Jasmine essential oil - properties and tips for use

Aromatic oils are a demanded and popular product that is widely used not only in traditional medicine, but also in cosmetology. On the shelves of specialized stores, you can see a wide range of this product from different manufacturers. One of the most expensive aromatic oils is jasmine, for the preparation of which a huge number of flowers of the aromatic plant are used.
The production of this oil is not only a laborious process, but also has a very short time from the moment of collecting flowers to pressing the product. The most favorable climatic conditions for this culture are in the southern regions. Growing in more severe climates is only possible in greenhouses and greenhouses.

The structure of this oil is liquid, but at the same time dense. The color is dark brown, the smell resembles the scent of honey and flowers. This product consists of components such as indole, jasmon, benzyl acetate, methyl anthranilate, linapol, linalyl acetate. These components have individual properties and have a versatile effect on the physical and emotional life of a person. Most of the constituents of the product are esters, which have a milder effect on the human body and reduce the level of individual intolerance.
To obtain pure essential oil, it is necessary not only to squeeze it out of the collected flowers, but to perform a complex and lengthy process of enfleurage. This type of work consists in placing flowers on a greasy base, which after a certain period of time will absorb all the necessary substances.The final stage is the removal of the fatty base with alcohol solvents. This method is used only by large companies, as it is costly and time consuming. Its main advantage is obtaining a quality product. Most companies use petroleum-based solvents. The perfumery industry experts note the low quality of the resulting oil, which has a more affordable price.

Beneficial features
Jasmine essential oil has a delicate, delicate and refined aroma, therefore it is in demand among perfume manufacturers. The fairer sex gives preference not only to perfumes with the scent of this flower, but also to various cosmetics. This product is a powerful aphrodisiac that improves personal relationships between men and women. It not only improves the emotional background of partners, but also affects their physical condition. Jasmine oil has an antiseptic, wound healing, regenerating, analgesic, diaphoretic, expectorant and sedative effect.
Long-term laboratory studies have shown that this product is an anticarcinogen, antioxidant and radioprotector. These properties are of great importance in regions with unfavorable environmental conditions. Among the large number of useful properties of jasmine oil, it is necessary to highlight the most significant, such as:
- beneficial effect on mental and emotional state;
- activation of the brain and improvement of memory;
- normalization of the respiratory system, endocrine and genitourinary systems;
- increased blood pressure;

- increased efficiency;
- reduction of pain during headache;
- an increase in the amount of breast milk;
- acceleration of generic processes;
- normalization of hormones;
- treatment of gynecological inflammations;
- an increase in vitality and energy;
- normalization of sleep and elimination of depression.
Cosmetics to which jasmine is added have the following effects on the body:
- regeneration of the skin;
- antioxidant effect on skin cells;
- elimination of small mimic wrinkles;
- reduction of itching, flaking, feeling of dryness and tightness;
- improving skin color;
- restoration of hair structure;
- nutrition of hair follicles.

Contraindications and harm
Like any other product, jasmine oil has a number of contraindications, namely:
- low blood pressure;
- peptic ulcer of the digestive system;
- low stomach acidity;
- diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system;
- an allergic reaction to the plant.
Medical professionals strictly prohibit the use of this product throughout the entire period of bearing a child. Just before childbirth, jasmine oil can be used for massage, which will relieve pain and speed up the process of giving birth. Before using this product, be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions, which contain a detailed description of the oil and the exact dosage. Uncontrolled use of the product can cause the following negative consequences:
- migraine;
- memory impairment;
- vomiting;
- lowering pressure;
- loss of consciousness.
Important! If essential oil gets on the mucous membrane of the eyes, mouth and nasopharynx, it is necessary to rinse the organs with plenty of warm running water.

