Monochrome hair coloring: features and technology of execution

Monochromatic coloring from the side seems to be a simple process, in fact, it is not so easy to achieve a uniform shade. The girl is required to choose the right coloring composition, choose the appropriate color, taking into account her own color type, sometimes it is necessary to first lighten the hair in order to achieve brightness.
How to choose a tone?
Stylists offer many possible shade options, but not every one suits this or that girl. In this case, you should rely on the color type, that is, take into account the shade of the eyes, skin and natural hair color. If you neglect these tips, then the result is likely to be disappointing, you will have to correct the situation. If a girl has features on her skin, including she is prone to redness, the appearance of age spots, acne, then using red shades is strictly prohibited. The same rule applies to women who have had age-related changes. Warm hair colors will help you accentuate the beauty of fair skin. Brown-eyed and green-eyed women are advised to shade their hair with red, golden undertones.
Cooler beige shades go well with gray or blue eyes.

Determining your color type is not so difficult, for this you just need to conduct a test, while the lighting must be natural, otherwise the results will be distorted. All the girl's attention should be riveted to the wrist and the veins on it. If they are lilac or cast lilac, then this is a cold tone; in the presence of a greenish color, we can talk about a warm skin tone. The next step is to peer into the iris of the eyes.If you have brown spots, you can use warm shades for your hair. Blue-gray or green specks indicate the need to opt for a cool palette of colors.

If any of these tests are quite difficult, then you just need to take two jewelry, one golden, the other silver, and apply to the skin. Which one looks better, that one indicates the color type. Silver is always cold shades, gold is warm. During the test, you cannot take into account your own preferences. For girls with natural light curls, a wheat, golden color is best suited; honey undertones can be used, since they well emphasize the freshness of the skin. If the skin is very pale or even translucent, then the following would be the ideal hair colors:
- silver;
- beige;
- ashen;
- ice white;
- platinum;
- champagne.

For ladies with a dark tan, it is better to use a chestnut-honey palette or golden colors. You need to be very careful with a Nordic blond, which can not only highlight circles under the eyes, but also add several years, so they try to avoid it when coloring women of age. When natural hair is faded, of an unattractive light brown shade, it is not necessary to repaint it and change the image radically, it is enough just to add brightness, perhaps even shine. In this option, a toning shampoo is perfect, which does not harm the hair structure. But stylists advise red-haired beauties to pay special attention to the entire palette of golden wealth, namely:
- copper;
- golden blond;
- rust;
- carrot color;
- fiery red.

But even in this case, it is not so easy to choose the right undertones, since it is equally important to take into account the color of the skin and eyes. If the skin is light and the eyes are blue, then it is better not to find an option than those that offer light ebb. Dark skin and brown eyes can be perfectly complemented with fiery reds. Green-eyed beauties with dark skin tones can use any red color. It is always worth remembering that this palette highlights freckles and not only, therefore, girls with blush are strictly contraindicated to change the shade of their hair to carrot.

If the lady is far over 30 years old, then she will have to change the palette and no longer use red-yellow tones, since they only add several years. The ideal option would be a natural redhead, which is able to remove five years. The fairer sex, who have brown and black hair, are most fortunate, since they have the richest palette of colors available. Among the most popular are the following:
- chocolate;
- mocha;
- caramel-cognac;
- black with blue;
- eggplant;
- cherry;
- coffee and many others.

If the skin is light and the eyes are dark, then you should dwell on an eggplant or chocolate undertone. Caramel and chocolate with milk will look better with a good tan and with dark, brown eyes. For girls who can boast of a light shade of the skin and blue eyes, amber, caramel color is ideal. It also happens that, together with gray eyes, a woman has a pronounced blush, in which case the shade of mocha and nutty is an ideal solution. If you do not want to add yourself a few years, then you should not use the bluish-black color, it is better to replace it with dark chocolate.

Monochromatic dyeing allows you to quickly refresh any image, therefore, women resort to this technique most often. Unlike most other techniques, this method can be used equally well on curly or straight hair. The length of the haircut does not matter, the main thing is to choose the right shade. You can apply paint yourself at home, but before that, stylists do not get tired of reminding you that you need to study the instructions from the manufacturer in detail.It indicates whether you need to wash your hair before dyeing or not, it should be dry or it is better to slightly dampen it.
Experts do not advise to additionally injure the previously damaged curls, it is better to first restore them with nutritious masks.

Often, women do not naturally like their hair color, so they want to radically change their image. Lightening the strands the first time does not always allow you to achieve the desired effect. Girls, in an attempt to save money, use a lightening composition and apply it to a previously made coloring, as a result, the roots turn bright yellow, the rest of the hair acquires a dirty shade. Stylists do not get tired of repeating that one paint cannot make another lighter, so it is better to use a wash that will remove some of the pigment. Only after that, you can start lightening and then only by two tones.

They move towards the desired color gradually. Things are much easier with a natural dark shade, but if it's not black or dark brown hair. In this case, you will also have to act very slowly, using an oxidizing agent not 6%, but 9%. For blondes, there are many new products, it is not necessary to radically change your own image, but you can make it more interesting by slightly changing the tone. Beige, wheat, honey tones look great not only on long, but also on medium-length curls.

In a dark tone
If you constantly dye your hair chocolate with poor-quality paint, then over time the curls turn black. It makes no difference whether a girl always uses one manufacturer or changes them from time to time. Often, girls notice that the root zone is brown, and the rest of the hair is very dark. This is due to the constant use of 6% oxide, in comparison with professional salons only 1.5% is used there. When self-dyeing hair, the composition is first applied to the roots, only then 10 minutes before washing off - to the rest of the hair.
It is even better if the coloring agent is combined with the curl mask in a 1: 1 ratio. This is the only way to effectively renew the shade, but not make it darker.

It is wrong to simply apply dye to your hair and spread it so that it covers every curl. There is a special technology for performing painting, which must be adhered to, especially if the application of the coloring composition is carried out at home, and not in the salon. The step-by-step process is as follows:
- hair will need to be split into four parts: the first parting is done from ear to ear, and the second - across it;
- each part can be tied with an elastic band or stabbed so that they do not interfere during staining;
- the occipital part is first covered with a coloring composition, each strand should be no more than 1.5 centimeters, paint over each strand from the root to the ends, evenly applying the composition; they start from this area because most of the natural pigment is located here, so the back of the head is painted over longer;
- then the parietal zones are painted over according to the same principle;
- the composition is applied to the temples last, since the thinnest hair is located here, respectively, it absorbs pigment faster and a long exposure will only harm more;
- after all the zones are well painted over, you need to comb the hair with a rare comb in order to distribute the paint.