Features and subtleties of performing eyebrow hair tattoo

Unfortunately, not all women can boast of thick and beautiful eyebrows. For this good reason, they are forced to look for a variety of options to achieve the desired effect. To create the desired shape, add volume and adjust the color of the eyebrows, girls often use an eyeshadow palette and pencil. But these cosmetics are not always able to provide long-lasting makeup, and sometimes by the end of the day there is no trace of it. To eliminate such unpleasant situations, cosmetologists have developed a method of hair tattooing, which will help maintain a natural and unique look for a long time.

What it is?
Eyebrow hair tattooing is an innovative cosmetology session, the meaning of which is to apply coloring pigment under the epidermis using an apparatus with a sterile needle. The uniqueness of this type of eyebrow tattoo lies in the fact that the specialist draws each hair with light strokes. Thanks to this implementation of permanent make-up, the eyebrows retain their naturalness and give the look a special expressiveness.

This method is ideal for those who have:
- sparse and fine hairs;
- uneven hair growth;
- irregular or asymmetrical shape;
- pronounced bald spots after the illiterate use of tweezers;
- scars and scars that can only be hidden by cosmetic means;
- lack of free time for daily makeup.

The hair tattoo procedure is performed by two techniques.
- The first technique is called European. The technology of execution consists in drawing identical hairs located in the same direction and at the same distance. The result is beautiful and voluminous eyebrows.The work of the master will consist of two significant stages: first, he will introduce a dark shade into a deeper layer of the skin, then a lighter shade - closer to the outer part of the epidermis.

- The second technique is called Eastern (or Asian). By choosing this method of permanent make-up, you can achieve the effect of the most natural eyebrows. This type of tattoo is suitable for those with a round face. The hairs are drawn randomly, with completely different lengths and thicknesses. The process, as in European technology, will be carried out in two stages.

The difference between these two methods of permanent makeup lies only in the way the strokes are drawn. When performing oriental hair tattooing, the artist must have not only experience, but also artistic ability.

If, when performing the usual type of permanent tattooing, the cosmetologist simply fills the selected area of the eyebrows with paint, then with the hair method he applies pigment, drawing each line. The result is such a natural result that with the best lighting it will be almost impossible to recognize the presence of cosmetic interventions.

Advantages and disadvantages
Hair tattoo, like other cosmetic manipulations, has positive and negative sides. Before signing up for a specialist, you need to thoroughly study all the nuances.
Let's consider the main advantages of this process.
- With this permanent make-up technique, you can tidy up eyebrows of any length and thickness. The beautician will select a shape that will be in harmony with your appearance color type.
- A great opportunity to mask scars and scars in this part of the face.
- There is no more need to use a pencil and correct the make-up during the day. Now you can go to bath complexes, swim in reservoirs, without worrying that the cosmetics will wear off.

- The result after permanent make-up is preserved for a long time, and therefore there is no need to adjust the eyebrows every day. This saves a lot of time.
- The appearance after tattooing will become more expressive and well-groomed, but at the same time it will be as natural as possible.
- Creates the visual effect of thick and symmetrical hairs.
- Fast and practically painless procedure.
- Short-term rehabilitation period after manipulations.
- The appearance of scars from the hair technique is reduced to zero.

Each process has a downside.
It is important to be informed about the possible consequences and disadvantages of tattooing.
- The risk of getting a bad result. The desire to save money on cosmetic manipulations can play a cruel joke. Therefore, always carefully choose salons and craftsmen, so that later you do not waste time and money on removing unfortunate consequences. Correcting deplorable work, as a rule, with a laser, and this is a rather unpleasant process.

- Fear of pain. Many clients fear the painful sensation of injecting pigment under their skin. This is one of the reasons why women do not decide on permanent makeup. Masters anesthetize the browbone area with a special anesthetic cream. It removes most of the painful sensations, and during the application of the dye, the client feels only a slight tingling or tingling sensation. Hair technique is a safe cosmetological process, but painstaking and lengthy. You need to endure a little discomfort, and the result will not keep you waiting.

