How to choose a women's haircut according to the shape of the face?

The modern range of hairdressing services is striking in its variety. But among the many haircuts, it is often very difficult for ladies to choose exactly the option that would ideally fit the shape of the face, emphasize its advantages and correct the shortcomings. One of the most important points is the ratio of the shape of the skull and features of facial features to the shape of the haircut. There are many ways to find the most suitable option. The secrets of this choice will be discussed in detail in this article.
Understanding the types
The main feature that determines the most suitable hairstyle is the shape that suits your face. To identify your type, first you need to familiarize yourself with the full list of existing forms.
Many of the fair sex have an oval-shaped face. This silhouette is often associated with an egg turned with its narrow part down. The forehead is usually the size of the jaw, while it is wider in width than the chin. The total width of such a face is about 2 times less than its length. The cheekbones are usually prominent.

The triangular option suggests a significant difference between the size of the forehead and chin. If the upper part of the face is wide and focusing on itself, then towards the bottom it narrows significantly. The chin is small and pointed. The width of the cheekbones usually corresponds to the width of the forehead.

The shape resembling a rhombus is considered very similar to the oval type. The cheekbones of such ladies are usually very wide, and the chin is more pointed. Also, this type is characterized by a narrow hairline.Therefore, the frontal area is similar in shape to a cone.

The round face has very soft features. As a rule, its length is equal to the width parameters. The size of the frontal part is not always large, and the chin line is characterized by smooth, rounded outlines. The chin itself is quite full, and the cheeks are plump in most cases.

The rectangular shape assumes clear, angular outlines of the cheekbones, as well as the dominance of straight lines in proportion. The outlines are straight along the hair growth, the rest of the areas are quite proportional.

The square type, like the round, has the same length and width. Both the forehead and the jaw are fairly wide and proportional to each other in size. The chin is not sharp and also resembles a square in outline.

The trapezoidal type involves a narrow upper portion of the face and its expansion at the point where the cheekbones begin. The length is not much greater than the width.

A heart-shaped face is recognized by the distinctive symmetrical shape of the hairline. Such girls have a wide forehead, while the distance from one extreme point of the jaw to the other will be less than the width of the upper part of the face. The chin area is small, while the cheekbones are quite impressive. The length of a face of this shape is greater than its width.

In addition to the shape of the head, when choosing a styling, you must be guided by several more signs.
Hair color significantly affects the proportions of the face. Light shades can expand it, while darker hairstyles can make it narrower. The combination of several colors limits the list of acceptable haircuts, because contrast in combination with a curly haircut can create the opposite effect and ruin the image.

The original length also determines the range of acceptable shapes. Long hair gives the hairdresser more flexibility. The length of the finished haircut should be determined taking into account the features, as well as the oval of the face - it should be as correct as possible, especially if you choose among the shortest haircut options. For example, for a round, plump face, short options will not work, since they will emphasize only its negative features.

The structure and density of the curls are also of considerable importance. Thick and thick curls will look great long or cut below the shoulders. If the hair is thin, then in this case shorter haircuts are acceptable.

It is also important to consider personal characteristics. They may include national identity, for example, Asian ladies and Europeans are far from always suitable for the same haircuts, because their facial features will be different from each other.

Be sure to consider your style of clothing when choosing a haircut. For lovers of brutal style, airy haircuts will not work, while in the images of romantic persons, sharp strokes will not look harmonious.

Determine the shape of the face
At first glance, some types of face shapes are difficult to distinguish from each other. Therefore, some young ladies cannot accurately determine their type on their own. But in reality it is not that difficult. There are even several ways to determine your face contour.
The simplest method is using a mirror. For its implementation, it is enough to stand no closer than 50 cm from the mirror surface. In this case, the light source should be located on top. Trace the contours of your reflection, while you need to start from the chin area, smoothly moving to the cheekbones and ending with the forehead. Then analyze which areas of the face are the most prominent and determine its type.

Otherwise, use a tailor's centimeter. At the first stage, the distance between the protruding parts of the cheekbones is measured, this indicator is considered the width of the cheeks. To calculate the width of the jaw, place a centimeter from the place below the ear, and move it to the middle of the chin area. After that, this figure should be multiplied by two.
Then find the widest area of your forehead and place a centimeter in that area, measuring the distance between your temples. Face length is measured along the nose line from the very top of the forehead, where the hairline begins, to the bottom of the chin.
The most accurate method is considered to be four measurements. The first one is done in the upper forehead area. The next one is carried out along the border of the eyebrows. The third parameter is measured above the upper lip line. And the last, as in the previous method, in the middle - from the hairline to the bottom of the chin.

