How to lighten eyebrows: means and subtleties of the procedure

Recently, such a procedure as eyebrow lightening has become very popular among many girls. Even some celebrities resort to this fashionable procedure, which was undeservedly forgotten, but is now being reborn. The article will focus on how to do everything right at home.

What is it for?
Before lightening your eyebrows, you should find out who is suitable for this procedure and who should not. Many girls are sure that black eyebrows give a certain severity, and lighter shades give romance and real lightness to the image.
Real blondes, owners of light brown and red head of hair, do not always look too dark and stern eyebrows. Therefore, they should think about how to lighten their brows and thereby emphasize their individuality and beauty.

If you are the owner of fair skin with a slight shade of pink, then you should also think about this procedure. Lightening the eyebrows in this case will help not only to emphasize the individuality of the image and eyes, but also give you tenderness and romance.
Even if you are not naturally blonde, but periodically lighten your hair and like lighter shades, you should also lighten your eyebrows a little. But girls with dark or very tanned skin, as well as Asian appearance, should not resort to this procedure. Light eyebrows will look unnatural and will give a dull look to your face.

The ways
There are two surefire ways to lighten your brows. The first is to go to the salon for the procedure, where a master of his craft will quickly and easily cope with the task. The second is to carry out the procedure at home.
If you still decide to go to a beauty salon, then remember that everything will be fast and efficient. As a rule, a professional copes with such a task in half an hour, sometimes even less. It all depends on what means the master will use, and whether it will be necessary to carry out such preparatory work as eyebrow shaping.

At home, it is also quite possible to lighten your eyebrows, and for this there are several proven methods, which we will discuss below.
Perhaps the most popular and affordable method is hydrogen peroxide clarification. Before proceeding with the procedure, prepare everything you need. You will need peroxide itself, a special eyebrow brush, a brush with which you apply makeup, shampoo, cream, and a glass of warm water.
Before starting the procedure, be sure to thoroughly cleanse your face from dust, sebum and makeup. Next, you need to rinse your eyebrows. To do this, you need to take a small amount of shampoo, it is better to give preference to baby shampoo, since it is safe in contact with the eyes. Lather a small amount of shampoo in your hands, apply to eyebrows, massage gently and rinse with warm water.

Further, around the eyebrows, namely: along the hair, you need to apply a greasy cream. Try to apply the product in such a way that the particles of the cream do not get on the eyebrows. The cream will serve you as a kind of protection, protecting your skin from accidental contact with peroxide. Then, in a plastic container, you need to mix a glass of warm water with half a teaspoon of peroxide, mix everything thoroughly.
We recommend complying with all the proportions without fail, otherwise the product can ruin the eyebrows, and the hairs will begin to fall out.
Apply the resulting solution gently with a makeup brush, then distribute evenly with a brush. After ten minutes, the hairs will lighten a little. Rinse off everything with warm water exactly fifteen minutes after applying the mixture to the eyebrows.

But it is also quite possible to choose a simpler lightening option, using a special cream for this. Pre-clean and prepare your face for the beginning of the procedure, we have described all the subtleties above. Apply the purchased clarifier gently on one eyebrow and rinse after exactly one minute. Then repeat the procedure with the second eyebrow. Remember that if you overexpose the product on your eyebrows for more than a minute, the consequences can be dire. After the special product has been washed off from both eyebrows, it is recommended to apply a cream with a nourishing effect to the face.

Another proven and completely safe method is clarification with a specially prepared decoction of chamomile and calendula herbs. In order to prepare the infusion, you need to pour two tablespoons of the above herbs with a glass of hot water, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Then we insist the broth for exactly twenty minutes, then filter and add half a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. The product should be applied to cleansed eyebrows twice a day, no need to rinse. Gradually, after a few days, you will notice how the black or brown hair color becomes lighter. The procedure must be repeated until you achieve the desired result.
It is recommended to prepare a fresh infusion every three days. However, this method will not work for very dark and too thick black eyebrows.

Another popular method for lightening eyebrows is with lemon juice. Everyone knows that the acidity of this sunny citrus fruit has a brightening effect. Unlike most other methods, this method can be called very safe. To carry out the procedure, you need to take one small capsule with vitamin E of beauty. It will take only five to six drops of the vitamin and one teaspoon of juice. The mixture is applied to cleansed hair with the most ordinary cotton swab and washed off after twenty minutes.The procedure is recommended to be repeated every other day for one to two weeks, until the desired result is achieved.

