The subtleties of eyebrow threading

In order to achieve a beautiful and symmetrical eyebrow shape, girls use different methods: plucking with tweezers, trimming protruding hairs with scissors, using gelatin, and so on. But none of the described methods satisfies the female representatives, since all of them do not give a long-term result.
With the help of a thread, you can make incredibly beautiful eyebrows - everyone will think that a specialist has tried. The flossing option is very effective, because even the smallest hairs are well removed in this way. You do not need to visit a beauty salon or struggle with tweezers - you just need to master the technique of hair removal with a thread and use it at home.

What it is?
Today, girls are very careful about the appearance of their eyebrows, since caring for them is now in vogue. Unkempt eyebrows with protruding hairs spoil the look of the girl, causing a feeling of her unkempt. At the same time, constant plucking injures the skin, and new hairs grow at lightning speed and cause discomfort. But trading (another name for the procedure in question) helps to look dazzling.
Trading is eyebrow shaping, in which you need to pluck them with a thread.
This term - from the English dictionary, the word means "string". For those who have just decided to try this oriental technique, most likely, the method will seem difficult, but having mastered it, everyone will be able to carry out eyebrow shaping as well as professionals. There are training videos of cosmetologists about this technique.

You need to know something about the method of eyebrow plucking, which came from the East:
- to avoid allergic reactions, choose a thread made of cotton or flax (of plant origin);
- how the thread is twisted, they remember it from training videos or pictures - professionals do it very well, and once, having trained, everyone can do this;
- with the help of a thread, not one hair is captured, but several, and they are pulled out by the root, which is exactly what is needed.

The description of the procedure from the lips of cosmetologists sounds very attractive, however, the technique has not only advantages - it also has a number of disadvantages, which everyone should be familiar with.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantages of this method are quite numerous, because the procedure attracts many potential customers.
Appreciate trading for the following benefits.
- Speed. It only takes a few minutes for the eyebrows to become beautiful and neat. The hairs are removed along with the root, thanks to which you can calmly go about your business, not being afraid that tomorrow you will again have to worry about "needles".
- Simplicity. All you need to remove hair is thread, rubbing alcohol and an emollient cream. This is very convenient, since the described technique can be used even while traveling. Even without experience, you can do a good job of depilation the first time. Sometimes there is a problem with the thread tension, as it can break, but this should not stop anyone, because you can always start over.
- Convenience. With this technique, you don't have to think about each individual hair, as, for example, with tweezers, because you can pluck a whole bunch of hair at a time, which speeds up the depilation process without taking too much time. However, this procedure is also suitable for removing individual hairs.
- Availability of funds. No complicated or expensive tools are required.
Everything that is needed for trading may be at each person's home, and you can do the procedure yourself.

- Efficiency. Many girls are familiar with this problem - you pull a hair with tweezers, but he does not want to climb outside. The protruding hair causes discomfort and spoils the appearance of the eyebrows, while the thread pulls out even the most stubborn hair and leaves no "needles".
- Eyebrow architecture appeal. By choosing trading as a way to care for your eyebrows, over time you can become a real master in this area. Using the technique, you can ensure that the eyebrows will always remain even and beautiful.
- Scrubbing. The method not only eliminates annoying hairs, but also scrubs, exfoliating dead cells of the epidermis.

But there are always certain disadvantages in everything, and trading will not be an exception to this rule.
We need to prepare for the possible emergence of the following problems.
- Redness. It cannot be avoided after manipulating the eyebrows. After the tweezers, there is no redness, since the hairs are removed one by one, while the thread removes them in bundles, injuring the skin. However, you should not be afraid - after a few hours, the redness goes away. To speed up recovery, you can anoint the area of the pull-out with a healing cream.
- Injury to the epidermis. The reviews about trading are mostly positive - girls are happy to get rid of hair quickly and conveniently, but this method damages the skin no less than a trimmer.
- The need for periodic repetition of the procedure. Yes, this method is better than others, but over time, the hairs grow back. The skin does not have time to rest, as it has to be injured again. If this method does not suit someone, for example, a girl has very delicate skin, you should refuse to pull out with a thread.
- Soreness. Mechanical hair removal is generally not a pleasant experience, but tweezers are less painful than flossing.
- Danger. If you are not sure that you have understood correctly how to use the thread, it is better not to risk it.

