Bronzing for dark hair: features and technique

Modern girls are in constant search of ideas with which you can radically change their image. Most often, beauties prefer to experiment with hair coloring. Today, bronzing of dark curls is very popular. It differs significantly from ombre, coloring, highlighting and allows you to create an unusual color effect on curls.
What it is?
Bronzing on dark hair is a multi-color and combined dyeing of strands, which opens up opportunities for obtaining a beautiful overflow of several shades close to the natural color. When coloring brondes, it is necessary to correctly select the color palette of paints, taking into account the skin tone, eye color and curls. This multicolor technique is in great demand all over the world and has several varieties, thanks to which every fashionista can easily change her image, complementing it with individuality. The term "bronzing" means a soft transition between light and dark shades.
The technology for performing such painting is complex, but with a certain experience, any girl can cope with it at home. The principle of dyeing is that the hair on the crown retains its natural color, and light highlights are added to the inner strands, which become noticeable when walking or in a light wind. Thanks to this feature, the curls acquire an unusual beauty and do not have a sharp transition to blond. Bronding, like any other type of hair dyeing, has its pros and cons.

The main advantages of the procedure include:
- complementing the hair with unusual dynamics, which makes it smooth and fills it with a light overflow;
- the ability to create a modern look without a radical change in hair color, combining many dark and light shades;
- perfect combination with all types of hairstyles, dyeing can be performed on both short and medium, long hair;
- simplicity in styling curls, since the shade in the parietal zone remains natural.

As for the shortcomings, there are not many of them.
- This procedure is complex, and without experience in painting, it is difficult to cope with it at home. Most often, booking is done in beauty salons by specialists. If a girl wants to save money and paints on her own, then the first time it may not work. During booking, it is important to be able to withstand the contrast of colors, which is not possible for beginners.
- This type of staining is not recommended for women who have the first gray hair in the crown area, since this area will have to be tinted periodically.
Despite all these shortcomings, most of the fair sex who have dark curls prefer bronzing.

Unlike coloring and highlighting, the iridescent effect on the hair lasts up to three months, after which it needs to be renewed. Bronzing looks especially gorgeous on dark curly hair, light highlights on them perfectly emphasize the beauty of curls.
Bronding can be performed on any type, color and length of hair, and most often it is performed on dark strands. This type of painting is presented in various types, which differ in the technique of execution and colors. The most common types of bronding are considered to be.
The effect of sunburned hair
In this case, coloring is performed using paints whose colors are close to the natural shade of the strands. When painting, a harmonious transition is created from dark strands to lighter ones. This option is recommended for both short and long haircuts. Most often it is chosen by girls who want to refresh the natural shade of their hair or to correct previously performed coloring.

Glare effect
It is a dyeing in a chaotic manner, in which colors are used that are close in tone to natural hair. As a result, “sun-lit spots” appear on the hair. This is a rather difficult type of booking and is usually done only by professionals. It can be used on both medium and long curls.

Layered multi-tone coloring in the style of "bronde"
The strands are painted in even layers, and the borders formed between them are shaded with warm tones. Ideal for long hair.

Bright multibrond
Performing this technique, it is important to choose the right shades, since at the beginning the strands are lightened, and then tinted in contrasting colors. Experts recommend this option for courageous ladies who are accustomed to always being in the spotlight and having an extraordinary look.

With a deepening tone in the roots
This type of armor is carried out using the "California highlighting" technology. Dyeing takes place in an open way, starting from the roots of dark hair and ending with the ends, which become light. Coloring looks gorgeous on all types of hair, regardless of their length, retains its effect for a long time and emphasizes the beauty of the curls.

Vibrating (glare) bronding
The coloring composition is applied in a chaotic manner with light strokes along the entire length of the strands. The final result and "pattern" depends on the original shade of the hair.

Brond super nature
Differs in the maximum effect of naturalness, since the master skillfully selects the tones and after bronzing it is difficult to guess that the curls are colored. The staining technology is complex, so it is not recommended for home use.

Ombre-style framing
Well suited for dark-haired ladies who want to highlight the oval of the face and add youth to themselves.

English bronde with "floating effects"
In this case, the color shades of the hair have soft transitions, so this coloring can be done even for girls who have a strict dress code.

Partial (zonal) booking
Thanks to the unique technique of applying paint, it is possible to hide all visual defects in appearance.

