Brow biotattoo: features and technique

Recently, women are abandoning everything unnatural, preferring naturalness. So the usual tattooing was replaced by biotattoo, which is performed in a completely different technique.

What it is?
Biotattoo is a coloring of eyebrows using Iranian henna. With its help, you can not only increase the color intensity of the hairs, but also completely change their shade, as well as correct the shape of the eyebrows. In general, henna staining is not much different from conventional staining with paint, with the exception of shape correction. Dye, unlike henna, does not adhere well to the skin.
By and large, the name is common between biotattoo and classic tattooing.

Also, the effect obtained after staining with henna looks similar to tattooing. The technologies used are completely different. If in classic tattooing the paint is injected under the skin, then during biotattoo the structure of the skin is not affected at all, the epidermis is not injured.
Biotattoo differs from ordinary staining with a dye. If in the first case specialized paints are used, then in the second - henna-based dye. It doesn't have to be pure henna. Nevertheless, the natural composition is preserved.

Henna is made from the leaves of the laustonia shrub. They are dried and crushed. Laustonia grows in various eastern countries, as well as in Africa, in India.It is important that the master knows where his henna comes from, since the samples are not always of high quality. Most use henna of Iranian origin, as dyes from Iran are persistent, they lie flat and evenly paint over the entire surface.
Shades can be completely different, ranging from light brown to black. This or that color depends on the method of henna production, on how exactly it was crushed and dried. It should be borne in mind that the most natural tones can be obtained by mixing dyes of several shades. Craftsmen, as a rule, have only four basic colors.

If the procedure was carried out correctly, then the most natural effect is achieved. The layman will not be able to tell if your eyebrows are dyed or if it is their natural color. Thanks to the application not only to the hairs, but also to the skin, the result will last for a long time. At the same time, henna is washed off the skin evenly, while the hairs will retain their staining for a longer period.
However, henna staining is used not only for aesthetic purposes, but also for medical purposes, since it has a beneficial effect on hair growth. The bulbs become stronger and the hairs thicker and denser. At the same time, the hairs themselves begin to shine and acquire a well-groomed appearance.

So, if we talk about the differences between staining with henna and staining with paint, the following can be distinguished:
- henna dye is completely natural;
- after biotattoo, the hairs shine and generally look healthier;
- there is no risk of inflammation, which is sometimes caused by ordinary paint;
- the cost of biotattoo is lower than when painting with paint.
On the positive side, eyebrow biotattoo can be done independently at home, and the effect will be no worse than after a salon procedure.

The same goes for correction. If you want to prolong the effect after visiting the salon, you need to purchase high-quality henna and then simply tint your eyebrows as the dye is washed off.
You can change the shape immediately after the end of the procedure, if necessary. You can decrease or increase the intensity of the color. In the case of classic permanent make-up, such a luxury is not available: the correction procedure can be carried out at least in a month, and then it will not be possible to achieve significant changes. Also, after biotattoo, there will be no "crusts", which are common after a permanent procedure. It will be possible to sunbathe immediately after the end of the henna dyeing of the eyebrows.

Advantages and disadvantages
Like any cosmetic procedure, biotattoo has its pros and cons. You should start with the pleasant. So, the advantages of eyebrow biotattoo are as follows:
- This is a completely safe procedure. Since natural dyes are used for coloring, the harm from them is much less than from chemicals. All this allows girls of any age to dye their eyebrows, except for pregnancy and adolescence. In either case, the effect of the procedure cannot be predicted, since due to unstable hormonal levels it can be either very successful or completely bad.
- No side effects. After staining with henna, there are no crusts or redness, and during the procedure itself there are no painful sensations. In this regard, it will not take time to recover after biotattoo. You can immediately sunbathe, moisten your eyebrows with water or pluck them out.

- Large palette of shades. You can always choose exactly the color you need. Please note that if you have dyed hair, then the eyebrow color should be one tone darker than the main hair color for blondes and two tones lighter for brunettes. In case you just want to deepen the color a little, ask the master to mix henna for you so that the color matches your natural color. On the hairs, it will look darker.
- Possibility of immediate correction. If the procedure was carried out, but the result did not satisfy you, you can immediately correct the appearance of the eyebrows. This applies not only to the shape, but also to the intensity of color and shade. If you don't like something, you can always wipe the paint off the skin and "paint" the eyebrows again.
If you need to correct the color, then the master can simply wipe off the eyebrows, re-mix the dyes and repaint.