It is advisable to learn from a professional in the salon, or gain more knowledge from the video, since a twisted thread is not a toy, it can damage the skin.
It will be necessary to remove hairs in some more gentle way to all those for whom such a procedure is not suitable for contraindications:
- you cannot do eyebrow trading if the skin is damaged: there are wounds, burns, abrasions, pimples or other irritations;
- if not so long ago it was necessary to transfer infectious or viral diseases, such a procedure will also have to be abandoned;
- during pregnancy, you need to abandon this method of getting rid of hair, as it can lead to epileptic seizures or hypertension;
- you should stop trading if the girl is diagnosed with epilepsy;
- neoplasms (moles, tumors, warts, and so on) are also a contraindication for using the technique.

The advantages of the described method are that it is difficult to remove light and fine hairs with tweezers, but with the thread they are captured and removed completely. Hair grows more slowly after this method than after tweezers or other types of depilation, so you can feel comfortable for several weeks.
Female representatives often face the difficulty of shaping their eyebrows. Trading solves this problem too - you can give your eyebrows any shape, which is another plus for the Eastern method. The eyebrows are straight and well defined.
At the same time, the procedure should not be taken as a panacea - it is not always the best way out, and in any case, you need to carefully prepare for it.

Skin preparation
Before carrying out the procedure, it is advisable not to neglect the preparatory stage, because due to the observance of all the rules, the skin will be minimally injured, and the painful sensations will not cause much discomfort.
To begin with, you should disinfect with alcohol or lotion the area near the eyebrows where hair removal is planned. After that, a cream is applied to soften and moisturize the skin. If the cream is not completely absorbed, the excess is simply removed.

The pores of the skin are opened by steaming. Removing the hairs immediately afterwards can help avoid severe pain. It is advisable to sit over boiled water for 7-10 minutes, then wipe the treated area with alcohol.
Since no one plans to infect an infection, you should not only cleanse the skin around your eyebrows, but also wash your hands with soap and water.

After these stages are passed, you can proceed directly to the procedure itself.
Process features
First you need to figure out how to twist the thread correctly.
The diagram is quite simple, and the step-by-step instructions are as follows.
- A 20 cm thread is taken from natural fabric. If such a long one does not fit, you just need to make it shorter.
- The ends of the thread are tied tightly on both sides so that they do not break. After tying, the loop is taken in hand and twisted so that a tourniquet forms in the middle.
- The optimal number of twists is 7 times. The wide loop allows you to quickly remove hair, especially thick hair.
- In the process of hair removal, you will need to repeatedly move the loop, and it is advised to try, as far as it is convenient, even at the stage of twisting the thread. This is done like this: the loop is rolled from one side to the other by opening the palm.
- Thread correction requires bright sunlight. It is best to sit in front of a window or point a lamp at yourself.
- You should take the loop in your hands, and the tourniquet should be over the place where the correction is planned.
- When the loop moves, the tourniquet catches the hairs, which allows you to make the eyebrow line even.

After plucking hair with a thread, you should take proper care of your face skin. For this, the treated areas are rinsed with warm water, then the face is wiped dry. Dry skin needs moisturizing, a cream is suitable for this purpose.
Also, leaving includes several simple rules, which it is advisable to adhere to for at least a couple of days:
- in summer you need to smear the area around the eyebrows with sunscreen;
- you can not visit the solarium;
- it will not be superfluous to use special cosmetics that slow down hair growth.

Making symmetrical eyebrows at home is not so difficult, but each technique has its own secrets. With the help of some rules, you can learn a cosmetic procedure that is indistinguishable from a salon.
To do this, you should take into account the nuances, without which it will not be so easy to master the technique of eyebrow correction:
- while trading is just being mastered, you need to use a pencil to highlight the required area that will be processed, while it is very important to try not to go beyond its contour - such a markup will teach you to maintain its shape;
- to avoid painful or unpleasant sensations, hairs are removed not against, but in the direction of hair growth;
- start the procedure from the eyebrow, gradually approaching the temples;
- if the cream that was used before trading remains damp on the skin, it should be wiped off, as the hairs need to be pinched dry, otherwise clumping will occur.

