How to pluck eyebrows correctly?

The correct shape of the eyebrows allows you to visually correct the oval of the face, focus on the eyes, and give the image a well-groomed look. At the same time, unkempt or unsuitable, they can turn even attractive ladies into sullen or inconspicuous simpletons. What to look for when choosing the shape of the eyebrows and how to correctly carry out the plucking procedure, we will tell in this article.

Shape selection
Before you start plucking your eyebrows, you should decide on a suitable shape. If this is not done beforehand, the result can be an unpleasant surprise. And it will be possible to fix it in 2-3 months, when the hairs completely grow back.

When choosing the shape of the eyebrows, first of all, you should be guided by the shape of the face. Eyebrows with a "house" with a high kink and a rounded tip will be able to visually stretch a round face, making it more graceful and removing unnecessary "swelling". The tip should not be too long or pointed downwards. He should strive to lead to the temples.
A similar shape, but with a slight displacement of the kink towards the middle of the eye, can be chosen for a square-shaped face. Such eyebrows are also suitable for a triangular face, however, the bend in this case should be made smoother.
When choosing a shape for a given type, sharp corners and kinks should be avoided.

An elongated or rectangular elongated face, on the contrary, requires more straight, without a pronounced bend of the eyebrows. However, too straightforward forms should be avoided - they will make the face flat, expressionless. The best option is smooth, slightly rounded eyebrows.
For a face in the shape of a "heart", both overly straight and with a sharp break in the eyebrows are not suitable. The best option is a rounded shape, the beginning and end should be approximately on the same horizontal line.
The oval shape of the face is considered the most harmonious, one might even say, the reference, therefore, for such a shape, you can choose almost any shape of the eyebrows.

You should not choose thick eyebrows for small, deep-set eyes, this will make your eyes seem expressionless. At the same time, large eyes require decent framing - long eyelashes and fairly wide eyebrows.
With close-set eyes, it is recommended to increase the distance between the eyebrows. Widely spaced eyes, on the other hand, require a reduction in the distance between them in the region of the nose.

Curved, arched brows look good when paired with a high forehead. In other cases, it is better to choose smoother options.
If you want to radically change the shape of your eyebrows, you can apply a thick layer of foundation over the natural hairs, then draw the desired shape with a pencil. So you can roughly understand how the desired option suits you.

When choosing the shape of your eyebrows, you do not need to ignore the shape that nature has awarded you. You should not deviate too much from it, otherwise the result may turn out rough and unnatural.
If the facial features are too sharp, it is recommended to choose a rounded shape of the eyebrows; eyebrows with sharp breaks are strictly prohibited. The eyebrows ascending to the temples allow to make the face more rounded, to balance the heavy chin.
However, they should not be too "perturbed", otherwise the face acquires a hysterical and unnatural expression.

Required tools
When plucking, it is advisable to prepare all the necessary tools in advance. For the procedure, you will need a mirror, it is better if it is fixed on the wall or has a stand. During the work, your hands should be free. The mirror should be placed in a well-lit area, its size should be such that you can see your entire face in it.
In addition to the usual mirror, professionals usually use a magnifying glass, which is perfectly justified. With the help of this device, it is possible to see the smallest and lightest hairs and to carry out a better "thinning".

You will also need tweezers. It should have beveled, well-sharpened ends that fit tightly together. It is better to have another kind of tweezers - with flatter ends. This tool will be required for finishing adjustments.
When plucking with tweezers, you need a thread. It should not be too thin and fluffy, and should not stretch. Now you can find special threads on sale, which is very convenient.

It is also necessary to prepare cotton pads, a disinfectant composition.
If you have delicate or hypersensitive skin, you may also need an anesthetic cream and silicone pads. The latter must be placed in the refrigerator in advance. Alternatively, freeze chamomile tea in ice cube trays. After the procedure, it will be possible to wipe the working area with pieces of ice to relieve swelling, redness and irritation.

Step-by-step instruction
If you wish and a little skill, you can pluck your own eyebrows at home, saving on the services of a master. It is correct to pluck eyebrows not with artificial, but natural light, that is, it is better to carry out the procedure in the morning or afternoon.
You need to pluck from the bottom, sometimes it is enough to trim the upper hairs. When plucking from above, you need to be careful not to remove the "necessary" one. As a rule, hair grows in this area for a long time. In addition, this technique makes the look sullen, as the eyebrows begin to hang over the skin.

You need to pull the hair with tweezers with a sharp movement, grab one hair at a time. It should be removed only in the direction of growth.
It is important to grab the hair as close to the base as possible using quality tools. Otherwise, the hair can break, which, in turn, threatens it with ingrown hairs.
Stretching the leather a little over the area where you are working will not hurt. The main thing is not to pull the skin too much, because in the eye area it is very delicate.

