Triangular face shape: choosing hairstyles and makeup

For each type of face, it is necessary to be able to choose the right hairstyle, styling and makeup. A well-chosen image helps a woman to transform, hiding her natural flaws. In this article, attention will be focused on the features of the triangular face shape.

Description of the type
The triangular and heart-shaped shapes have many similarities. Their owners have a wide forehead, pronounced cheekbones and a small, refined chin. Often these face shapes are confused or not separated at all, however, for a heart-shaped structure, more refined and delicate features correspond. Many beauty experts believe that a face with a "heart" combines all the beauty and grace.
For women with a triangular face, the forehead is the widest part, the eye line is slightly narrower, and the jaw / chin are the narrowest elements. If you mentally draw a silhouette of such a face, then it will look like an inverted triangle.
This structure is characterized by:
- a narrower and raised chin;
- prominent cheekbones;
- softer features of the forehead.

Also, the right triangle belongs to the types of triangle. Here the chin will be wider, but decreasing along the line towards the top of the face.
The face in the form of a "heart" has a different characteristic: lines with gentle, mild outlines, the shapes are smoother, the cheeks are clearly pronounced, and the chin is smoothed (in such a face, the width is slightly less than the length).
In the case of the triangle type, the hair growth zone creates a semicircle. If the hair looks more like small semicircles, such as a heart, then this is already a type of face with a "heart".
Physiognomy specialists believe that the owners of this face shape are sincere, kind people.They are cheerful, friendly, often smile and are the soul of the company. Also, these people are able to radiate fantastic sexuality, charm and captivating. They are very active, ambitious, it is very difficult for them to sit still. Very often they turn out to be creative and famous people. They love attention to their address, they are always happy to appear in public. Perhaps that is why there are many owners of a heart-shaped face among the stars.

How to get a haircut?
When choosing a haircut to suit your image, you need to balance the weighted upper part of the face with a narrow and thin chin. So, it is possible to maximize the likeness of the shape of the triangle to an oval.
Choosing from a variety of haircut options suitable for your type of face, you must adhere to the following rules:
- do not use sharp asymmetry;
- no volume in the region of the parietal part of the head;
- do not do too tense tails.

For women with a triangle face shape, short haircuts with bangs are well suited:
- "bean";

- "Garcon"
With such haircuts, it is best to leave the ears open, and remove the symmetrical short bangs to the side. Thus, the disadvantages will be hidden, and the advantages will be emphasized.

"Long bob" - good for softening the chin area. Such a haircut will look great with a side parting.

An excellent option for a woman's haircut is a volumetric styling based on a square. With it, you can safely allow yourself to beveled bangs. Shoulder length hair will also look good. The main thing is that the strands frame the face, surrounding the space around the chin. And if you add volume to the strands at the bottom, then the image will be simply gorgeous.
Parting on one side is a great option for a heart-shaped face. On the one hand, hair can be simply tucked behind the ears, you can use a hair clip, or beautifully braid it in a braid, and leave it loose on the other hand.

For medium-length hair, a cascade-based haircut is a safe bet. Here women can safely experiment with the length and style of styling. However, you should not resort to short bangs - it will add heaviness to the face and visually reduce it.

Charming curls suit perfectly triangular face. It is best to do this hairstyle without using bangs. The main thing is not to create volume at the crown. In addition, a ladder is perfect. This popular haircut only seems ordinary, but in fact it can add grace and zest to the image. However, in this case, it does not hurt to take care of the unusual bangs: asymmetrical, straight, torn.
Girls with long hair should pay attention to the side parting cascade. It perfectly helps to smooth out a chin that is small in width, without weighing down the forehead and cheekbones. A "multi-layer ladder" is also great. The volume needs to be created only from the middle of the length.

As for the bangs, it will suit almost any look and in any form. Beveled, elongated, divided in half - any option will look great, it all depends on the flight of imagination. The main thing is not to use straight, thick and short bangs.
Installation recommendations
For girls with a triangular face shape, curls, curls and waves that round the cheekbones are always a win-win. The main thing is not to curl your hair from the roots. It is best to do this from the middle of the length.

When creating a beautiful hairstyle or styling, be sure to cover the small area of the cheeks and ears with hair, and lower the bangs (but not straight) on the large forehead. The bangs tucked away on the side will look great. What absolutely should not be done with a triangular face is to smoothly collect the hair back, form a lush volume on the top of the head, and also create high tails and bouffants.

On long hair, volume and slight waviness are created from the cheek area. You can also create a harmonious image by removing the hair behind the ears, and transform the ends into lush curls.
For owners of medium hair, a square with curled ends is perfect. This hairstyle will add romance and tenderness to the image.

