Hair strobing: advantages and disadvantages of the dyeing technique

In the life of every girl or woman, a moment comes when you want to change something in your appearance. It is difficult to decide on drastic changes: after all, an unsuccessful hairstyle or coloring will be difficult to change.
One of the methods that modern masters actively use is strobing. This procedure allows you to refresh the image and add the necessary accents to it.

What it is?
Initially, the concept of strobing appeared in makeup. Then this technique began to be used in the art of hairdressing. Its essence lies in darkening and lightening certain areas in order to hide flaws and emphasize the winning features of the appearance. Experienced craftsmen are able to correct the appearance in this way and significantly improve the appearance. Hair strobing involves highlighting individual strands, thereby changing the perception of skin tone and facial features. The specialist highlights the strands: some of them darken, while others, on the contrary, lighten. Such a pattern on the hair refreshes the face and gives it natural grace.
This technique requires an individual approach to each client. In order for the result to be of high quality and fully meet expectations, it is necessary to take into account the features of the appearance, the shape of the face, the color type, the presence of gray hair and their number. Only after a detailed analysis of these factors can a specialist start staining.

Thanks to such a detailed analysis and individual approach, strobing is suitable for any woman.
And yet, this coloring looks most attractive on light brown hair. Contrasting strands in the case of strobing make the hairstyle unnatural and overly catchy.Dark hair with such coloring takes on an unkempt look.
For blondes and dark-haired girls, strobing can be performed only with preliminary preparation. Its essence lies in lightening or darkening the natural shade. In this case, it will be possible to achieve the desired result. For owners of curly short, medium and long hair, strobing is suitable first of all. Due to this feature of the hair, the boundaries between the colored strands are erased and shaded. The hairstyle is as natural as possible. There are few specialists who are able to perform the procedure at a high level. Not every salon offers hair strobing.

Advantages and disadvantages
Strobing is a unique procedure that is gaining more and more fans. To better understand its features, it is necessary to study the positive and negative aspects. Consider the pros of strobing.
- Coloring affects only the top layer of the strands, so the damage to the hair is minimal. Especially when compared with highlighting and full coloring.
- The ability to change the appearance and hide its flaws. This is an important advantage of the procedure.
- Giving volume to the hair, and dynamism and expressiveness to the hairstyle.
- Creating a fresh look.
- The strobing technique is suitable for every girl and woman, taking into account the analysis of the features of the appearance, the selection of colors and the selection of the desired strands.

Unfortunately, negative characteristics are also inherent in this technique.
- An obligatory analysis of the features of appearance, which not every master can perform at his best.
- There are too few masters who really understand this technique and are able to apply it, while achieving high results.
- Before staining, a number of preliminary procedures must be performed.
- High price, which is determined by many factors. In the regions, the cost of strobing is kept within 5 thousand rubles. In Moscow salons, this figure increases several times.

Basic techniques
Masters who specialize in strobing use a large number of techniques and techniques in their work. Their choice is based on a preliminary analysis of the features of their appearance and hair. If the technique is chosen incorrectly, the result can be as bad as possible. Usually two shades are used. One is chosen 2 shades darker than the natural shade of the hair. The second will be 2 shades lighter than the natural hair color. First of all, the strands are painted in a light tone, then a darker paint is used. Strands can be dyed in whole or in part.
The selection of strands for dyeing can be selected over the entire head or only in a certain area, for example, near the face. In addition, the strands may vary in width.

Strobing masters in the choice of staining technique are guided first of all on the shape of the face.
- Chubby bangs are necessarily lightened for girls. In its absence, the upper strand, which is slightly above the hairline, is colored in a light tone. The side curls are dyed dark. Untouched hairs are partially answered from the roots. Long straight hair is more suitable for this technique.

- For oval face no special adjustment required. In this case, strobing is aimed at placing the right accents. Shades for dyeing strands are chosen in such a way that they are in harmony with the color of the eyes.

- Girls with rectangular or square face shape lighten the side strands near the cheekbones. Hair below the cheekbones remains dark in color. This dyeing looks most successful with oblique bangs, which are often also dyed in a light tone. This technique distracts attention from the chin and forehead, rounds the angular lines and gives the image a feminine touch.

- For triangular face dark oblique bangs required. She will be able to disguise an overly expressive forehead. Hair strands that are flush with the chin and neck are dyed in light shades.

- Overly elongated oval requires the use of asymmetric staining. The essence of this technique is the uneven coloring of the strands. A hairstyle with long bangs, diluted with light strands, which fits into the side parting, looks amazing.

- Oval of the face in trapezoidal shape requires the concealment of an expressive jaw and cheeks. The masters create a contrast of light and dark shades at the cheekbones. The oval of the face will visually narrow, and the massive jawline will not be so obvious.

Dyeing technology
The choice of the coloring technique is based not only on the analysis of the face oval, but also on the natural shade of the hair. There is a single dyeing scheme, in which changes are made depending on the natural shade of the hair. Strobing is done using the following technology:
- a technique is initially chosen, which is based on a detailed analysis of the features of the appearance;
- hair is gathered in a ponytail;
- in turn, the necessary strands are pulled out, which will be further dyed;
- paint is prepared and applied with a special brush;
- the strands are wrapped in foil in turn and left in this position for a certain time;
- the foil unfolds, the paint is washed off.

Now it is worth considering the features of strobing depending on the natural shade of the hair.
- Black hair are one of the most difficult options. In this case, the strobing technique turns out to be multi-stage. Black hair needs to be lightened, often this procedure is divided into several stages: otherwise, you can burn your hair. After clarification, paint is selected in accordance with the resulting shade.
- Dark hair do not need lightening, the result from strobing will be good anyway. The only thing left for the master is to choose the right shades of paint.
- Red hair least suitable for strobing. Such hair is already bright, so choosing the right shades is not an easy task. For bright red shades, honey brown tones are best suited. Gray-red hair is set off with dark blond dyes. In the case of natural shades with a red tint, blonde color options are selected.

Successful examples
A well-executed strobing looks gorgeous, such hair attracts attention, the gaze involuntarily stops at them. We have selected the most successful examples.
- This image shows the experienced hand of the master.who is an expert in strobing. The skillful combination of light and dark shades made the hair shine. Transitions between shades are not visible at all, one color dissolves in another, beautifully replacing each other. This hairstyle will always look fresh and well-groomed.

- Brown hair they always look great in this technique. The coloring is natural, the color transition is soft and unobtrusive.

- The darker the natural shade, the more difficult it is to work with. For a real professional, nothing is impossible - it can be seen from the image. Very dark natural hair is harmoniously combined with a delicate warm shade of brown. The master did not dye the strands along the entire length, and this turned out to be a good decision.

- A good option for strobing on red hair. Not all masters undertake dyeing red hair using this technique. Here the result exceeded all the expectations of the master and the client: it is even difficult to count the number of shades that make up a hairstyle. There are dark and light brown colors, beautiful red and fiery red, and transitional shades also appear. Such a hairstyle will always serve as a decoration and the main accent of the image, an object of pride and admiration.

You can watch a master class in strobing technique in the following video.