To make your eyebrows perfect, it is important to choose their shape.
It's important to consider your face shape - this is not a point to experiment with. If it is difficult for someone to determine the form on their own, relatives and friends will help. In general, you just need to arm yourself with a ruler and a pencil and try to draw popular eyebrow shapes on your face in order to understand which one suits best.
However, the task can be simplified by the advice of professionals.
- Oval face is considered to be suitable for any eyebrow shape. Perhaps, its owners can still conduct experiments, since this type of face is ideal. The elongated oval seems somewhat rough, so the bend should be smoothed out - it should turn out to be softening. If you need to make the oval proportional, it is worth lengthening the ends of the eyebrows.
- Square face looks rather rough, because the purpose of eyebrow shaping is to make the face softer, to make it feminine. The eyebrow lines should be rounded and smooth. Owners of this type of face should not dye their eyebrows and make them defiant.
- Round face usually has round or chubby cheeks, very often girls try to hide them with blush or contouring. But they have no idea how easy it is to change the look by simply changing the shape of the eyebrows. You need to choose only graphic and curved shapes, since rounded ones will make it look ridiculous.
- Diamond-shaped face has a narrowed chin and forehead, while the cheekbones are quite wide. Make eyebrows that soften the face - soft curves are best, they will narrow the central part of the face. The main thing is to refrain from graphic lines and bright colors.
- Triangular face the most difficult from the point of view of cosmetology and make-up. The main task is to make the upper part narrower. You can accomplish the task by reducing the length of the eyebrows, that is, removing the excess - it is important that the length does not go beyond the temple. Curved, round shapes will do.

After you have passed the first stage - mastering the technique of hair removal with a thread - you can proceed to the second. The second step is to learn eyebrow architecture. It is not enough to pluck them out - they need constant care.
To keep your eyebrows always beautiful, there are eight main points to keep in mind.
- Gel for eyebrows. This cosmetic product is used to add volume to the eyebrows, it emphasizes the hairs. Eyebrows with it will look natural and well-groomed. For this, it is better to choose a transparent gel.
- Correcting the shape. You need to pay attention not only to the eyebrows, but also to the area around them.
With a light pencil, you can lighten the line passing under the eyebrow - this will make the look expressive.

- Correctly matched color. In order to emphasize the look, you should select the color of the eyebrows, similar to the roots of the hair on the head.A shade that does not suit the girl's hair and color type will only ruin the look.
- Eyebrow combing. There is a special brush for combing eyebrows, which it is advisable to use daily. You can replace it with a toothbrush or a clean mascara brush.
- Combing. Regularly carrying out such a procedure in various directions should become a habit.
- Castor Oil - Enviable Brows. You can buy castor or burdock oil at the pharmacy. It is advisable to smear one of these funds (or you can alternate them) eyebrows at night. If someone has such an opportunity, then this can be done at any other time. The oil strengthens the hairs for beauty and shine. It also accelerates hair growth.

- Oil compresses. You can do them once a week, but if time permits for someone, it is better to carry out two procedures in the same period. For this, any vegetable oil is heated, preferably wheat or olive oil. Cotton pads are dipped into it, which are then placed on the eyebrows. They should be kept for about 10-15 minutes.
- Eyebrow massage. It is advisable to carry out a special massage every day. It improves blood flow, and along with it oxygen and nutrients are supplied that contribute to the beauty and strength of the eyebrows. The correct procedure looks like this: with your fingers, point pressure is applied to the eyebrows in different places. Movements should go from the bridge of the nose to the temporal part, they are performed along the hairline.

A good eyebrow shaper is also obliged to know a number of rules, without which beauty cannot be achieved.
- Symmetrical eyebrows make the face look beautiful. When they are different, then the face looks asymmetrical. Even if the girl's eyes are slightly different sizes, the correct shape of the eyebrows will hide it.
- Towards the end of the eyebrows, the line should be thinner, and this should not happen abruptly, but neatly and smoothly.
- For those with large eyes, thick and lush eyebrows will do, but if a girl has small eyes, such eyebrows will ruin the look of her face.
- It will also look ridiculous if the girl has thin lips, but thick, voluminous eyebrows. However, if the owner of lush lips makes her eyebrows voluminous, then they will only add beauty to the face.
- Eyebrows can be either lightened or made darker, give them saturation and brightness. Girls with dyed hair need to be dyed and eyebrows, because they must match the hair color.
- If someone has too voluminous thick eyebrows, it is advisable to thin them out - this will give the face softness.

