Latent coloring on dark hair

The modern hairdressing art does not stand still, new directions appear every season. Today, hidden or rainbow hair coloring is gaining particular popularity.
Latent coloring came to us from foggy Albion and has already managed to win a lot of fans. The essence of this technique is to dye the lower or middle layer of the hair, which is closed under the main strands. This technique is especially popular among the younger generation, as well as among girls who want radical changes in their appearance, but for one reason or another this is unacceptable, for example, a strict dress code at work. The peculiarity of such coloring lies in the color scheme, which is radically different from the natural curl.

Latent dyeing on dark hair will look original using red and all its shades. For deep blacks, shades of blue and purple are suitable.
Before dyeing dark curls, they must first be lightened, otherwise the desired bright shade will not turn out. Another feature is the length of the hair. It should be such that, if necessary, you can hide colored curls, so this coloring is not suitable for all haircuts.

The disadvantages include the following:
- difficulty in staining, especially on your own, since all the work is carried out on the back of the head;
- in the salon, such a procedure is not cheap;
- weakening of the lower or middle layer of hair;
- additional hair care for this layer;
- frequent color correction.
Despite such difficulties, this technique has the following advantages:
- a huge selection of colors and a variety of hairstyles;
- non-standard and attractive appearance;
- the ability to adapt to the makeup and the main wardrobe of the girl;
- easily masked under the main layer of hair;
- versatility in relation to the color of the main hair - this coloring is equally suitable for dark-haired girls, and for blondes, and for owners of red curls.

There are several types of latent staining, which differ in the density of staining.
- Solid. This type is the most affordable for both home and salon performance. The basis consists in changing the color of the entire row of hair, lower or middle, while only one shade is selected. Despite its simplicity and affordability, it requires special care in separating hair from each other. At home, this will help a comb with a thin handle.
- Classic staining implies a color change only in some curls. It can also be called hidden highlighting. In this embodiment, you can also use only one or a few colors.
- Ombre consists in a smooth transition of colors, while dyeing does not start from the hair roots. At home, to carry out such a technique, you will need two mirrors, which will be located opposite each other, as well as a comb and brushes.
- Zigzag or waves. This type is the most difficult, so it is not recommended to carry it out on your own. With this technique, the curls are colored through one. In this case, the first curl is colored from the root, the second - with a slight indentation and a smooth transition from one shade to another. It is common for this look to use more than two colors, which gives the hairstyle even more originality.

At home
Despite the fact that this technique is considered difficult, it can be done either on your own or with the help of a friend. To do this, you will need the following materials:
- dye;
- two mirrors;
- cape on the shoulders;
- foil;
- comb and brushes;
- plastic or glass containers for diluting paint;
- gloves.

When everything is ready, you can proceed directly to the procedure itself, which includes several steps.
- Coloring on dark hair should start with lightening individual strands or the entire layer of hair, depending on the type chosen. For this, a clarifier is prepared in a container, and then applied to the selected curls. In this case, it is worth carefully separating and protecting the upper and lower layer from the middle one, if it is painted with foil. This is necessary so that the clarifier does not get on the unpainted areas.
- The clarifier lasts from 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the intensity of the natural pigment and the desired result.
- Then it is washed off with water and shampoo. Drying your hair with a hairdryer is not recommended at this stage.
- After the hair is dry, you can proceed to the main stage. To do this, all the components of the paint are mixed and applied to the bleached hair.
- When painting yourself, the main thing is to choose the right angle. To do this, one mirror is installed in front of the face, and the second - behind, so that the back of the head is visible. With the help of a comb, the strands are neatly separated from each other and fixed with hairpins.
- Now, paint can be applied to the secured strands. It must be kept for no more than 1 hour, and then it must be washed off with water and shampoo. Drying them is also not recommended with a hairdryer.

Follow-up care
Coloring in the style of "rainbow", like any other, causes a change in the structure of the hair to one degree or another, which is why such hair needs careful care.

It should be nutrition, hydration and color retention. The following simple rules will help maintain the health of curls and their color:
- after such a procedure, it is better to wash your hair with shampoo for colored hair or use products without sulfates, since they will help maintain the brightness of the color for a long time;
- after each shampooing, it is necessary to apply a moisturizing balm suitable for the type of hair;
- once a week it is worth doing a nourishing mask for colored hair;
- do not often use a hairdryer when drying hair, as this can lead to fragility and loss of color; for the same purpose, it is not recommended to stay in the sun for a long time without a headdress;
- about a month after the first staining, a color correction should be made.

You can learn more about this staining in the next video.