Essential oils

Tea tree oil: benefits and harms, subtleties of choice and application

Tea tree oil: benefits and harms, subtleties of choice and application
  1. What it is?
  2. Composition
  3. How is it useful?
  4. Potential harm
  5. How to choose an oil?
  6. How do I use it?
  7. At home
  8. Advice

Modern manufacturers of medicines and cosmetic products are increasingly incorporating natural ingredients into their products. This is due to the consumer's concern for their health and the desire to preserve beauty with the help of environmentally friendly components. Tea tree oil is one of the most popular and useful traditional medicines. It is a natural component with unique properties and is successfully used in modern medicine, cosmetology, homeopathy, aromatherapy, and the food industry.

What it is?

The first mention of the tea tree dates back to the second half of the eighteenth century. During a trip to Australia, the legendary James Cook drew attention to the natives, who brewed a decoction from the leaves of a bush that resembled ordinary tea leaves. A decoction from Melaleuca was used to treat abrasions, wounds, scars and various ailments. It was the medicinal properties of this plant that attracted the attention of the famous traveler.

Melaleuca (tea tree) belongs to the Myrtle family, the genus Melaleuca alternifolia (Melaleuca alternifolia) and has about 236 species. But tea tree esters are produced only from a certain type of plant, the so-called honey myrtle, and other types of shrubs do not have the necessary properties.

In Europe, the Australian Melaleuca alternifolia spread like a tea tree, although it has nothing to do with the classic drink. The extract did not deserve the attention of the medicine of that time. Only in the nineteenth century, with the advent of homeopathy and aromatherapy, was it possible to appreciate the unique properties of Melaleuca.The test results were surprising: thanks to a wide range of antiseptic elements, the oil proved to be an effective anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent, capable of replacing synthetic analogs.

During World War II, the Allied First Aid Kit was equipped with a bottle of Melaleuca alternifolia oil. With its help, in the field, they healed wounds, got rid of catarrhal phenomena and used it to treat infections of the oral cavity. In Australia, until now, oil is called "ambulance" and is often used as an antiseptic.

At home, decoctions or infusions of Melaleuka are used, but in industrial production, a gentle distillation method with the help of active steam was chosen. Water vapor is passed through the pre-crushed leaves under atmospheric pressure. Passing through the raw material, the vapor absorbs essential oils, which, after cooling, are thoroughly filtered and poured into containers.

The main producers are Greece, France, Spain and China, but Australian products are considered to be of the highest quality and meet consumer requirements.


Tea tree oil is a viscous liquid of light olive color with a specific odor. It does not dissolve in water, practically insoluble in glycerin, but it can change the concentration when alcohol or another type of oil is added. The original product has a pronounced aroma, so it is practically not used in perfumery. At the heart of the fragrance, woody notes and slight bitterness are caught, followed by sweet fruity notes.

The final product contains more than 100 types of isoprene derivatives - terpenes. The main share of bacterial components is monoterpenes - up to 50%, diterpenes - up to 40%, cineole - up to 15%. The functional feature of these substances is the ability to penetrate the membrane of bacterial and viral cells and destroy their structure from the inside. This determines the antiseptic and antiviral effect of the substance.

Some species of the listed components actively affect the gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial flora, which determines a wide range of their influence.

How is it useful?

Tea tree oil is a powerful antiviral, antimicrobial, antifungal, wound healing and moisturizer. It is successfully used in folk and traditional medicine. The unique properties of the product make it possible to use it as an immunostimulating and cosmetic agent. It is a powerful effective antiseptic, which is 7 times stronger than carbolic acid and 10 times stronger than phenol.

Melaleuca alternifolia oil is used for the following skin and other problems:

  • fungal manifestations on the skin and nails, small scars and colloidal scars;
  • dermatitis of various etiologies, non-infectious skin diseases, psoriasis, herpes infection;
  • papillomas, warts, calluses, growths;
  • frostbite and mild burns;
  • poisonous insect bites;
  • acne, teenage acne;
  • acute viral diseases, with chickenpox, colds, catarrhal phenomena;
  • inflammatory processes of the oral cavity;
  • otitis media (otitis media);
  • sprains, dislocations, myalgias, sports injuries;
  • colpitis, candidiasis, erosion of the cervix;
  • lice, nits, ticks;
  • with hemorrhoids;
  • stomatitis, gingivitis, toothache.

