How to properly care for eyebrows after tattooing?

Modern cosmetology offers the fair sex a lot of different options for correcting and improving their appearance without resorting to surgical intervention. Among the huge list of services, it is worth highlighting such a procedure as eyebrow tattooing, which stands out for a number of specific aspects that require detailed consideration.

After carrying out such a procedure, a certain time must pass until the desired result is obtained, in addition, it will be necessary to carry out some work on eyebrow care. This is due to the fact that after the tattooing, this area of the face has become more sensitive, and the provision of proper care will significantly affect the final appearance of the eyebrows. The process of healing and restoring the skin is an integral part of such a cosmetic procedure.
Permanent makeup itself, in fact, is associated with damage to the upper layer of the skin on the face, therefore, in the first week after tattooing, the skin will need special attention.
The technology for applying the dye composition is similar to tattooing - using a needle with paint, punctures are made in the skin, as a result of which the pigment remains inside.

There are several techniques for working with eyebrows:
- hair technique involves drawing individual hairs;
- shading - the epidermis is stained under the hairs.

However, despite the peculiarities of this or that method, the obligatory response of the skin will be an inflammatory process, which, most often, is accompanied by redness, swelling of this area of the face and the release of ichor.This obviously entails quite painful sensations that will be present after visiting a specialist for a certain period of time.
In favor of eyebrow tattooing may be the fact that such a procedure helps to highlight too light or thin eyebrows, to give them the necessary shape, correcting the natural disadvantages or mistakes made in the course of illiterate plucking.

Before tattooing, in most cases, it is necessary to perform a number of preparatory measures, since the quality of the permanent, as well as the healing process, will depend on the condition and type of facial skin. As practice shows, the most effective coloring pigment will lie on the normal type of epidermis, as for oily or dry skin, in this case it will be necessary to normalize it.
After carrying out the permanent, it will take about 14 days to heal, during this time it is highly undesirable to wet the tattoo.

It is worth approaching the selection of a salon and a specialist with all seriousness in order to avoid the risk of health problems and achieve a result that will meet expectations. A professional master will definitely have positive feedback from clients regarding his work, in addition, he must have certificates that would confirm his qualifications.
It will be correct to provide the master with a photograph of the eyebrows that are expected as a result. Thus, you can help the specialist to choose their shape and shade. In a professional salon, the master will advise on the treatment, care and healing process after the injection of the pigment, as well as advise on how to eliminate the risk of problems after tattooing.

Precautionary measures
It is worth highlighting a number of recommendations that should be followed after the procedure. Since it is associated with damage to the skin, crusts will form in this area in the first few days, and the epidermis will itch. The crust should not be peeled off categorically, since this is fraught with the formation of lighter areas on the painted part, which will lead to an uneven result of the tattoo. During the first week, you must refrain from the following manipulations with the face and eyebrow area:
- do not rub your face with your hands or with a towel, you can gently get wet skin after carrying out hygiene measures;
- contact of the epidermis with steam should be avoided, therefore, it is necessary to temporarily refuse to go to the sauna, bath and hot baths;
- do not apply cosmetics to the eyebrows;
- you can not pluck eyebrows;
- do not treat this area with lotions, creams or other compounds containing alcohol;
- exposure to direct sunlight, wind and sea water should be avoided.

Violation of any of the above prescriptions can stretch the healing process for a longer period, as well as provoke an unexpected skin reaction - irritation, swelling, redness.

General Tips
Cosmetologists give several recommendations on how to care for eyebrows after tattooing. It is worth noting the basic rules.
- Immediately after the procedure, it is necessary to provide the skin with maximum rest, since this area will be swollen and inflamed.
- During hygiene procedures, it is worth refusing to cleanse the eyebrow area with soap and ordinary water from the central water supply. At first, it is worth wiping your face with boiled water or cosmetic milk for disinfection that does not contain alcohol.
- Pain relievers can be taken to relieve pain. However, if the pain is pronounced and prolonged, you should immediately consult a doctor.

- Cosmetologists recommend additionally treating the tattoo with a color fixer.However, before applying it, it is imperative to test the composition on the skin, for example, on the hand, in order to eliminate the risk of an allergic reaction.
- After the procedure, the damaged epidermis will be prone to dryness, therefore, using cosmetic cotton pads, it is worth applying creams to the eyebrows that have a moisturizing effect, but do not clog pores. Regular petroleum jelly can be an inexpensive and effective alternative to these formulations. The period of processing with such means will be individually determined by the master.
- In order for the crusts to come off faster and to speed up the process of epidermis restoration, you can additionally use an anti-inflammatory ointment. The composition of "Bepanten" has proven itself well.

