Hair coloring: types, shades and fashion trends

A hairstyle for a woman is a very important point. It is not for nothing that a change in appearance begins with a hairstyle. It's hard to find a girl or woman who doesn't dye her hair. Some paint over gray hair so successfully, others simply change their color, others create a whole work of art on their heads with the help of a master, using new items. Modern hair coloring is an interesting process that gives excellent results. Moreover, today there are a wide variety of types, shades and fashion trends.

At all times and in any country, women have strived to be beautiful and have experimented with their appearance using the means available. And staining was no exception. For the first time, a woman resorted to using dyes about 3 thousand years ago. Leeks and Chinese cinnamon, for example, have been used to achieve the desired result.

It has long been believed that such a whim could be afforded by people with the highest status. In ancient Egypt, black and dark brown were especially relevant colors for the nobility. In order to achieve a rich black color, soot was used, mixing it with other plant components.
In ancient Greece, they tried to give hair a golden or ashy tint. And in ancient Rome, blonde hair was considered especially fashionable. We achieved this in different ways. From searching for ingredients using herbs and fruits to spending a long time under the burning sun. At the same time, the faces were covered, and the hair was exposed to the sun's rays, due to which they gradually fade.

In the 60s of the XIX century, hair bleaching with the help of hydrogen peroxide became fashionable in France, it was demonstrated for the first time by an English chemist and a French hairdresser. Women still use this method to this day to achieve perfect hair lightening.

Advantages and disadvantages
Before doing staining, you need to decide for what purpose this is done. The reasons are different: to hide gray hair, paint overgrown roots, change the color or update, completely change the style.

Any color has its pros and cons.
- To the pluses refers to the fact that staining hides gray hair, allows you to achieve the desired shade, significantly improve the appearance and even cheer up with the desired result. Hair properly colored with high-quality dye looks healthy and well-groomed.
- But there are also disadvantages. Many people believe that lightening is harmful to hair, no matter what dye is used for these purposes. Indeed, hydrogen peroxide, which is found in most dyes, is harmful to hair. They become dry, brittle, dull. And these are undoubted disadvantages. But all this can be avoided if you follow the rules of staining, or better, entrust this procedure to professionals. Any hair needs care, and even dyed hair. There are many folk and professional remedies for this. There are special shampoos, conditioners, rinses, masks for colored hair. All of these products will help keep your hair tidy.

There are contraindications when staining is not recommended.
When a person is sick or taking medications, it is better to postpone this procedure until complete recovery.
If the scalp is damaged, staining should also not be done. On critical days, women are also not recommended to dye their hair, hormonal changes can negatively affect the results, and they will not live up to expectations. In addition, you cannot dye your hair at the same time as a perm. It is imperative that you take a break between procedures for at least a month.

Varieties of paints
Paints are divided into several types. Persistent ones include those that are used in salons. They are also sold in large quantities in cosmetic stores. Many of them are a set, which directly includes paint, a fixing agent, and a balm. Persistent paints do an excellent job of painting over gray hair, they can last up to three months.
But if, for example, the shade is not what you expected, you will not be able to wash off the paint. There is only one option here: repainting in a different color.
Semi-resistant ones wash off faster, they last no more than a month and with each subsequent shampooing they will gradually be washed off. They are suitable if you want to change the color for a while. These paints are sometimes called gentle. However, you won't be able to get a bright saturated color with the help of such tools, as well as paint over a large amount of gray hair.

Tint paints do not contain hydrogen peroxide. They are suitable if you need to give a certain shade to light hair (ash, golden) or, conversely, make a dark color more saturated.
This staining must be repeated periodically. The tint paint is washed off rather quickly.
But on the other hand, such coloring can be done at home, it is enough just to apply the product, rub it well into the hair, distribute it along the entire length, and after a while rinse it off. There are many varieties of tint paints. It can be shampoo, balm, mousse, foam, mask.

Interestingly, with all the variety of colors, some choose completely natural products. For example, they prefer to dye their hair with tea.
He is able not only to give shade to the hair, but also to make it healthier.
With the help of tea, you can reduce the oiliness of your hair, soothe itching, get rid of dandruff.Hair after this procedure becomes smooth and shiny. To prepare a saturated solution for coloring, it is enough to add a couple of tablespoons of dry tea leaves per liter of boiling water. Apply the decoction to dry hair. Then they are wrapped and kept for about half an hour. The tint from such a natural dye will be noticeable on blond hair.

Based on the desired result, different types of staining are used.
The temporary can give any shade to the hair, but it will only last until the first shampooing. Such compounds do not penetrate deeply, but are only on the surface of the hair. Such compositions are available in the form of sprays, mousses, foams, hair sprays. Most often, this coloring is used for one evening, for example, a holiday or an important meeting.
Such a composition is easily washed off, and after that the hair regains its normal color.