- Benefits of the procedure. Henna is considered an excellent nourishing agent not only for scalp hair, but also for eyebrows. It strengthens the bulbs and nourishes the hairs, making them shiny, thicker and fuller. It is recommended to do biotattoo even for those whose eyebrows are damaged (for example, if you plucked your eyebrows for a long time, and then wanted to change their shape, but the hairs in some places do not grow).
- Aesthetic appeal. Henna-dyed eyebrows look natural and voluminous, which cannot be achieved with a classic permanent tattoo. Due to the fact that henna is washed off evenly, you will not have problems with bald spots and bright spots on the eyebrows. However, it should be borne in mind that the natural dye lasts longer on the hairs than on the skin, therefore it is recommended to carry out the correction in a timely manner.

There are also many disadvantages of this method:
- Biotattoo is a procedure that lasts a considerable period of time, so you need to be ready to spend 2-3 hours on it. Apart from the fact that the master needs to create the architecture of the eyebrows and prepare them for coloring, the paint itself will have to be kept from forty minutes to an hour, depending on what intensity of color you want to get.
- The effect of biotattoo is temporary and does not last very long when compared to permanent tattoo. In defense of biotattoo, it must be said that henna lasts no less than ordinary paint, and has many times more useful properties.
- Eyebrow biotattoo is washed off faster from the skin than from the hairs. This is especially important for those whose eyebrows are asymmetrical and the artist had to change their shape a lot to make them the same. Unfortunately, this moment cannot be prevented, and the only remedy is timely correction.
- In order for the biotattoo to last longer, it will have to be carefully looked after. However, all care is limited to applying the oil before bed. This will further nourish the hairs and make them stronger. This procedure can be neglected if it is not your goal to maintain the color intensity and, on the contrary, want to wash your eyebrows.
- Also, in order to prevent washout and rapid loss of color, it will not be possible to use scrubs, fatty creams, visit baths and saunas, or expose your face to open sunlight. This is not a mandatory recommendation.
It's just that each of these actions accelerates the leaching and fading of the pigment.

As with any natural remedy, there are contraindications for henna. Fortunately, there are not many of them. Biotattoo is a gentle procedure, and there are no special restrictions for it.
If you are naturally prone to allergic reactions, especially skin reactions, then there is a high probability that you will be allergic to henna as well. Since it is applied to the face - one of the most sensitive areas, a test must first be carried out in order to find out whether you tolerate this natural dye well or not.
The test must be performed on the arm, closer to the elbow bend. It is necessary to apply henna to the inside of the elbow fold on thin skin with an abundance of veins. You need to apply a thick layer. Next, you need to wait until the henna is completely dry, after which the composition is carefully removed from the skin. Please note that in no case should dry henna be scraped off. It is best to use a cotton pad and micellar water.

After this simple test, observe your reaction. If during the day there is no irritation, redness or rash, then this means that you do not have an allergy.
If any of the above symptoms made themselves felt, then you need to immediately take an antiallergic agent ("Suprastin", "Tsetrin", "Kestin"). Of course, you will have to forget about the biotattoo procedure.

Keep in mind that many allergies do not appear immediately. Do not neglect the daily window. It is a bad idea to test henna an hour or just before the procedure, which is fraught with a spoiled appearance and health problems.
All scratches, cuts, abrasions that are on your eyebrows fall into this category. Be sure to examine your face for any. It is also not recommended to carry out aggressive peeling or scrubbing procedures, as it can damage the epidermis.
This category does not include a piercing if it was done a long time ago and healed well. If the piercing was done recently or the skin in that place is not entirely healthy (for example, pus or other bodily fluid oozes from the holes, there is an unpleasant odor), then it is recommended to abandon the eyebrow biotattoo procedure and return to these thoughts after the piercing will be healed.

With a stretch, pregnancy and lactation can be called a contraindication.
If a pregnant or a young mother does not have allergies, then in theory she can do biotattoo. The dye does not penetrate into the bloodstream, so no harm will be done to the baby. However, experienced masters advise to abandon biotatouage during this period, since an unstable hormonal background can contribute to the unpredictability of the result. One striking example is a strange reaction to a natural dye. In the best case, the eyebrows will turn out to be a brighter or lighter shade, and in the worst case, the color will be cast green. Another possible outcome is that henna will stain both the skin and the hairs.

