Features of the eyebrow microblading procedure

Modern girls can afford to be beautiful at any time, under any conditions, and even without the regular use of decorative cosmetics. And all thanks to the latest techniques and methods of creating "long-lasting makeup", which are gaining popularity lately. Numerous proposals of beauty salons for permanent lip makeup, eyelash extensions and eyebrow shaping are full of almost every step. And one of the popular techniques is eyebrow microblading, which allows you to give the correct shape and natural color.

The peculiarity of the procedure is that a coloring pigment is injected under the skin, which does not wash out and stays on the face for a long time, allowing you to create a beautiful and expressive look. This creates the appearance of natural hairs, which allows you to create the most natural look.

What it is?
It is impossible to make beautiful makeup without eyebrow shaping. And not all of the fair sex can boast of a naturally correct eyebrow shape. As a rule, girls are forced to use decorative cosmetics to create a beautiful image: various pencils and shadows. Which is not always convenient, since more time and effort is spent on makeup, and besides, usually it is not possible to make the image natural by choosing the right shade and drawing a beautiful shape.

You can also change the thickness and shape the eyebrows with paint or simple henna, but this effect will last for a short time.And evenly colored areas of the skin will give the eyebrows a rough and monolithic look.
And besides, the maximum naturalness and natural beauty have now come into fashion.

And it seems that microblading was created specifically for girls who do not want to be late or who love to soak up the bed in the morning for half an hour more. This procedure relieves its owner of the daily eyebrow shaping.
Micropigmentation is a kind of complete reconstruction of the eyebrows.

In fact, this is a modified permanent tattoo technique. Its second name is biotattoo. All procedures are performed using microscopic technology. That is, the coloring pigment is injected under the skin using a thin needle. That is why the name of the procedure appeared, in translation from English microblading means "small blade". And at the same time, with each touch of the skin, the master leaves a small mark that imitates a natural hair on the eyebrow. And thus, each line is drawn individually and separately.
The microblading procedure is suitable for many of the fair sex, since it allows you to solve several problems at once.

Particular attention should be paid to microblading:
- owners of thin and sparse eyebrows - if there are partially naked areas without hairs, the master will be able to hide the bald areas with traced strokes that perfectly imitate natural hair;
- in the presence of areas where hairs grow chaotically or in different directions - it is difficult to put such eyebrows in the correct shape, since it is almost impossible to change the direction of hair growth;
- if necessary, hide scars or scars - micropigmentation allows you to paint over small areas and create the effect of natural well-groomed eyebrows;
- if there is a desire to change the shape or appearance of eyebrows, few women can boast of the naturally ideal shape and thickness of eyebrows;
- for fair-haired girls with soft eyebrows - microblading will allow you to create a beautiful and complete image;
- brunettes whose eyebrows quickly fade in the sun and create dissonance with hair color.

And most importantly, the procedure for professional drawing of eyebrows will allow many women to relieve themselves of daily makeup for a long time.
Microblading is an ideal beauty preservation option for the fair sex living on the coast or during a trip to the sea. And also it is suitable for lovers of sports, active lifestyle and travel.

The microblading technique is suitable for every girl who does not want to waste time on daily makeup. The spraying technique was replaced by modern microblading, which allows you to create eyebrows that are fashionable today. Not so long ago, thin eyebrow strings with a slight and smooth bend were in trend. But today glossy publications dictate new rules - eyebrows should be thick, wide and as natural as possible.

Using various techniques, you can create pronounced eyebrows by spraying or drawing in detail. Thus, the beauty industry offers several techniques for applying long-lasting makeup that best suits your individual style.

Hair technique - allows you to completely change the shape of the eyebrows. The technology involves drawing individual hairs. This technique is suitable if you need to create a beautiful shape of the eyebrows, but in some areas the hairs do not grow. The hair technique is divided into two types:
- European methodology. It is a drawing of all hairs of the same length, in one direction and in the same color, which is why this technique received its second name - hairy. With the right color, the eyebrows look well-groomed and accentuated.The main advantage of the European technique is the ability to completely change the shape and position of the eyebrows. As a result, this technique allows you to get wide and thick eyebrows. But on closer inspection, artificiality and unnaturalness can be observed. Therefore, the European technique is more suitable for correcting the color of thick eyebrows.