There is also a method of correlating the measured areas of the face with certain standards. First you need to measure the width of the chin area, stepping back 10 mm from its lower edge, the width of the cheekbones, the width of the frontal part, as well as the height of the face.
Then correlate the results with the following data:
- Owners of an oval-shaped face have a chin width of about 52 mm. In this case, the indicator of the width of the cheekbones is approximately 130 mm. The forehead is about 126 mm wide, and the face height itself is 185 mm.
- If the shape looks like a triangle, then the first parameter is 35 mm, the second is 130 mm, the third is about 125 mm.
- The width of the chin for women with a diamond-shaped face is approximately 44 mm. The cheekbones are approximately 140 mm in width, and the width of the forehead corresponds to approximately 112 mm.

Focusing on the ready-made parameters, it is easier to determine what type of face you have. But in order not to be mistaken in determining the shape of the face, it is better to use not one, but several methods at once.
How to understand what goes to whom?
Haircuts that are universal for all ladies do not exist, since every girl is individual. In order to choose the right hairstyle correctly, it is important to figure out who suits what, depending on several signs.
The most important of these is age. Many haircuts tend to age a girl or, conversely, give a woman a youthful look. Each age has its own recommendations for haircuts.

Ideas for the young
Stylists disagree about hair length. Many people advise young ladies to keep their hair long. However, young girls often want to attract attention to themselves, and this can be done precisely with the help of an interesting hairstyle and an unusual length.

In accordance with the shape of the skull, appropriate asymmetrical haircuts are selected. A new trend has become the creation of a sloppy haircut on the head. It is very important that the length is not ultra-short.

Lovers of bangs can embody it in various forms - short, long or uneven. Sometimes bangs can combine both short and long strands; asymmetric textures can also be streaked.

Among the short options, the bob haircut is classic for young ladies. Moreover, it can be a concept embodied in a new way, which will look more creative. It is played up not only due to the length, but also due to the color accents.

A potty haircut will definitely help you stand out from the crowd. At the same time, she will emphasize the grace of the face.

For those who prefer a more authentic version, you can pick up a square with elongated strands. Also on young girls, options for tiered hairstyles look good, in which each layer of hair has a different length.

Of the super-short options for girls, the most popular is the pixie cut, in which the strands are cut so that the ends resemble feathers.

Of those haircuts that are designed for the average length of curls, the "cascade" will be relevant for young ladies. It is not only able to add extra volume to the hairstyle, but also will allow you to correct the shape of the face.

If you prefer to maintain the length of the hair, then a certain shape can be given using special means for fixing. Various curls, textures and weaves can be created.

Older options
For ladies over 30, completely different hairstyles are suitable.A haircut at a similar age should emphasize not only the shape of the face and its advantageous features, but also the status of a woman, giving her grace. It will be useful to conceal age-related imperfections by styling.

After 30 years, most stylists advise you to cut your hair to medium length, especially if you don't have the right features. Short haircuts up to shoulder level and above will look very impressive, but remember that for each option with bangs, the latter must be done carefully. The bangs should not be very rare, short and unusual. It is better to stick to more classic options, asymmetry is acceptable.

For women over 40 and 50 years old, shorter options will be optimal, for example, various types of squares. To emphasize the length of the neck, you can choose a square that, framing the face, creates a triangle. A boy-style haircut will make every woman with the correct facial features look younger. In this case, it is also worth paying attention to the hair color. Dark tones suit many ladies over 50 who want to hide their age.

You can also choose a suitable women's haircut, taking into account the desire to correct certain facial features. For example, the owners of a prominent nose are not recommended to wear sleek hairstyles and haircuts that do not emphasize volume. If, on the other hand, you have a rather long neck, then simply create a shoulder-length haircut that will cover the neck area.

Owners of a "heavy" chin can mask this flaw in two ways. The first assumes the presence of bangs that will focus on yourself. The second option is suitable for those who prefer a square above the shoulder level. Hair in such a square should be styled towards the chin line.

For those with a round skull, it is important to make the face narrower, and using the hairstyle features to remove the fullness of the cheeks. The best option would be haircuts that leave hair of medium length, which will make it possible to balance the top and bottom of the head. It is recommended to create large curls. If you are a fan of shorter options, then create the maximum volume. Long haircuts in the form of a "cascade", as well as a square with a parting obliquely, will look good. Remember not to go for thick bangs, straight parting, or perm, as these details can accentuate round lines.
Chubby young ladies are also contraindicated in short bangs. Another mistake many ladies make is the choice of length to the middle of the cheeks. This option only enlarges the round face in size.

For those with a square-shaped skull, haircuts with a maximum length below the chin are best suited. Bangs are great for such a face, as well as wavy strands. The bangs can be both flat and arched. But avoid bangs with a slanting silhouette, as well as elongated and smooth straight strands. If you want to leave curls of medium length, then such a haircut as a "ladder" is perfect for you, while the strands should cover the line of the cheekbones.

