Haircuts for a "square" face: secrets and tips for choosing

In an effort to visually change the shape of the square type of faces, they usually try to bring it closer to the oval. To do this, it is necessary to stretch the face a little and hide the excessively protruding, sharp angular parts of the face. This can be done with the help of certain haircuts and hairstyles.

Defining the shape
The square face is characterized by almost equal width and height. The forehead is low, and its width is almost the same as that of the chin. Women of the “square” type usually complain of excessive rudeness, sometimes even muzhishness of the image. This is to blame for the rather massive chin, which is almost equal in width to the width of the forehead, as well as overly pronounced cheekbones.

By the way, with the right hairstyle and makeup, it is the high cheekbones that become the hallmark of girls with this type of face. The well-defined cheekbones and the hiding of the heavier lower part under the cheekbones create a sexy, expressive face.

In make-up, women with a square face shape are advised to shift the focus to the eyes. Moreover, most of the representatives of this type of appearance have beautiful, wide-open almond-shaped eyes. In combination with high cheekbones, a strong, strong-willed, but at the same time very seductive image is obtained. The sharpness and expressiveness of facial features allows you to achieve uniqueness, such a girl is difficult to miss in the crowd.
Stars such as Angelina Jolie, Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Lopez have a similar type of face. It would never occur to anyone to accuse them of being rude or muzhish, despite their rather massive chin, low forehead and wide face.
It's all about the ability of these women to present themselves, in particular, choose the right hairstyle and makeup.

Determining the shape of the face is quite simple.To do this, you need to collect the hair back or up, combing it smoothly. After that, you should go to the mirror and circle the oval of the face reflected in it. This can be done, for example, with a dark cosmetic pencil or felt-tip pen. Then you should move away from the mirror a few steps and take a closer look at the resulting drawing. What kind of geometric shape it will resemble, this is the type of face shape.

To make sure that the face is square, you can measure it with a centimeter or tape in three planes - in the middle of the forehead, along the line of the cheekbones and jaw (lower). If all the results are approximately the same (the allowable difference is no more than 1 cm), then the face is considered square.

Rules and techniques
An oval face is considered the most harmonious, therefore it is precisely to it that you need to strive, choosing a hairstyle, as well as makeup for a "square". To do this, give the hair volume at the crown, which will visually lengthen, stretch the oval. Cascading strands on the sides will hide excessively protruding cheekbones. The top of the haircut should be airy, voluminous, the bottom (especially in the area of the cheekbones and chin) - light. Asymmetry, graded and torn strands, oblique or zigzag parting, long bangs to one side are welcomed.

Women with a square type of face go with long hair and medium length, however, they need to be styled on a side parting, can be supplemented with a light fleece. Deliberate casualness, soft waves and natural curls are encouraged. Another best option is layered and cascading haircuts.
When determining the shortest strand, the rule should be - it should be below the chin.

By the way, the length of the hair for a bob or an elongated bob for square faces is also determined.

Owners of a square type of face can choose one of the following types of haircuts and styling:
- long straight and curled hair;
- cascading haircuts for long hair and medium length;
- classic bob, bob, pixie haircuts with a length below the chin;
- elongated, asymmetric bob, bob, pixie;
- curls;
- various layered haircuts.

Errors and taboos
One of the main mistakes people make with square faces is creating sleek hairstyles. All kinds of buns, a ponytail, strict classic braids - all these hairstyles, as well as styling in which the hair is smoothly combed back, should become taboo. You should refuse straight parting, short and straight bangs, smoothing the hair on the head. Avoid bob hairstyles and others if their length is at the level of the earlobe or chin.
Too short haircuts for a boy are also a very unfortunate option for a "square". It will open up the face even more, highlighting its flaws. Straight parting, geometrically verified haircuts, thick straight bangs, sharp, contrasting coloring techniques are also taboo.

You should not collect the entire volume of hair (make it as lush as possible) in the interval from ear to chin. Because of this, the face will become disproportionate, and all flaws in the shape will be noticeable. For long, straight hair, it is better to provide extra volume in the crown area. It is advisable, of course, to avoid perfectly stretched strands, it is better to give them a slight disheveledness or curl, otherwise there is a high probability of weighting the chin.
Avoid haircuts and hairstyles in which the face is completely open - these are bundles gathered on the crown or nape of the head, a smoothly combed ponytail, the effect of wet hair.