About a month after the procedure, you need to visit the specialist again to perform the correction of permanent make-up.
A periodic visit to the master will be necessary to maintain the shape of the eyebrows in their original form, because over time, hairs will grow that are located outside the formed contour, and they will need to be carefully removed with tweezers. Hair that is too long is cut so that it does not puff up.
As for the color of the eyebrows, in the first months it will be quite saturated, but over time the shade will become softer. As a rule, it will remain on the skin for about six months. Additionally, eyebrows can be colored with decorative cosmetics - pencil or paint. To prolong the life of the flower, you can smear the permanent with cosmetic oils, for example, almond oils. Eyebrow color correction can be carried out no earlier than a month later.

How to speed up the healing process?
In order not to harm the natural process of skin restoration after tattooing, it is worthwhile to understand that the lesions on the skin after punctures shrink, and the edges of the wounds flake off in the form of crusts, which make you want to tear them off as soon as possible. However, such haste is fraught with the emergence of quite serious problems:
- if the scale is not completely dry, then, having removed it prematurely, there is a risk of removing part of the cell with the coloring pigment, as a result the tattoo will have an uneven color;
- Infection can become a more serious complication, because these parts of the epidermis temporarily act as a specific barrier that blocks the penetration of dirt and microbes into not completely healed wounds. Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to speed up healing in this way; rather, it will turn out the opposite.

However, there are some tips that you can follow to speed up the healing process. There are a number of features of such procedures based on the seasonality of eyebrow tattooing. This is due to the specific condition of the skin and human immunity both in winter and in summer. Based on this, certain adjustments are made to the care procedures.
In summer, in hot and sunny weather, a more active secretion of subcutaneous fat occurs, as a result of which the epidermis is prone to inflammatory processes. As for UV rays, they contribute to faster paint fading.

Taking into account the above features, in order for the wounds to heal as quickly as possible in summer, the following tips should be followed.
- It is necessary to apply sunscreen to the skin. For the first couple of weeks, you should avoid sunbathing; it will not be superfluous to use hats that hide your face from the sun.
- In the summer, it is worth changing the composition of your cosmetic bag, replacing fatty creams with moisturizing products with vitamins.
It is necessary to purchase funds to reduce edema and inflammation in the eyebrow area.

As for the cold period, in winter the skin becomes very dry, in addition, the epidermis regularly suffers from temperature fluctuations, and this negatively affects the state of permanent make-up.Weakened immunity will also not be able to provide quick recovery of the skin after the procedure. You can help in such a situation as follows.
- For those who have a weakened immune system, it is best to first start taking supportive and prophylactic medications. In addition, taking antihistamines will help to avoid various troubles with the skin.
- Masks or creams that contain vitamins, for example, A or E., can also accelerate healing. It can also be vitamin complexes.
- Before going outside, the cream must be applied to the face at least an hour in advance. In addition, hypothermia and overheating of the face should be avoided.

Using petroleum jelly or baby cream to moisturize the crusts, you should pay attention that the layer of the applied product should be thin, otherwise too soggy scales can provoke an inflammatory process on the skin.
Among the large number of recommendations regarding the healing of eyebrows after tattooing, one can find information on the use of such means as "Rescuer" or "Solcoseryl".
Such products should be treated with caution, since the main feature of such products is the ability to force the body to develop local immunity, and in the case of a coloring pigment introduced under the skin, unexpected reactions may occur when the body begins to reject the composition under the skin.

The consequences of improper care
Unfortunately, sometimes there are extremely negative consequences from performing tattooing, caused by mistakes made in caring for this area of the face after the procedure. The following points are worth noting.
- The resulting brow shade will be uneven. The reason for such situations, with the exception of the master's mistakes, may be the use of creams or other formulations that include hormones or antibiotics. Such products block the penetration of the dye under the skin, as a result, the color of the permanent will be unevenly distributed.
- Serious inflammation of the skin. Such cases can occur due to the use of non-sterile materials and instruments during the procedure, as well as due to illiterate skin care, in particular, when the use of disinfectant creams was neglected. In addition, violation of recommendations regarding exposure to the sun in the first weeks after tattooing, as well as non-observance of basic hygiene procedures, increases the likelihood of microbes penetrating unhealed skin areas. This includes using regular tap water to treat the skin shortly after visiting a beautician.
- A significant change in the shade of the permanent. Such a process can be caused by applied antibacterial drugs, ultraviolet light and treatment of the eyebrow area with alcohol-containing compounds.
- The formation of edema and allergic reactions on the skin. Similar manifestations occur during the use of any formulations for eyebrows without first checking the body's reaction to the substance and its contact with permanent makeup.
All about the proper care after the permanent eyebrow makeup procedure, see below.
I would not call my eyebrows a mistake of nature, but I always want something more perfect in my appearance. In order not to waste time on eyebrow makeup, I risked going to the PM procedure on the recommendation of colleagues, the procedure is fast enough, no more than two hours, the pain relief is good. The crusts appeared quickly and disappeared quickly, the color is natural.The eyebrows turned out to be very neat and natural, I'm happy!