Fashionable hair coloring of medium length

Colorists are offering more and more innovative solutions in what shade one could dye hair. When choosing a technique and color, a woman should take into account many points, including the color type, individual features of the face.

New in coloring
Of the novelties in modern dyeing, several techniques can be called:
- sombre and ombre, which are very similar to each other, but have several features;
- balayazh;
- Tiger's Eye;
- shatush;
- gradient.

The ombre technique may seem intimidating to some girls who are accustomed to the fact that the color change necessarily occurs with the use of foil. However, despite the apparent complexity, in practice it is always possible to achieve an amazing result. One of the many reasons this technique has gained such popularity is that it looks good on almost any hair. Curls are not dyed completely, but only partially, therefore, the negative impact on them is less.
Can be used on a variety of hairs, except very short hair, since a smooth transition from a darker color to a lighter color cannot be achieved. At the time of painting, it should be borne in mind that when using a clarifier that is not sealed with foil, the result will be different. You will need to keep moisture and not allow it to dry, otherwise the paint will simply stop working. Making an ombre is usually a two-step process when first they work with the base color, only after that they create highlights.

Compared to this technique, sombre is characterized by a gradual, softer transition. Lily James is a great example of this innovative technology, which exhibits finer gradation from light ends to dark roots. With this color, the color smoothly spreads over the curls. The key to achieving the desired effect is to use more shades and among them darker at the roots.
Some people think that this technique allows blondes to look better with minimal coloring, however, it also works well on dark hair if you use soft gold, honey or caramel shades.

Gradient hair coloring has become popular with celebrities because it allows you to preserve the natural beauty of your hair. When using this technique, the ends are lighter than the root part. It is not so easy for an inexperienced master to distinguish between ombre and a gradient, however, these are completely different techniques for lightening hair towards the ends. There is another hair highlighting technique in hairdressing practice, created especially for girls with dark curls - shatush.
However, blondes also use it, but then you will need to take paint with ammonia, which is very harmful for any curls. Shatush is a good option for gray-haired women who do not want to put up with age-related changes, but only if less than a third of their hair is covered with gray. On chestnut curls, this technique is easily done using natural tones, but only slightly lighter than the natural color.

Balayage is another French hair color change that is gaining popularity around the world. Using the method allows you to highlight the transition from one color to another. Balayazh is suitable for girls, regardless of age. The originality of the hairstyle and the bright image allowed the technique to become a favorite among other dyeing options.
You can quickly and easily achieve a visual increase in volume in a similar way. Most women leave the color at the roots natural and only dye the underside of their hair.

Fashion trends
Fashion is capricious, every year it changes its direction, this also applies to dyeing women's hair. Rich colors such as deep burgundy and navy blue are perfect for bold and young brunette girls with black hair. Today stylists offer no less solutions for blondes, for example, different shades of pink. It was the juicy and rich colors that burst onto the catwalks and won the hearts of many female representatives.
Colorists are offering more and more types for medium length hair so that girls can personalize their look. Among the huge number of possible options, there are also stylish solutions for fans of the classics.

There is no better time than the beginning of the new year to move on to new solutions and transform. While some run to the gym with enthusiasm, hoping to surprise with their own bodies, others prefer to change their own image without such drastic decisions. Modern possibilities are endless, numerous brands offer a new palette of colors, techniques that allow any color to be made more natural. Between creamy blonde and metallic brunettes, vibrant, eye-catching searing reds are taking on a new level of popularity. These are not only fiery red tones, but also crimson, burgundy, cherry.

For girls with dark curls in the new year, it is best to create the effect of slightly burnt strands, as is usually the case after a good seaside holiday. Blondes can lighten the ends slightly by using a stylish silver color, noble platinum, or you can make them darker. Always unusual and unique ombre looks appropriate everywhere, but especially good on blondes, since it makes it possible to apply more options of the proposed colors.
In the new year, girls with chic dark curls can afford to lighten the ends or tone them using a copper-red palette to achieve the effect of the flame on the hair.
Stylish colored tips look incredible on cool tones, for example, you can take as a basis silver gray or ash, or even better add a little purple to them.

Gray hair is considered the first sign of female wisdom and human maturity. The inevitable appearance of them on the head makes female representatives think as much as possible about how to change the color. According to experts, new, unknown and unusual hair colors will come into fashion, which will receive no less special names. The first place in popularity on the catwalks of the world of beauty was taken not by burning brunettes, but by blond beauties with modern fashionable coloring "brondes".

Many famous hairdressers are already using this style. Its consistency lies in the fact that the color palette used on the curls cannot be purchased even in a professional store. Hairdressers independently combine shades of one selected light color. In the new season, it is a spectrum from golden blonde to brown hair. You will need to carefully select 3-4 subtones, since the curls as a result of staining should look natural, and from the side you should visually feel the effect of volume.
The essence of the process is that the strands painted in different colors are taken as wide as possible, their subtone must be chosen so as to harmonize with the natural color of the curls of the fair sex.