- Hair becomes thinner and grows more slowly. This happens due to damage to the bulbs.
- With increasing weight of a woman, there is a risk of changing the shape of the eyebrows. This point also applies to women who are prone to severe puffiness.
- In the presence of chronic diseases, there is a risk of increased blood pressure, blood glucose levels, the appearance of tissue edema, and allergies to pigment components.

Preparing for the procedure
Cosmetologists advise to follow a number of recommendations before the eyebrow hair tattooing session.
- Approximately a week before the procedure, start taking the drug "Ascorutin" and before going to bed, treat the area of the eyebrows with Troxevasin or Lyoton ointment. These medicines will help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which is very necessary for the correct distribution of the coloring pigment and rapid healing.
- Do not correct the shape of the eyebrows yourself on the eve of the procedure. In no case should you shave off or pluck them out with tweezers. The master will personally create a symmetrical shape and remove unnecessary hairs.

- Do not schedule a permanent makeup session during your period. The hormonal background affects how long the saturation of the dye remains.
- Do not drink alcohol and natural coffee, reduce the consumption of tobacco products a day before visiting the salon.

- The hair technique procedure can be planned only a month after the injection measures and beauty injections.
- Chemical peeling is also undesirable to carry out at least 2 weeks before tattooing. This is due to the fact that there is a risk of tissue damage by the acid that is part of the peeling.
- With increased nervousness or anxiety, take sedatives, for example, valerian extract or motherwort.

- Exclude prolonged exposure to sunlight. If this is unavoidable, then it is necessary to apply sunscreen with the maximum protection factor and sunglasses to the face. The ideal time of the year for creating permanent makeup is the autumn-winter period.
- Be sure to make sure of the professionalism of the master, study real customer reviews and, if possible, talk with friends who have previously done any procedures with him.
It is worth mentioning that there are a number of medical contraindications., in which the tattooing procedure is strictly prohibited. These include: pregnancy, the period of breastfeeding, exacerbation of allergic dermatitis, hemophilia (coagulation disorder), tuberculosis, type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus, venereal and dermatological diseases, papillomas and moles in the browbones.

In the presence of chronic diseases, be sure to inform the beautician about this, so as not to harm your health and avoid negative consequences.
When taking medications, also try to notify the master, because some hormonal medications can affect the result of the work.

Application technique
The technique of performing hair tattooing is very similar to other modern techniques of permanent makeup, but it has its own characteristics.
The process itself consists of several stages.
You should consider them in stages.
- The girl comes for a consultation with the chosen master. Together they select the appropriate shape and shade of the eyebrows. This takes into account all the data of the girl, namely: color type, shape of the face, eyes, nose, forehead height. The preferred hair tattoo technique is determined. The color of the pigment should be as similar as possible to the shade of the girl's natural hairs, otherwise the result will look ridiculous and the eyebrows will be pronounced. When choosing a dye for blondes, you need to remember that too dark and too bright colors will surely ruin this area of the face. Fair-haired girls should be the most scrupulous in choosing a color scheme. Some professionals use several different dye tones at the same time. This method will visually give more volume and density. The master applies the contour with a pencil. If the client likes the sketch of future eyebrows, then proceed to the next stage.

- The client sits on the couch, the hair is hidden under a disposable cap so that during the process the face is completely free and nothing gets on the browbones. The eyebrows are treated with a disinfectant and lubricated with an anesthetic cream.The area of the face treated with the cream is covered with cling film for 20-25 minutes, during which time the anesthetic will have time to act, and the client will not be hurt at all in the future. At this time, the master prepares an instrument - an apparatus with a sterile needle. Be sure to ask to open the needle in your presence to make sure it is sterile.

- After all the preparatory processes, the beautician proceeds directly to the design of the eyebrows. With the prepared instrument, the master collects the required amount of dye and makes micro-punctures to a depth of about 1-1.2 mm, imitating individual hairs. Hardware tattooing is good because it does not require too deep injection of paint under the epidermis. For example, unlike microblading, it does not cut or scar.
- Completing the above manipulations, the skin is carefully treated with antiseptic preparations, for example, a solution of chlorhexidine or miramistin. After that, a wound-healing ointment is applied.

