Eyebrow ruler: how to choose and use?

When it comes to shaping your brows, finding the right shape can be tricky and requires an individual approach. Before starting work, it is better to make certain measurements, for which a plastic ruler is used to shape the eyebrows. Beginners may not know how to use a flexible option for marking the future contour, but experienced craftsmen have already appreciated the convenience of this tool.

What is it?
Initially, the plastic ruler was used in tattoo parlors when developing stencils. However, the ease of use and cheapness of the tool contributed to its relocation to beauty salons. The ruler for modeling is a soft plastic strip with marked divisions with a resolution of 1 millimeter. When using a ruler, it is possible to create a perfectly symmetrical pattern or, if the client has a noticeable asymmetry of the face, to make a new pattern along the contour and location of the growth of natural hairs.

Subtleties of choice
A high-quality eyebrow ruler is made of good, smooth, pleasant to the touch plastic without foreign smell, teeth, roughness and abrasions. Plastic bends well, retaining its strength. When buying a tool, it is important to make sure that the manufacturer declares that the material used is hypoallergenic. Dots marked on the ruler with a marker or pencil should be clearly visible and easy to wash off.
The divisions should be applied with a permanent paint that is indelible during processing and disinfection. It is more convenient to use a transparent instrument, which provides good visibility of the line of the superciliary arches.

Disposable options
Nowadays, disposable flexible stencils for detailed drawing are becoming more and more popular. Their advantages include the following nuances.
- Sterility and no need for disinfection. Many customers prefer disposable instruments that the wizard prints out before their eyes and throws them away immediately after use. Disposable rulers save time as they do not need to be processed.
- Ease of use. Disposable stencils are equipped with an adhesive layer, which allows you to fix the ruler on the client's face without the slightest discomfort for the entire duration of the procedure.
- Reliability. You can be sure that the stencil will not move anywhere.
- Drawing on an individual stencil speeds up work, since the master can draw the stencil as he pleases, not paying attention to additional or erroneous lines.

The disadvantages of disposable instruments have traditionally been their cost. When handled with care, the plastic flexible ruler will last for a long time. The reusable product line pays off quickly, while disposables are purchased over and over again.
What to prefer - the master decides. Someone prefers to work with a proven tool, someone is more important than the time saved on cleaning the ruler.

Why are measurements so important?
During the day, a person laughs, frowns, arches an eyebrow skeptically, purses the corner of his mouth, grins wryly. Thus, the face can be slightly asymmetrical, which is imperceptible to others with the natural shape of the eyebrows, but will immediately catch the eye if they are incorrectly corrected.
A master who makes perfectly symmetrical eyebrows can do the client a disservice by highlighting the unnaturalness of her new look.

Measuring and defining the shape before cosmetic manipulations guarantee a perfect drawing after the procedure. The use of simple calculations personalizes the data, allowing you to make an informed choice of the future bow.

The measurement result looks like an irregular quadrangle. The master will be able to repeat the design every time, the contours will be the same in shape, height and length. The measurements will help draw the adjacent outline to make the face look symmetrical. For measurements, the master chooses the "best" eyebrow - with the most even, smooth hairs.
Interesting: if a person is right-handed, then his "best" eyebrow is most likely on the left. This is due to the lesser likelihood of overloading the facial muscles on the other side of the "working" arm.

Defining a contour
Before starting work, the master marks the natural line of hair growth on a stencil. Then, after discussing the necessary changes with the client, a new stencil is drawn. To determine where to start drawing, bend and end, you must perform the following steps.
- Find a starting point. The ruler is positioned vertically up to the forehead, on an imaginary line from the center of the nostril, intersecting with the highest point of the hairline. This place is marked with a vertical line that corresponds to the natural thickness and height of the eyebrows.
- Find the beginning of the bend of the eyebrow. The ruler is positioned vertically at or near the imaginary edge of the iris. Where it crosses the upper hairline, there should be a bend. An incorrectly positioned point gives the effect of a "raised eyebrow in surprise."
- Determine the end point. The ruler tilts from the outer edge of the nostril to the outer corner of the eye. Finish drawing at the point where the ruler crosses the browbone. Compliance with this rule is critical in creating the entire contour, as you cannot underestimate the hairline too much, this inadvertently makes the girl look sad or tired at all times.

The resulting template is used for a long time to correct the shape.When you turn to the same master again, the key points of the new drawing will be set faster and easier.

The resulting points and lines are connected in order to see exactly where you need to finish drawing or removing hair, how to correct the shape, draw eyebrows with a pencil or use powder.

It is imperative to take into account not only the shape of the natural bend, but also the type of face oval. Wide-cheeked women are not suitable for wide lines, and narrow "butterfly wings" are contraindicated for women with a round face. The individuality of the elongated oval face is emphasized by the eyebrows, arched a little more than usual.
If the resulting brow is too short, the starting point may need to be adjusted. For this, the length of the eyebrow is increased by several millimeters towards the center of the nostril. If the shape of the eyebrow was initially incorrectly adjusted, it will take a long time to restore the hairs and draw a new shape.

Due to the asymmetry of the face, an imaginary straight line passing through the middle of the forehead should not be taken as the main starting line. It is much more accurate to determine the shape of the eyebrow separately for the left and right half of the face.

Use a marker or cosmetic pencil to mark the face. The resulting drawing, at the request of the client, can be supplemented and modified, relying on the originally created natural eyebrow template.
Before starting work, the client's skin must be degreased and disinfected with an alcohol solution.

Girls and women sometimes forget that eyebrows are an important part of their appearance. Well-groomed, neat eyebrows that fit the shape of the face help to create a harmonious look. Brows accentuate the expressiveness of the eyes, helping to look stylish even without makeup.

For more information on how to draw symmetrical eyebrows using a ruler, see the next video.