Potential harm

Even the most useful products have a number of contraindications. The oil is not recommended for use:

  • with individual intolerance, allergic manifestations, high blood pressure;
  • nosebleeds, cranial injuries and neuropsychiatric disorders during an exacerbation;
  • low threshold of sensitivity, epileptic seizures.

Breastfeeding is a contraindication to the use of oil.Not recommended for children under three years of age to avoid an allergic reaction.

The following series is distinguished from side reactions.

  • Hyperemia, swelling and soreness of the skin at the site of application of the substance.
  • During inhalation, bronchospasm is possible, especially in patients with bronchial asthma.
  • When using the drug inside, a decrease in blood pressure is possible.
  • If oil comes into contact with mucous membranes, irritation and burns may occur.

If the rules of use are not followed, the concentrated oil (10%) can cause burns, peeling, irritation, redness or allergic manifestations. Therefore, it is recommended to use it with a base base, which can be any cosmetic oil or cream.

Before using the essential oil for its intended purpose, it is necessary to conduct an allergic test. A small amount of oil is applied to the behind the ear or to the inner surface of the wrist and the skin reaction is monitored for 15 minutes. Slight hyperemia, edema and signs of itching indicate an intolerance of the body to one of the components of the test substance.

The use of oil in dentistry requires special care. When cleaning the mouth, gums, or gargling, make sure that the solution does not accidentally get inside the body.

How to choose an oil?

The choice of essential oil should be approached responsibly: pay attention to the brand, packaging, expiration date and physical characteristics of the product. According to GOST, the indicators of a quality product must correspond to:

  • density 0.9 g / cm3;
  • refractive index 1.5 ° C;
  • acid number 2.0 con / g.

Toxic substances should not exceed the norm:

  • arsenic not more than 5 mg / kg;
  • mercury 0.9 mg / kg;
  • lead not more than 4.9 mg / kg.

    A slight weakening of the aroma is allowed when the shelf life is nearing completion.

    Pay attention to the label. It must contain the name of the product, its purpose, country, location and address of the manufacturer, barcode. The expiration date must be clearly written on the label - the date of manufacture and the final consumption date of the product. And also there should be a list of ingredients and a single name for the substance in Latin when passing through customs.

    The packaging must be complete. Essential oils are poured into a dark glass container - this protects products from oxidation, exposure to ultraviolet rays and prevents the destruction of chemical elements. It is not recommended to purchase packaging with deformed elements: chips, cracks or visible traces of opening. The manufacturer must provide instructions for the use of the drug, which indicates the therapeutic and prophylactic properties.

    It is advisable to purchase oil in pharmacies or trusted online stores - this will minimize the likelihood of acquiring a fake or a diluted analogue.

    When examining the assortment, pay attention to the pricing policy of the items offered for use. Coniferous oils are significantly higher in price than citrus and stone fruits, and apricot kernel ester cannot be equal to jojoba oil. Therefore, try to avoid dubious distributors who supply substandard goods for sale.

    How do I use it?

    When choosing an ether, one should decide on the method of using the substance. More concentrated (10%) are suitable for spot treatment of skin areas, inhalations, aromatic baths, and less concentrated (5%) - for external use.

    Due to the high content of nutrients, essential oil is used in various fields of medicine.

    In gynecology

    In gynecological practice, the agent is used to treat and prevent inflammatory processes.

    • Douching for vaginitis is carried out with 500 ml of warm boiled water, a teaspoon of soda and a few drops of oil.
    • Gynecological tampons are used to treat cervical erosion.
    • For the prevention and treatment of urethritis and prostatitis, it is used in the form of suppositories in combination with propolis and pumpkin seed oil.
    • Essential oil is one of the most effective remedies used to treat colds, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, herpes, flu and catarrhal phenomena.
    • For a cold, use an emulsion made from 50 ml of water and a few drops of oil. Within a week, the nose is instilled with this composition, 1 drop in each nasal passage.
    • With furunculosis, the affected areas of the skin are treated, at least twice a day.
    • With rosacea, problem areas are treated with a solution of the base substance and tea tree oil in a ratio of 1: 10.
    • Olive oil in combination with a few drops of Melaleuca ether is used for frostbite and mild burns.