A permanent make-up session lasts no more than 2 hours. After its termination, the region of the superciliary arches turns red, and slight tissue edema appears. This happens due to mechanical action on the skin, and is a completely understandable reaction of the body. After a day, the swelling and redness will disappear. The cosmetologist always gives part-time recommendations for further care.

Having looked at the photos before and after the eyebrow hair tattoo, as well as having studied the reviews of compatriots who have undergone the procedure, you can be convinced that this innovative method almost always guarantees a transformation for the better.
The most important thing is to find a good specialist, and then you will be satisfied with the effect obtained.

Care Tips
Eyebrows need additional care after hair tattooing.
For the first few days, it is recommended that you take special care of your skin.
- A ichor will appear in the puncture sites. It must be wiped every hour with gentle movements in the direction of hair growth using a cotton pad or a soft cloth dipped in chlorhexidine. Never use alcohol-based products for processing. With excessive drying of the eyebrows, the use of tetracycline ointment is allowed.

- After a couple of days, the ichor will dry out, and a protective crust will form in its place. You do not need to touch, scratch, rip off or try to remove it, after a while it will fall off on its own. To speed up the healing of tissues and additionally moisturize them, you can use the cream "Bepanten" or "Rescuer". The rehabilitation period takes no more than a week on average. During this period, itching may appear, which will signal the wound healing.
- After peeling off the crust, smear the eyebrows with Troxevasin for several days.

- Antihistamines and antibacterial drugs can be taken to facilitate the healing period. The skin after permanent make-up is slightly injured, and it must be protected: try to avoid contact with water when washing, do not rub it with a towel, but only gently soak it with a soft napkin or cloth.
- Do not apply makeup on the eyebrow area during the first week to eliminate the risk of infection and damage to the healing skin.
- Do not engage in unnecessary physical activity until the epidermis is completely healed: the secretion of sweat has a negative effect on the injured tissues.

Within 30–45 days, it is undesirable to appear under the scorching sun and, if possible, wear a hat with wide brims. The active sun can injure the healing skin. The same applies to sudden changes in temperature conditions, strong winds and dusty weather. In bad weather, try to avoid walks and long periods of time on the street. So, the result will be saved much more reliably.

- In the first month, do not use cleansing scrubs, foams, or face masks. Do not use the sauna and pool.
- After complete healing of the eyebrows, it is recommended to use light-textured creams and serums every day. It is desirable that they contain vitamins of groups A, D and E.

The question of how long the hair tattoo lasts becomes paramount for girls even before going to the procedure. Persistence depends on many circumstances. This is influenced by the individual properties of the organism, the type of skin, the quality of the dye and the professionalism of the master.
In older women, pigment lasts longer, as metabolism slows down with age. On dry and normal skin, pigment lasts longer than on oily skin. For women with oily skin, the dye dissolves faster, which is due to the accelerated metabolism and active work of the sebaceous glands.
The highest quality and hypoallergenic pigments are dyes produced in Germany and the United States of America. Low-quality paint gives the eyebrows a blue-green tint, which is then very difficult to remove.

Correction should be carried out no later than a month and a half after the primary procedure. If you refuse it, the tattoo will not be uniform and will disappear faster. This is due to the fact that the first time the pigment may not completely take root. The correction is usually cheaper and takes less than an hour. The use of anesthesia during the correction depends on the amount of work to be done.
According to research by cosmetologists, on average, the result lasts from six months to two years. After this time, the client is advised to go through the hair tattoo renewal procedure.

Beautiful examples
To appreciate all the advantages of the hair technique, it is necessary to visually study the beautiful photographic works of specialists in the field of tattooing. We offer you to evaluate the transformations of girls who have undergone the procedure by competent masters. Thus, there is a chance to once again make sure how the look and appearance changes radically with the correct color and shape of the eyebrows. Modern technologies make it possible for women of all ages, with any natural data, to have a well-groomed face and give dizzying looks.

A few more recommendations for the care of permanent makeup in the next video.