How long does eyebrow tattoo last and how to care for it?

Many modern women resort to such cosmetic services as eyebrow tattooing. First, it saves a lot of time every morning. As they say, she woke up already beautiful, and you don't need to spend a lot of time on makeup. Secondly, it helps to create the perfect brow shape. Consider how long such a tattoo lasts, and how to properly care for it.

Types and features of eyebrow tattoo
To begin with, it is worth saying a few words about what, in general, this procedure is. In fact, this is a kind of tattoo form that retains its effect for a long time. True, this is not forever, and after some time the procedure will have to be repeated. In addition, such a tattoo is different, and each type has its own term.
Recently, the hair method is gaining more and more popularity. That is, the master of permanent makeup with a special technique and very carefully draws small lines along the contour of the eyebrows. These lines resemble real hairs and thus create a more believable effect.
This type of tattoo is used by those women who naturally have rare and asymmetrical eyebrows. Thanks to this procedure, all the shortcomings can be easily eliminated. The wizard will fill in all the gaps, visually thicken and create the ideal shape that best suits your face type.
Judging by the reviews of women, this type of tattoo requires annual correction, which cannot be said about the usual shading.

Another type of such modern "make-up" is shading or shadow tattooing. In this case, after the procedure, the eyebrows will look as if they were drawn with a pencil. The master applies solid and thick lines, thanks to which volume is added.After applying such soft shading, the eyebrows of women look as if they were carefully traced with a cosmetic pencil.

But there is also a combined method that combines the above two types of tattooing. This method allows you to achieve the perfect shape. Therefore, he receives numerous positive reviews from women.

Another popular and trendy type of tattoo is biotattoo. This procedure is carried out using natural henna. True, few women decide on this particular procedure, since it is the most short-lived. The effect after the completion of the procedure can last for a month, maximum one and a half.

Consider how long the effect of other procedures, which we talked about at the very beginning, will last. Experts assure that the effect after such a procedure will delight you for many years. Someone guarantees two years, and someone and all five. But here it is important to take into account some factors that directly affect how long such beauty will delight you.
It is important to remember that for women with an oily type of face, the effect will last much less than for women with dry skin type.... The fact is that during the procedure, the skin prone to dryness absorbs the pigment with which the master works much better. This means that the effect is more durable. It is also important to consider age. According to statistics, eyebrow tattooing for adult women has a much shorter lifespan than for young women.

But climatic conditions also affect the service life. For example, in sunny countries, the effect after the procedure lasts much less on the eyebrows, as it simply begins to fade from the strong sun. In addition, beach lovers and solarium lovers will also not be able to maintain the original effect for a long time.

Another factor that affects the duration of the effect is the method of application itself and the type of pigment chosen. As mentioned above, shading lasts much longer. Choosing a darker pigment will also increase the service life of this procedure. It also affects how deeply the master will inject the pigment.
Much also depends on the individual organism of each woman, on her immunity. After carrying out this procedure, the body of some women begins to resist and fight the foreign pigment, rejecting it. As a result, the duration of the effect is significantly reduced.

Extending the initial effect
Seeing all the beauty in the mirror after such a procedure, of course, every woman dreams that this effect will remain forever. Unfortunately this is not possible. But it is quite possible to significantly extend the term, the main thing is to know exactly what to do and how to do it.
To begin with, it is important to remember the fact that any selected procedure is carried out using a substance, which, in fact, is a paint and tends to fade over time.
Therefore, in order for the effect of the performed procedure to last a little longer, it is worth protecting your eyebrows from direct rays of the bright sun. Otherwise, the eyebrows will gradually begin to acquire an unpleasant and unattractive reddish or even grayish tint.

In addition, if you want the effect of beautiful and well-groomed eyebrows to last as long as possible, you need to choose a more durable method. For example, it is hairy or feathering. During the procedure, no matter what method, it is worth choosing more resistant and high-quality paints, otherwise the effect will not please you for a long time. Savings in this case can lead to very unpleasant consequences.
By the way, organic paints have a shorter service life than mineral paints. When choosing a paint, be sure to consider this fact.

In the event that you are very fond of solarium, then before visiting it, be sure to use sunscreen to protect your eyebrows. The protection level should not be less than forty units.In the cosmetic departments there are special products for protecting the skin of the face - this is the best option in this case.

Lovers of a healthy lifestyle, namely those who work every day to create an ideal figure in the gym, should remember the following. Regular sports activities, power loads significantly accelerate the metabolism in the body, which directly affects the removal of paint from the skin. That is, athletes, after a short time, can replace that the color of the eyebrows has become lighter. And it is also worth remembering that sea water has a negative effect on tattooing and helps to wash out the paint.

If you often use cosmetics that have a whitening effect, then this can also harm the tattoo and reduce its service life. Also, during the peeling procedure, you must not touch the eyebrow area.
How to take care of it properly?
In order for the procedure to be done not in vain, you need to properly care for your eyebrows. It is quite easy to do this, the main thing is not to be lazy and find time for yourself.
It usually takes an average of five to six days to heal after the procedure. It is during this period that proper care is important so that healing goes as quickly as possible and without disastrous consequences. In the event that the recommendations for proper care are not followed, then an infection can be brought in, which will take much longer to fight. In addition, small scars may form that will not look aesthetically pleasing.

So, in the first days after this cosmetic procedure, eyebrows especially need proper care. As a rule, these days the skin hurts a little, redness and even slight swelling appear. During the first day, a ichor may appear, which should be removed with a regular cotton pad. Gently blot the liquid using light pressure on your eyebrows. Remember that unhealed wounds should be soaked with gentle movements and never rubbed, otherwise it can provoke bleeding.
After a couple of days, everything is covered with a small crust, which cannot be touched and removed on your own in any case. And also you can not contact with water, you need to wash carefully so as not to hurt the eyebrow area.
It is not recommended to touch fresh tattoo with your hands.

In these most difficult days, the eyebrow area requires special care, treatment with special products and creams that can speed up and facilitate the healing process. Antiseptics will help relieve itching, redness and significantly speed up the healing process.
In addition, it is important to remember that the first days or even weeks are not worth visiting the gym or, worse, the sauna. This can exacerbate skin irritation, delay the healing process, and ultimately lead to severe inflammation.

And you should also refrain from using various decorative cosmetics.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that the healing process of the skin after re-correction takes much less time. Nevertheless, even after the correction, it is worth following all the rules and recommendations mentioned above.
Once the healing and recovery process is complete, you can live as before and not worry about anything. However, do not forget to remove those hairs that will break through outside the correct eyebrow contour.

See below for proper eyebrow care after tattooing.