Straight eyebrows: who are they suitable for and how to make them?

The eyebrows are the frame of the face. With their help, you can visually make the face thinner and younger, correct some features, and also give expressiveness or certain emotions to the look. And if earlier thin eyebrows with a noticeable bend were considered fashionable, today they have been replaced by luxurious wide and straight eyebrows. Which is just in the hands of girls, because thin eyebrows suit only a few, and wide ones, on the contrary, favorably emphasize any facial features.

Features of the trend
The fashion for straight eyebrows came from South Korea. The fact is that by nature, Korean women have such a shape of eyebrows, which makes their face visually younger. And since this state has long begun to occupy not the last place in the legislators of cosmetic fashion, the trend for eyebrow shaping in this way has become the most popular in the world. And even at the Dior and Armani shows, the models were with straight eyebrows.

Face shape
A simple rule should be remembered: even the brightest trend must be bypassed if it makes the appearance worse, not better. The same applies to eyebrow makeup, because they can significantly change the face. To begin with, figure out which face shapes are suitable for straight eyebrows.
- Oval. Perhaps this is the most versatile and harmonious face shape, for which any makeup, hairstyle and eyebrow shape is suitable. You can safely make thin or wide straight lines, they will not spoil the features. By the way, the same applies to girls with a beautiful diamond-shaped face.
- Square. This type of face is characterized by angular lines and approximately equal in size to all its parts (length, width, height). Straight brow lines can make a square face look shorter.Therefore, the owners of this shape should make eyebrows with a soft break. This way you can stay in trend and not sacrifice your natural beauty.
- Round. Extremes should be avoided here. Excessively straight, thick and dark eyebrows will give a round face an unnatural and frowning look. In the same way as overly curved. Chubby more are soft straight eyebrows with a barely noticeable break, making them look like a gull wing.
- Triangular. Girls with this type of face should avoid a straight shape, as this can further emphasize and enlarge the upper part of the face. Better to give preference to eyebrows with a noticeable break.
- Elongated. If the face has an elongated oval shape, then straight eyebrows are just perfect. With their help, it will turn out to visually expand the face a little, making the image even more beautiful and proportional. It is important to make a line without kinks and bends, leaving it as straight as possible.

How to register?
There are two options: to make your eyebrows yourself or go for help to a beauty salon, to professionals. It is worth taking a closer look at the features of each method.
- Professional design. The main advantage of specialist assistance is speed and quality. You don't have to spend a lot of time to develop the skill of using tweezers or other materials and tools correctly, as well as to select the correct shape, because professionals know exactly which type of straight eyebrows is best for a particular person. It will be immediately noticeable how the image has changed, and the procedure will only take about 30 minutes. However, this method has certain nuances, which for some will turn out to be disadvantages. For example, a high price for services. In popular salons, eyebrow shaping is usually quite expensive.
In addition, not everyone dares to entrust the changes in their appearance to the wrong hands. But here the choice depends only on personal preference.

- Self-sufficient. You don't have to pay a dime for shaping your eyebrows yourself at home, not counting the cost of materials. You can start the procedure whenever you want, even at 5 in the morning. You don't have to sign up for a specific time or wait in line. But at the same time, not every girl knows how to shape her eyebrows so that the result competes with the work of a professional. You will have to spend a lot of time to get your hands on it, but then everything will turn out much faster. It will also take time to find the perfect line of straight eyebrows. Determine exactly where the hairs should start and where they should end.

If a girl has naturally thick eyebrows that only need to be slightly adjusted from time to time, then it is quite possible to limit herself to self-care at home. The main thing is to do this procedure on a regular basis so as not to run up your eyebrows. In another case, it is better to consult a specialist after all.

Correction methods
Today, there are many methods of hair shaping, which differ from each other in the type of instrument, the degree of painfulness of the procedure, as well as the time of its implementation. It is worth listing the main tools.
- Tweezers - This is the most common tool for shaping and removing excess hairs. Anyone can work with such a tool, this does not require special skill, however, there are still some nuances of interaction with tweezers. For example, when plucking, it is extremely important to pinch the hair at its very base, and pull it out with a sharp movement in the direction of growth, which will prevent the hair from breaking off and the appearance of ugly black dots. It is also important before and after the procedure to thoroughly disinfect the skin and the instrument using ordinary alcohol wipes or cotton pads soaked in a special solution. The disadvantage of this correction method is the long time that will have to be spent on the procedure.
However, after just a few procedures, the skill will appear, and it will take much less time. In addition, with the regular carrying out of such a procedure, the eyebrows will always be well-groomed and beautiful.