Suitable options
Curls allow balancing an overly heavy chin and a low forehead, characteristic of a square type of face. The volume that appears in this case "lengthens" the crown part, which visually stretches the oval of the face. Curls falling on the sides smooth out over-protruding cheekbones and hide the overall angularity. An important point - the length of the hair should be below the chin line, what should be taken into account for owners of straight hair using curlers or curling irons for styling, because curled hair rises slightly and becomes shorter.

As for the varieties of curls, then women are given absolute freedom of choice. Soft and large curls, small curls in African style, elegant waves in the spirit of retro or slightly wavy disheveled styling - they all look equally impressive with a square face type. To disguise too prominent cheekbones, because of which the face looks rough and masculine, soft curls will again help, as well as elongated versions of hairstyles such as bob, pixie. You can also pick up an elongated square.
When styling, you should strive for lightness and airiness in the crown part and slightly stretch or style the hair inward in the cheek area.

It is better to choose light colors - golden, chestnut, copper, ash shades, while taking into account the color type of the appearance. It is important that it is precisely the elongated bob, messi-bob and similar asymmetrical women's haircuts that have been at the peak of popularity for several seasons in a row and are clearly not going to give up their fashionable positions. These hairstyles can have many styling options - from perfectly smooth hair to lush curls in African style. "Intermediate" can be called light natural waves or classic curls.
Perfect styling is asymmetry. Torn bangs, unsharp thinning, styling to one side - all this distracts attention from the heavy lower part of the face and gives the image originality, making it stylish. Side parting and light bouffant on the crown area make the look softer and more romantic.

Hair of medium length, as well as long hair, can be cut in a cascade - with a transition in length, which will add zest to the image and achieve the necessary volume. It is no coincidence that this method is recommended for those who have long but thin hair that looks flat.
Make sure that the shortest strand of styling is still below chin level.

If we are talking about solemn hairstyles, then preference should be given to bouffants, curls. The main thing is to avoid constructing bulky towers on the head, which has long been out of fashion and is not at all suitable for the type of person in question.

Formal hairstyles, including wedding hairstyles, can be done with hair hoops or tiaras. In this case, a bouffant should be done on the crown of the head, immediately from the diadem, and an oblique bang or loose strands should be left directly near the face. Short or medium hair can be curled, long hair can also be curled, a fluffy bun or a Greek braid. For girls with a square face, tall hairstyles are very suitable, but at the same time they should be light, lush, somewhat careless. Curled strands raised with hairpins would be an excellent option.
In this case, you should leave freely falling hair near the face and a few strands near the neck, for example. This hairstyle looks very seductive and modern, adding to the image of romance and defenselessness.

Long hair that falls on the sides is considered an excellent option for owners of a square-shaped face. However, after about 30–35 years, such styling is not recommended, because they look unnatural, and not every woman with age can boast of long and thick, well-groomed hair. At a more mature age, preference should be given to hair of medium length, as well as short haircuts. The best option would be an elongated bob or bob, as well as short asymmetrical haircuts with volume in the temple area and long beveled bangs.

Short haircuts for a boy (pixie, garcon) are suitable for both young and more mature persons. The main thing is to ensure their root volume, avoid "slicked" styling and supplement with lush asymmetrical bangs. With regard to color, you should avoid abrupt gradations of shades.The most advantageous look is hair dyed using the ombre technique, shatush, lightening of individual strands of the face.

Young ladies are unlimited in the choice of haircuts and styling. If nature has endowed with healthy head of hair, you can wear long hair, combing it a little on the crown or forming curls. Another option is long, straight hair, which also allows you to "lengthen" the face and hide all the "corners".

Short asymmetric haircuts, unusual coloring techniques and bold styling - all this can be afforded by young ladies, provided they are correctly selected. Even the classic bob or bob options can be made to play in a new way by choosing unusual bangs or dyeing methods.