Direct dyeing is understood to be one that will last longer depending on how often you wash your hair. If, for example, once a week, then it can be about a month, and if every other day, then no more than two weeks. When applying such a paint, the entire hair is colored from roots to ends, provided that it is applied correctly. But at the same time, the dye does not penetrate deeply into the hair structure.
Permanent staining has a longer lasting effect. Coloring pigments penetrate deeply into the hair structure. These paints contain hydrogen peroxide, but they give a long-lasting result and a rich color.
Popular staining methods over the years include monochromatic, in which all hair is dyed with the same color. And this method is the simplest, it is quite possible to carry it out at home.

Another quite commonly used method is toning. With its help, you can give lightened hair any shade - pearl, golden, ash, pinkish and any desired.
A frequently used method that has not lost its relevance over the years is highlighting. However, over time, the method has improved. When highlighting, foil is used, in which each colored strand is wrapped. Highlights can be small or large. The smaller the strands, the more natural and interesting the effect is. Apply and coloring, when some strands are lightened, while others are painted with a different shade. Due to this, an interesting effect is obtained. You can choose not only 2, but also 3-4 shades.
Quite often used discoloration of hair. This is most often done to dye dark hair a lighter tone. At blonding in most cases, you need to use tint balms to achieve the desired shade.

Ways and Styles
The salons offer professional staining using a variety of techniques, modern dyes and hair care products.
- Ombre applies to both dark and light hair. The technology of this dyeing consists in passing from one color to another. Several shades can be used. A smooth transition from one color to another allows you to look good even with regrown roots. Especially if darker tones turn into lighter ones. For those with dark hair, you can use chocolate, chestnut, gold, light brown shades with this technique. For fair-haired people, platinum, ash, pearl are suitable.

- Balayazh also combines several shades, but the difference is that the staining occurs vertically. As a result, one color flows into another, two or three shades are chosen. Shatush is similar to the same technique. Both options, unlike ombre, do not provide for gradient coloring. Strands can be arranged in a chaotic manner, long hair looks especially good with this dyeing.
The master selects the schemes and decides, together with the client, what will look more spectacular, and which colors are more suitable.

- If all three techniques imply a more natural coloring, then grunge Is the choice of those who are not afraid of experiments. There are bright bursts here. Strands of different colors can be used - purple, red, orange, and their order can be any, up to the fact that part of the head can be painted in one color, and part in another. Short haircuts look most impressive.

- Embossed painting also involves the choice of bright shades, the strands can be arranged in different ways. The wizard can create different schemes. And with the final result, peculiar reliefs appear on long hair, which looks very beautiful and unusual. It is best to achieve this effect with the help of bright colors.

- Marble staining unlike relief, it assumes the choice of only natural shades, with the main one being darker, and the auxiliary one being lighter. Due to this method, the hair looks healthy and shiny, as if playing in the light.

- Pixel coloring will make any hairstyle bright. With the help of a special technique, in the final version, a clear geometric pattern is formed on the hair, for which, of course, brighter colors are suitable.

Fashion trends
The current year dictates its own fashionable colors and dyeing techniques. And any girl - blonde, brunette or brown-haired - will find suitable options for herself. Winter is the best time to get acquainted with new trends and start your transformation, since spring is just around the corner.
- Stylish haircut design, the right color and unusual coloring will make any girl noticeable and bright, which you definitely won't pass by. The hairstyle is an important component of the look, perhaps the main one. When choosing a color, this must be remembered.

- In the coming year, half-forgotten black with blue as well as purple tint will again take its leading position. And brunettes can safely use it. And also dark tones will be relevant - chocolate, rich cherry. But they should not be pronounced, but noticeable under certain lighting and sunlight. Then the hair will look alive and natural.

- Among the chestnut shades, one can distinguish cinnamon and caramel... Redheads will be characterized by dark copper, ginger, rich bronze.

- For blondes, there is real freedom. A bright blond is in fashion, but without the presence of yellowness, and a wide variety of shades will help to avoid this. The effect of gray hair is also not in vogue. Blondes can choose almost any shade at their discretion, but among the currently fashionable ones are pink, lilac, pearl, light gray, cream soda. Any of these shades will make blonde hair look beautiful, but such coloring should only be trusted by a professional.
With light hair, you especially need to remember that you cannot do without tinting agents, which periodically need to refresh the color between visits to the hairdresser.

- Coloring with the use of already well-known techniques will remain relevant this year. So, balayazh will continue to be at the peak of popularity, which will allow girls with blond hair, with the help of the professionalism of the master, to add volume to their hair by focusing on individual strands.

- In any highlighting, a very fashionable shade of cream soda will be used. In combination with other shades - dark and light, it will create a very beautiful picture on the hair. The only thing to remember is that they should all smoothly merge into each other and be combined with each other. The purpose of this coloring is to achieve the most natural effect.

- The trend of the season for dark hair is blonde splashes, which gives the feeling of a beautiful overflow, reminiscent of a tiger's eye. For such bursts for brunettes, honey, caramel, chocolate are well suited.