Due to the unstable hormonal background, it is recommended to abandon the procedure for adolescents aged 13 to 16 years, since in their case, they are also likely to get green eyebrows. It is better to consider an alternative option - ordinary paint staining.
How to choose paint?
Today, there is a huge amount of henna for biotattoo on the market. Some funds belong to the economy class, others - to the luxury class. But the most important thing is to focus not on price, but on reviews. Only they show the real state of affairs: how easy it is to apply the paint, how long it lasts, how well it mixes with other shades from this manufacturer or from other brands. Below is a list of henna-based paints that are most often chosen by professional masters for their work.

Henna brow
Henna Brow is one of the leading companies in the biotattoo industry. She produces high quality henna, reviews of which are only positive. The product is praised by both professionals and amateurs for its ease of application and durability.
Only natural ingredients are used in the production, so henna has a short shelf life - only 2 years from the date of production. But thanks to the composition, it restores the eyebrows well, making the hairs thicker and stronger, as well as stimulating the growth of new hairs.

Henna Brow henna is available in twelve shades:
- "Pearl Blond";
- "Light blond blond";
- "Walnut light chestnut";
- "Golden blond";
- "Dark blond";
- "Frosty chestnut";
- "Hot chocolate";
- "Amber";
- "Classic Black";
- "Neutral brown";
- "Cold coffee";
- "Intense taupe."

There are different options for packaging henna. It is sold dry and diluted. In the first case, you will need to pay about 950 rubles for a six-gram sachet. A bottle with a liquid emulsion costs approximately 1,200 rubles.

Viva henna
Viva Henna offers Indian henna which is renowned for its medicinal properties.According to the manufacturer, this henna is used to restore and treat damaged and weakened hairs, and the decorative component is just a nice bonus. What is noteworthy, henna from Viva Henna is designed not only for eyebrow biotattoo, but also for making drawings on the body using the mehendi technique.
Henna is sold in packs of 15, 30, 60 and 120 g. Each of the packages comes with a nice gift - a small container with high-quality coconut oil, with which you can take care of your colored eyebrows.

When using henna from this manufacturer, several rules must be followed. So, it will not be possible to moisten the eyebrows with water for two hours after the procedure. This negatively affects the durability of the biotattoo. It is also not necessary to wait until the dye is completely dry. If you only plan to deepen the color a little, then you need to wash the henna after 20 minutes after application.
The dye is available in two shades:
- black;
- brown.

By mixing these two base colors, you can achieve any color intensity you want.
For many, a big problem is the lack of a choice of subtones. So, it is possible to get only warm shades. Therefore, henna of this brand is not suitable for everyone, because the overwhelming majority of Russian women are fair-haired with a cold grayish tint of hair.

Nila brow
Nila Brow is a Ukrainian brand. The manufacturer claims that its henna is completely hypoallergenic. The choice of shades is small: there are only black and brown in the palette. The composition includes not only henna, but also basma, with the help of which the shade is varied. Thanks to additional additives such as citric acid, soapstone and others, the manufacturing company managed to ensure that the paste dries slowly, dyeing the skin well.

Additionally, it is indicated that it is not recommended to exercise after the procedure. This can lead to perspiration, and the tenacity of the pattern will be greatly reduced. However, after a couple of hours after the procedure, all restrictions are removed.
Additionally, attention should be paid to the method of preparing henna. A typical mistake is to use boiling water for pouring, this cannot be done. The paint will change its chemical properties, consistency, as a result of which it will be inconvenient to work with it. In addition to everything, the drawing will turn out to be faded, dim.

It is imperative to observe the proportions of henna and water indicated by the manufacturer on the package. If the mixture is too thick, it will be awkward to apply. Too liquid solution will crack, as a result of which a clear contour, which is so important in eyebrow biotattoo, will not be able to be obtained.
An additional bonus when buying Nila Brow henna is the opportunity to consult with a brand technologist.

Henna paint Godefroy
The manufacturer Godefroy offers professional eyebrow makeup solutions that can be implemented at home. Henna dye is so called because it is sold already diluted. All that remains is to use it for its intended purpose, following the instructions on the package.
Godefroy henna dye for biotattooing eyebrows contains a complex of caring components, therefore, in addition to the beneficial effect of henna itself on the hairs, they receive additional nutrition. Eyebrows grow better, become more obedient, do not bristle in different directions. Due to the fact that the bulbs become thicker and the hairs stronger, it is possible to cope with the problem of ingrown hairs, which cause many problems.

