Camphor oil for hair: effectiveness and popular recipes

Camphor oil is widely used in home medicine and cosmetology. The medicinal properties of the extract have been known since ancient times: it was used to treat coughs, various degrees of bronchitis, and other diseases of the respiratory system. In addition, regular use of this product has a beneficial effect on the structure of the hair and scalp, which makes camphor an indispensable assistant in maintaining beautiful and healthy curls.

The reserves of camphor oil are contained in the trunk of a rare tree - the Japanese laurel. The world industry to this day resorts to the steam distillation method for its extraction. The place of growth of this valuable plant is Japan, China, Taiwan, part of Indonesia.
The plant extract has gained particular popularity in medical circles. The clear liquid is used to treat asthma, epilepsy, bronchitis, gout, arthritis, rheumatism, muscle inflammation, wet cough, and other colds. Also helps patients diagnosed with arrhythmia and neurosis. The manufacturer of pharmaceutical products produces the product in three types: ointment, pure oil, alcohol solution.
Camphor oil, unfortunately, has quite a few side effects, so it is recommended exclusively for external use.

The cosmetics industry uses natural camphor oil to improve the appearance of the skin. Especially it has established itself as a powerful remedy for acne, in addition, it perfectly smoothes wrinkles, removes scars and scars.
Today, most cosmetics contain Japanese laurel extract. The main part is designed specifically for oily skin type. Also, the mixture has a positive effect on the hair, strengthening it from the inside.In addition, it affects the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows.

Camphor laurel oil contains a large amount of nutrients. Thanks to these components, the agent has a healing effect on the entire human body.
The elements included are described below.
- Camphor - a component of the entire product. It has a crystalline structure. Plays an important role in maintaining health.
- Safrole - a cosmetic component that has a strong effect on the external condition of the skin and hair.
- Camphene - a natural stimulator of the growth process. It is he who fights split ends.
- Cineol - natural antiseptic.
- Pinen - an irreplaceable substance. It imparts viscosity to the oil.
- Bisabolol - natural protein. Gives hair a lamination effect that is soft and silky.

It is the rich composition that endowed the vegetable oil with the main properties:
- pain relievers;
- nutritious;
- antiseptic;
- cleansing;
- anti-inflammatory;
- annoying;
- wound healing;
- anti-aging;
- whitening;
- regulating the production of sebum.

The valuable camphor oil is considered an excellent hair care product, as it can prevent frequent problems: hair loss, brittleness, split ends, stiffness and dryness of curls.
The natural ingredients in the composition effectively affect the scalp, penetrating deep into the roots, thereby improving blood circulation and increasing the flow of oxygen to the hair follicles.

The main actions of the valuable extract can be distinguished:
- acceleration of cellular metabolism;
- improvement of hair, skin;
- cleansing, disinfecting action;
- regeneration, healing of cracks, wounds, inflammations;
- increasing the elasticity of the skin;
- an increase in the density, density of curls;
- getting rid, protection from dandruff, seborrhea;
- regulation of the sebaceous glands;
- decreased sebum production;
- saturation with vitamins, minerals;
- stimulating the process of new hair growth;
- removal of painful sensations as a result of external irritations;
- maintaining water balance;
- action on the hair structure from the inside;
- prevention of severe hair loss.

The benefits of camphor oil are quite large. Reviews of trichologists say that it is recommended to turn to this tool in case of the appearance of such common problems as itching, dandruff, loss, inflammation of the scalp.
Oddly enough, but the product demonstrates excellent action even in combination with purchased shampoos, balms and rinses. It is enough to add a couple of drops of the extract, as the nutritional value of such a remedy will double.
In addition, you can prepare homemade firming masks using vitamin capsules (vitamins A, B, C, E), which must first be warmed up in a water bath.

Despite the benefits of a natural product, doctors have identified a number of contraindications to its use. By its nature, camphor oil is quite specific, unlike other representatives of essential liquids.
The tool is forbidden to use in some cases.
- During pregnancy and breastfeeding. The unpleasant odor may cause nausea and vomiting.
- With hypertension, high blood pressure. Due to irritation of the respiratory tract, there is a risk of a hypertensive crisis.
- With epilepsy. Resumption of attacks and seizures is possible.
- For allergies. A rash appears on the body, Quincke's edema.
- In diseases of the respiratory organs: asthma, chronic tracheitis. Vapors of camphor cause cramping. A dry cough may begin, sometimes choking.
- Children under 6 years of age.

In any case, before use, you must consult a doctor, as well as conduct a skin test. To do this, apply two drops of liquid to the inner side of the elbow, and after half an hour observe the reaction. In the event of redness and itching, you must immediately abandon the further use of this substance.
Camphor oil is a real salvation for those with oily scalp, dry, brittle, damaged hair, as well as those suffering from severe hair loss.
Homemade recipes for healthy masks based on plant extracts have long been loved by the fair sex. If you add another natural component to the base oil (camphor), then such a nourishing duo will have a strong effect on the affected areas of the hairline. Specific combinations of ingredients are designed to solve a specific problem.