- For brave girls, original solutions are suitable, which will be especially popular. These include, for example, screen painting. It looks especially advantageous on a straight square. These can be leopard spots, graphic lines, and even whole drawings. It all depends on the skill and imagination of the hairdresser.

- Pixel coloring continues to be in vogue as well. A bright contrasting pattern on the hair will attract attention and will look original. In this type of staining, one should not be afraid of bright shades. On the contrary, you can safely experiment with any rainbow colors.

- Another new trend is contrasting bangs. This option looks appropriate only if the bangs are pronounced, straight, having an even or oblique cut. And also separate contrasting strands in the hair are appropriate.

Technique and rules of execution
It is better to dye your hair in a salon, but you can do this procedure at home. Of course, this will not be staining using sophisticated techniques and modern trends. But you can refresh the color, paint the roots or individual strands yourself. In the best case, it is desirable that there is an assistant, because it is very difficult for yourself to cover all areas, and it may well happen that there will be unpainted places.
Some people prefer to dye their hair with a proven and useful remedy - henna. She, indeed, not only paints over the gray hair, gives a shade to the hair, but also heals it.

Henna is diluted with water, all recommendations and proportions are indicated on the package, and the mixture is evenly applied to the hair. It is always best to start at the root zone. If the roots have grown, first apply the mixture to them, and after ten minutes distribute the composition along the entire length of the hair. The composition is kept on the head from half an hour to an hour, depending on what shade you want to get. Then they are washed off, a balm is applied to the hair.

As for the use of paints, everything is more complicated here. Before painting the house, you need to decide on the color. This is a very important point. It can be very different from the color that is present in the picture, it all depends on the original shade.
Therefore, it is important to read all the recommendations carefully. Usually, the instructions indicate which shade of hair can be dyed with this composition in order to get the desired result.

You should always have on hand protective gloves, a cape, a brush, a spatula for mixing the composition, a comb, hairpins and any cream. If highlighting is planned, then you will definitely need foil, which must be prepared in advance by dividing it into sheets.
Before the procedure itself, the skin along the hairline must be treated with a cream so that the paint does not get on the skin.
Before proceeding with the procedure, you should definitely check if there is any allergy to this substance.

Before starting the process itself, the hair must be combed well, divided into four parts (back of the head, crown, side parts), and secured with hairpins. Then release one part, divide into thin strands, apply the coloring composition, moving from the roots to the ends. It is desirable to work quickly so that the shade is uniform. After the paint has been applied, you need to leave the composition for the time indicated on the package.
Do not keep paint longer than indicated. This will not make the shade richer, nor will it lighten the hair better, but it can damage it.
After the end of the allotted time, rinse the hair well, apply a color fixer, if it is in the set. If not, you can add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar to the water and rinse your hair with this solution. Then apply the balm. Colored hair requires special care to keep it looking vibrant and shiny. Regular use of balms and masks will help with this.

How to remove an unnecessary shade?
Sometimes, after dyeing at home, situations arise when a completely different shade appears in the hair that was expected. It can be unwanted greens, and reddish, and yellowness. Don't panic. In most cases, this can be fixed.
Redness or yellowness can be removed in two ways. The first one is to repeat the staining after a few days. This will lighten the hair a few more shades. If the effect is still not the same, tint balms and shampoos will come to the rescue. Usually in the picture of such tools there is a gray or purple color. Apply the product to the hair, distribute it evenly with a comb along the entire length, hold it for ten minutes to half an hour. It all depends on what shade you want to get.
Do not overexpose, as too light hair may have a pronounced purple tint. And here the main task is to give the hair a light pearl or gray tint.

The situation with greens is more complicated. And light tones of tinted shampoos may not help. If the greens cannot be brought down, you will have to dye your hair in a darker shade, it will definitely help remove it. Or go to a hairdresser, they will help you choose the best option to get rid of an unwanted shade.

Beautiful examples
Consider several options for the original coloring in our photo gallery.
- Such an interesting combination gives pixel coloring. It looks very impressive on straight long hair, and you can choose any shade. In these options, blue and original yellow looks very beautiful on dark hair. Moreover, this type of staining has no restrictions. You can choose the most daring decisions, or you can create a calmer everyday option, as in this case. It looks very interesting, stylish, but suitable for any situation.

- The grunge technique is suitable for the bold and determined. Although the shades may be different. And you can look extravagant and defiant, or you can simply look unusual. There are no strict canons in this technique. And you can choose the color of both individual strands and entire sections. Transitions can be sharp and smooth.

- It looks so natural and beautiful ombre. Long hair looks especially advantageous with this technique, and it can be either smooth and straight or wavy. And the shades for the transition are also chosen depending on their own desire.

- A real work of art on hair can be obtained with screen painting. It can be absolutely any drawing or pattern with a choice of all kinds of shades, both rainbow and bright, as well as calm and natural. But the technique requires the hand of a master to make it look perfect and, indeed, beautiful.

Watch the video for expert advice on choosing hair dye and dyeing your hair at home.