Essential oils

Ginger oil: benefits and harms, options for use

Ginger oil: benefits and harms, options for use
  1. Beneficial features
  2. Contraindications and harm
  3. Application options
  4. How to make a remedy at home?
  5. Reviews

Ginger has many beneficial properties for the human body, but you can use not only the root of the plant, but also the oil made from it. It is quite possible to make a product yourself if you follow the recipe.

Beneficial features

Ginger oil has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and analgesic properties, improves the functioning of the digestive system. It is considered safe, but it should not be used on the skin or drunk undiluted as the concentrated product can cause severe allergic reactions. With individual sensitivity, skin rash or nausea may appear. If the oil has never been used before, then it is necessary to check the reaction on one small area of ​​the skin, for example, on the back of the hand.

You can add ginger essential oil to formulations for stomach pain and bloating. To quickly relieve the signs of an upset stomach, you should try pouring a few drops of oil into a glass of warm water and drinking the resulting solution.

In a diluted form, the product helps to reduce acne and inflammation on the skin, destroys the microbes that cause them. It contains powerful antioxidants that can protect the skin from the negative effects of the environment. If you add a little oil to your face cream and use it regularly, you will notice a decrease in the number of wrinkles.

A couple of ginger helps with respiratory problems:

  • asthma;
  • shortness of breath;
  • cough;
  • nasal congestion.

The product can be used as part of inhalation, dripping oil into boiling water and inhaling vapors.It works well as a decongestant, so it will help clear mucus from the lungs, bronchi and sinuses.

In China, the described product has long been used as a medicine in traditional medicine for heart problems. Today science has proven its real benefits. Ginger oil has been shown to help reduce blood cholesterol, reduce the risk of clots and blood clots, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease and strokes.

It is also known to activate metabolism, which allows the body to burn the calories it receives faster. Drinking a mug of warm water with a few drops of ginger oil after a meal will help the body digest food faster without putting fat on the sides and buttocks.

The wonderful scent of ginger helps calm the nerves and gives strength to cope with stress and anxiety. Vapors of ginger oil very quickly affect the brain, raise the mood. It is worth adding a few drops of the product to the bath water or using it in a spray bottle, after a while the positive effect will become obvious.

Putting a drop of ginger oil on your wrist or behind your ears can help relieve the onset of nausea. As an alternative to medication, if a person is feeling really unwell during a flight or car ride, rub some herbal into the palm of your hand and hold your hands over your nose and mouth while inhaling the vapors.

You can add a little oil to your shampoo. It will improve blood circulation in the scalp, activate hair follicles, and, accordingly, hair growth. Ginger oil also has antifungal properties, making it an inexpensive dandruff treatment.

Contraindications and harm

Despite the huge number of beneficial properties for the body, ginger oil has contraindications, and this is not only an individual intolerance. The following people should not use the product:

  • pregnant and lactating mothers;
  • patients with fever;
  • those with dermatological problems;
  • people with liver disease;
  • patients with stomach ulcers.

For children under seven years old, ginger oil is also not included in the diet. This product is also contraindicated for people who take medications for high blood pressure to improve blood clotting. It is forbidden for everyone to drink oil on an empty stomach.

Application options

Ginger oil can be used for cosmetic and medical purposes. It has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face and hair, and helps with weight loss.

For hair

To be honest, everyone prefers to use natural products to take care of their beauty and health, since such products are fortified with minerals, vitamins and other nutrients that are well absorbed by the body. Ginger oil is one of the natural gifts that are very effective for hair. It is rich in vitamins, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, which provide nourishment and strengthening of hair follicles. Regular use of the product prevents hair loss. Ginger oil helps to fight dandruff, has the necessary stimulating effect on the roots, has powerful nutritional and antimicrobial properties.

For the mask, you will need two tablespoons of ginger essential oil and water. They are mixed together and rubbed into the hair roots. Leave for half an hour, and then wash off. It is allowed to use such a solution twice a week, but not more often.

Ginger oil, combined with olive oil, perfectly nourishes and strengthens hair, so that it grows healthy and thick. 5-6 drops of ginger are dripped into a small amount of olive oil, stirred well and rubbed into the roots and scalp. They do not hold for long, a few minutes, then rinse off. The result will become noticeable if you repeat the procedure several times a week.

Lemon juice mixed with ginger oil has good antimicrobial properties. Together, the two components not only stimulate hair growth, but also restore ph balance. This product contains vitamin C, folic acid and other beneficial nutrients. Lemon juice leaves hair smooth and shiny by completely removing dandruff. This mask is used twice a week.

Often, ginger oil is mixed with onions, which are rich in sulfur and are very beneficial for the hair roots, as it normalizes blood flow and stimulates growth. Antimicrobial properties help to get rid of scalp infections, a mask with grated onions also prevents premature gray hair. Two tablespoons of oil are enough for one grated onion. Such a mask lasts up to twenty minutes, then you need to rinse your head well. However, the product has a significant drawback, after using it, the onion smell is not so easy to wash off from the hair and it can appear again when water gets on the head.

You can replace the onion with garlic, add coconut and a little milk to the mask to the ginger oil. Together, these ingredients perfectly nourish the ends and roots of the hair, leaving them healthy.

When losing weight

Receptors in the human nose can perceive more than a trillion odors and activate various parts of the body through aromas. When essential oil molecules are inhaled, a specific area is stimulated, which is responsible for the emotional, physical or psychological component. Mood, heart rate and blood pressure levels, and motivation change almost instantly.

So, if a person is struggling with a constant craving for sugary foods, with fatigue and a bad mood, he needs to use ginger oil, which, in turn, will push up a sluggish metabolism. Regular inhalation of the scent of this oil dulls the feeling of hunger. Alternatively, you can drip small amounts into your tea to achieve a similar effect.

For massage

The massage oil helps to relax the body and calm the soul. Warming ginger oil massage is a great way to relieve tension and muscle pain. It also moisturizes dry skin well. This recipe is very effective in combating stress and tension.

Its use is beneficial for relaxation, especially after a hard day, hard work or exercise. Ginger oil can be used with a deep massage technique. This will soothe the joints as well. A good remedy would be a mixture of several oils in the following proportion:

  • 10 drops of ginger ether;
  • 8 drops of cardamom ether;
  • 4 drops of orange extract;
  • 1/4 cup almond oil

All ingredients are mixed in glass containers. Used externally, applied first to the hands, and then rubbed over the body. It is best to avoid direct sunlight after the massage.

How to make a remedy at home?

To prepare the described product at home, you will need a fresh root of a plant and a base oil, which you can take as olive oil, since it is the most useful and affordable. The root is rubbed on a fine grater and poured over with oil. They put the container in the oven and simmer there for two hours. Then the mixture is taken out, allowed to cool slightly, decanted through a sieve or gauze into a glass container and removed away from ultraviolet rays in a cool place. Such oil is stored for no more than six months.


There are numerous reviews on the Internet that indicate the beneficial effect of this agent on the human body. Girls notice improvements in hair growth and scalp condition after repeated use of masks, in which one of the main components is ginger oil.

Tea with this product has a general positive effect on the body, which perfectly activates the metabolic process, improves metabolism, and helps not to gain excess weight.The most important thing is that you should not use too much ginger extract, because then a rash and itching may appear, this is how the body reacts to an excess of funds.

In the next video, you will find recipes for ginger hair masks.

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