How to pluck eyebrows without tweezers?

Tweezing eyebrows without tweezers is a common way to get rid of unwanted hair. There are several popular non-tweezers eyebrow shaping methods both at home and in the salon.

What is trading?
Trading is a fairly popular skincare procedure. It was also used by oriental women. Now the popularity of this method of removing excess hairs has returned to Korean girls.
For eyebrow shaping, silk or cotton thread is usually used. Replacing it with a synthetic one is not worth it, since it will electrify in the process and with difficulty pull out the hairs.
In order for it to be convenient to work with, you need to select a thread with a length of 40 to 60 centimeters.

This procedure has many benefits.
Budgetary. Plucking eyebrows with a thread does not require any additional costs.
Speed. The procedure does not take much time. Hair is removed not one at a time, but several at a time.
Accuracy. Using a thread, you can give your eyebrows the perfect shape. Therefore, a strong thread may well replace tweezers for girls.
Long-term effect. Since the hairs are removed with the help of the thread along with the follicles, the correction of the eyebrows does not take very long. In addition, girls do not face the problem of ingrown hairs.
Lack of painful sensations. The threads do not damage the skin. Therefore, during the procedure, almost no painful sensations arise.

Plucking eyebrows without tweezers is actually very simple. The procedure can be roughly divided into several main stages.
Preparation. The first step is to thoroughly wash your hands and cleanse your face from the remnants of makeup.It is not recommended to apply the cream on the skin before the procedure, as this will make the hairs slippery and difficult to capture with the thread. Next, you need to gently comb your eyebrows, moving the brush from bottom to top. This will help separate the hairs. In addition, it will be much easier to determine the ideal eyebrow shape.

- Working with a thread. Next, you need to prepare the thread. Its ends must be tied together to form a loop. Then it is necessary to form a "eight" from it. To prevent the thread from grabbing the skin, you need to powder it a little.

- Plucking eyebrows. After that, you can proceed to the hair removal process. You need to pull them out only in the direction of growth, grabbing with a loop. After the end of the procedure, the skin must be moisturized.

For the first time, this procedure is recommended to be carried out in a beauty salon. There you can see how a professional works and understand the essence of this process.
Once you have learned to work with floss, you can use it to remove excess hairs above the upper lip.

Features of wax depilation
Another popular way to remove excess hair is by waxing. The main advantage of the procedure is that when using wax, the vegetation is removed along with the root. This means that it does not grow back for a long time. Even very short bristles can be eliminated by using this product.
But wax depilation has its drawbacks. Many girls note the following disadvantages:
people with sensitive skin may develop an allergy to wax after this procedure;
if something is done wrong, there is a risk of ingrown hairs;
Regular use of wax can cause the brow line to thin out over time.

You can use different types of wax for eyebrow shaping.
Hot. This product is intended for salon use. It is sold in the form of small hard balls, which are melted before use. In the process, the wax becomes viscous. It is very convenient to use it. The mass is applied to the skin with a special brush. The wax layer should not be too thick. The frozen product is removed with sharp movements.

- Low temperature wax. This product is more convenient to use. It is great for getting rid of hairs of any thickness.

- Cold. This wax can be found on the shelves of any beauty store. These are ordinary small strips that are simply warmed up in the palms and immediately used to remove excess hairs. Cold wax can be used not only in the salon, but also at home.

The most effective procedure is called the process of eyebrow shaping with hot wax. After all, it is she who allows you to remove hairs of any thickness and color. In addition, those who choose this procedure do not face any complications after it.

other methods
There are other hair removal methods that are also popular with girls.
This procedure is suitable for girls with any skin type and any shape of eyebrows. It is completely safe and painless. The long-term result is a huge plus. After the procedure, you can forget about plucking your eyebrows for at least a few months.

This method of hair removal is not suitable for girls with too light eyebrows. In addition, this method cannot be used by those who are allergic to the light flashes of the apparatus.
You can not carry out this procedure for pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding.

Laser hair removal
This procedure, like the previous one, is not suitable for girls with light and fine hair. The laser simply "does not see" them. Besides, it is worth remembering that before doing laser hair removal, you should not pluck the hairs in advance or remove them with wax.

The advantages of this procedure include the fact that it is almost painless and takes only 20-30 minutes.The shape of the eyebrows and their neat appearance after correction are pleasantly pleasing.
It can be corrected in 6-7 procedures. In this case, the resulting result will last for a long time.

Another way to remove hair without using tweezers is electrolysis. The peculiarity of this procedure is that the hair follicles are completely destroyed in the process. This means that in the future the hairs will not grow or simply become thinner and weaker. The disadvantage of the procedure is that there is a high risk of injury to the skin.

What to use at home?
At home, you can also do without the use of tweezers.
Wax can be used instead of tweezers. At first, when working with him, girls may have certain difficulties. But over time, this hair removal method can be easily mastered.

Many girls also use trimmers to correct their eyebrows. In their appearance, they resemble ordinary pens. The trimmer works like an epilator. It gently cuts hairs from the surface of the skin without injuring it. Most girls love this procedure because there are no unpleasant sensations during its implementation. Its disadvantage is that the trimmer has to be used more often than tweezers. Because when the hairs are cut and not removed with the bulb, they grow back much faster.

If you urgently need to correct the shape of the eyebrows, and there are no tweezers or trimmers at hand, you can use ordinary nail scissors instead.
They can either pull out the hairs or cut them at the root.

Additional Tips
Most girls do not like the eyebrow correction procedure due to the fact that they experience painful sensations in the process. But if you do it right, you can do without pain.
15-20 minutes before the procedure, it is necessary to make a warming compress so that the skin is well prepared and steamed. To do this, a small towel or pieces of gauze must be moistened either in hot water or in a decoction of herbs. It is best to use chamomile or thyme for this. The rest of the decoction can be used at the end of the procedure in order to wipe the skin with it and get rid of redness.
At home, you can simply warm up your face by holding it over the steam for a few minutes. And also eyebrow correction can be carried out after visiting a bath or taking a bath. After this procedure, the skin is well steamed and the pores are open.
There is another way to lower the pain threshold. Instead of warming up the skin, you can cool it down. This is usually done using ice cubes. To reduce the pain of the procedure, you can use a frozen decoction of chamomile.
While plucking the eyebrows, the skin in the upper part of the face can be tightened. In this case, the pain will not be felt as much.
To make the procedure less painful, you can also treat both eyebrows at the same time. For example, pluck hairs with a thread from both sides at once. It will also help to make the brows more straight and symmetrical.
It is not recommended for women and girls to pluck their eyebrows during menstruation. Indeed, at this time, the body reacts more vividly to pain.
People with a very low pain threshold should use ointments or creams based on novocaine or lidocaine. They are applied to the skin 15-20 minutes before the procedure.

Summing up, we can say that if you choose the right way of eyebrow correction and prepare for the procedure, then it will be completely painless, and everyone will be satisfied with the result.