Eyebrow architecture: what is it like and how to do it at home?

Today, the service of an eyebrow artist for the architectural design of eyebrows is becoming popular. Not every representative of the fair sex can say for sure what it is, since a number of salon procedures are included in it. Eyebrow shaping plays a special role in creating a modern feminine look. It is on them that the look largely depends. When they are beautifully outlined, they become not only a beautiful framing of the eyes, but they are also able to visually soften harsh or irregular facial features. Such a design can be done independently, knowing the basic secrets of makeup artists and stylists.

Eyebrow architecture is called "brow art", it is the art of giving eyebrows a better shape and a pleasant aesthetic appearance. This is not so traditional plucking, as the formation of the correct bend, taking into account the oval of the face, as well as painting and drawing.
The eyebrow architecture process to enhance the depth of the gaze involves a number of sequential steps:
- preparation for correction;
- preliminary selection of the best form;
- elimination of excess hairs and correction;
- coloring with henna or paint (or tattooing);
- performance of special salon procedures with a long-lasting effect;
- daily care and makeup.
The process seems simple at first glance, but few women do it all right. For example, not all of us completely remove makeup before choosing a flawless brow line and curl. But in addition to removing the most decorative cosmetics, the architecture provides for their degreasing. In other words, initially it is necessary to treat the eyebrows with micellar water or chlorhexidine.

The natural shape of the eyebrows is different for everyone. However, this does not mean at all that it has already been defined. In fact, at the stage of correct selection, they examine the features of the face, its shape, and the fit of the eyes.
The best look is never trendy, as only the type and specific features of the face can be the underlying factors. And here it is important to consider that to complete this stage you need to have artistic skills.

The color of the skin, hair, as well as the features of the appearance of a particular person matters. In order not to doubt the choice of the desired bend, you can contact the professionals in their field, and in the future, simply perform timely care. The goal of eyebrow architecture is to mask flaws and accentuate virtues. Even the incision and color of the eyes are taken into account here, since the choice of the tip of the length, the width of the line itself, the smoothness and steepness of its bend, as well as the shade, depend on this.

The form
Rarely, an independent effort to find and create an eyebrow architecture gives the desired result. Ugly strings are unacceptable, or vice versa, too wide and even shaggy eyebrows. It is not just aesthetically pleasing, it disfigures any woman, makes her look repulsive. To choose the really best solution, it is enough to take into account a few principles. This will allow you to perform seemingly difficult work on your own, without resorting to the help of specialists from the salon.

Principal point selection scheme
The correct scheme for each representative of the beautiful half of humanity is one. The construction is based on the characteristics of a particular person.

It is necessary to mentally draw a vertical from the inner corner of the eye upward. It is she who will become the limiter or the beginning of the eyebrow. You can only go beyond this border if the distance between the eyes is large. You can navigate from the wing of the nose by visually drawing a line upwards from it.
The location of the peak of the eyebrow or the highest point of its bending is determined using a diagonal line passing from the wing of the nose through the pupil of the eye.
To determine the end of the eyebrow, visually draw a line from the wing of the nose through the outer corner of the eye. Sometimes auxiliary objects are used to determine the main points, applying them to the face and making outlines.

Knowing the nuances of choosing the main points, they select the shape, starting from the oval of the face. And here, too, has its own characteristics.
The best shape for those with a round face is the one with a kink or an ascending one. However, there can be no rounded shapes, as this will aggravate the situation.
To soften the features of a square face, you need to choose a shape with an even curve. Curved eyebrows will look beautiful, but long ones with a high arch are contraindicated for such girls.

With a triangular shape, arched eyebrows should be preferred. In this case, a high ponytail, as well as straight lines, will not work.
When the face shape tends to pear-shaped, rounded eyebrows are contraindicated. In this case, they will look better with a smooth bend or a soft arch.

A rectangular face can be made more rounded if the shape of the eyebrows tends to be horizontal, since curves are inappropriate here.
If the girl has an oval face, different shapes will suit her. In this case, you can choose almost any option.
Having a diamond-shaped face, it is advisable to choose a shape in which the eyebrows are slightly raised.
Curved eyebrows are contraindicated for long-faced ones, but straight ones will be the best solution.

Bending point
Despite the fact that everything obeys the classic scheme, the bending point may differ. For example, the option when it is above the pupil is called "Russian" and is suitable exclusively for chubby girls. Its position is changed in order to visually change the look, to make the face more attractive. The "French" version of the breakpoint position is located above the level of the outer edge of the iris.This technique is suitable for women with a face in the shape of a square, a triangle, and less often a circle.