Choice of shade
Today, bronzing is considered the most popular technique for dyeing dark hair, since the toning effect is more noticeable against their background. For brunettes with black hair, experts recommend repainting the curls in a chestnut tone, and then performing any of the suitable painting techniques according to the classical scheme. If the black color is “artificial”, then it must be “washed off” before bronzing and only then should the paint be applied in copper, cognac and chestnut shades. For owners of chestnut curls, dyes of honey and coffee tones are ideal; if you wish, you can also experiment with an ash and cognac shade.

In order to achieve the maximum effect from bronzing, stylists recommend choosing the right color palette, taking into account the girl's color type. So, for example, beauties with a summer color type should give preference to cold and saturated colors, more contrasting cold tones are suitable for a winter color type, unsaturated colors for spring ones, and warm saturated shades for autumn ones. In addition, when choosing colors, you should pay attention to the details of the image (accessories, clothes). Chestnut copper, coffee, nutty and chocolate tones are excellent choices for dark-haired people.

Dyeing technology
Hair coloring in the style of bronde is suitable for both short straight haircuts with bangs, and bob or long curls. It is best to do home bronzing on strands of medium length, since in this case it will be easier to do it. The bronzing technology is distinguished by one main feature - first, the basis for toning is prepared. Therefore, the curls at the first stage of the procedure are lightened, then they are covered with the selected shades (coffee, brown, chocolate or chestnut). The selected paint colors should be in the same palette and differ only by a few tones.

In some cases, the dyeing technology allows incomplete lightening of the strand, covering only their ends. The result is an unusual shine effect on the natural background of the hair, which lasts for a long time and does not lose its attractiveness after hair regrowth. If the procedure is performed independently for the first time, then the following instructions should be followed.
- At the first stage, the hair is prepared. Any type of dyeing looks best on well-groomed and healthy strands, and bronding is no exception. A few days before that, you need to wash your curls well and apply a nourishing mask on them, it will also not hurt to slightly "refresh" your hairstyle.
- At the second stage, the dye is mixed in separate containers, the strands are divided into separate zones. For this, two diagonal partings are made in the back of the head. Supra should be applied generously to the ends of the hair. Then each strand is individually wrapped in foil.
- At the third stage, it is necessary to make one horizontal parting in the back of the head, highlighting strands no more than 4 cm wide. Brightening powder is applied to them (V-shaped) and wrapped in foil.
- At the fourth stage, a side parting with two strands of 4 cm wide is created, a lightening composition is also applied to them in a V-shape. The procedure is repeated in the same way on the back of the head.
- The procedure ends with painting the crown, in the area of which a wide strand with a triangular base is formed. You need to retreat no more than 5 cm from the roots and distribute the dye evenly. The holding time of the composition depends on the desired effect, but, as a rule, it does not exceed 50 minutes. Then the paint is washed off with water and the hair is washed with shampoo.

The above instructions are suitable for dyeing strands of any length. During the booking process, experts also recommend taking into account the following nuances.
- The paint must be shaded with smooth movements along the entire length of the curls. On long hair, you can safely experiment using such modern dyeing techniques as ombre and California highlights.
- Allows you to create a chic hairstyle design and medium hair length. As for short haircuts, the effect of overflowing colors on them is not very noticeable.

After booking, you should provide proper care for the curls, which includes a number of restorative and therapeutic procedures. Colored hair should be washed with special shampoos and additionally applied with masks and balms. This will provide the hairs with good nutrition, fill them with moisture, after which the hairstyle will delight with an unusual radiance.
Today, most brands offer a huge selection of gel paints that have a leaving effect. Therefore, if they are used for bronzing, then the subsequent care of the colored curls will be much easier.
In addition, experts recommend combining booking with lamination, due to which color transitions will acquire clear boundaries. Periodic rinsing of hair after washing with decoctions of medicinal herbs will also not hurt.

Successful examples
It is important for every girl to look beautiful, therefore, when creating an image, stylists recommend paying maximum attention to hair styling. Recently, most of the fair sex with dark hair choose bronding. With it, you can safely experiment and make any fantasy come true. The effect obtained by dyeing depends on the type of hairstyle, as the tint will look different on short, medium and long strands. The most popular booking hairstyles are the following.
- For owners of a simple haircut (with medium or long curls), which has straight ends, must be profiled before painting. This will favorably emphasize color transitions and exclude inharmonious overflows. Additionally, you can create levels using highlighted strands. A similar design is suitable for haircuts with or without bangs.
- When cutting bob and bob it is better not to dye the bangs, while it should be straight and not too short. Bronzing is ideal for hairstyles without bangs. In this case, it is recommended to apply warm and rich shades, taking into account the color of the skin and eyes. It looks interesting on such hairstyles a smooth transition between strands from brown to a dark walnut shade.

For information on the features of bronzing for dark hair, see the next video.