditioner is operating in the room, then it is allowed to raise the water temperature to 24-28 C.

Young turtles and sick tortoises should be kept in a warmer source, on average 25-28 C. Cubs need to be kept only at a water temperature of + 25 C and not lower.

The best comfortable temperature for a healthy red-eared turtle raised at home is 25 C, plus or minus a couple of degrees. The best way to monitor the temperature of your aquarium contents is with a digital thermometer.

You need to understand that the temperature regime also depends on the amount of light. For example, if a day lasts 13 hours, then the temperature of the water source should be - 26-28 C, if 8 hours, then from 20 to 25 C.

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