Hair that is too long, unplugged, can be cut beforehand. After you have drawn the shape of your eyebrows with a pencil, you should comb the hairs up. Those of them that protrude much beyond the border of the pencil line can be cut with special eyebrow scissors. If there are none, then ordinary manicure, but with smooth cutting surfaces, will do.
When cutting, it is better to grab 2-4 hairs at a time, avoiding cutting along the line. Otherwise, when brushing your hair in the right direction, you risk getting “bald spots”.

If a lot of hair grows on the bridge of the nose, as well as in the upper part of the eyebrow, in fact, already on the forehead, you can use wax to remove it. Cosmetic wax must be warmed up, applied to cleansed skin, wait until it hardens and with a sharp movement remove it from the skin along with unwanted hairs.
The main thing when working with wax is to apply it exactly to those surfaces where there is a large accumulation of hairs that do not belong to the eyebrow area. Otherwise, you risk being left completely without them. Direct correction can be performed only with tweezers or thread.

The brow should be thicker at the beginning, tapering gradually towards the end. Stylists recommend keeping the same thickness from start to fold.
There are several methods for plucking eyebrows, however, regardless of the method chosen, the first stages of the procedure are the same for all of them.
Skin cleansing
You can properly pluck eyebrows only by starting this process with make-up remover. Make-up in this area should be removed using cleansing milk and lotion. At the same stage, the work area and tweezers should be disinfected.

Eyebrow line drawing
Preliminarily, with a cosmetic pencil, you should outline the points of the beginning of the eyebrow and its end, as well as the highest bending point.
You can draw the first point by placing the pencil to the wing of the nose and directing it to the corner of the eye. It is above the corner of the eye that the eyebrow should begin, this place is marked with a dot.
Also, holding the pencil at the wing of the nose, you should unfold it so that it falls on the outer corner of the eye. The brow should end above this point.

Finally, drawing an imaginary line from the wing of the nose through the pupil, mark the resulting place on the eyebrow with a dot - here will be the top of the kink.
When drawing an imaginary line, it is important to look straight ahead. A similar "marking" should be done for the second eyebrow.

The resulting points should be connected, taking into account the selected shape.
Carrying out this procedure at home involves the step-by-step implementation of the following manipulations:
- Eyebrow preparation. This stage involves make-up removal, disinfection of surfaces, hands and tools and drawing the future shape with a cosmetic pencil.
- Giving the hairs the right direction. The hairs with the help of a special comb or a brush for eyelashes washed from mascara should be combed in the direction of growth, that is, slightly lifting up.
- Correction. Excess hairs should be picked up with tweezers in the lower part, slightly pull off the skin in this area and pull out the hair with tweezers with a sharp movement. All excess hair is removed in the same way.
- Disinfection. After the procedure, you need to disinfect the treated area again. In case of severe pain, rub the skin with ice.

According to many girls, threading eyebrows is less painful, but this method requires skill. The first step is to also clean and prepare the treatment area.
After that, you need to follow these steps:
- Apply a small amount of powder to the area around your eyebrows to avoid thread pinching.
- Take a suitable thread about 50 cm long, tie its ends, stretch the resulting ellipse between the fingers of both hands.
- Form a figure of eight from the threads by twisting the resulting loop in the middle several times.
- The figure-eight loops should be placed between the thumb and forefinger of each hand. Moving your fingers together and apart, you must shift the center of the figure eight. It is better to practice controlling the "loop" beforehand.
- Place the twisted loop in front of the eye, move the center of the figure eight (this will make one of the figure eight triangles smaller).
- The angle of the second triangle should be brought up to the hair. Relaxing the fingers of the other hand, you should grab the hair.
- Pull the hair out in a quick motion. Repeat the procedure on the rest of the brow.

Today, there is an easier way to pluck eyebrows - using special stencils. A stencil that matches the shape must be purchased from a specialized store. Then a stencil should be applied to the cleared area of the eyebrows and the resulting "drawing" should be drawn with a sharpened pencil.
Now all that remains is to remove the stencil, comb the hairs along the growth line and pluck those that go beyond the pencil lines. The advantage of this method is its simplicity. The disadvantage is the inability to take into account all the individual features of the shape and facial features.

Further care
Further care may include daily (usually done before bedtime), acupressure of the eyebrows, applying cosmetic oils and nourishing masks to them. However, such manipulations should be abandoned if your eyebrows are tinted. In this case, the paint will not adhere, its shade may change.
An obligatory care measure is the regular brushing of the eyebrows with a special brush. If it is not there, a regular brush from the old mascara will do, however, it needs to be washed and dried well. Brushing provides a light massage effect, smoothes the hairs and makes them take the desired direction. You need to comb your eyebrows towards the temples, slightly raising them.

