All about eyebrow waxing

American designer Tom Ford is credited with the following words: "The eyebrows are the most important part of the face." And it's hard to argue with this, given that in recent years women have been devoting more time to their eyebrows than to everything else on their face. They can really harmonize features, soften the image, visually create the effect of proportional facial features (even if this is not the case). A variety of beauty products help to adjust the shape of the eyebrows. One of them is wax. In this article, we will look at everything about eyebrow waxing.

Advantages and disadvantages
Depilation is the process of partial hair removal. Unlike epilation, it does not affect the hair follicle. Depilation means temporary hair removal, it does not hinder hair growth. Eyebrow waxing is a type of depilation in which wax becomes the main tool for hair removal. It can be warm, hot, cold. This procedure is carried out both in beauty salons and at home.

The advantages of eyebrow waxing are as follows:
- if you use tweezers, hair removal will take at least 20 minutes; waxing is a reactive procedure that saves a lot of time;
- the effect is quite long-lasting - depending on individual characteristics, new hairs appear at the site of the removed ones after at least 2 weeks, as a maximum - after 5 weeks; after hair removal with tweezers, the rate of appearance of new ones will be higher;
- tweezers, as you know, cannot cope with a light fluff above the eyelid, it removes only those hairs that can be hooked with a tool; waxing removes both extra hairs and fluff;
- this type of correction is suitable even for girls with eyebrow tattooing and microblading;
- if waxing is used regularly, hair growth will slow down;
- all materials are available and inexpensive.

The disadvantages of the procedure are as follows:
- it is painful - the degree of this pain depends on the individual pain threshold, on the correctness of the procedure performed, in this regard, such manipulation is not suitable for everyone;
- after the procedure, there will be irritation - again, it all depends on the type of skin, individual reaction; for thin-skinned and fair-skinned women, this may be a reaction that remains for several days, which in itself is unacceptable;
- after the procedure, the depilation area may itch for a while.
Finally, she also has contraindications. If the materials are intolerant, nothing can be done, the procedure will have to be replaced with alternative depilation. For women with sensitive skin, as well as those with diagnoses of diabetes mellitus, serious cardiovascular pathologies, such a procedure is not indicated. It will not work for those with hairs less than 5 mm long.
Do not use waxing in the presence of moles, papillomas, warts in the depilation area. The procedure is contraindicated for women with epilepsy. It cannot be performed with dermatitis and psoriasis, diagnosed circulatory disorders.
You should not do waxing for a headache, as the pain will only intensify.

Species overview
There are several types of manipulation, each of which has its own strengths.
This wax is sold in spherical form, but you can find it in the form of a cube and a plate. This product contains resins, olive and lemon oils. Before use, the product is heated to +60 degrees. This is a very popular way of depilation, because the problem of hair removal is solved as quickly as possible. But the procedure can be carried out only in the salon, because it is difficult not only to warm up the wax, but also to maintain it at the desired temperature all the time during the depilation.
Another danger of a home procedure using hot wax is a burn. If you use it incorrectly, without observing safety measures, you can burn yourself. And the skin around the eyes is especially sensitive, so the injury can be serious.

For home manipulations, this method is considered the most comfortable. The material for such depilation is produced in the form of wax strips. It is a paper or woven item to which wax has been applied in a very thin layer. In order for the product to become the desired temperature, it is enough to warm the strip in your hands. And then it is immediately applied to the desired area of the skin.
Thanks to the cold method, you can get rid of even very small hairs that are not so easy to get to. In fact, the removal procedure repeats the actions with the patch: the strip is glued, and then with a sharp movement it is removed from the skin against hair growth.

Low temperature
Such funds are sold in a container that looks like mascara. The difficulty lies in the fact that the device is bought one-time, you need to change the cartridges in it, they are sold separately. You will also have to purchase a cartridge wax melter. But the method itself is convenient and safe. First, the product is heated to a high thermal performance, but since it cools down incredibly quickly, the risk of burns is minimal.

Popular manufacturers
There are a lot of brands that are not confused except perhaps by the brow-master. An inexperienced consumer may not know what is the difference between manufacturers, which product is better. A quick overview will help you navigate the eyebrow depilatory products. Let's dwell on well-known brands and the characteristics of their products.
Veet (Canada)
This name is on everyone's lips, the strips produced by this beauty giant are as comfortable and practical as possible. The wax on them is distinguished by its extreme adherence to the skin, which allows you to quickly deal with excess vegetation. At a time, it captures as many hairs as possible to be removed.