- Eastern or Japanese technique - the master creates strokes of different lengths, and can also draw hairs in different directions. The particular difficulty of this technique lies in the use of different pigments to create a more natural and natural look. At the same time, eyebrows with a light volume are created, which can hardly be called artificial. This technique is perfect for owners of fine and light hairs.

The shadow technique is a slight correction of the eyebrow color. The hairs are drawn indistinctly and with a slight shading - as if creating shadows and partial shades from the growing hairs, the master applies the strokes. This technique allows you to visually add density, volume and natural shade to the eyebrows. The shadow technique helps to create a natural look for blonde girls.

The powdery technique creates the effect of shaded eyebrows. During the procedure, the master does not create individual strokes that imitate the hairs, but fills in the space between the existing hairs with color.
Powdery eyebrows are suitable for blondes.

In the 6D technique, all strokes are as thin as possible and are drawn in different directions. But as the masters themselves assure, this is nothing more than a marketing ploy, since this technique does not differ much from the Japanese one.
The final cost and quality of the procedure depends on the chosen technique. But for each of the fair sex, a certain technique is suitable, which only a master can advise. With the right approach and following the rules before and after the procedure, you will be able to get natural and well-groomed eyebrows, which, even upon closer examination, cannot be distinguished from natural ones.

Difference from other techniques
Permanent tattooing has been known for a long time, but its technology is outdated and no longer meets the modern requirements of the fair sex. Microblading is qualitatively different from tattooing both in technique and in the final result. Permanent make-up is a complete and even coloring of the skin, which deprives the look of softness and naturalness. Permanent makeup will last on the skin for about 3-4 years. During this time, there is a risk that the eyebrows will change color and the "solid fill" will take on a pinkish or blue tint.

During the procedure, the master injects pigment into the deeper layers of the epidermis, which gives the impression of fully tattooed eyebrows. The final result will last for life, and it will be possible to change the shape or bend only after removing the monolithic contour with a laser. In addition, the procedure itself is very painful, and the period of rehabilitation after tattooing can drag on for a month.

During the microblading procedure, the master draws each hair separately, which allows you to make the most natural image.
Each stroke is drawn manually with a special tool - a maniple, which is a few thin needles, which are fastened together in the form of a spatula. A special tool allows you to get a more accurate shape.
Repeating the same movement over and over again, the master applies one colored strip to the skin. And it also controls the depth of the cut and the size of the stroke by hand, so the hairs appear clearer and more natural. With microblading, the layers of the skin are less traumatized, but the durability of the pigment is also reduced. Nevertheless, the effect can be maintained for an average of 2.5 years.

During this time, the eyebrows will not change color and shape, unlike tattooing or classic coloring.
And besides, the rehabilitation period will be only 1 week.During this time, slight swelling and redness may appear on the treated areas. Moreover, both procedures in beauty salons cost about the same. But if you choose between tattooing or microblading, you should still choose the second option. In addition, microblading is more suitable for thin and sensitive skin.

Advantages and disadvantages
According to representatives of the beauty industry, microblading is a fashion trend today.
The procedure itself has many benefits.
- The main plus is convenience. There is no need to touch up your makeup and paint your eyebrows every time.
- A combination of firmness and naturalness - various microblading techniques allow you to create beautiful and expressive, but at the same time not vulgar eyebrows, even for fair-haired girls.
- With proper care, the effect of well-groomed eyebrows will last for about 2 years.
- Microblading is a great opportunity to bring the shape of the eyebrows as close to ideal as possible, especially if you want to change the natural shape.

