Thick eyebrows: types, extensions and makeup

Fashion is changeable and unpredictable, because it dictates the style of clothing, makeup and appearance. Until recently, thin eyebrows-strings were at the peak of popularity, but now the trend is thick, wide eyebrows that look as natural as possible. Density gives the face a special expressiveness.

Girls are increasingly striving to look natural and feminine. Tons of cosmetics, pumped-up lips and painted eyebrows are a thing of the past. Artificial beauty is already considered bad form. It pleases, because it is more pleasant to look at a pretty, clean face of a girl than to contemplate a doll with tons of "plaster" on its face.
Thick eyebrows are one of the components of natural beauty. This trend has recently come into vogue, but is loved by actors, actresses, ordinary women and is firmly entrenched in the life of fashionistas.
The main feature of such eyebrows is their naturalness, the minimum amount of cosmetics. Consider who is suitable for the density, using examples of famous celebrities, for whom such eyebrows are a visiting card.

Cara Delevingne is a bright young model. Her sable arches have become the main feature. She herself admits that she never attached importance to this and rarely plucked them. And for good reason - thick eyebrows give a round face individuality and charisma.

The pirate Keira Knightley has some of the most beautiful eyebrows in cinema. Her square face is smoothed out by the thickening of her eyebrows.

Model Natalya Vodianova, according to her, was forbidden to pluck eyebrows by her grandmother. And she turned out to be right - thick arcs made Natalia a world famous, in-demand fashion model.

Brooke Shields did not follow the 80s fashion for thin strings - she simply chose to refrain from correcting this format. This saved her, because after a while the density became a fashion trend, and the actress became a recognized beauty.

Emma Watson spent her childhood struggling with her main complex - bushy eyebrows. Then she did not yet know that this part of the face would become the standard and goal of many girls.

One of the most beautiful, sophisticated Hollywood actresses, Audrey Hepburn, cannot be ignored. Her eyebrows are still relevant - they have a perfectly straight shape and sufficient thickness.

Sultry Colombian Sofia Vergara boasts luxurious eyebrows. She has a classic oval face that fits all types of eyebrows.

Type and color
Make-up artists include arched, straight, curved, long, short, thin, thick options to the types of thick eyebrows. The type is selected depending on the shape of the face. A straight shape is suitable for chubby girls, arcs look good on oval faces, curved ones on a triangle face. When choosing the length, it is better to experiment.
The colors can be varied. For example, natural colors of light shades suit blondes - they will make the look expressive. Bleached eyebrows are in trend for this category of girls. Red-haired women of fashion should pay attention to the copper shades. Brown-haired women are characterized by a cold range or warm brown color. Dark hair color implies black eyebrows, without reddishness.

How to do it?
This question is asked by many women who want to have beautiful, thick eyebrows.
Experts identify several reasons for rare eyebrows.
- Staining with aggressive compounds. Low-quality, cheap paint negatively affects the condition of the hairs. Side effects are growth retardation or complete cessation.
- Disregard for the rules of care. This factor includes poor-quality makeup removal, washing the face, with the exception of the eyebrow area. With improper care, brittle hair appears with subsequent loss.
- Excessive plucking. Tweezers are a tool that, in the hands of an inept girl, can be a weapon to destroy the eyebrows. He is able to stop the growth of hairs, damage the hair follicles.
- Hereditary predisposition. If mom, grandmothers and other relatives did not have thick eyebrows, then the probability of getting them is reduced to zero.
- Hormonal imbalance. The change in hormonal levels strikes the female body, affecting the appearance. If there are no other visible causes of hair loss, then a doctor should be consulted. Basically, the thyroid gland is responsible for the hair.
- Wrong way of life. Harmful food, junk food and alcohol abuse negatively affect women's health, and eyebrows are no exception. Changing your appearance for the better means choosing the right diet and a healthy lifestyle.
- Incorrect correction. Even professionals are mistaken, not to mention amateurs. In the salon, you can get an unsuccessful correction, as a result of which there will be no material left to correct the consequences.

Despite the variety of reasons for slowing hair growth, there are several options with which you can achieve thick eyebrows:
- home procedures;
- salon building;
- makeup.

How to grow?
Owners of thick eyebrows are happy, because to care for the eyebrows, one tweezers is enough for them to give the desired shape and width.
The rest of the women will have to put some effort into growing their eyebrows. Experts have developed a whole algorithm of actions for women seeking natural beauty.
- For the hairs to start growing, you need to do an elementary thing - stop plucking out those places where there is not enough density, because regular plucking leads to persistent baldness.