Girls with an oval skull have the widest range of choices. They suit both long curls and very short options. The bob haircut looks perfect, including its elongated version. You can also freely choose between varieties with or without bangs. But if your forehead is very narrowed, then it is better to stick to the option without a strong volume and with a parting in the center.

If your face is in the shape of a triangle, then the main task will be to visually expand its lower part. This can be done by adding volume to the curls from the cheekbones and below. Such haircuts as an elongated "cascade" and a "bob", the length of which borders on the level of the chin, will look great. It is advisable to wear oblique bangs at the same time.It is better not to choose straight bangs, and also not to collect curls in a ponytail.

To balance the upper and lower regions of the heart-shaped face, you need to hide the forehead area. It is advisable to cut the strands, leaving the maximum length below the chin. Also, you do not need to wear straight bangs, a pixie cut with a large volume, a shortened version of the bob hairstyle. It is better to accentuate the texture of the strands, choose curls with oblique bangs, and if you have long hair, collect them in a ponytail on your side.

The key credo in creating hairstyles for those with a rectangular skull is volume. It is necessary in both long and short haircuts, as it allows you to emphasize the line of the cheekbones without weighing down the facial features. Try to avoid high ponytails.

For the trapezoidal style, stick to haircuts that don't add extra volume around the chin. But it's important to remember that the top of the head doesn't need to be over-emphasized either. Oblique bangs will look relevant, as well as variations of the bob haircut, the length of which will be below the cheekbone line.

If you have a diamond-shaped face, then asymmetry will look advantageous. Avoid ultra-short haircuts and combing your hair upward, as this will accentuate your already prominent cheekbones. The recommended options are an elongated "bob", "pixie" with torn strands. If you want to keep medium hair length, opt for the "cascade".

For some ladies, the face has a slightly elongated shape, which is slightly less proportional to the usual oval. Long straight bangs, as well as the middle "cascade", are suitable for such a lady. But the elongated strands can only lengthen the face.

Useful Tips
- Many haircuts can be varied by curling the curls around the edges.

- You can also update your hairstyle by changing the partings on your head. In addition to straight and oblique options, there are also asymmetric, broken, zigzag. The main thing is that the type you choose fits the desired image and does not emphasize the flaws of the face.

- With the help of a hairstyle, facial features are often corrected. For girls who have rather expressive facial features, it is recommended to do more voluminous hairstyles in order to balance the whole image. In this case, you should avoid smoothly combed options, as well as very short haircuts "for a boy".

- If you have small facial features, then it is better to focus on them as much as possible. Go for short haircuts or options that aren't cluttered with excess volume. You are not advised to wear fluffy hairstyles with curls.

- Many girls are embarrassed by features such as protruding ears. In this case, elongated straight hair, especially if it is not very thick, will look bad. But hairstyles with volume, covering the ears, will help you hide such a flaw and at the same time highlight other advantages.

- Don't worry about evening hairstyles when choosing short haircuts. With the help of accessories, for example, graceful hairpins and headbands, you can easily create formal and even wedding hairstyles.

- If you are afraid of a radical change of image, then using modern computer programs, you can allay this fear. Just upload your photo, match your desired haircut, length and color. This will help you navigate the choice of a future haircut. The most advanced programs can show you the future hairstyle from all angles using 3D graphics.

It is equally important to look critically at your appearance before choosing a haircut. This will help you understand which advantages should be emphasized, and which disadvantages are better to mask with a haircut.
Beautiful examples of hairstyles
Among celebrities and models, you can find many beautiful examples of the embodiment of various haircuts.
Careless finishing touches help create maximum volume at the crown.It is relevant not only for short options, but also for hairstyles with medium length hair.

An interesting option for cutting a bob is a smooth transition of the bangs into the side strands. This gives the image a special charm.

The bangs can be added to the originality by tucking it slightly outward. This technique is relevant for owners of a rectangular face.

Combining bangs of different lengths will help you stand out from the crowd. At the same time, this option looks especially impressive in combination with a square.

Combined with well-chosen makeup and accessories, even the shortest haircut will look great.

Textured strands require painstaking styling, but they add creativity and help to stand out from the crowd.

A bob haircut with elongated strands beautifully frames the face and at the same time creates additional volume.

Profiled bangs look very interesting, especially in combination with a voluminous hairstyle.

Long oblique bangs will help create asymmetry in a short haircut. At the same time, it fits outward, adding expressiveness and slight negligence to the image.

For those with the perfect face and head, you can experiment with contrasts by combining a haircut with shaving.

When you take into account all the nuances when choosing a haircut, you can choose a hairstyle for your type of face that will maximally emphasize the positive aspects of your appearance and the individuality of the image. Having independently determined the shape of the head, as well as having analyzed various features of the appearance, you will find a haircut with which you will look no worse than Hollywood stars.

How to choose a haircut according to the shape of your face, see below.