- Microblading allows you to correct and create a beautiful and well-groomed shape for asymmetrical eyebrows.
- And also a complete reconstruction of the eyebrows is possible - it is necessary if there are bald patches, bald patches, scars or areas on which hairs do not grow.
- The rehabilitation period is only a week - during this time the crusts, which in reality are small films, will painlessly move away from the eyebrows. At the same time, the recovery period will not be so noticeable to others. By comparison, after tattooing the eyebrows will become evenly colored and beautiful only after at least 3 weeks. Therefore, after microblading, you can almost immediately start your usual activities and work.

- It greatly facilitates the girl's life, there is no need to apply makeup every morning and allows you to do without pencils, shadows or paint.
- Almost painless procedure and few side effects - microblading delivers only minor discomfort, since a disposable small blade does not penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, unlike painful permanent tattooing.
- You don't have to worry about the integrity and quality of your makeup after washing your face, visiting the sauna or bathing.

- A unique hair drawing scheme - microblading involves several techniques that allow you to create the perfect and most natural eyebrows.
- Lack of large swelling and redness after the procedure.
- A large selection of pigments that do not wash out over time and do not change shade. In this case, you can use several shades at the same time to create a more natural and natural look.
- Microblading, in comparison with other techniques, is considered less painful procedure, therefore it is great for especially sensitive skin.

Even with such a large number of positive characteristics, one should not forget that microblading is an irreversible experiment with appearance. It is worth weighing the pros and cons, familiarizing yourself with the cons and contraindications, as well as assessing the potential harm, and understanding whether this procedure is really necessary. If you have naturally beautiful, thick and bright eyebrows, then there is no need to resort to this technique and put natural beauty on the line, since there is always a risk of getting the wrong effect that you expected.

The disadvantages of the procedure include the following points:
- Fragility - in some cases, the lasting effect can last only six months.
- High cost - the price for the service depends on the professionalism of the master, the status of the salon and the selected equipment. Therefore, in this case, cheap does not mean good at all.
- The coloring pigment can be washed out unevenly - this is often associated with the quality of the paint and with the individual characteristics of the body.

- A laborious search for a good master who can perform the procedure with jewelry - it can take a lot of time to find a professional specialist.
- If you entrust your face to a non-professional specialist, then there is a risk of injury to the vessels, which in the future will lead to leaching of the pigment.
- Frequent correction - to draw individual strokes and maintain the shade, the masters recommend visiting the salon every six months.

The biggest drawback is the lack of professional craftsmen who can make even and uniform skin cuts with a firm hand.
Choosing a specialist can take a long time. You should not trust your face to the first master you come across with a good portfolio. It is important that your ideas about beauty and naturalness coincide. And what is important, before the procedure, try to first get a consultation with the master, and pay attention to the cleanliness in the office and the sterility of the instruments.

How to Prepare?
It is possible to shorten and facilitate the recovery period after the procedure, but for this it is necessary to devote time to preparation before microblading. And although the preparation does not seem exhausting and long, it still has to be done. Because it is important to understand that despite the fact that microblading is not a full-fledged operation, the procedure still involves intervention and disruption of the skin.

The preparation will promote the rapid healing of tissues and the strengthening of blood vessels, and will also help to obtain an ideal result that will delight you for a long time. To do this, you will need at least 7 days, which will require you to limit yourself in some procedures and pleasures.
It is necessary to refuse:
- alcoholic beverages;
- coffee and strong tea;
- tobacco;
- fatty foods;
- sugars, including juices and soda water;
- pickled food;
- drugs that promote blood thinning and vasoconstriction.

During this period, you should also pay attention to nutrition, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and give up fatty and heavy foods. Avoiding certain foods and drinks is due to the fact that they contain substances that help thin the blood. This means that after the procedure, the recovery period may be delayed due to slow healing. The same goes for taking antibiotics and hormonal medications. Ultraviolet rays make the skin rougher, which will further complicate the permeability of the pigment. And also do not use a self-tanner for the face during the preparation period.
For 14 days, you cannot pluck hairs, dye and adjust the eyebrow area so that the master has a clear idea of the thickness and length of the hair.