- Regular use of masks based on cosmetic oils. Burdock, coconut, almond, grape seed oil - these funds are sold in any pharmacy and have a low cost. For the best effect of the oil, it is recommended to stir it and heat it up a little. Then the mixture should be applied to the eyebrows with rubbing movements, covered with a terry towel and left for 20 minutes. After that, massage the skin a little and rinse with warm water. After a week, the effect of such masks will be noticeable.
- Application of masks based on lanolin cream. This cream is of plant origin - there is a minimum of "chemistry" in its composition. It will stimulate the growth and strengthen the hair follicles. Cosmetic oils, drops of vitamins A and E are added to the cream. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the eyebrows for 15-20 minutes, then removed with a tonic.

- Henna staining. A unique natural remedy - it moisturizes, nourishes and strengthens the hairs. It contains substances that activate hair growth.
- Enhances the growth of herbs and tinctures based on them. The assistants are calendula, chamomile, sage, birch leaves. Trichologists have long appreciated the beneficial effects of alcoholic tinctures on hair follicles. Ready-made tinctures are sold in pharmacies, and they are also easy to prepare yourself. To do this, you need vodka and herbs in a ratio of 10: 1. The herbs are poured with vodka, the container is removed to a warm, dark place, after which the mixture is infused for about two weeks. A cotton swab is impregnated with the filtered agent, which is applied to the eyebrows for 10 minutes. The regularity of the procedure is every other day.

- Massage of the eyebrow area will improve blood flow. The massage is carried out with oil or cream. First, they pass over the skin with patting movements from the bridge of the nose to the temples. After that, pinch and lift the skin of the arches. The final step is stroking or brushing in the direction of hair growth.
Experts note that the above methods of growing are effective only under one condition - their systematic use. The result will undoubtedly be, but only after painstaking and hard work.

Initially, salons offered hair extension services, later - eyelashes, now it’s the turn of eyebrows.
The extension procedure is less painful than tattooing, and the result looks natural. The essence of the extension is that artificial or natural hairs are glued to the skin or to their own hairs with a special glue. Those who are allergic to adhesive, fresh wounds, damaged skin, fungus and other infections will not be able to build eyebrows.
The advantages of the method are the naturalness of the obtained eyebrows, the absence of painful sensations, extensive possibilities of correction, the long-term result, saving time, convenience and accessibility.
Along with the advantages of building up, there are two significant disadvantages. The first of them is the impossibility to change the shape and color, a small correction occurs only within the limits of the available initial data. The second point is the difficulty in leaving: it is forbidden to rub, scratch, use soap.

Leading makeup artists believe that eyebrows are a frame for the face. They can be different: neatly styled or carelessly combed, dyed with mascara or without a gram of makeup. In any case, the wrong design will ruin the whole image of a woman.
For a beautiful eyebrow shaping, you will need the following tools:
- a sharpened pencil that will help draw the missing hairs as naturally as possible;
- cream shadows will fill the gaps, add visual volume;
- an alternative to shadows is a special lipstick, which is a highly pigmented composition applied to the hairs with a beveled brush;
- brush with stiff bristles;
- beveled brush.

Make-up artists divide the whole procedure of applying makeup into several stages.
- The hairs are combed with a brush, which will more accurately fill in the gaps and outline the contour.
- The hairs are drawn with a pencil. This should be done with light, abrupt movements.
- With the help of shadows and a beveled brush, a line is drawn to outline the thickness of the eyebrows. It should be as thin as possible and close to the hairline.
- The gaps are filled with shadows.
- To blend the pigment, the eyebrows are combed with a brush.
The main feature of makeup is that you cannot make one large spot from the eyebrow, the same color in all areas. The goal is to paint and blend the shadows in such a way as to recreate the natural look of the hairs.

Proper care is the key to eyebrow beauty. Brow masters give the following tips for keeping hair thicker:
- carefully remove makeup with special means so that its remnants do not clog the pores;
- daily comb the hairs with a brush with hard bristles;
- take a break from make-up periodically;
- trim eyebrows to shape - trim only the protruding, protruding hairs;
- use masks regularly.

Beautiful examples
Luxurious thick eyebrows are the dream of many fashionistas. The following selection of photos will show how thick eyebrows add depth and special charm to an image.

Here the girl is brunette, and her eyebrows are black, deep. They are thick and wide - so the look becomes even deeper, and the blue color is brighter.
The eyebrows are so colorful that the eyes do not require makeup, because one layer of eyeliner and mascara is enough.

The color of the brown-haired woman's eyebrows is matched to the shade of the hair - everything is harmonious and holistic. There is also a minimum of makeup on the eyes, only the red lipstick makes a second accent on the face with perfectly even and clean skin.

In the next photo, the eyebrows are a sample of professional makeup. The contour is masterfully outlined, the hairs are traced. The eyebrows look natural and voluminous.

You will learn more about how to grow thick eyebrows in the following video.