Godefroy henna paint is sold in ampoules. The palette has several shades:
- "Graphite";
- "Light brown";
- "Medium brown";
- "Dark brown";
- "Black".

When you add paint in the shade "Graphite" to any of the others, the subtone changes, becoming a cold gray. Initially, all brown shades have a warm reddish undertone.
To make henna more resistant, it is recommended to dilute it not with water, but with a special emulsion.It allows the biotattoo to stay on the skin longer and also makes the effect more natural. At the same time, the eyebrows become well-groomed. During make-up, you will have to spend no more than a minute to take care of them. All you need to do is comb them and, possibly, fix with gel.

Henna produced by the Nivali brand is very different from analogues on the market. This is not due to its properties, but to the packaging and color palette. Henna Nivali is available in the following colors:
- Orange;
- Red;
- Brown;
- black;
- green;
- blue;
- pink.

As for packaging, henna is sold in tubes of 20 g and in markers. The markers contain henna gel, which is convenient to apply directly from the tube.
To obtain any other shade, you can mix colors, fortunately, a large palette allows you to get almost any desired tone. In this case, it will no longer work to apply paint directly from the tube.
You will need to mix it in a separate container (it is better to take a plastic one), and then apply with a brush.

Like some of the previous designs, Nivali henna is versatile. It is suitable for both eyebrow biotattoo and mehendi drawings. It can also be used to color eyelashes.
Judging by the reviews, this sample is not durable, therefore, it will be necessary to make a correction every week and a half.

As for the financial side, a tube of henna costs about 1,300 rubles, and a marker costs 1,250 rubles. They have the same volume.
The manufacturer warns the buyer not to leave the cap open, as the product dries rather quickly. Also, you can not leave the container in open sunlight. If the tubes are matte and the damage is not so great, then the henna in transparent markers can greatly change the light when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

Kodi Professional "Henna"
Henna by Kodi Professional is a favorite of many craftsmen. Due to its ease of use, high durability, and the absence of side effects, it has earned such an arrangement. Medium color palette:
- black;
- brown;
- redhead ("Foxy");
- dark brown;
- "Dark chocolate".

Products can be mixed with each other. By itself, Kodi Professional henna has a neutral undertone. To add warmth or coolness to it, use red and black, respectively.
It is necessary to dilute henna with water. It already contains components that increase its durability, so there is no need to add additional essences.

Henna is sold as a powder in bottles of different weights:
- 5 g;
- 10 g;
- 15 g
Since henna is economical, it makes no sense to release it in another container. The shelf life is limited to 2 years, for which just 15 g can be spent.

It is required to maintain optimal storage conditions. The bottle must be tightly sealed every time after use. The bottle itself must be left in a dry, dark place, avoiding an increase in air humidity or an increase in its temperature. The high temperature will cause the powder to stick together and deteriorate. It will not be possible to use it in the future.
Henna from Kodi Professional is intended exclusively for eyebrow biotattoo.
It cannot be used for making drawings on the body, as well as for dyeing eyelashes. Henna also does not show any special caring properties.

This brand offers inexpensive means for biotattoo, which are very popular among girls who do biotattoo at home. After all, choosing a good material for biotattoo is already half the success.
The manufacturer claims that the paint stays on the skin and hairs for up to a month. At the same time, henna is endowed with all the caring properties. It strengthens the hair follicles, and makes the hairs smooth, shiny, and thickens them.

The product is sold in tubes of 4 g. The color palette is meager:
- black;
- dark brown;
- brown (reddish).

All colors are natural and are best paired with unpainted hair.You can mix the dyes with each other to obtain the desired color.
The negative point is the need to use a fixer. Without it, henna will not hold well, it will quickly be washed off the skin and hairs. The binder is purchased from the same company, but any other can be used. However, Irisk products complement each other perfectly, and besides, the fixer from this company costs little.

As for the price, a four-gram tube of henna costs an average of 280 rubles.
Armed with all this knowledge, you will be able to find the right henna for biotattoo. If you go to a salon, be sure to ask what kind of cosmetics the master works on. If he named any brand not included in this list, be sure to read the reviews about it. Also check the country of origin, keeping in mind that the best henna comes from India and Iran.

Process description
The process of biotattoo itself takes place in several stages. The technique of performing step by step can be described as follows.
Preparatory stage
First, you need to properly prepare the skin and hairs for subsequent staining. To do this, you need to wash your eyebrows well with a sedative, simultaneously checking for abrasions and inflammations. If they are found, it is better to refuse the procedure until complete healing.
Next, you need to perform a gentle exfoliation. There are many exfoliators on the market designed specifically to prepare your brows for biotattoo. However, you can use a regular scrub, making sure that it does not injure delicate skin.