Before going to the salon, remove dead skin cells from your face with a gentle exfoliation to improve the microblading effect. And to achieve the best result, it is recommended to drink a course of vitamins that help strengthen the body.

The microblading procedure is not suitable for everyone, since it has some limitations and contraindications.
Among them it is worth noting:
- individual intolerance to the body and allergy to coloring pigment;
- general ill health, high fever or any colds;
- dermatitis, herpes, eczema, other acute skin diseases on the face, as well as special skin sensitivity;
- oily, porous skin;
- the presence of moles on the eyebrows;
- diabetes;

- high blood pressure - in case of hypertension, you should consult with your doctor;
- epilepsy;
- oncology, as well as the recovery period after chemistry or radiation therapy;
- HIV infection, hepatitis;
- poor blood clotting and menstruation;
- pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.

Whether it is worth doing microblading during pregnancy, each expectant mother can decide for herself. Experts recommend abandoning the procedure for pregnant and lactating mothers.Much depends on the anesthetic and the quality of the pigment. Therefore, before the procedure, it is worth consulting with the master and the attending physician.

Before carrying out the procedure, it is imperative to conduct an allergy test to make sure there are no negative reactions to the pigment that will be used. An allergy test is done by applying a small amount of paint to the wrist or elbow. If, after 15 minutes, redness or itching does not appear on the skin, then there is no allergic reaction, and the pigment can be used on the face. Otherwise, it is worth choosing a different paint or abandoning the procedure. And if you have any peculiarities with the perception of certain components or drugs, be sure to inform the master about it.

Process description
The procedure in the salon takes from 30 minutes to one and a half hours, depending on the chosen technique and the professionalism of the master. It all depends on each individual case. At the initial stage, the wizard will ask you to tell you exactly what effect you want to achieve. To get the desired result, it is worth preparing some illustrative examples of what you want to get. And the more detailed you describe the desired result and demonstrate the photographs, the easier it will be for a specialist to understand you and create the correct shape, density, bend, and also choose the desired shade.

There are some simple rules for choosing the right shape for your appearance.
- The oval shape of the face is considered ideal, so it is not difficult to choose the correct shape of the eyebrows. Still, soft brows with rounded corners work best.
- Round face - often the owners of such an appearance try to hide excessive roundness. To do this, it is best to choose a bend in the form of an arch and avoid thin and too curved lines - they will only add roundness.
- Face "heart" - on such a face, the eyebrows are assigned the task of balancing a high forehead and a thin, sharp chin. For this type, eyebrows with a low arch in the form of an arch that rises smoothly from the hairline are excellent.

- Elongated oval face - straighter and more horizontal eyebrow lines are most suitable for this variety, they help to make the face visually shorter and more expressive.
- The face is "square" - to soften the sharp features, it is necessary to choose a shape with a bend, while the more pronounced the chin, the sharper the bend should be.

Features of the procedure in a beauty salon
- Before starting the procedure, the master assesses the general condition of the eyebrows, individual features of the face and facial expressions. Then it degreases the skin with a special lotion based on alcohol.
- Then an anesthetic gel is applied to the brow area. After 15 minutes, when the product is absorbed into the skin, the remaining gel is removed with a napkin and the skin is wiped with a disinfectant lotion.
- The expert combs the hairs on the eyebrows, arranges them in the right direction and creates a beautiful and natural shape. Smooth curves are created with a pencil and tweezers.

- Then a shade is chosen for future eyebrows. The palette in beauty salons is very rich, ranging from light gray to copper and dark brown. Black pigment is not used in microblading as it can turn blue over time. After agreeing on the shape and color with the client, the master proceeds to remove hairs that do not fit into the selected shape.
- After that, the master can proceed to the procedure itself. For this, a special tool is used, and depending on the chosen technique, the pigment is shaded or each hair is drawn.
- With a point movement, the master inserts a disposable blade under the skin to a depth of no more than 2 mm. At this time, the upper layers of the epidermis are colored with pigment.
- After all the strokes are completed and the procedure is completed, the eyebrows are wiped with a special solution that promotes rapid healing and tissue restoration.