Bangs: which will fit?
Contrary to the existing opinion that it is impossible to pick up a bang for a square face, it is erroneous. Moreover, it is with the help of bangs that you can hide a too low forehead. The main thing is to choose the right one. Straight, thick bangs to the middle of the forehead, as well as short French-style counterparts, should become taboo. The best option is an airy, oblique bang, reaching to the level of the eyebrows or slightly below. Its ends can be slightly profiled or light waves can be formed on long bangs.

If a decision is made to use a bang, then it should be remembered that its main task is to bring a square face closer to an oval one. These types of bangs will cope with this in the best way:
- long oblique bangs - if it suddenly gets bored, you can profile it, twist the ends up or paint in a different color, strip;
- long curled bangs will bring softness and femininity to the image, distract attention from a heavy chin;
- asymmetrical bangs, starting from the center of the forehead, will also help to divert the eyes from the massive lower part, hide overly prominent cheekbones.

If you want to cut your bangs, but at the same time slightly update the image, you can release a strand of hair from your face, lay it obliquely and curl it a little. The curl will bring softness to the image, and the oblique styling will "balance" the upper and lower parts of the face, as a result of which the chin will no longer seem so massive. Long asymmetrical bangs, starting closer to the ear, will also help to add an appearance of femininity. Its length can be several centimeters above or below the jawline.
If you want to grow a bang or just update the image, you should comb the bangs upward, forming a roller and pin it. You can leave a few strands.

Before and after examples
A classic square with a length at the level of the chin, complemented by straight thick bangs, will only emphasize the angularity and roughness of the face. The situation can be corrected by slightly growing the length and turning the classic square into an elongated one or a bob on a leg with longer strands near the face. It is fashionable to collect growing bangs in a deliberately careless pigtail, and style the rest of the hair in light waves.
Thanks to the correctly selected length and airiness of the styling, as well as the light shade of the hair, the image turns out to be very soft, romantic, perfectly suited to the casual style.

An unsuccessful bob can be turned into a classic bob by changing the length and adding a stylish asymmetrical bang to the image.

In this example, in the first photo, there is excessive volume in the cheekbones, which makes the face look even wider and rougher. However, it is enough to shift the volume to the crown and style the hair differently to get a more attractive result.

The unattractiveness, excessive rigidity of the image in the first photo of the next collection is the incorrectly chosen haircut length, it fell just at the level of the wide part of the chin and cheeks. By slightly lengthening the haircut and stretching the front strands, it was possible to achieve an elegant look. Stylish haircuts just like in this case always add personality to the image.

Straight hair of medium length is a pretty good option for those with a square face.However, this styling can look boring and monotonous. It is easy and quick to change the image by styling your hair in a side parting, and one half of it is noticeably more luxuriant than the other, a small fleece in the tops of the head and neat curls. One of the strands near the face can be turned into a bang by twisting its ends.

Usually, when talking about a square type of face, they talk about the inadmissibility of collecting hair up or back. It should be understood that this rule only applies to sleekly collected hairstyles. If you make a light bouffant, and leave the strands around the face and curl a little, collecting the rest of the hair in a ponytail or bun, you get a very elegant feminine look. The fleece and the released strands of the face look soft and romantic in themselves, in addition, they hide the imperfections of the "square".

Below is another option for gathered hair for a square face type - this is a hipster-style crown knot. It is best paired with long, flowing hair, but you can also try it on medium length hair. The knot draws out the oval of the face, thereby balancing the heavy chin, and the slightly curled strands falling on the sides hide the "corners" of the cheekbones. When creating such a hairstyle, one should not strive for its perfect execution, let the knot be, as if assembled in a hurry, a little careless.

Straight long hair can be complemented with shorter hair at the top of the head or with long bangs tucked diagonally on both sides of the face.

For medium-length hair, it is better to choose a cascading haircut. The strands below the chin hide its massiveness and angularity, and the side parting hides the cheekbones, drawing attention to the eyes.

An even shorter hair option is an asymmetrical bob that looks equally attractive on both straight and curled hair. One side of this creative haircut is slightly above the chin, and the other is lower, making it immediately less prominent and noticeable.

Light and elastic curls give the image of liberation, elegance, and also visibly rejuvenate the face. The image turns out to be boring, but at the same time quite strict and solid.

For tips from experts on the selection of haircuts and styling for a square face, see the following video.