How to choose?
In nature, there are several types of this plant, but only two are used to make aromatic oils, such as:
- grandiflorum - for the manufacture of cosmetic and medical products;
- sambac - for flavoring desserts, sweet pastries and other food products.
This product can be purchased in a pharmacy chain or specialized departments of cosmetic stores. The retail sale is already diluted and ready for home use.Natural undiluted oil has a very high price range and is purchased from manufacturers only by large perfumery companies. Packing containers have a different volume, so consultants recommend purchasing oil in small quantities for the first time. A small package will allow you to get acquainted with the aroma, and only after the product harmoniously flows into life and brings positive emotions, you can purchase larger containers.
It is necessary to purchase the product only from well-known trading companies in specialized stores. Sellers are required to show product quality certificates and all accompanying documents. When buying aromatic oil, be sure to look at the date of manufacture. Long storage times can lead to an increase in the density of the composition and a change in its color. Specialist store consultants recommend purchasing products made by companies in Japan, China, Italy, USA, France, and Morocco. The products of these countries are of high quality and are in demand among buyers from around the world.

What oils can you combine with?
The harmonious combination of several essential oils will not only create a unique aroma, but also increase the healing properties several times. Before starting the connection of the components, experts recommend that you carefully study the compatibility of the oils. A correctly selected combination of fragrances is the key to creating unique cosmetic and medical products. The following fragrances are most compatible with jasmine:
- sandalwood;
- mint;
- lemon balm;
- grapefruit;
- citric;
- orange;
- sage.
These oils have a mild and delicate aroma that is harmoniously combined with the rich and pungent scent of jasmine. Experts do not recommend using the product in its pure form. The base for this product is jojoba oil. For massage procedures, experts recommend adding the following oils to jasmine:
- patchouli;
- neroli;
- ylang-ylang;
- sandal;
- roses;
- cinnamon.
Important! To create an individual scent that will reflect your mood and inner world, you can deviate from the traditional combination of smells and create your own scent.

Application methods
The aromatic product has a wide range of applications.
- Aroma lamps Is a modern device that allows you to fill a room with an exquisite smell in a short period of time. To scent the room, you need to pour a small amount of water into the upper part of the appliance and add three drops of oil, and light special candles in the lower part of the lamp.
- Aromaculons Is a decorative piece with oil drops inside. Daily renewal of the fragrant liquid will not only avoid stress, tension and fatigue, but also protect against dangerous germs and viruses.
- Baths. Adding a few drops of oil to general manna or small baths will improve the condition of the skin, remove fatigue and tension, and reduce headaches. The main condition for the correct use of the oil is the combination of the aromatic product with bath foam, honey or milk, due to the poor solubility of the pure product in water.
- Cosmetical tools. Self-adding oil to ready-made cosmetic and hygiene products such as gels, hair shampoos, creams, conditioners and face masks will increase the healing properties of the products and improve their texture.
- Massage. Massage sessions with jasmine oil will relieve fatigue, relax muscles and moisturize the skin.
Massage therapists recommend adding jasmine oil to a small amount of massage gel just before the procedure.

The wide field of application of jasmine oil and a large number of positive reviews indicate the demand and popularity of the oil, despite the high price range.After a short period of using this product, customers report an improvement in mood and sleep, an absence of depression and fear. Aromatic lamps with a delicate and pleasant aroma in the nursery help the child to be more attentive and collected, improve memory and logic, which undoubtedly affects school performance and the quality of education. Couples who have been married for many years have seen increased sexual activity and long-awaited heirs. Scenting common areas will protect all family members from seasonal colds and viruses.
Aromatherapy is a demanded and popular way to improve the quality of life and heal the body. Traditional healers strongly recommend purchasing aromatic oils and using them in everyday life. Particular attention should be paid to jasmine oil, the use of which will bring only positive emotions and improve physical condition, if there are no individual contraindications.

On the shelves of modern stores you can see a huge number of aromatic lamps that will harmoniously complement any interior, and decorative pendants will emphasize the individuality of their owners.
In the next video, you will find useful information about jasmine essential oil - medicinal and cosmetic properties, characteristics, applications and dosages.