Features hairstyle "square" for a square face

As you know, the most proportional is the oval face. However, those whom nature has not endowed with them should not be upset. Any face shape, including a square one, can look harmonious and attractive, you just need to choose the right hairstyle and makeup.

The square-shaped face is characterized by a narrow forehead and prominent cheekbones. The width of the face in the forehead and in the chin area, that is, in the upper and lower parts, is almost the same, which makes the chin look massive and the face somewhat rough.
The oval face shape is considered the most harmonious, therefore all other types tend to be closer to the oval. This is done with the right makeup and hairstyle. As for the face in the shape of a square, stylists recommend striving for lengthening, stretching the oval of the face and smoothing its too massive lower half.

It is better to choose asymmetrical hairstyles for a square face, with volume in the crown zone. One of the most suitable haircuts is the bob. Square face should be of the "correct" length - slightly longer than the level of the earlobe and chin.

Choosing a haircut
When choosing a classic square, ask the master to make a small volume in the crown. To do this, the master must leave shorter strands there, making a gradual transition to the rest. Length - just above or below the chin line.

It is not recommended to make haircuts with sharp, geometrically verified shapes, straight lines. The hair should envelop, partially hiding the face. For thin hair, consider ways to add volume.This can be a special technique of cutting and combing, or special methods of imparting long-term volume with the help of chemical compositions for the hair.
To hide too strong-willed chin and an extended area under the cheekbones allows a square with lengthening, which, moreover, has been considered one of the most fashionable haircuts for several seasons.
It is permissible to make a slight graduation, which will make the hairstyle more luxuriant, and the face more feminine and softer. However, too pronounced graduation, sharp changes in length should be avoided.

An excellent option would be a bob square. A haircut will make your face look rounder, more elongated, and elongated or elongated strands will hide too sharp features. The main thing is to choose an elongated, classic or oblique haircut option.

The pixie model is also considered a suitable option for this type of face, however, longer curvy strands should be left near the face, and volume should be added on the crown.
Hair of medium length (long bob) can be cut with a ladder, forming a cascade. In this case, you need to ensure that the shortest strand near the face is just below the chin line.

Styling options
The same haircut can be styled in different ways. A taboo for owners of a square type of face should become a straight parting, as well as carefully smoothed hair at the crown of the head. Suitable styling options are hair with a side parting, a zigzag parting, and a light bouffant.

For a square type of face, soft waves are suitable, which smooth out the "corners", making the image softer. The owners of the square can form light curls, however, it is important to remember that curled hair looks shorter.
When doing curls, avoid the length of the hair is at the level of the chin.
If you have an elongated bob, then the longer strands of the face can be emphasized with a gel. You need to apply a small amount of it to your hands, and then iron individual strands, pulling them out.

Lightening several strands near the face also allows you to soften facial features. To do this, they are dyed 1-2 tones lighter than the bulk of the hair. Suitable options for coloring will be the ombre effect or highlighting using several similar shades. The main thing is to avoid sharp contrasts and color transitions.

Variety with bangs
There is a misconception that with a square face, hairstyles with bangs should be avoided. This is not so, the main thing is to choose the correct shape. Not the best option would be straight bangs, which will only emphasize the "square".
It is better to choose oblique asymmetrical bangs with thinning. You don't need to strive to make it flat and smooth; on the contrary, you should use a brushing brush to style it for volume and splendor.
The bangs should not be too short or fluffy. The best option is oblique bangs that reach the eyebrows. The bangs can form the letter "A". To do this, the long bangs should be divided on 2 sides. You can additionally twist its ends.

Beautiful examples
A casual hairstyle looks romantic and distracts attention from a heavy chin. Light curls, different hair lengths and a light shade - all this allows you to achieve volume and airiness.

In this embodiment, the hair length is slightly below average. Soft curls, side parting and long bangs that fall to the other side look elegant and do not take much time and effort to style.

The extended square can be assembled. The main thing is to create volume in the area of the crown and romantic splendor in the area of the face. For this, bouffant is done, and the hair is collected with deliberate negligence. An additional piquancy is given to the image by a platinum shade of hair with darkened roots; the coloring is performed using the stretching technique.

The classic and stylish option for a square face is an asymmetrical bob with curls and some hooligan disheveledness.The hair is styled in a side parting, one of the sides is noticeably longer, and both of them end below the chin level.

The multi-layered pixie with long asymmetrical bangs makes the image graceful and elegant, expensive. The volume on the crown allows to “balance” the heavy chin, and to make the image softer - an interesting coloring technique that combines several shades that differ by only half a tone.

Styling naughty wavy hair in this bob is not easy, so you can choose a lush or curly modification of this haircut. The main thing is to create volume in the upper part of the head, on the crown, avoiding splendor in the cheek area. In other words, the top should be voluminous and multi-layered, and the bottom should be light.

How to choose the correct square shape for women with a square face, the stylist will tell you in the video.