With the use of colorless henna, it is also quite possible to carry out a similar procedure at home. This tool can lighten very black eyebrows a little, giving them a brownish tint. One tablespoon of this product should be diluted with three tablespoons of water. The water must be hot. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained and add a couple of drops of fresh lemon. Once the mixture is infused, you can apply it to the prepared eyebrows. We wait exactly fifteen minutes and wash off with warm water.

Which method is better?
Every girl who dreams of beautiful and light eyebrows thinks about which of these methods is better. There is no definite answer to this question. In the event that you turn to a professional with many years of experience, then the result will really be perfect. But if you decide to carry out the procedure at home, and you are doing it for the first time, then you should pay attention to more gentle and safe methods.
Brightening with lemon juice or herbal decoction does not require any special skills, and they are quite safe. To begin with, you can apply these methods. True, in this case, you will have to wait a long time for the result.

If you want to get the result immediately on the same day, you should pay attention to special creams. When using such products, be sure to check the expiration date and strictly follow the instructions, without disturbing the proportions. In addition, you should not trust funds from unknown and unverified manufacturers.
Remember that traditional methods without the use of various chemicals are suitable for everyone, even those who have sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions.

Discoloration after tattooing
Having decided on such a procedure as eyebrow tattooing, many girls soon think about how to lighten the result a little. Here the most common iodine, which is in every home medicine cabinet, can come to your aid. The tool must be very carefully applied to the eyebrows with a cotton swab. The procedure must be repeated regularly, two to three times a day for one month. A few days later, a barely noticeable crust will appear on the eyebrows, this indicates that the process of removing the pigment has started correctly.
Regular oil can also help lighten brows. Heat one teaspoon of olive or almond oil over steam of boiling water. Next, carefully apply the oil to the eyebrows, repeating the procedure every other day. As a result, after a few weeks, the eyebrows will become slightly lighter.

Tips & Tricks
Sometimes, after lightening, dark eyebrows become an unpleasant yellowish tint. Not all representatives of the fair half of humanity like this effect.
There are some tips to help you achieve the perfect result, and the beauty of your eyebrows will delight you and everyone around you.
- At home, it is quite possible to use special paints that will help lighten the eyebrows and create a delicate image of your dreams. Such paints are needed if the hairs become yellowish after the procedure. Be sure to choose those products that do not contain ammonia. Before coloring, it is recommended to apply a greasy cream around the eyebrows.
- Before deciding on a dramatic lightening of eyebrow hairs, it is worth doing a little test at home. Apply concealer to brows and light powder on top. If you like the result, then you can safely decide on an experiment.
- It is not recommended to carry out this procedure for those who are prone to allergies.

- Such a natural remedy as henna can not only color or lighten hairs, but also strengthen their hair follicles and make eyebrows thicker.
- If you don't want to lighten your eyebrows yet, you can mask them a little.Owners of dark skin will be helped by the most ordinary shades of beige shades. For girls with fair skin, it is best to use an ivory shade. The shadow should be applied to clean, laid in one direction eyebrows with a special brush. Feathering in this case is required.
- In the event that you want to mask the dark color of the eyebrows a little, but you do not have a suitable shade of shadows, you can completely use the powder.
- Special means for the clarification procedure must be diluted in plastic or glass containers, but in no case in iron.

Beautiful examples
Owners of lightened eyebrows should be able to correctly combine shades of shadows and lipsticks so that the eyebrows do not get lost, do not dominate, but only complement the overall look favorably.
For example, if you have fair skin and now lightened eyebrows, then you should try smoky makeup. This kind of contrast and play of shades will help you achieve what will be looked at with admiration.

The girl whose eyebrows and hair are the same shade looks very beautiful. Light strands and light eyebrows go well with each other. In this case, you can do whatever you like makeup. It can be a bright summer version or a strict evening one, with darker shades of shadows.

To make your look perfect, you should not immediately radically change the color of your Lighten them gradually so that there is no effect of the complete absence of eyebrows. Even the owners of dark skin and dark hair can decide on a similar experiment, making their eyebrows just one tone lighter. In this case, your image will become more delicate, and it will refresh your familiar face.

For information on how to lighten eyebrows, see the next video.