Wide eyebrows: types, correction and design methods

Fashion is a cruel world with its own rules and requirements. Today one thing is fashionable, tomorrow - quite the opposite. It happened with the eyebrows. Earlier, thin eyebrows resembling strings were in trend. Women of fashion rushed to pluck them out with pinpoint precision, the most radical - shaved clean and drew with a pencil. Today the trend has changed. The priority is wide, natural eyebrows. Consider who is suitable for such eyebrows, how their features are expressed, how to do it at home, and what to use for the rapid growth of hairs.

Those who have managed to grow their eyebrows and make them wide, assure that they will never return to thin stripes. This is not surprising, because natural eyebrows have a number of features that are their virtues.
- Giving expressiveness to the look. Natural arches are a great option for invisible makeup, nude version. Having wide eyebrows, you do not have to brightly draw and paint your eyes. A minimum of shadows, eyeliner, one layer of mascara. It became easy to look natural and expressive at the same time.
- The ability to experiment with the shape. The scope of imagination is something that women of fashion often lack. The main thing is not to overdo it. Zealous plucking, and even more so shaving, can cause baldness of the arches. For a harmonious look, it is enough to make two manipulations - to give a smooth bend and raise the tip.
- Perspective in terms of colors. Don't think black is the only color option. Wide bushy eyebrows can be different in shade palette. The latest trend is highlighting individual hairs.
- Using the possibilities of tattooing. When there is enough material for a browmaster to work, it is invaluable.Wide eyebrows open up great opportunities for tattooing. In this case, you will get a very beautiful, natural look.
- Wide arcs may not work for everyone. And this is also their advantage, since the type and shape must be selected depending on many conditions. Wide options with big eyes, full lips, expressive cheekbones look good. With a heterogeneous tone, a round face, inflammation, redness, oily skin with enlarged pores, fine features, girls are better off choosing thinner and thinned types.

Type and shape
Wide eyebrows are a general concept. It includes several more classifications by type and form.

Experts distinguish the following forms:
- "House". Curved shape that requires the utmost care. Overdoing it, the expression of constant surprise on the face is ensured.
- Straight. They are able to visually expand the face, suitable for thin girls.

- Graphic. Too expressive, the same on both sides, such eyebrows have long become a sign of bad taste. Natural forms, "makeup without makeup" are in fashion.
- Rounded smooth - universal shape, suitable for any type of face, visually refreshes the image and enlarges the eyes.
- Arcuate... Will soften rough feminine features, give softness.

There are three types of wide brow types.
- Natural. For a long time at the peak of fashion popularity, natural eyebrows. You don't need to spend paint, eyeliner, pencil on them. They are completely natural, and so remarkable.

- Thick. This type, if not looked after, can look ugly and unkempt.
- Set wide apart. Not everyone is lucky to have this type. Someone has to pluck the inner ends constantly.

Who are they going to?
Beauty industry professionals highlight several criteria by which you can determine who is suitable for wide eyebrows:
- large, expressive eyes;
- plump, sensual lips;
- wide, clearly defined cheekbones.

In order to better understand who will be transformed by wide eyebrows, we will clearly consider the well-known examples of Hollywood stars.
The first in line is the famous pirate rebel Keira Knightley. She has a very noble, memorable appearance with characteristic features and texture. This is also the merit of her eyebrows - wide, straight, with a barely noticeable bend. Eyebrows are chic, moderately thick, they look natural and organic. It is immediately obvious that she is caring for them. Kira has a square face with regular features.

The blonde, top model Cara Delevingne has a similar face shape. Only her eyebrows stand out against the light background - they are almost black. The density and color resemble the male options, but this fact does not bother her. They emphasize her lively, mischievous nature.

Cashmere Mafia star Brooke Shields is also a fan of wide eyebrows. She has wide cheekbones and chin, which are balanced by natural dark brows.
However, experts in such cases advise to lighten the hairs a little, to make “light” make-up. This will give softness and "throw off" a couple of years.

The next owner of bushy eyebrows is Emma Watson. Since the Harry Potter saga, Emma hasn't changed the width of her eyebrows. Her oval face is the standard of beauty and shape. And eyebrows only emphasize naturalness and charm.

Angelina Jolie is the owner of large eyes, pronounced cheekbones, full lips. Wide eyebrows look perfect on her face.

Wide eyebrows are not suitable for everyone. In order to determine the appropriate shape and type, it is better to go to the salon to see a specialist. They will carry out the correction and tell you how to shape yourself.
How to do it?
There are several options for how to make your eyebrows look fashionable - thick and natural. The first long-term option is to grow your eyebrows at home. The second is makeup. It will be difficult at first, but over time, skill will appear and a technique will develop. The last option is a tattoo for those who do not want to wait and waste time on makeup.