A scrub can be made from scrap materials. Candied honey can be used as a light exfoliation. You need to apply a little on the steamed skin of the eyebrows and around them and leave for five minutes. After that, you need to scrub the skin for one minute. Then the honey is thoroughly washed off.
Another option is to use sea salt. It is suitable for girls who suffer from ingrown hairs. It is necessary to grind ordinary sea salt (it is better to take food) in a coffee grinder to a state of dust. Then, about a teaspoon of salt dust is mixed with your usual cleanser and applied to the steamed eyebrow skin, after which you need to gently scrub the skin.

In conclusion, it is necessary to thoroughly degrease the eyebrows and treat them with an antiseptic.
After the eyebrows are prepared, you need to slightly adjust their shape. You don't need to strive to remove all hairs.
It will be enough just to designate the contour and remove everything that strongly protrudes beyond it.

Henna preparation
In the salon, this is done by a master. As for home use, the following should be considered. For the most part, henna is sold in powder form. If you bought henna in a tube, then you're in luck - you don't have to mess with breeding and cooking.

Henna powder must be diluted according to the instructions. Usually water is used, but often it is necessary to use a special emulsion-activator. If the instructions indicate that it is necessary to dilute with the help of an emulsion, do not neglect this. It is highly likely that you will get a completely different result than you expected if you dilute henna with water.
Many manufacturers recommend diluting the powder by adding water to a thick sour cream consistency. In this case, it is better to use an ordinary medical syringe, supplying water in portions. This will allow you to control the water supply and not accidentally make the solution too liquid.

Home dyeing
After the henna is cooked, you can dye your eyebrows with it. Pay attention to one more important point: it is freshly prepared henna that is applied and held best. The effect of using the old mixture will not be so attractive at all.
It is recommended to sketch with a pencil first. It is not necessary to shade the entire brow. It is enough to outline only the outline.
It is advisable to use a special brow-master ruler to draw the most symmetrical and even eyebrows.

If you are unfamiliar with the basics of building an eyebrow architecture or you are just too lazy to calculate and draw everything, then you can use stencils. They are applied to the eyebrows, after which they are simply outlined with a pencil. The main difficulty here is to apply the stencils as evenly as possible. Not everyone succeeds in this the first time, so it is recommended to practice in advance.
The advantage of using this method is that you can draw any, even a complex shape, without worrying that the eyebrows will turn out to be unequal. It is only important to correctly position the stencil.

After the outline is drawn, apply the henna, being careful not to go beyond the outline. A few tips will help you with this:
- Use a special white paste. It is applied along the outer contour. The paste has a thick consistency. It covers the skin around the contour, preventing the dye from getting on it.
- Use a thin brush. It is most convenient to do eyebrow biotattoo using a thin brush specially designed for this. It will allow you to apply henna to the skin as accurately as possible, making even the thinnest places clear.
- Start by filling in the thin spots. All masters move from complex to simple. First, they fill in hard-to-reach and difficult-to-dye places with henna - the tails of the eyebrow, then they go along the contour, and then fill the base of the eyebrow. Also pay special attention to drawing the kink. It should be clear and neat.

You need to keep the mixture on the skin from 40 minutes to an hour. At this time, it is advisable to lie down, since, crumbling, henna can get into the eyes and cause irritation. It is also possible that during the procedure unpleasant sensations will appear: tightness and burning sensation in the eyebrow area. Don't be intimidated by this, especially if you've done a preliminary allergy test. The fact is that natural pigment often causes similar symptoms, since during staining, the skin from which the protective barrier has been removed is irritated. After removing the dye, all unpleasant sensations will disappear.

In the cabin
In principle, dyeing in the salon follows exactly the same scheme as dyeing at home, with the exception of the fact that the master does everything: henna cultivation, and drawing of the future shape, and eyebrow correction, and dyeing. Also, the master can correct the result right in the process. Every 3-5 minutes he checks with a dry brush how evenly the eyebrows are painted over and how intense the color is.
When the desired result is achieved, he can remove the henna earlier or, conversely, hold it for more.

