Eyebrow modeling: purpose and technique

Today, almost every girl very carefully monitors her eyebrows: their shape, color, saturation. If you correct the shape of the eyebrows, the look will be deep, and the eyes will be bright and expressive. That is why eyebrow modeling is considered one of the most demanded services in beauty salons.

What it is?
Eyebrow shaping is a procedure that allows you to change the color of the eyebrows, their shape, thickness and width. To do this, you need to take into account the shape of the face, eye shape, hair color and skin tone. Correct modeling of the shape of the eyebrows will give expressiveness to the face and make the eyebrows neat and natural.

Eyebrow modeling consists of three stages:
- preparation;
- plucking;
- registration.
For two to three weeks before the start of the procedure, you should not pluck the hairs in order to simulate the correct shape of the eyebrows, it would be convenient. Also, you cannot paint them a week before modeling.
Then you need to choose the bend of the eyebrows that suit your type of face, determine the width and saturation of the hair color. Now fashion dictates its own rules, but it has the ability to change very quickly. Therefore, you need to choose such an eyebrow shape that you really like and suits you.

The main task of eyebrow modeling is to hide flaws., to emphasize the strengths and to add sophistication to the face.
If you have a square face, you need to soften the features. Therefore, a semicircular eyebrow, slightly raised and not too thick, will do. In this case, the shade can be made a little lighter.Narrow or straight arcs will not work because they will make the face look wide and awkward.

If you have a round face, curved eyebrows will work for you, because in this case, the face needs to be narrowed. Curving the arcs should give the look a distinctive look, although too sharp corners should be avoided. Raised eyebrows will also help narrow your face. For a round face, too thin, too thick and straight arcs are definitely not suitable: they will fill the face and give it roughness.
If you have a triangular face, you can create straight eyebrows, but don't get carried away to keep your eyes on the ground. Although curved arches with a pronounced arch will also work.
This form is difficult to complete on your own; therefore, you can contact a specialist.

For owners of a rectangular face, straight eyebrows will be the right solution. Their ends should be narrowed, and the arcs themselves should not be too close to each other. Slightly curved lines may also work as they soften the look. Eyebrows with a sharp bend and a high arch are definitely not worth choosing.
If you have a pear-shaped face, that is, the lower part is wider than the upper one, you need to restore proportions. For this, the eyebrows must be thick and wide. They need to compensate for the width of the chin. The bend of the arcs should be selected in accordance with the features of the face and the angle of bending should be changed.
For girls with a diamond-shaped face, eyebrows are needed that can smooth out sharp corners. In this case, lines with a smooth curve, softening facial features, will do.

Owners of an oval face are the luckiest of all, because any shape of eyebrows is suitable for such girls. Excellent options would be curved with a smooth arch, straight with a slight bend, or "house" eyebrows. In such a situation, you need to rely on your own preferences.
To determine the curvature of arcs at home, you will need a pencil or something narrow and long.
You need to follow the following scheme:
- we apply it to the wing of the nose and draw it through the inner corner of the eye - at this point there will be the beginning of the arc;
- the point of the end of the arc is also determined, only the pencil is drawn through the outer corner of the eye;
- to determine the highest point of the eyebrow, you need to put the pencil to the tip of the lips and draw over the edge of the pupil.

All of these points can be marked with a white pencil for convenience. When choosing the shape of the eyebrows, it should be borne in mind that two-thirds should go up, and one-third - down, and the beginning and end of the arc should be at the same level. The distance between the arcs should not be too large - two centimeters or two fingers are enough.
In order to reduce pain while plucking hairs, you can apply a cotton pad soaked in hot water to the treated area.
This will open the pores and remove the hairs less painfully.

How to do it?
There are several ways to model your eyebrows yourself.

Plucking with tweezers
For this procedure, you must have the correct tweezers, the edges of which are not very sharp and there is no gap between them. You need to pluck hairs in good light and only according to hair growth, so as not to irritate the skin. An important point is also that you can only pluck the lower part of the eyebrows, otherwise an irregular shape may turn out.

In this case, wax pellets or pre-made wax strips can be used. This method is more intended for removing light soft hairs around the eyebrow. The disadvantages of this procedure can be allergies or skin irritation.

Thread Modeling
Thread modeling is also called trading. To trim, take a thin cotton thread approximately 40 cm long and join the ends together. Put the resulting ring on the index fingers and thumbs and rotate the figure eight three or four times. With a loop, pick up the hairs and sharply twist the thread, while moving against the growth of the hair.As a result of these actions, the hair will pull out.
Before and after the procedure, you can cool the skin around the eyebrows using ice. You can also relieve irritation with an antiseptic. Modeling eyebrows with a thread is faster than with tweezers, because it captures several hairs at once.

Pencil staining
Most girls use this method, but few people know about the nuances of performing this technique: you cannot draw clear lines and bends with a pencil - you only need to paint over the hairs. Color saturation should flow smoothly from root to tip. If you have a light shade of hair on your head, then the color of the pencil should be taken a tone darker, and if you are a brunette, then vice versa. The pigment at the beginning of the eyebrow needs to be shaded, and at the end to give a clear shape to the arc.

Henna staining
This procedure can be carried out at home as well. To do this, add a few drops of water to dry henna to form a gruel. Then gently apply the mixture to your eyebrows. In order not to stain the skin around, you can apply a greasy cream, but just not get on the hairs of the eyebrow. Rinse off henna after 10-15 minutes (pay attention to the time indicated by the manufacturer) with a damp cotton pad.
The result of such staining will last from two to three weeks. An allergic reaction test should be carried out two days before the procedure. Apply the product to the inside of the elbow with a cotton swab. The procedure can be carried out if no irritation has appeared within 48 hours.
Compared to other techniques, henna eyebrow dyeing looks as natural as possible due to the naturalness of the product. And henna also has nourishing ingredients that restore and protect eyebrow hairs.

Gel modeling
This method is suitable for girls whose eyebrows grow in different directions and bristle. The gel will simulate the desired shape and will fix the hairs. It can be tinted or colorless and is applied with a brush or brush from a tube. The disadvantage of this method is that the gel dries for a long time, as a result of which it can be accidentally smeared. Therefore, it is recommended to style eyebrows with gel a few hours before going out.

Care Tips
In order to keep your eyebrows in perfect condition for longer, there are a few rules to follow.
- Correction should be done periodically (pluck out excess hairs that grow out of shape).
- It is necessary to reduce the time of contact of eyebrows with water (if they are painted with henna or paint). Salt sea water washes off natural dyes especially strongly.
- To strengthen and nourish the hair, you can make masks from natural oils, for example, from castor oil. It nourishes the hairs and promotes their growth.

You will learn more about eyebrow shaping in the following video.