Interesting options
Every year fashion offers innovative ideas, makes new changes in the style created by the girl, hair shades are becoming more daring, bright, interesting. Those beauties who want to be in trend during all seasons of the year must unswervingly follow the emerging innovations. Now stylists have decided to please not only with new colors, they have become more original, there are really unique coloring options based on natural color.

More and more fashion stylists are leaning towards natural blond strands, hence the new trends in the fashion world. Warm shades of the palette for blondes are now popular. One of the actual colors is considered to be golden blond, but sand or beige is more often chosen undertones, since this is the perfect combination.
It is undesirable to take ugly bleached curls as a basis; it is imperative that they be tinted at the second stage in order to make them look natural.

Even after applying the dye, the hair should not look unnatural, you can simply make the effect of sun-kissed strands. The glare, correctly selected according to the color scheme, will dissolve in the total number of curls, you get an amazing effect of additional volume, which many women dream of. Caramel, straw, gold, wheat and honey tones refresh the modern familiar look.

Pink can also look good with a pastel quartz undertone, which has been a fashion trend for several seasons.
The shades of this palette will look spectacular on stylish, shorter squeaky haircuts. This combination allows you to achieve a bold and interesting image, but at the same time there is no flashy, defiant beauty.
Beige undertones with golden sunshine are a feature of the caramel blonde. They are ideal for women who prefer classics. The fairer sex will surely appreciate the richness of such a color scheme and the depth of the offered shades.

Platinum in blond did not seem to leave the leading position in the popularity ranking. The trend has been going on for several seasons and is not declining, only gaining momentum. The style is ideal for women of winter color type.Star masters advise them to focus on this color when creating a beautiful lady's image.
For girls with chestnut and black curls, cool shades of brown strands will be a fashionable solution. The best trend of modern times is ombre in walnut color, where dark brown slowly dissolves and turns into a lighter color. Bright fiery red has become less relevant, but the shade, as close as possible to red gold, has become a revelation for most stylists.

Colors and shades
Fashionable colors are designed not to drastically change the main shade of the hair. The stylists' job is to freshen up a standard base shade. The main trend of the season is to add a palette that will decorate and harmoniously complement the original tone of the curls, while there should be no sharp contrasting transition. Fashionable hair coloring techniques allow you to refresh your haircut, add femininity and attractiveness to the image of a girl or woman.
Black hair is a classic color that transitions from one season to the next with great confidence. It is very suitable for all skin tones and remains always a great choice to highlight attractive features. Together with brunettes and blondes, the time has come for burning red-haired beauties. Stylists noticed the demand for red, copper and chestnut shades. They go well with blue or green eyes and fair skin.

Red hair has changed the palette for the new season, with shades from deep red to fiery copper now popular.
This palette is more suitable for women with fair skin who want to look modern. There are also more muted colors in the palette for the fair sex, who are not used to changing their appearance so radically.
Gray shades, which they previously tried to actively get rid of, are now becoming fashionable. It is not only light gray, but also dark, silver, platinum, which are great for women, regardless of color type. Chestnut curls also remain in vogue, but this time the girls will be pleased with the palette from dark brown to chocolate, you can choose a bolder color - reddish brown.

Natural brunettes can learn a thing or two from girls who have modernized their brown hair into a more chocolate shade. Choose a palette from chocolate brown to warm amber colors. They look not only very natural, but also rich.

Platinum blond became a real discovery several seasons ago, but stylists have not exhausted all the possibilities of this shade, so the trend is not declining. Most professionals say that the popularity of this color will only increase. Rusty copper is one of those colors that looks incredible on curls. With the right choice of technique, an amazing volume is created on the hair, the ebb is stunning.
The color is not far behind in popularity, the name of which is similar to the well-known non-alcoholic drink - cream soda. The shade can be compared to a slightly beige blond. The color is a cross between icy platinum and golden blonde, which makes it quite versatile.
Some stylists admit that this is one of the best hair color ideas for blondes.

A deep burgundy color can also brighten up the mood if the girl is ready for drastic changes. The shade looks good in the ombre or shatush technique, however, it is not suitable for every girl. Elderly women should not use it, as it can emphasize age-related skin changes. In general, young people have more daring choices. More and more, cold beige, brown satin and other incredible shades are reaching the peak of popularity.
The many shades of red and purple provide great opportunities to breathe new life into an image.Blue roots on black hair, deep sea greens on browns, electric blues on golden browns or sunny yellows on dark hair, pink on any base color are far from all that modern fashion offers today. In addition to these exciting new ideas, strawberry blond and platinum blond are equally popular.

How to choose?
Stylists know that if you choose the right shade and dyeing technique for thin hair, you can visually increase the volume. Of particular importance is the color of the skin, eyes and the natural shade of the curls. Before opting for a color, you must first understand what the main idea behind cool and warm shades is. If the fair sex has a colder skin tone, pink and olive are just what you need. If warm, a yellow or gold shade of hair will look good.
For straight or wavy curls or hairstyles with bangs, you can take an idea from a celebrity. It is always easier to visualize how the desired palette will look with a similar eye color, performed by this or that technique.
Stylists noticed that girls with warm skin colors began to choose cooler hair colors and vice versa. This tendency is associated with the desire to stand out, to show their own individuality.