In addition to grooming, in some cases, eyebrows need to be applied with cosmetics. It is necessary to fill in areas of the skin in place of missing hairs, making the eyebrows more expressive. It is important to use a pencil or shadow to match the eyebrows, drawing fine lines along the hair growth. All lines must be shaded for a natural look.
When choosing a shade of eyeshadow, you should focus on the color of the hair. Eyebrows should be in tune with the hair or half a tone darker. For evening make-up, you can choose an eyebrow shade darker than the hair color. Better to use special shadows, as well as a brush with a beveled tip.

Professionals usually apply a darker color to the curl and tip of the eyebrow, and apply a lighter shade to the beginning of the eyebrow, carefully blending the boundaries between colors. This allows you to give the image softness, naturalness.
For long-term preservation of the shade, you can use special paints or contact a permanent makeup artist.

If the hairs of the eyebrows are unruly, then you can style them using a gel. A specialized product can replace gel or hairspray. A small amount of the product should be applied or sprayed onto a clean toothbrush and rubbed over the brows, guiding the hairs in the right direction.
If by nature the hairs are too thin or if there is an unsuccessful correction, the eyebrows can be restored. Natural oils, regular massage and combing will help in this.

When the procedure is contraindicated
It is impossible to carry out the procedure if there is inflammation, edema and redness in the treated area. Pustules are also a contraindication to the procedure, since this threatens the development of a more extensive and serious inflammation.
Do not pluck immediately before going outside, as the skin becomes more vulnerable to high and low temperatures, UV rays, and wind. Dirt and dust can penetrate the resulting micro-lesions of the skin and enlarged pores, causing inflammation.

For the same reason (the risk of developing microinflammation), you should not dye your hair with persistent paint immediately after the procedure, and also use cosmetics.
Menstruation is not a contraindication to the procedure, but it is useful to know that during this period most women feel pain more acutely, and the risk of developing inflammation is higher. A similar effect should be expected 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation. It is believed that the optimal time for cosmetic manipulations and correction is the middle of the cycle.

Useful Tips
Hair can be removed quickly and without pain using hot compresses. To do this, prepare a decoction of chamomile, and when it becomes warm, moisten a cotton swab in the broth and apply to the eyebrow area for a couple of minutes. After that, the pores will open, the hairs will be pulled out more easily and the procedure will be almost painless. In addition, chamomile has an antiseptic and mild analgesic effect. Steaming will have to be repeated every 5-7 minutes, since the cotton wool will cool down.

If there are not enough hairs to obtain the desired shape, they must be grown, painting over the "gaps" for this period with special eyebrow shadows. Regular lubrication of eyebrows with castor oil helps to speed up the growing process. It is more convenient to do this before going to bed, after cleansing the skin of the face and hands. Next, a little oil should be applied to the index fingers and rubbed into the eyebrows with massage movements.
Burdock and peach oils also show beneficial effects, leaving hair soft and shiny. It is important to apply the oil warm, for which it can be heated in a water bath.

Staining is done before plucking or 3-4 days after the procedure. You should not resort to staining immediately after plucking, as the paint can penetrate the opened pores and the resulting micro-wounds, causing inflammation.
After the procedure, you should not apply a nourishing mask or oily cream to the skin, they can clog the pores, which will also cause irritation. Rubbing with disinfectant lotion or an ice cube is sufficient.

If you are doing the correction for the first time, it is better to entrust this process to a professional. He will select the correct shape and shade of eyebrows, you just have to maintain them.
Many girls first form one eyebrow, and then proceed to the second. However, with this approach, they often turn out to be asymmetrical or "plucked". It is much more correct to work on both eyebrows at once, that is, having formed a bend on one, you need to start the other, and then return to the first one again to work in the tip area, etc.

Beautiful examples
When correcting eyebrows, it is important to observe their harmonious combination of the shape and features of the face. It is important to choose the right volume and shade.
This photo is an example of optimally tucked eyebrows for chubby girls with blond hair. There is a well-defined bend here, but due to the sufficient width, rounded beginning and tip, the image looks soft, natural.

Another option for girls with a rounded face is more straight eyebrows, which have a smooth ascent from the middle and end with a rounded tip.

Owners of an oval or elongated face and classic, regular features are advised to choose moderately subtle natural curves.

In the presence of a square face and a heavy chin characteristic of such an oval, one should strive to make the eyebrow more rounded and ascending.

When choosing the shape and shade of the eyebrows, the type of appearance should also be taken into account. So, a fair-haired lady of Slavic appearance has thinner eyebrows to match the hair.

Oriental beauties can "wear" wider eyebrows with a pronounced curve. As a rule, they naturally have a bright shade of eyebrows that matches the color of the hair.

Thick dark eyebrows combined with light hair is one of the trends, which, however, is suitable only with the right accents (eyebrows should be the first to attract attention). The eyes are darker and thicker.
If you choose these eyebrows, remember that they must have a flawless shape!

Thin eyebrows with a pronounced bend make the image more sensual and graceful.

For information on how to pluck eyebrows correctly, see the next video.