The "Hollywood" selection resembles the French version, but with a slight shift towards the temple. To determine this point, you need to visually draw a line from the chin diagonally through the iris to the temple. Best of all, this technique is suitable for owners of an oval face.

Width and length
Despite the natural data, there are rules and secrets here that will allow you to change the shape of the eyebrows for the better. Ideally, the width of the eyebrows is half the diameter of the iris. If the eyes are small, the eyebrows should be still narrower (no more than 1/3 of the iris diameter). The length becomes apparent when the third major point is found. You should not marry her, as this may not have the best effect on the look.

After the shape has been selected and drawn, it is necessary to get rid of the extra hairs that protrude beyond the boundaries of the drawn lines. Their removal can be done in different ways. For example, some craftsmen use tweezers for this, pulling out hairs with sharp and quick movements. In another case, this is done with a special wax for the face using a thin wooden stick, with the help of which a hot paste is applied to the places of excess vegetation.
Take a little wax, it should not spread or drip. A special paper is applied on top. After hardening, the wax is removed with one sharp movement in the direction against the growth of the hair. This allows you to remove not only visible, but even the smallest and thinnest hairs, thereby making the eyebrow line expressive. Other salon masters use the method of thread plucking by means of silk to remove excess hairs. However, this procedure differs in length.

After the fluff and excess hairs have been removed, the eyebrow shaping is completed with tweezers. Then you need to soothe the reddened skin by applying a soothing cream. Next, they proceed to degreasing the areas treated with the cream, since fat can interfere with modeling. Scissors and tweezers are usually used for it.
The procedure is somewhat reminiscent of a haircut: the eyebrows are combed along the length in the direction from the base to the end. If there are extra hairs, they are removed, but if all the hairs are along the length and do not stick out, there is no need to trim them. Usually a haircut, which involves delicately cutting the eyebrows with sharp scissors, can achieve a greater effect than using tweezers.
However, if you unskillfully cut off the extra hairs, they will grow back for a long time. Sometimes it takes up to 6-8 weeks for regrowth, which in case of an unsuccessful haircut can become a problem and will require more thorough masking.
To adjust the length of the eyebrow, it is necessary to comb its hairs up, then trim those that protrude. Then this procedure is repeated, dropping the hairs down. After the approximate adjustment is completed, they begin to stain.

Choosing the right shade will allow a woman to look beautiful, while black or unnatural tones will make her look old. Harmonious coloring will allow eyebrows not to stand out against the background of hair color and look natural. For example, light eyebrows of blondes look ugly, since for a better appearance, in this case, it is desirable to darken them somewhat. However, the selected shade should not differ from the hair color by more than 2 tones.

The tone can be selected according to the color of the eyes. For example, for those with green eyes, it is better to choose brown tones, since neither gray nor metallic shades will suit them. For blue-eyed people, in addition to the light brown color, we can recommend graphite and a dark gray tone. If the eyes are gray, the choice is a little more difficult, because dark brown tones will look worse here.
But wet asphalt will be more than appropriate, as well as light brown. Brown-eyed girls should not choose black, even if their natural hair color is almost black. It will not look beautiful. In this case, the tone of the iris matters, since different eyebrow dye will have to be selected for the color of the nut and chocolate eyes. At this stage, you can not be afraid to experiment using a regular eyebrow pencil of different shades.

You can use different dyes for painting. Sometimes this is a special paint of varying resistance, in other cases henna is used, which lasts longer, but also costs more. Often in salons today, eyebrow dyeing is performed in three shades of professional paint: graphite, light and dark brown. At the same time, less often than other masters choose the tone of graphite, while the other two are more in demand and are selected taking into account the color type of a particular woman.
The paint is applied, without saving, on the eyebrow area, filling the entire contour with it. After 10-15 minutes, it is removed using special napkins. After that, it remains to correct the shape with makeup. However, there is a second method of staining. In this case, it is performed according to the correction. This allows you to make the line wider and better see what needs to be tweaked in the future.
Despite the small choice of tones, if the time allotted for painting is not followed, the shade will not coincide with the desired one. Therefore, the rule "the more the better" is inappropriate here. If you keep the dye on longer than the prescribed time, the eyebrows will take on a darker tone than necessary for a flawless and natural result. After the eyebrow is colored in the second way, wax modeling is performed.