    With seborrhea

    For seborrhea, dandruff and skin itching, masks, rinses and balms are used.

    • To prepare the mask, use yogurt or kefir, add a few drops of oil, apply to the scalp for 2 hours.
    • You can use a white henna mask, 2 × 3 drops of tea tree oil, diluted with water to the state of liquid sour cream.
    • In order to give shine and a healthy look to the hair, it is necessary to add a few drops of oil to shampoos, masks or balms for one shampoo.
    • You can massage your head by periodically wetting your fingers in a one-to-one mixture of peach and tea tree oil.

    For teeth whitening

    Ideal for gentle teeth whitening. After normal hygienic cleaning, apply 1-2 drops to the toothbrush and brush. After a few seconds, rinse your mouth.

    With hyperhidrosis

    Excessive sweating is unpleasant for both men and women. With the help of essential oil, you can significantly reduce the phenomenon of hyperhidrosis, for which the armpit area is treated with a solution consisting of 50 ml of alcohol, diluted in half with water, and a few drops of oil.

    For sweating feet, the following composition is used to eliminate the unpleasant odor: 1 drop of sage oil, 2 drops of rosemary oil and 5 drops of tea tree oil are added to 50 ml of base oil. If you are sensitive to odors, you can reduce the dosage of oil to 2 drops.

    With papillomas

    A remedy is also used to remove warts, growths or calluses, but only if benign formations are excluded. In order to achieve results, it is necessary to lubricate the area with concentrated oil. With treatments, the warts gradually decrease and die off. This procedure is carried out 2 times a day for two weeks.

    With otitis media

    Warm up 50 ml of olive oil in a water bath and add a couple of drops of tea tree oil. In each ear canal, drip one drop of the solution. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

    For wounds in the nose

    For wound surfaces or after opening a boil in the nose, it is necessary to treat the affected area with a mixture of almond oil and tea tree oil in a ratio of 1: 5.

    From barley

    It is necessary to prepare a bath with hot water and add 2-3 drops of oil for every 500 ml, then hold your face over the water for 5 minutes.

    For insect bites

    In case of mosquito, bee and other insect bites, it is necessary to treat the affected area with a solution of olive oil with the addition of tea tree ether in a ratio of 1: 5.

    With hemorrhoids

    With such a disease, the agent is used as lotions, applications and for massage.

    During pregnancy

    Taking care of your health becomes more important during pregnancy, because the lion's share of thoughts is occupied by fears for the development of the fetus. Therefore, expectant mothers try to minimize the use of synthetic and harmful drugs, and tea tree oil is becoming an indispensable tool in the fight against some ailments.

    Tea tree oil can help treat respiratory problems without the use of antibiotics and antiviral agents.

    Since the second trimester, many women suffer from lower back pain. Rubbing or lightly massaging your back with tea tree oil can help relieve discomfort.

    Essential oil can help cope with varicose veins, edema on the legs, hemorrhoids and inflammatory processes in the corners, without using antibiotics or drugs that are harmful to the child's health.

    During pregnancy, the use of the extract inside is contraindicated - this can harm the child. When using folk remedies, you need to strictly monitor your well-being and consult your doctor on any issues.

    At home

    Essential oils are of great importance in air purification. Harmful substances, bacteria, viruses accumulate in any room. With the help of oil, you can disinfect the room, in addition, it perfectly humidifies the air. The aromatization of the premises is carried out from several minutes to two hours, depending on the preferences and concentration of the solution. In case of an overdose, headaches, nausea and dizziness are possible.

    The oil has a beneficial effect on the emotional state, enhances memory and concentration. It helps to quickly switch from one type of activity to another, calmly endure stressful situations. Reduces sensitivity, irritability, relieves panic attacks.

    In esotericism, tea tree oil is used for rituals. It promotes meditation, helps to tune in to the ceremony, is successfully used to carry out magical actions, protects against negative energy.


    Tea tree oil has been used with great success in aromatherapy. They use aroma lamps, aroma candles, aroma pendants and more. The choice of method depends on your preference. It helps relieve many anxiety symptoms, physical ailments and emotional problems. It has relaxing properties, improves mood, helps to get out of depression. In addition, it normalizes breathing, enhances the absorption of oxygen, improves blood circulation, increases libido, and helps to overcome constraint and confusion.