Let's consider each of the proposed options in more detail.
How to grow?
Some people can easily and quickly grow eyebrows, others suffer and understand that nothing is working out.
Poor growth can be caused by:
- incorrect correction;
- damage to hair follicles, which leads to slow growth of hairs, or growth stops altogether;
- injuries, burns, other violations of the integrity of the skin;
- hereditary predisposition;
- regular dyeing with aggressive compounds that destroy the hair structure;
- the practice of strict, unbalanced diets, as a result of which the body does not receive the necessary vitamins and minerals.

To make wide eyebrows out of narrow, thin eyebrows is a difficult task, but doable. Professionals advise to carry out simple, effective procedures that do not require large time and financial investments.
- Every self-respecting girl has a hair balm on the shelf in the bathroom. So, it can be used not only according to the standard algorithm. It is good for them to wash their eyebrows. The balm is applied to the hairs, the skin is massaged for a minute and washed off.
- Massage with a special cosmetic brush. This will increase blood flow and awaken dormant follicles.
- Normalization of the diet. Meals should be balanced, regular and complete. An important condition is the inclusion in the diet of dairy products, eggs, buckwheat porridge, bananas, fish, offal. Any diet will have a negative effect on hair growth.
- Control over the level of calcium in the body. Calcium is responsible for the growth of hair and nails. It is important for women, therefore, in case of problems with its content, it is necessary to pass tests, consult a doctor, and start taking medications.

- Preparation of masks. Excellent means that affect growth - cosmetic oils (almond, burdock, castor, apricot, peach). It is enough to mix them, warm them up, apply on eyebrows, rub in, wait 15-20 minutes, remove with a cotton pad.
- Decoctions of medicinal herbs. Various herbs are a storehouse of useful substances. They have a beneficial effect on the body and skin. A decoction of chamomile, birch leaves, mint, together or separately, will help grow the eyebrows quickly.

- Taking vitamins... In case of a lack of any elements, it is worth starting to take vitamins selected by a doctor. Modern multivitamin complexes are developed for certain problems, taking into account other nuances.
- Alcohol tincture of calendula is an affordable remedy. It has regenerating, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. The substances contained in calendula will "make" the hair follicle wake up.

For those who do not want to wait for their eyebrows to grow back, you can resort to the achievements of the cosmetic industry.
To properly paint your eyebrows, you will need several special tools:
- shadows (it is better to take cream, they are more pigmented and persistent) to match the shade of the eyebrows and a little lighter;
- ink - gives a deeper shade;
- gel will fix the shape, lay the hairs, give the desired shape;
- brushAn alternative economical option is an old mascara brush;
- special brush with a beveled pile shape.

Brow-masters have developed a whole step-by-step instruction that will help you quickly and beautifully paint your eyebrows, giving them the most natural look.
- We comb the hairs with a brush, give them the desired shape, look where there are gaps, pay special attention to these places.
- With a beveled brush, paint in a creamy shadow of a light shade. Draw the hairs with a brush without pressure. The movements are short, abrupt, we go through with a brush only in places where there are voids and gaps, we fill them.
You don't have to completely paint over the space. The hairs are not uniformly located, the color is uneven. At the inner edge it is lighter, closer to the outer edge - they become thicker, darker and denser.

- If there is not enough color depth, shadows are taken to match the eyebrows.Shadows are applied in the same abrupt movements, paying special attention to the central part and the outside.
- The next step is to apply mascara. Here, neatness is needed - if applied correctly, the hairs will become expressive, sleek and well-groomed.
- The final moment is the application of the gel to consolidate the result.

Thanks to this simple algorithm of actions, you can become the owner of beautiful expressive eyebrows.
It is not always possible to make wide eyebrows at home. You can use the services of beauty salon specialists. A popular procedure is tattooing, another name is permanent makeup. The technology of special shading and coloring is applied. This creates the illusion of wide, bushy eyebrows. Tattooing is difficult to perform, requires special care after the procedure, is expensive, but provides a long-term effect.

Beautiful examples
Wide eyebrows are the dream of many fashionistas. They have been in trend for several years and are not losing ground. Indeed, well-groomed wide brows look beautiful and relevant.
For example, this photo demonstrates how neat wide, bushy eyebrows can be. Hair to hair, correct soft curve, minimum make-up, clear skin - a pleasant, elegant look is created.

Here is a model with completely naked skin - no makeup, just lip gloss. But there is a bright accent - these are the eyebrows. They frame the face, adding expressiveness to it.

In this photo, the eyebrows have undergone a thorough make-up. With the help of shadows and mascara, the illusion of wide eyebrows is created. The execution is neat, the drawing is soft, the hairs look natural and natural.

For information on how to style wide eyebrows, see the next video.
I am for permanent eyebrow makeup. I do it every year, every time they get moderately wide, thick and very natural.
And I am against tattooing, for naturalness. I think it's best to use a pencil.
The model is very beautiful!