Then remove its remnants using a special cream, after which they degrease the skin with micellar water and remove hairs that do not belong to the desired shape. It is worth considering that professional harmonious coloring does not aim at creating a sharp contour. It is naturalness without clear boundaries that will give the eyebrows a natural natural look, and the look - expressiveness.
Eyebrow dyeing with henna is a worthy alternative to tattooing and has an active effect on the skin. The effect of the procedure lasts about 20 days, however, it can be reduced due to the individual characteristics of the dermis, as well as eyebrow care. Moreover, this procedure has many advantages. For example, it is harmless to pregnant women and nursing mothers. Due to its environmental friendliness and the absence of ammonia and peroxide in the composition, it does not harm health.

Due to tannins, henna helps to strengthen the condition of the hairs, which in some cases makes them thicker. In addition, henna is distinguished by the ability to stimulate hair growth, so there is a chance that the eyebrows may become thicker. Its coloring capabilities allow you to hide voids or absence of hairs inside the eyebrow contour, which is especially important for those whose natural eyebrows are practically invisible or very rare.
In addition to henna, when carrying out biotattoo, salon masters use basma or antimony. Coloring pigments from natural dyes can sometimes last for more than 2 months. Of course, over time, their saturation can weaken, but this is easily fixable with daily makeup.

The step-by-step art of drawing an eyebrow on an almost ready-made basis is easy to master on your own, relying on its main stages. In order for the eyebrows to look beautiful every day, you need to initially comb them during the make-up process using a special brush and style them so that the hairs are in one direction. After that, they take a cosmetic pencil and, with a barely noticeable pressure, draw first the lower and then the upper contour. You cannot press hard, since the resulting line will be difficult to shade, and this will lead to an unnatural appearance, make the make-up heavy and unnatural.

To make the eyebrows look more natural, it is better to use cosmetic pencils of different shades when drawing two contours. However, it is worth taking as a rule: black is a taboo. The use of two related tones of brown will make the transition of the shade smooth. Experts recommend using more natural tones when painting over, which do not give off blue or redness.

After the contours are marked, they are shaded, stretching over the entire shape of the eyebrows, getting rid of sharp boundaries. This is done with light movements without pressure, moving in the direction from the inner side of the eyebrow itself in the direction of hair growth. After that, you can add even more expressiveness to the eyebrows with the help of light shadows or a pencil. However, the choice of shade must be treated thoroughly, since the white color on the face under the eyebrows looks beautiful and naturally will not.
You need to select tones that are lighter than the natural skin color of a particular person. Sometimes a highlighter or shadows with a shimmering effect are applied under the eyebrows. However, this technique is used less often today, since it is better to highlight the form with naturalness, and not to interrupt with shine.

It is worth considering a small nuance: in order for the cosmetic pencil not to crumble during use, you can first put it in the refrigerator. The eyebrow shadow is easier to apply with a beveled brush.
Having gone through all the stages of eyebrow architecture, it is important to have an idea about their care, since the durability of a beautiful form and its aesthetics will depend on this. You cannot comb your eyebrows with anything: there are special brushes for this. At the same time, you cannot do this in the direction opposite to the growth of hairs. When making a make-up, you need to use a well-sharpened pencil, since the thickness of the lead will affect the quality of the shape.

When dyeing eyebrows at home or in the salon, it is worth considering that if you do this procedure constantly, then the dye worsens on the already dyed hairs. Therefore, the result may be short-lived. And finally, it is worth considering one more nuance: if the modeling is done at a professional level, it may not require daily tint with a pencil. Usually, in such cases, women use exclusively powder or loose shadows to set off their eyebrows.
However, even with an ideal eyebrow architecture, you cannot do without daily brushing in the direction of growth. And if the shape can be blurred at the base, the tip, or the so-called tail, it is better to mark it with a pencil. As the gun grows back, it must be removed by plucking with tweezers or using hot wax. This will allow you to maintain a flawless appearance and expressive form for a longer time.

Today, many girls and women have already appreciated the possibilities of eyebrow architecture. This is a truly new level of decoration with which you can be irresistible. A lot of reviews indicate that the classic correction is fundamentally different from the integrated approach to the architectural design of the eyebrows. They become well-groomed and beautiful. Many are especially pleased with the fact that this method allows you to highlight eyebrows for those who have them almost invisible and especially rare. This is a find, - satisfied women write, leaving positive comments for those who are not yet familiar with this procedure.

This video shows the sequence of the eyebrow architecture.