    Due to their unique composition, essential oils enhance metabolic processes. They promote fat burning, relieve stretch marks, improve blood circulation, help smooth the skin. Oil for external use is used as a fat burning agent. But in rare cases it is added to salad dressing in strictly limited quantities and after consultation with a doctor.

    The following procedures are used to reduce weight.

    • Aromatherapy. To do this, you can use several methods: aroma lamp, medallion, inhalation of the aroma from the bottle, inhalation.

    With the help of inhalations, you can control the feeling of hunger, using when an irresistible desire to eat comes, whatever it is tasty.

    • Anticellulite massage. For anti-cellulite massage, special blends are used with the addition of honey and low-abrasive substances. For this purpose, finely ground coffee beans or oatmeal are suitable. 5 drops of tea tree oil are added to 100 ml of coconut oil and massage is applied to the inner and outer thighs, buttocks, abdomen, sides, arms. Anti-cellulite massage should be performed in courses of 10 procedures once every six months.
    • Balneotherapy. Baths with the addition of a few drops of oil have a beneficial effect on the body. One procedure requires 15–20 drops of oil, but you should start with two drops per procedure.

    A bath with aromatic oil has a beneficial effect on the skin, promotes the expansion of pores and the removal of excess fluid. It promotes weight loss, improves the tone of the body and heals the body as a whole.The course of the procedure is at least 15 times, but make sure that the water is not more than 37.5 ° C.

    Cosmetological wraps. For weight loss, anti-cellulite wraps are used. This procedure helps to fight problem areas, enhances skin turgor, helps to remove excess fluid, and prevents the formation of orange peel. The following recipes are used for wrapping:

    • For 50 ml of the base base add 8-10 drops of tea tree oil, 5 drops of rosemary oil.
    • Ten drops of tea tree oil are mixed with 5 drops of citrus and 5 drops of patchouli oil. This mixture is added to 30-50 ml of the base base.
    • To 450 ml of water add 200 mg of sea salt, 50 mg of blue clay and 15 drops of Melaleuca oil.

    The mixture is applied to problem areas of the skin and wrapped in cling film for forty minutes. They cover themselves with a warm blanket, and after the procedure they take a warm shower.

    For internal use

    Some sources recommend taking tea tree oil internally. This method is considered as an exception and only after consultation with your doctor.

    • For weight loss, tea tree oil is used, adding one drop to kefir or green tea.
    • A method is used in which a drop of oil is sealed into the bread crumb and swallowed.

    The use of oil for weight loss cannot be considered a panacea, but as an additional tool, it will bring irreplaceable benefits.

    For nail fungus

    Microorganisms, falling under the nail, multiply and affect the surrounding areas. In order to prevent the development of the infectious process, it is necessary to stop the infection in time. To do this, you should carry out step-by-step preparation and go through the entire course of treatment.

    The oil acts directly on the fungus: it reduces painful sensations and neutralizes unpleasant odors. In most cases, it is used in the form of compresses, massage, baths. For effective treatment, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation:

    • It is necessary to thoroughly treat the nail with soap.
    • Steam in a bath, after adding two teaspoons of soda, sea salt, apple cider vinegar to hot water (500 ml).
    • Remove the part of the nail plate affected by the fungus as much as possible.
    • Dry your nails with a clean towel or disposable sanitary napkin.
    • Apply one of the antifungal medications to prevent the spread of the process.

    When treating the affected areas, disposable instruments are used or subsequently subjected to chemical or heat treatment.

    Types of procedures for the treatment of nail fungus.

    • Massage. Massage of the nail plate is carried out on a previously prepared and dried nail plate. A drop of ether is applied to each nail and rubbed in with massage movements until completely absorbed. Then the treated nail is isolated with a plaster for an hour. Make sure that the concentrated oil does not touch the skin surface - a chemical burn is possible.
    • Baths. To carry out the baths, add a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of soda, five tablespoons of salt and 15–20 drops of tea tree oil to a container of hot water. The affected nail plates should be completely immersed in the solution. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures, with a procedure duration of 25 minutes. After that, you can massage the nail plate with oil.