For a better and clearer presentation, we suggest a scheme according to different types of skin tone.
- Cold skin tone with a reddish undertone.

- Pretty cool skin tone and honey or caramel hair color.

- People with a warm tan may dye their hair brown. A shade of mocha, chestnut, dark chocolate will do.

- Not too light skin pairs well with warmer blonde tones.

- Black hair is best for fair skin with a cool undertone.

- Caramel, biscuit, milk chocolate or spicy coffee are all warm brown undertones that harmonize perfectly with light beige highlights.

The advantage of any coloring is that the girl has great opportunities to make her image different, to change herself with minimal financial costs. Colorless dyeing is an innovative method that women use more and more often. The effect it creates is reminiscent of hair lamination. With this coloring, the master uses a universal remedy that helps not only to achieve amazing shine, but also to strengthen the weak hair structure. This is an excellent solution after dyeing in light colors, when the curls suffer the most, sometimes the dye is used as a hair care composition.
The dyes in such a product are completely harmless, hypoallergenic and suitable for any curls, and when combined with other paints, you can achieve a high-quality color that will last longer on the strands.

Beautiful examples
- There are many attractive examples of what an image might look like after coloring. You can talk endlessly about the Blorange revolution. Why not try a combination of peach and rose. It is difficult to imagine a better combination of two colors than this.

- With the classic gray hair color, you can add style, show your own personality. There are many options for experimentation, the color can be darker or with a silvery sheen.

- A blonde with a gray tint of hair looks good too. On medium to long haircuts, using multiple levels in this way can create additional volume. It will look unusual on slightly curled curls.

- For all ladies who are accustomed to attention, it is worth using ashy brown on their hair. It blends well with dark complexions. This trendy color of diluted ash will accentuate the beauty of brown eyes.

- Saturated brown does not lag behind in popularity among burning brunettes.This is a completely new shade, suitable for girls with a light tan and dark eyes. It creates a luxurious contrast with lighter skin tones.

- Women of the 21st century are brave enough to try the brightest shades that modern stylists offer them. Indeed, having a vibrant hair color is a way to grab attention and communicate your personality. Unicorn colors are in fashion, that is, a completely unnatural palette that instantly catches your eye from afar.

- Sometimes women are looking for a certain shade that does not quite match the color type. In most cases, stylists advise mixing it with other shades from warm to cool tones, depending on the skin and eye color. Compared to others, the bright palette is difficult to match. In this case, the required intensity can be achieved only after complete whitening, and then paint your own curls even in a rainbow.

- Hair coloring trends change every year. To look spectacular, the fair sex must always keep up with the times, although this is not always easy. You cannot use a popular shade just because it is beautiful or celebrities are painted in it, since it may simply not fit the woman's color type.

- Of the interesting options, one cannot fail to note bronze, which has recently become a hit among women. It is a versatile shade that suits ladies with pale and tanned skin. The color is a mixture of red copper and bronze brown. If the girl has a dark complexion, it is better to choose a deeper tone. If the woman is a natural brunette, it is better to color the hair with a warm amber tint.

- When you want a calm hair color that will be stylish and graceful at the same time, you should choose an easy transition from a natural tone to a slightly faded one. This is a new hair coloring technique that creates a multidimensional effect. It allows several tones to be combined with each other and create a natural effect.

- Red hair never goes out of fashion, it allows you to look extravagant, sexy. If you want to follow the latest trends, dye your hair copper and fall red. Those with pale skin will look stunning. The shade is also great for those with dark skin tones. All in all, the fall red palette trend will make the girl look gorgeous.

- The deliberate highlighting of the roots is the hair coloring style that surprised everyone. Ladies who did not like to visit the hairdresser often were extremely happy, since the correction is required much less often. The technique allows you to save on painting, while you get a very attractive image, the main thing is that the woman does not have gray hair.

- There are many ways to customize your look, including the innovative rose gold shade. If the root area is slightly darkened, it will look unusual, but very good. This hair tone looks good on girls with fair skin and dark eyes, it emphasizes the advantage of this color type. The shade can be chosen more gentle or intense, it all depends on what specific effect the woman wants to achieve.

- The cool gray color is no less interesting. It reflects light amazingly, so it can appear silvery or black, depending on how the light falls. It is not necessary to dye your hair in a monochromatic manner, you can make a few lighter strands or opposite dark ones in order to shade the curls well. This play of colors is perfect for girls with brown eyes and dark skin tones. Works best on straight hair as it enhances the amazing highlights.

- Purple can be used both as a base tone and as an ideal solution for ombre or graduation.This palette is so rich that it is possible to choose the right color for any color type. There are lighter, lilac tones and brighter and more saturated tones that should be used with more care.

- The root zone can be shaded, and the ends can be made lighter. Sometimes multicolor coloring using one color, but several different shades, looks good. It is not so easy to do it yourself at home, but a professional will help you create a unique and inimitable image.

- Purple can be used on naturally light and dark hair, only in the first case, for the intensity of the color of the strand, you may need to pre-bleach. If you apply paint without discoloration, then the tone will turn out to be darker, deeper.

In the following video, a stylist demonstrates how to dye your hair at home and do it right.