Many girls are interested in the question of how painful the procedure is. Carrying out various manipulations with the skin cannot be called pleasant, but also too painful too. The anesthesia used before the procedure reduces discomfort and minimizes them. And compliance with all the rules of preparation for the procedure will also help reduce pain.

And no need to worry if after the procedure the eyebrows seem too bright and coarse, during the first 3-4 days about half of the pigment will come off. Then the eyebrows will take on a softer and lighter shade. And besides, it is worthwhile to understand that over time, the pigment will be washed out. Therefore, the brighter the eyebrows are now, the longer they will retain their color and shape.
Within 2-4 weeks, it will be necessary to repeat the microblading procedure and renew some of the eyebrow strokes.

The correction will take less time and will not be as painful as the first one. If you do not like the shade, shape or size of the painted hairs, then the situation can be corrected only by laser removal in 3-4 procedures. And if only a small area seems to be problematic, then it will be possible to block the failed hairs with camouflage pigment during the correction.

Follow-up care
Tips and recommendations for care will be voiced by the master after the procedure. The recovery period can take about a week. And this is a very important point that will allow you to maintain a lasting effect for a long time. During this period, a small crust will appear on the treated areas of the skin, resembling more a transparent film, which is strictly prohibited to be removed on your own. It must be removed naturally. Also, during this period, liquid will appear.

At this time, several rules must be followed.
- Do not wet your eyebrows - try to minimize the use of any cosmetic liquid on the eyebrow area.
- In the first days, you should not wash your face with running hot water, you will only need to refresh the skin with micellar water or lotion, avoiding areas around the eyebrows.
- The eyebrow area can be treated exclusively with special disinfectants, which will be recommended by a specialist. As a rule, masters advise to use "Chlorgeskidine" 5 times a day.
- Within a few days, the treated areas will begin to dry out and a tightening crust will appear. The drawn hairs will take on a darker shade. On day 4, more visible crusts will appear, which can cause severe itching. But the scab that has appeared cannot be removed on your own, otherwise you can spoil the contours and shape of the eyebrows, which the master created. And to relieve itching, you can use Bepanten or Panthenol ointment. When the crusts are naturally removed, the brow shade will become a couple of shades darker.
- For the next 2 weeks, it is forbidden to visit the bathhouse, pool, and also take hot baths.

- Do not overload yourself with grueling exercise for at least the first 5 days.
- It is necessary to refuse visiting the solarium and the beach for at least a month. And for six months before going outside, it is necessary to treat the eyebrow area with sunscreen with an SPF 30-40.
- Also, do not take medications and drugs that accelerate the healing of the skin, since such drugs promote the removal of pigment.
- Within a month, it is necessary to more carefully and accurately select decorative and care cosmetics for the face. During this period, you cannot use scrubs and peelings.
- Only a specialist will answer the question of when it will be possible to wet the eyebrows. It depends on the individual characteristics of the skin. Of course, you can wash your face, but it is better not to wet your eyebrows and use a cotton pad.But as a rule, washing your face with water is allowed 5-7 days after the procedure, when the healed damaged skin areas will no longer cause inconvenience and cause itching.

The recovery period can take about a week. And if your skin takes longer to heal, don't worry, as in some cases it may take longer to heal.
In this case, all processes proceed individually, and it all depends on several factors:
- coloring pigment - quality and individual paint tolerance;
- the type and structure of the skin - on skin prone to oily skin, staining can last for a short time;
- compliance with the recommendations for care after the procedure - at this time it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations and advice of the master.

After 2-3 weeks, you should strengthen your natural hairs with masks and oils.
An excellent way to quickly restore weakened hairs is burdock oil or chamomile decoction. It is enough to do lotions a couple of times a week so that the hairs retain their strength and beauty.

