Is it better to dye on dirty or clean hair?

The question of whether you need to wash your hair before painting is very relevant. It is very difficult to give an unequivocal answer to it. This is due to the fact that earlier hair coloring products were quite aggressive and contained a lot of ammonia and heavy metals in their composition.
The effect of these substances on the skin and hair led to sad consequences, which made it more expedient to dye dirty hair, protected by a thin layer of fat. Today, with the advent of more gentle dyeing methods, the situation has changed somewhat, thanks to which it became possible to dye clean curls without risking damage to their condition.

Hair preparation
Whatever the upcoming dyeing method, the hair before this procedure must prepare well... To do this, the curls are pre-saturated with various useful substances and moisturized well. Preparation usually begins a couple of weeks before the event and consists of regular applying nourishing masks, using balms and conditioners.
At the same time, it is not recommended to use oil-based products.
This is due to the fact that, despite the powerful support for the hair roots, the oil forms a microfilm on the surface of the curl and prevents the penetration of the color pigment into the micropores.

Apply folk methods in this case, you should be very careful and, if possible, use only proven cosmetics specially designed for such procedures.Another important step in preparing hair for dyeing is to conduct two tests. The first is in determining the likelihood of allergic reactions on the selected dye. For this, a little diluted product is applied to the skin of the wrist and left for half an hour. If during this time no changes are observed, then the paint can be safely used.
If you experience itching, redness or skin rash, you should refuse to use this product.
After the first test has been successfully passed, a second test must be performed. Its essence is in applying a small amount of dye to a strand of hair and waiting for the result of dyeing. If the resulting shade meets all the requirements, then you can proceed to full coloring.

Do I have to wash my hair?
There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on many subjective factors: the method of dyeing and the composition of the dye, the individual characteristics and structure of the hair.

So, the obligatory shampooing is provided in a number of cases.
- If shortly before staining gel, varnish, foam or mousse was applied to the hair, then it is simply necessary to wash them. Otherwise, the remnants of the chemical components of the previous product can react with paint substances and lead to a completely unexpected result.
- If hair color it is planned to change very often, and this shade is applied for a short time, it is also better to wash your head.
- Curls, which are supposed to be painted in dark colors, it is also recommended to wash. This will make the color more saturated and provide depth.
- An aesthetic moment. Before going to the salon, many rightly worry that it will not be very pleasant for the master to work with an unwashed head, and therefore they prefer to wash their hair at least a day before visiting the hairdresser.
- Most modern remediessuch as tonics, semi-permanent dyes, mousses and henna are intended to be applied only to clean hair, so washing your hair before using them is not even discussed. If this requirement is neglected, then the color will begin to wash off after a few days.
- Judging by numerous reviews, when the dye is applied to unwashed greasy hair, the dye is quickly washed out and the characteristic shine is absent.
- Application of coloring compositions on clean, slightly damp strands contributes to obtaining a more uniform coloring along the entire length, which is not always possible to achieve when dyeing dirty hair.

Pros and cons of applying dye to dirty hair
As discussed above, there are many prerequisites that require washing the curls before dyeing. However, there are several cases in which washing your hair is best avoided.
- Painting gray hair requires dyeing only on dirty hair. This is due to the fact that for painting gray strands, a more resistant paint is required, containing, as a rule, a large amount of aggressive components. Their excessive presence can cause irreparable damage to the hair structure, and therefore it is better to dye on oily hair.
A thin fatty film evenly envelops each hair and reliably protects its structure from destruction. If you wash your hair, then the curls become defenseless against the effects of chemicals, noticeably fade and begin to split.
- Lightening it is also better to perform on a dirty head. This is due to the presence of high-percentage peroxide in the bleaching preparations, which mercilessly destroys the hair structure and leads to strong drying of the curls.
- Highlighting strands are performed according to a principle similar to bleaching and also requires a fatty film on the hair. Before the procedure, it is better to refrain from washing your hair for 3-4 days. The period of abstinence from washing is selected individually and depends on the productivity of the sebaceous glands.
- After a perm you can dye your hair after 14 days. During this time, the hair can be washed only once - a week after curling and, accordingly, 7 days before dyeing.
- Dry, brittle and damaged hair are also one of the reasons why it is better to refuse to wash your hair before dyeing. In order for the coloring pigment to distribute correctly and not harm the hair, the hair should not be washed for at least 2-3 days.
- Problematic and dry skin also requires dyeing on dirty hair. Otherwise, the scalp loses its protective fat layer and begins to itch and flake off.

However, there is also opponents of staining dirty hair, motivating their beliefs by the fact that at present there are a large number of modern drugs that do not have a detrimental effect on the hair structure and even have a parallel therapeutic effect. There is also a poor staining of strands with very dirty hair, which is explained by uneven work of the sebaceous glands, in which some parts of the head are much fatter than others.
In such cases, the paint is stained, so the desired result cannot be achieved.

Professional opinion
According to experts and experienced hairdressers, the dyeing result depends on many factors. So, regardless of the cleanliness or greasy hair, you must strictly observe dyeing technique rules, which are detailed in the instructions for its use. This is due to the fact that many manufacturers very specifically indicate which hair should be dyed, therefore it is highly wrong to ignore the recommendations.
However, most experts are still inclined to believe that there is no need to wait for hair contamination before dyeing and recommend performing the procedure on clean curls.

This position is explained by the presence in the composition of modern paints natural oils and plant extracts, neutralizing the action of aggressive components. Moreover, the modern market offers a huge number of ammonia-free clarifiers that allow you to perform the bleaching procedure on a clean head.
Thus, there are more supporters of dyeing clean hair, the only condition for their successful dyeing is the choice of high-quality dye and regular care.

Useful Tips
Colored curls require constant and competent care, which helps them to recover as quickly as possible and acquire a healthy look and unique shine.
- In the process of painting hair scales open up under the influence of ammonia and cause hair weakening. To restore them properly, you need to regularly do herbal baths, apply regenerating masks and do not use hot water to wash your hair. It is also forbidden to visit the solarium and style your hair with stylers, tongs and irons.
- Immediately after staining it is necessary to quickly neutralize the alkali. This can be done with conditioners or shampoos-stabilizers.
- Wash your hair follows every 2-3 days. More frequent washing can cause a drying effect and prevent your hair from recovering properly.
- Dry dyed hair recommended in a natural way. To speed up the process, in some cases, it is allowed to use a hair dryer, however, the air in it must be cold.
- Combing colored curls should be carried out using a rounded comb with sparse and smooth teeth.

What is the difference between dyeing on clean and dirty hair, see below.