When creating hairstyles with matched hair, you must adhere to several rules:
- In this case, side partings are ideal;
- It is better to replace slickness with ease, swagger of hair (it should seem that the hairstyle will disintegrate at any moment);
- all kinds of braids would be an excellent option, however, braids should be woven not from the top of the head, but at the bottom of the head.

The ideal hairstyle will be one that creates the appearance of a narrow forehead and a wider chin - it will be able to correct the imperfections of the "triangle" face, making the woman more attractive.
Which make up to choose?
To complement the image, as well as to correct the shape of the face, a well-chosen makeup will help. Precise accents can hide flaws by highlighting the virtues.
To create the right makeup, you need to adhere to a few rules:
- dark shades are applied to the forehead area, the end of the chin and weight;
- the sides of the chin must be lightened, thereby making it visually wider;
- lovers of blush need to apply them not to the cheeks, but to the cheekbones;
- owners of sunken cheeks are advised to use a light shade of powder on them;
- strongly prominent cheekbones can be darkened with powder;
- here you can safely highlight your eyes using bright shadows and mascara, you can also resort to false eyelashes;
- lipstick in bright and catchy colors is not the best option (it is more correct that the lips remain light and natural);
- for a face with a "heart", round eyebrows would be ideal (you do not need to paint them brightly, a light accent will be enough).

When applying makeup, it is necessary to create smooth transitions between different tones of powder, tone and blush, thoroughly blending the edges. There is no need to resort to bright colors that stand out. Here, calm shades of peach, pink and pastel will look perfect, and will also look harmonious. It is best to use calm tones that can give the face softness, tenderness and grace.

When the cold weather sets in, not all women are eager to put a hat on their chic hair, believing that she is the only one capable of electrifying them by ruining her hair. However, a well-chosen headdress can create a unique, unrepeatable image, as well as give the face an ideal shape.
The ideal headgear for a triangular face is a ushanka hat with ears hanging along the cheekbones. Here they will play the role of hair, which, with the right hairstyle, frame the cheek and chin area, correcting the shape of the face.

Medium hairstyles with soft waves around the face can afford to wear more chunky and round hats. Here they will not look cumbersome, weighing down the already wide forehead.

The main thing is not to use tight-fitting hats made of thin knitwear, as well as voluminous models made of chunky knit, in your wardrobe. Such attire will not add attractiveness to the image - they will clearly highlight all the shortcomings of the heart-shaped and triangular faces.

Useful Tips
You can perfectly complement, embellish the image with the help of accessories. For example, the use of jewelry and glasses can even better adjust the shape and hide imperfections. Hoop earrings, earrings in the form of triangles or pyramids, as well as drop earrings will look harmonious. Earrings of large sizes in bright colors will be a win-win option.
Unique / colorful jewelry will help mask imperfections in the chin area. Don't use small, unsightly earrings. They will highlight all the flaws of a triangular face.
As for the decorations for the neckline, rounded shapes without bulky and elongated pendants are best suited here.Any necklaces with a V-shape can spoil the image, since they are able to visually make the neck and face even longer (in conjunction with a triangular face shape, this effect will be superfluous). It is better not to use this type of decoration.

Many girls like to wear glasses. This is a really great accessory that not only protects the eyes from the sun's rays, but also gives a unique, interesting look. The main thing is to be able to choose them correctly.
When choosing glasses, you should pay attention to the frame. No need to get carried away with bright colors and unusual elements. A frame of calm tones, emphasizing simplicity and minimalism, is best suited. All kinds of patterns, as well as catchy accents will draw attention to the temples and forehead.
On women with a triangular face, glasses of a round and oval shape will look great. They will help soften the sharp lines, giving the image more tenderness and softness.
Owners of smoother lines can use glasses with sharp and sharp lines in their image. Models with non-circular glasses are acceptable, for example, in the form of a rectangle or square. The main thing is not to get carried away so that the glasses do not give angularity to the features.

You definitely shouldn't choose glasses:
- with a large or "cat" frame;
- in the form of drops;
- with bright accents.

These tips will help you really choose the right glasses and all kinds of jewelry. The main task is for the accessories to emphasize their dignity, and also to bring bright notes to the image, and not spoil it.
Beautiful examples
Often, owners of triangular or heart-shaped face types consider this a big drawback.

However, many celebrities have this form. Such a face is not their fault, but emphasizes the uniqueness and femininity.

This video presents a master class on the visual correction of a triangular face shape.