- Wax. This method of removing excess hairs has a long and lasting result. At the same time, the procedure is quite painful. But you can solve the problem with pain with the help of special ointments with an analgesic effect. In addition, it is quite difficult to remove excess hairs with wax on your own. To do this, you need to contact the salon.
- Thread. Hair removal with a thread is considered one of the most ancient methods. The main disadvantage of this procedure is that it is far from immediately possible to adapt to the thread. But in its effect, this method is in no way inferior to others.
- Razor. Today, many beauty salons offer to make perfect straight eyebrows using a special razor. The result will be amazing, painless and quick. However, new hairs will appear within a few days after the procedure.
The choice of the most suitable brow shaping method depends on personal preference and the desired result.

Staining methods
The main feature of fashionable straight eyebrows is their density. It is hardly possible to create luxurious sable eyebrows if by nature a girl has only a few fine hairs. But don't worry, because everything can be solved with the help of several cosmetic procedures. For example, pre-staining helps to highlight everything, even the finest and lightest hairs. It will help not only to make the eyebrows thicker, but also to remove all excess hairs efficiently.
There are two options for dyeing eyebrows: with henna and dye. The fundamental difference between henna and paint is that henna dyes not only hair, but also skin. Therefore, it is important to be extremely careful when staining so as not to make an irregular shape. However, even in case of a poor result, you can always correct the stained area using a special tool - a remover. And also the effect of dyeing with henna lasts about a month, while the dye stays on the hairs for about 2 weeks.

And also there are modern permanent procedures that allow you to keep the beautiful shape of the eyebrows for several years. These include tattooing and microblading. The first version of the permanent procedure is already somewhat outdated, since it had a lot of drawbacks: it darkened over time, was very noticeable and stood out on the face. At the same time, the modern microblading procedure does not have such disadvantages. Its fundamental difference is that each hair is drawn separately. Therefore, the result looks natural and beautiful and lasts more than one year. The main thing when painting is to choose high-quality paint from proven brands, as well as the right shade.
The color of the eyebrow dye should be slightly darker than the shade of the hair or to match it.

Stages of registration
Some girls think straight eyebrows are easy to create, but this is not entirely true. It is important to identify three main points: the beginning, the barely noticeable peak and the end. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a thin brush or pencil and carry out several actions.
- Create a line from the outside of the nose wing to the corner of the eye using the selected tool. It is at this point that the eyebrow hairs should begin. It should be marked with a white or any other cosmetic pencil.
- It is worth drawing a line from the wing of the nose through the edge of the iris, but not through its middle. At this point, there will be a slight lift of the eyebrow, if the selected correction option suggests it.
- The line should go through the outer edge of the eye, this is where the eyebrow will end.

It is necessary to mark all these points and connect them with smooth lines using a pencil. Care must be taken to ensure that both eyebrows are symmetrical.
If the hairs go into a bend, although it is assumed that this should not be in this place, then they must be safely removed. And also, do not neglect the correction of the eyebrow from the upper part of it.

To emphasize the beautiful shape and width of straight eyebrows, you will need:
- eye shadow or pencil of a suitable shade;
- beveled brush;
- clear fixing gel or wax;
- corrector;
- highlighter.
First, you need to carefully comb the hairs, lifting them up, which will allow you to see exactly where there are gaps, which later need to be filled with shadows. When working with pigment, you need to remember that the head of the eyebrow must be necessarily lighter than its base. It is necessary to create a gradient, otherwise the eyebrows will look unnatural, and the face will take on a frowning expression. Also, do not make your eyebrows too clear.
After working with eyeshadow or pencil, you should type some corrector on a thin beveled brush and draw a few neat lines under and above the eyebrow to make the shape flawless. Finally, apply a little highlighter under the eyebrow, which will add expressiveness and freshness to the look. If you apply the above tips, you can achieve the perfect shape of straight eyebrows.

You will learn more about how to make straight eyebrows in the following video.