Which is better: tattooing or eyebrow microblading?

Every day, the selection of cosmetic procedures that allow you to correct your appearance is replenished with various modern techniques. With regard to eyebrow modeling, a huge list of such procedures can make you think about the question of finding the most suitable option. Most often, the choice is between tattooing and microblading.

What it is?
Eyebrows have always been a very important area on the face, and their shape and appearance have undergone various changes, following fashion trends. You can set them the desired bend, or you can correct the color using various techniques, including staining. For women who, for one reason or another, do not have beautiful eyebrows, or they do not correspond to current trends, the issue can be resolved using various cosmetic procedures, which include tattooing and microblading.
However, the problem of choosing a pigment application technique for women who decide to get a long-term permanent can be very serious. That is why it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the specifics of both procedures.

Microblading is a kind of "eyebrow embroidery". Such a comparison is not accidental, because if you pay attention to how the master does his work, you can find certain similarities.
To correct the eyebrows in this technique, the specialist uses a special blade, due to which pigment is injected into the upper layer of the epidermis. The result is neat and crisp strokes on the skin, without any blurry lines.This procedure is not so demanding in terms of the subsequent care of the eyebrow area, in comparison with tattooing.

Today, in beauty salons, clients are offered two types of microblading.
- European technique of permanent makeup - it is also called a mannequin. In the course of drawing the hairs, the master makes them the same size, in addition, they are located in the same direction. As a result, the eyebrows acquire an almost perfect shape, which is quite difficult to achieve with real eyebrows.
- Microblading, made by the oriental method of applying a coloring pigment, it involves the creation of strokes that will have different thicknesses and lengths. This technique is more laborious, but the method allows you to bring the result closer to the natural hairline of the eyebrows.

Microblading is considered to be a less traumatic procedure, since the dye composition is injected no more than 4 mm under the skin. Most often, the work is done after the eyebrow area has been treated with an anesthetic gel. In the course of healing, on about the second day, crusts form. Visually, they are practically invisible, and, as a rule, peel off on their own after 3-5 days.
According to the reviews of clients who performed the eyebrow microblading procedure, the simulation result lasts for about two years, subject to proper care.

It is worth having the most complete understanding of the specifics of the procedure, therefore, it is necessary to highlight the advantages of such a permanent:
- the technology allows you to correct the shape and color of the eyebrows;
- the method described above has practically no side effects;
- a natural composition is used as a coloring pigment, therefore, its disappearance will take place gradually, without sharp changes in color and heterogeneity on the eyebrows;
- the main advantage of the procedure is minimal pain;
- microblading is notable for a short rehabilitation period;
- a wide range of color materials will allow you to choose an eyebrow shade that is in perfect harmony with the hair color.

For an objective picture, it is worth noting the disadvantages of such a procedure:
- high price;
- as a result of individual intolerance, very unfavorable consequences can occur.
Such a procedure as tattooing has been known for quite some time. Modern cosmetology offers women several varieties of this method of eyebrow correction.
- Hair method consists in drawing each hair so that the result is as natural as possible, but their appearance is still somewhat different from natural. This technology requires high qualifications of the master, since precision is required in this matter, in addition, hair tattooing is performed for a rather long time due to its specifics.

- Shooting represents a partial rendering of the hairs, while most of the pigment is simply shaded. After a tattoo done using this technique, the eyebrows will have a fairly clear shape, and separately traced hairs will be responsible for a natural look. The technique is equally popular with girls with dark and blonde hair. On average, the result on the eyebrows will last for about two to three years.

- Shadow shading demanded due to the maximum natural final result. The eyebrows acquire a neat and expressive curve.
The procedure does not have any restrictions, therefore it is recommended for all clients.

- Spraying is a kind of shading of the dye in the upper layer of the epidermis, however, nano-spraying, unlike most of the techniques described above, does not imply complete clogging of the dye under the skin. Also, micropigmentation is associated with less pain with a maximum natural effect in the end. The popularity of powder coating has only been growing lately.

It is worth highlighting the positive features of eyebrow tattooing:
- such procedures can reduce the time spent on collecting and applying makeup;
- the tattoo will not flow on a hot day, nor will it wash off from rain or sea water, in comparison with a cosmetic pencil or eyeliner;
- rather long-lasting result;
- eyebrows have expressive color and shape.

The disadvantages of a permanent include the following nuances:
- soreness of the method;
- irreversibility of the process;
- in some cases, the healing process takes a long time.
However, the professional work of the master, proper care and strict adherence to the recommendations will allow you to enjoy the beauty of eyebrows from microblading or tattooing for quite a long time.

As for microblading, such a cosmetic service is not recommended for everyone. That is why it is worth highlighting the main cases when the procedure is contraindicated:
- type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus;
- the presence of fresh scars in this area of the face;
- the presence of inflammatory processes of the epidermis;
- poor blood clotting.
Experts do not recommend neglecting the above restrictions that apply to health, otherwise serious problems are possible after modeling and correcting eyebrows.