Sally Hansen (USA)
This company presents on the market a correction product that allows you to remove excess eyebrow hairs as delicately and efficiently as possible at home. You can melt the wax in a conventional microwave oven. That is, the procedure is very similar to the one that is done in professional salons, but you can do it yourself, without leaving your home.

Parissa Brow Shaper (Spain)
The peculiarity of this product lies in its almost impeccable hypoallergenic composition. It is designed for women with thin and sensitive skin. If the skin is prone to allergies, the salon expert will most likely advise the woman on this particular product.

Brow Shapers Surgi Wax (USA)
The depilatory product is presented in an original curved shape. And this helps to effectively capture the hairs, which previously could only be removed with pinpoint actions using tweezers. The beautiful box contains the wax itself, as well as strips for two zones of the eyebrows (brows and underbrows). The entire depilation procedure takes 10 minutes, and often half as much, and all hairs, even fluff, will be carefully removed.

LilaSoft (Turkey)
Effective wax strips, simple in shape, containing a lot of phytocomponents. They help prevent skin irritation after the procedure is completed. When choosing a product, you need to look at its labeling. The brand produces wax strips for different skin types.
An individual reaction is not excluded. You need to try, compare, draw conclusions.

How to use?
Alas, eyebrow depilation is one of the most risky procedures in relation to injury. If you do not follow the precautions, you can injure both the skin and the organ of vision.
Precautionary measures
If the technique involves heating the wax, then this must be done strictly to the indicated temperature. Otherwise, the product can be overheated and its use will be obviously dangerous. Not all women know that after waxing you cannot sunbathe for a whole week. Many people do not even realize that a negative reaction on the treated area of the skin arises precisely due to the action of active ultraviolet radiation on it.
In addition, this threatens not only unpleasant sensations, but also too aggressive action of the sun. That is, you need to think not only about aesthetics, but also about health. Two hours after waxing, do not apply makeup. Even light makeup will be overkill and not good for your skin.
If mistakes are made during the procedure, this is fraught with the following consequences:
- burns - when using too hot wax, they practically cannot be avoided;
- irritation - if a woman forgot to use talcum powder, it is also almost guaranteed;
- damage that can develop into scars and scars - in case of gross violations of technology.
Before you pick up the wax and start treating the eyebrow area, you need to watch the video instructions or carefully re-read the instructions, where each step of the procedure is described.

Technique of use
This master class is simple, designed to carry out manipulations at home. To remove excess eyebrow hair, you need to take the following materials and tools:
- wax and heater (if it is hot depilation);
- paper / fabric strips from the kit;
- means for degreasing and cleaning the removal area;
- talc;
- wooden stick;
- any cosmetic oil that removes wax from the skin;
- tweezers.

To do eyebrow depilation yourself, you should adhere to the following step-by-step algorithm:
- hair should be removed from the face - tied in a ponytail, distant with a rim or bandage; the face is clean, without makeup; nothing should interfere with work;
- you need to monitor the quality of lighting - natural daylight in a room with a window free from curtains, a sunny day - ideal, in other cases you need a good bright lamp;
- with high-quality lighting, you need to examine the eyebrows in the mirror - the length of the hairs should be sufficient - at least 4 mm; eyebrows should be combed with a special brush, if there is none, a brush cleaned of mascara will do;
- it's time to melt the wax, following the instructions that are always attached to the product; since the instructions for different products may have some discrepancies, there is no universal algorithm, you need to do exactly as it is written on the package;
- the area where the depilation will take place needs to be cleaned: any dermatological antiseptic product will do;
- with a wooden stick, wax is applied to the treated area of the skin - in the direction of hair growth;
- on top of the wax you need to attach paper or cloth from the kit;
- gently pull the skin with your fingers (so that the pain is not so sharp) and remove the strip in one sharp movement in the direction against the growth of the hair;
- apply any soothing agent on the skin, after removing the wax from the eyebrow area with cosmetic oil;
- it is not always possible to remove all excess hairs the first time, then the procedure for applying wax, removing the strip is repeated; as a standard, it can reach 6-7 repetitions so that the eyebrow area is perfectly cleaned;
- if, even after repetitions, excess hairs remain, you will have to work with tweezers.
After the procedure, do not take a bath or shower, rub the skin in the depilation area, and apply makeup for at least two hours.