If the master sees that the eyebrows are painted unevenly, he removes the henna layer and carries out the whole procedure again. The same approach is used if you plan to make any part of the eyebrow lighter (for example, when you want to achieve the effect of eyebrow dyed with shadows).
Eyebrow shaping can be done by a master after biotattoo. This is done in order to sharpen the outline of the eyebrows and give them a well-groomed look. In the future, it is advisable to independently carry out the correction on a regular basis, plucking out all the hairs that grow outside the contour.

Care after the procedure
In principle, no special care is provided after the procedure. There are several guidelines on how to make the effect last as long as possible:
- Use fewer cleansers. There is no denying that it is necessary to take care of your skin, but try to keep as little cleanser as possible on your eyebrows. They help to wash out the paint from the skin, thereby greatly reducing the duration of the effect after biotattoo.

- Use of oils. Try to cover your brows with something greasy before washing.Peach and burdock oils are good for this, but a budget option - petroleum jelly - will also work. They envelop the skin, preventing moisture and cleansers from seeping to the stained areas. Thus, you can leave the usual care and maintain the durability of the biotattoo. Just remember to remove the oil with a dry cotton pad after washing.

- Make corrections. Correction involves applying henna for 20 minutes, as soon as the color intensity begins to decrease. Usually, the correction is required to be done no more often than once every 1.5-2 weeks. Be careful to get the same shade of paint every time. Then your eyebrows will always be in excellent condition.
- Don't rub your eyebrows. By wiping them off, you thereby remove the upper colored layer of the skin, so if you try too hard, you risk removing your biotattoo immediately after the procedure. It is advisable not to touch the eyebrows at all.

Observing all the rules of care and care for biotattoo, you can enjoy the effect of the procedure for as long as possible, while saving time on makeup and even looking great in the morning.

How long does it last?
Depending on the type of skin, care and other factors, the durability of the biotattoo varies.
Henna stays on dry skin for the longest time. There is little sebum in it, which helps to remove pigment from stained areas. However, dry skin should not be allowed to peel off, since in this case the paint can come off with spots.

Normal skin keeps biotattoo for two weeks on the skin and up to six weeks on the hairs. As a rule, there are no problems with care here, since normal skin is not prone to flaking, excessive sebum secretion, and the appearance of ingrown hairs.
Henna is most quickly washed off from oily skin. In this regard, the owners of oily skin need to do a correction, summing up the contour about once every one and a half weeks. So, first, the contour "floats", and then all the pigment leaves the skin. On hairs, as in the case of normal skin, biotattoo lasts up to one and a half months.

Mature skin holds eyebrow biotattoo better than young skin. This is due to the fact that the exchange processes in mature code are slower, therefore, it is updated more slowly. If the average time of biotattoo for young skin is about a couple of weeks, then on dry mature skin an excellent result can be observed for up to a month.
Care also affects durability. If you do not neglect the treatment of eyebrows with oil, carefully wash your face and do not use scrubs, then the effect will persist for a longer period. Also, do not sleep with your face in the pillow, because at night the skin renewal is more intense, so the henna wears off more.

Correction of an unsuccessful result
If for any reason you are unhappy with what you got in the end, you can easily adjust the result. To do this, use one of the suggested methods:
- For fair-skinned girls, to get eyebrows dark enough, one layer of henna is enough. But dark-skinned ones need to apply 2-3 layers before the color becomes intense enough. Multiple coats can easily deepen the color and also make one part of the eyebrow lighter than the other by simply applying different numbers of coats to different parts.
- If you are unhappy with the resulting color, then the matter is easy to fix. In a situation where you have received light eyebrows of the wrong shade, you can simply cover them with a darker composition. As a result, it will completely drown out the previous one.

- If the eyebrows are too dark, they can be easily washed off. To do this, use a special brush. But get ready for the procedure to take a long time. It is not recommended to rub your eyebrows too vigorously, as you can inadvertently damage the skin.
- If the resulting dark shade is not at all what was originally intended, you should not overlap it. As a result, you will get black eyebrows. It is better to first wipe off the existing color, and then dilute the henna paint again and repaint.Keep in mind that in this case, the procedure can take 3-4 hours.
- If the result is only slightly different from what you expected, then the best solution is to leave it as it is. Dark eyebrows will be washed off in 2-3 days, and too light ones will need to be corrected on their own in a week, using the color that is necessary.
Don't be afraid to get the wrong result. Indeed, in the case of biotattoo, errors can be easily and relatively quickly corrected.

For information on how to make eyebrow biotattoo at home, see the next video.