Tattooing is not recommended if you have at least one of the diseases listed below:
- diabetes;
- if the skin has inflammation, eczema, abscesses;
- if the client has health problems related to the cardiovascular system;
- asthma;
- individual intolerance to any materials used in the work.
In addition, both tattooing and microblading are not recommended for girls with a low pain threshold, since the used painkillers will not be able to provide maximum comfort during the injection of pigment under the skin.
As for pregnant clients and young mothers who are breastfeeding, beauticians recommend that they temporarily refuse to perform permanent make-up. This limitation is due to the peculiarities of the woman's skin during this period. The fact is that the epidermis loses its elasticity, and this complicates the introduction of the coloring composition, and in some cases it may even crystallize.

What is the difference?
Having studied the technology for performing eyebrow modeling using tattooing and microblading, it can be noted that these varieties have many similarities, but still differ from each other. The main distinguishing features of the procedures include the following nuances:
- microblading is a completely manual method of correction, as for tattooing, it is performed using a special device;
- as for the technique of execution, eyebrow tattooing is performed with a needle, and microblading with a blade;
- the depth of penetration of the tool into the skin also differs: the needle is immersed by 8 mm, and the blade - no deeper than 4 mm;
- the result from tattooing remains on the skin twice as long as from microblading, and the difference is about 2 years;

- the recovery period after microblading does not exceed a week, as for tattooing, healing can last about two weeks;
- since microblading is characterized by a lesser depth of penetration of pigment into the epidermis, it is better tolerated, since it is less traumatic, but tattooing is painful because of the depth of the needle entry, which more irritates the skin;
- the color of the eyebrows after tattooing will immediately be quite saturated, but will change over time, while the microblading color, on the contrary, does not change, however, over time, of course, it will become more faded;
- It is generally accepted that tattooing is performed much faster, however, each master has his own specifics of work, due to which the session time can vary both in one and the other direction.

How to choose?
First of all, you need to consult a doctor, because visiting a specialist will help to clarify questions regarding possible allergic reactions or other deviations.
After that, it is important not to be mistaken with the choice of a salon and a master - it is necessary that the service specialist has the appropriate qualifications, as well as certificates that allow you to perform such procedures. It will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the reviews of clients after carrying out this or that type of eyebrow correction.

In most cases, choosing one brow modeling service is based on cost. An important factor is the sensitivity of the skin and the patient's patience, as well as the frequency of repetition of the permanent and the correction.
Based on the cost, it should be noted that hair tattooing can be cheaper than microblading. This is due to the fact that the last procedure is still a fairly new cosmetic service, in addition, it allows you to make your eyebrows much more natural.
At the same time, in the course of one and the second procedure, the same task is realized - the master draws each hair.

If we consider shading or microblading, in this case it all depends on the wishes of the client. When shading, the eyebrows will be quite expressive and bright, since the coloring of the epidermis is mainly performed, and not the hairs; when performing microblading, the emphasis is on drawing exactly the eyebrow hairs.
The choice of eyebrow correction technique is purely individual, in this case it all depends on personal preferences regarding the appearance of the eyebrows, as well as the state of health.

What are the possible consequences after the procedures?
Considering cosmetic procedures for modeling eyebrows, it should be noted that such methods involve the penetration of the instrument and the coloring composition under the skin. In the light of certain factors, this can be fraught with the emergence of various kinds of adverse consequences. A number of potentially unpleasant situations can be identified with regard to tattooing.
- After the master has finished his work, the color of the eyebrows will be quite bright, plus the presence of edema and redness will focus on this area of the face. As practice shows, the shade of the eyebrows will even out within a few days.
- The more serious consequences after tattooing include an uneven contour, heterogeneity of the final color of the eyebrows. Most often, such negative situations arise due to the low qualifications of the specialist who performed the procedure. Some time after the final healing of the skin, you will have to seek help from another master to correct the mistakes.
- In some cases, as a result of the individual characteristics of the body or the use of non-sterile instruments, the procedure can lead to injuries and serious inflammation of the epidermis.

Despite the great popularity of such an innovative procedure as eyebrow microblading, this technology also has pitfalls that women may face in the future.
- After the healing of micro-incisions, they are practically invisible, the hairs look beautiful and harmonious. But if the depth of penetration of the paint was not the same, and also in the light of the fact that the epidermis reacts to such a procedure with inflammation, the hairs can be painted unevenly. As a result, the result will not be what the client dreamed of.
- In addition, if a poor quality dye composition was used, there is a risk that black eyebrows will acquire a bluish tint over time.
- In the course of microblading, there is a risk of damage to the hair follicles, which in the future can be fraught with situations when bald spots will form on the eyebrows.

As for the questions when it is necessary to remove the consequences of an unsuccessful permanent, a special laser will come to the aid of the fair sex.
This procedure is not cheap and requires several sessions, but the result stands out for its effectiveness.

For more information on the pros and cons of tattooing and eyebrow microblading, see the next video.