Recipes for masks to combat grease. Below are some recipes for useful masks.
- Using an egg. In a bowl, you need to grind one chicken yolk until a foam forms, add 30 ml of kefir (yogurt) to it. Pour 10 ml of camphor extract into the whipped mixture. The mask is applied to dirty hair, then wrapped in cling film and a warm towel. This composition should be kept for about an hour. Washed off with shampoo.
- With the addition of herbal decoction. First of all, you need to brew a strong decoction from chamomile petals. Then mix it with base oil (25 ml) and banana puree. The resulting gruel must be applied to all curls. By the way, the composition can roll off the hair, so it is better to wrap your head with a film or a bag. Action time - 40 minutes.
- With lemon. It is necessary to warm up 30 ml of camphor in a water bath. Add a chicken egg, 25 ml of lemon pulp to the same dish. The procedure is recommended to be carried out 35 minutes before washing.

Hair growth activation.
- With red pepper. Beat one yolk with 20 ml of sesame oil. Then you should pour in the same amount of camphor extract, a teaspoon of ground pepper (red, hot chili is suitable). The mixture is applied only to the roots. A mandatory rule is head insulation to enhance the action. The recommended time is no more than 20 minutes. In case of painful sensations, you need to wash off the mixture early with the help of shampoo.
- With the use of pepper. Combine camphor oil (25 ml), olive oil (25 ml) and peppercorns (15 ml). The resulting fatty liquid must be gently rubbed into the roots. The head should be wrapped in cellophane, leaving the components to act for 20 minutes. After rinsing, rinse your hair with chamomile broth.

- With honey. A tablespoon of honey must be melted in a water bath to a liquid state. There should also be poured camphor (25 ml) and vitamin A capsule (4 pcs.). Use your fingers to rub the composition into the scalp. After 35 minutes, you can wash everything off with cool water.
- With onion. Peeled onions must be chopped in a blender. The resulting gruel should be mixed with base oil and mustard powder. To make the gruel liquid, you need to pour in a little water. Use your fingers to drive the composition into the roots, and after 20 minutes rinse off in the usual way.

Night masks from falling out.
- With lemon. 30 g of oil is mixed with lemon juice. Then all this is rubbed into the roots. It is best to collect the hair in a ponytail and wrap it with cling film, you can insulate it with a towel. The mask is left overnight. In the morning, it is washed off in the usual way. It is recommended to use such a remedy every day for two weeks.
- With burdock oil and vitamins. This composition stimulates hair growth. 20 ml of the oils presented in the recipe must be mixed with three capsules of vitamin E. It is applied exclusively to the roots. At night, you should wrap your head in a bag.
- With onion. Wrap the grated onion in cheesecloth. After that, squeeze out the juice. It, in turn, is mixed with camphor and castor oil. The mixture is applied to the roots, the rest is distributed along the length of the curls. In this form, you need to go to bed, and in the morning wash your hair with shampoo and balm.

- With rosemary. It is necessary to mix several types of oils with a capacity of 15 ml: camphor, castor and almond. To these should be added grated rosemary. The nourishing liquid is rubbed into the scalp. Time of action - until the morning.
- With mustard. It is necessary to dilute a spoonful of mustard powder with water. Then add camphor laurel extract (20 ml) and a spoonful of liquid honey. The mask is distributed over the entire hair growth zone. Keep the composition for about 25 minutes.

Recommendations for use
You can get the benefits of camphor oil by using a high-quality and fresh ingredient. The vial with the medicinal liquid should be sold in a brown glass jar.
Before buying, be sure to ask the seller to smell the composition. If the aroma is pleasant, then you can safely buy the product. Do not forget about the composition, expiration date and country of origin.
Experts recommend giving preference to those countries where the camphor laurel tree grows.

Instructions for using the valuable extract:
- the best effect will be if the oil is heated in a water bath;
- permissible frequency of application of nutritional mixtures - 2 times a week;
- hair loss treatment should be accompanied by daily procedures;
- the product should be applied to dry, unwashed hair;
- after washing, the medicine will be less effective;
- in order to avoid addiction, trichologists advise alternating mask recipes at least every 8 procedures;
- it is allowed to apply camphor to curls and scalp;
- do not forget about testing combinations of new ingredients on the skin of the hand;
- before carrying out the procedures, it is important to study the recipe for the mask.

Trichologists say that medicinal camphor oil is a truly valuable aid for the full maintenance of the beauty and health of hair. Homemade nourishing masks can not only restore softness and shine to curls, but also cure such frequent skin conditions as dandruff, hair loss, split ends.

For more information on using camphor oil for hair, see the next video.