It will also be important and interesting to find out how and with what means you can dye your eyebrows, because dyeing is another step towards the desired image.
While some girls take pride in their natural lush eyebrows, others have to use different methods in pursuit of their beauty. Nature has not endowed everyone with thick eyebrows, but there are many ways to make them beautiful.
You can go to a beauty salon, where they will quickly adjust the shape, dye your eyebrows and do hair removal, but it is better to turn your attention to home methods.
- Pencil. Probably every girl used a pencil at least once in her life. This is a really good, easy and affordable way to color eyebrows, but you need to use it wisely, otherwise you can go too far with coloring and look ridiculous. It should not be forgotten that the pencil is erased, so you cannot visit saunas and swimming pools, rub your eyebrows or stay in places with high humidity.
- Brow wax. Wax and eyebrow shadows are more resistant to external factors, but they are also not recommended to be applied before visiting places where water procedures are likely, as well as in the heat, because the wax will spread due to perspiration, causing inconvenience. You need to use wax on top of the shadows, which are selected according to the color of the hair.

- Henna Is a safe and natural eyebrow tinting agent.Henna staining does not cause discomfort, as is the case with wax or pencil, because henna is more resistant and can last for several weeks. This means that you do not have to regularly tint your hairs, but at the same time painting with henna is difficult - the procedure requires skill and patience.
- Eyebrow dyeing Is the easiest way. All that is required is to select the desired paint and sit in front of the sunlight. After the staining procedure, you don't have to think about painting for several weeks, if, of course, you choose a good product.

Before dyeing eyebrows with paint, it is important to follow the listed points:
- eyebrow dyeing is the last stage, therefore, first, plucking is done with a thread, the desired contour is selected, all the necessary actions are performed, and only after that you can start painting;
- in advance you need to hide the hair in a ponytail - it will be useless if they begin to interfere and climb into the face, especially since the paint can get on them;
- it is imperative to first cleanse your face, since cosmetics prevents the paint from lying down evenly, and the latter can paint the eyebrows with chunks or not work at all;
- any moisturizer or petroleum jelly is applied near the eyebrows.
At the same time, one cannot speak for the drawn line;

- in any suitable container, the paint is mixed with an oxidizing agent according to the instructions, and then stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
- the dye on the eyebrows should be applied carefully using a brush;
- to get a light shade, it is enough to withstand the paint for 5-7 minutes, but if you plan to get a deeper and more saturated color, then you need to keep the paint as long as indicated in the instructions;
- paint is removed with cotton wool or a cotton pad, after which the face must be rinsed in cool water.

Henna painting, by the way, also requires a certain and rather complex algorithm of actions:
- the correct shape of the eyebrows is created with the help of correction with a thread and a pencil;
- just as in the case of paint, the hair is hidden in a ponytail - they should not interfere;
- the face should be cleaned of cosmetics - you cannot dye your eyebrows if there is cosmetics on your face;
- the desired contour is drawn on the face;
- 5 grams of henna are mixed in a container with slightly salted hot water, as a result, you get something similar to sour cream;
- the mixture is infused for 8-10 minutes, after which lemon juice is added, and for experiments with color - brighter and darker shades - add coffee or cocoa;
- it is advisable to pre-anoint the area near the eyebrows with any cream or use petroleum jelly;
- it is better to start staining from the tips, gently and gradually making its way to the inner corner of the eyes;
- as with paint, more saturated colors require a longer exposure time;
- using a cotton pad, you need to erase excess henna.

After dyeing eyebrows with henna, it is not recommended to use foams and gels for washing, otherwise all dyeing will disappear. When the eyebrows are colored and have the desired shade, they should be properly looked after. With proper care, eyebrows will always remain the desired shape, shiny and beautiful.

Beautiful examples
Using a pencil, as shown in the picture, you need to identify 3 points: the beginning, the highest arch, the end of the eyebrow. To do this, the pencil is applied to the edge of the nose, gradually moving towards the end of the eyebrow.

Beautiful and perfect eyebrows necessarily contain three basic elements:
- the point from which the eyebrow begins;
- bending;
- the ending.
Perfect eyebrows match the shape of the eyes and fit the shape of the face.
Looking at the photos, you can see which eyebrows are considered ideal - this will serve as an impetus to the development of cosmetic secrets and trading. Nothing is impossible - if someone seriously decided to take care of their eyebrows and bring them to the ideal appearance, it is quite doable.

For more information on how to thread eyebrows, see the next video.