    Such methods of treatment have significant advantages and the absence of contraindications, with the exception of allergic manifestations. They are ergonomic, applicable to different stages of infection, combined with other drugs.

    Application in cosmetology

    Melaleuca plant extract is an effective cosmetic product for all skin types. It is indicated for adolescent, healthy and aging skin. The oil is used both as a stand-alone product and as part of cosmetic preparations.

    • As part of creams or home cosmetics, it helps to give the skin a matte finish, evens out the complexion, and prevents the appearance of age spots.
    • Prevents peeling, chapping, enhances skin regeneration, rejuvenates and ensures the intake of nutrients into the cell.
    • Prevents the influence of free radicals from the external environment on the upper layers of the dermis.

    The following guidelines should be followed when using tea tree oil.

    • The product is applied to cleansed skin.
    • The duration of the mask or peeling with oil is 15 minutes.
    • Wash off with clean water or using a cosmetic sponge without soap.
    • Then a daily skin care product is applied.

    The presence of one or another ingredient in the composition of cosmetics is determined by the type of skin. Oily, prone to inflammation and acne formation, requires careful care and hydration. Tea tree oil is one of the most effective remedies for this type of skin.

    • To reduce inflammation and increase facial skin turgor, you can prepare a mask of gruel of one aloe leaf and a few drops of tea tree oil. The composition is applied for ten minutes and washed off with warm water.
    • To two tablespoons of cottage cheese, add half a teaspoon of cosmetic clay and a few drops of ether. Dilute with chamomile infusion until sour cream is thick and apply for 15–20 minutes.

    The following masks can help reduce inflammation and acne.

    • As a base, you can use cosmetic clay, kefir, cottage cheese or ground oatmeal. The components are mixed until smooth and a few drops of tea tree oil are added. The resulting mass is applied to the face and washed off with warm water after twenty minutes.
    • Beat the white of one egg into a stable foam and add half a teaspoon of starch and a few drops of ether. Wash off with warm water after fifteen minutes.

    For dry skin prone to wrinkle formation, various masks are used.

    1. Moisturizing masks should be used for skin prone to premature aging. As a basis, you can take any cosmetic product for the skin, to which a few drops of tea tree ether are added. Such a remedy can be successfully replaced by a night cream.
    2. For rejuvenation, masks are used based on 15% cream, adding tea tree oil, chamomile or string extracts.
    3. Tea tree extract reduces the manifestation of demodicosis. To do this, you must use a cosmetic product based on infusion of chamomile, rosemary, string and a few drops of tea tree oil.

    Without exaggeration, tea tree oil is one of the most affordable and effective ingredients that every home should have. Reviews about this tool are more than positive.

    Almost everyone who is fortunate enough to apply the remedy notes positive results: reducing inflammation, smoothing wrinkles, reducing fungal manifestations, warts and inflammatory processes.


    In order to buy high-quality natural oil, you need to know some subtleties of choice.

    In order to purchase high-quality natural oil, you need to pay attention to the smell. The aroma of natural oil resembles freshly cut wood, while the cheaper counterparts have pronounced camphor notes and a sweetish aftertaste.

    If the price of the product you have chosen attracts with its availability, but you doubt the quality, then you need to conduct a few simple tests. This will help confirm or refute your doubts.

    • It is necessary to drop a few drops of ether onto a dry paper towel and observe how the oil is absorbed for half an hour. If a greasy stain remains, this indicates a questionable quality or poor filtration of the test product.
    • When adding oil to the base base (regular cream, tonic, shampoo), it should not change its consistency or color. Turbidity or delamination of the base indicates a questionable quality of the product.
    • When applied to a fabric or wrist, tea tree oil lasts for more than 5 hours; if it evaporates earlier, this indicates a synthetic analogue or poor quality of the product.

    The purpose and effect of tea tree oil is different: the scent affects the physical and cognitive state. For a full effect, it is recommended to use complex compositions of essential oils. But before using any folk remedy, aromatherapy or homeopathy, you should consult with your doctor. Any alarming changes in the body or symptoms that require examination should be treated using traditional medicine, and a timely diagnosis will help prevent negative consequences.

    See below for more details.

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