How long does the result last?
It is difficult to say how much and how long the lasting effect on the face will last, since it all depends on the individual characteristics, the quality of the procedure and the professionalism of the master. On average, the pigment stays on the skin from six months to 3 years.
Although it all depends on many parameters:
- age - after 40 years, the microblading effect looks more expressive;
- features of the female body - in adulthood, metabolism slows down, and metabolic processes do not proceed so quickly, therefore, microblading in a young woman will last less than in a woman after 30;
- density, elasticity and porosity of the skin - according to these individual features of the structure of the skin, the master will select the appropriate pigment;
- lifestyle;
- the quality of your eyebrows.

To prolong the lasting effect of flawless brows, you need to take care of your skin. The most important rule is to use a UV protective cream before going outside in sunny weather. Then the pigment will hold for a relatively long time.
In the future, when the persistent microblading effect begins to decrease, it will be necessary to correct the eyebrows. According to experts, after the first procedure, only half of the pigment remains on the skin, the rest is washed out. Therefore, professionals advise to visit the salon for correction once every six months, then it will be possible to maintain the original appearance for a long time.

Possible consequences
Unfortunately, girls who have gone through micropigmentation are not always satisfied with the effect. Among the negative points, one can note an ugly color, a rough shape or asymmetry.

Unpleasant surprises may not appear from the hands of the master, the reason is largely due to the individual characteristics of the skin:
- Hair loss - there is a risk of damage to the hair follicles during the procedure.
- Edema and inflammation - during the procedure, the master can damage the vessels, which will increase the swelling.
- Uneven coloring or an ugly color - in this case, not everything depends on the experience and knowledge of the master. It is quite possible that neglect of the list of contraindications can lead to severe swelling, which is why the paint under the skin will not be evenly distributed later. In addition, when choosing a coloring pigment, a specialist must take into account the individual characteristics of the skin. For example, on dry skin, the color after the procedure may not meet expectations and the eyebrows will not get a rich and bright color.
- Scars and cuts - if the master has an unsteady hand, then it is quite possible that he will not be able to make all the strokes with the same strength and the same size.

Beautiful examples
The beauty of a woman's face depends on three components: the shape of the face, the color of the skin and the width of the eyebrows. And you can make beautiful curves in various ways, although it is almost impossible to create flawless eyebrows on your own at home.Therefore, it is worth contacting professionals who will make your eyebrows perfect for a long time. And one of the best ways at the moment is microblading. A professional craftsman will help you choose the right shape, bend and shade.

Eyebrow microblading is a very difficult and time-consuming procedure. And given the numerous positive and negative reviews on the Internet, we can come to the conclusion that a lot depends on the master, his experience and knowledge. Therefore, the most important thing is to find a good specialist who can carry out the procedure efficiently and competently. Cheap doesn't always mean good. The easiest way when choosing a master is to ask friends and relatives who have undergone this procedure. And it is also worth understanding that the cost of the service depends on the level of professionalism of the master.

Girls who fall into the hands of a reliable specialist leave only positive reviews. Therefore, it is very important, before choosing a master, to thoroughly familiarize yourself with his experience and look at a portfolio with photographs of clients before and after.
When shaping eyebrows, the main rule should be observed - the shade of the eyebrows for the blonde should be 1-2 tones darker than the hair color. And for a brunette, on the contrary, it is 1-2 tones lighter. Microblading can help remove and mask scars and scars. And it's a great way to look flawless without makeup anytime, under any circumstance.

If you want to cover the old tattoo with microblading, then such a procedure will be possible only if the old eyebrows have a small width, and the pigment has changed color and faded, the shade has become warmer: red, orange or yellow. Otherwise, it will be necessary to first remove the previous tattooed eyebrows with a laser in several procedures, and after the recovery period, contact the master at the salon to apply microblading.
After the procedure, no rare or bald areas remain, scars and scars are masked and reliably hidden. And the eyebrows become as symmetrical as possible and close to the ideal.

Microblading is a real salvation for millions of women, with the advent of which it became possible to correct the shape, add shade and enjoy a beautiful look for a long time. Trust your face only to professional eyebrow specialists and cosmetologists, and in this case, you should not be afraid of new techniques to achieve a flawless appearance.

See the video for details on eyebrow microblading.