All about kese mittens

Kese mitt is an oriental invention, it is actively used in Turkish hammams. When visiting a bathhouse, the skin is steamed, and a special glove was invented to cleanse it. It helps to remove dead cells of the epidermis, stimulates the movement of blood.
For the manufacture of pouches, mittens were used silk fibers... The peculiarity of this material is that, being saturated with water, it acquires moderate hardness. This provides an excellent exfoliating effect.
Taking into account the fact that the Turkish hammam steams well, there is no need for intense exposure. Kese mittens are used for massage and skin cleansing.

What it is?
People who seek to provide care for their skin know perfectly well that the Turkish glove becomes a wonderful helper in this matter. Massage is performed with her help, she ideal for cleansing the face and body.
In appearance, the kese mitten resembles a small bag. It is put on the hand and fixed on the wrist. Such gloves are made on the basis of natural materials. On sale you can find models from goat hair, wood, silk.
Using kese is an excellent alternative to abrasive peeling techniques... To remove dead skin cells, it is enough to make a light massage with a glove. In this case, the skin is not injured.
But the body must first be steamed - the fulfillment of this condition is mandatory.

Kese mitten acts sparingly, it can be used even by people with sensitive skin. If such a glove has not been tested before, it is worth choosing a softer variety, for example, silk, for a start.It is from this material that genuine Turkish mittens are made.
When using gloves you need the palm to be completely in it... There is usually a cuff in the wrist area, which is tightened. Or provide a fixation with strings at the edges. This eliminates the displacement of the glove during the procedure. The condition of the skin improves significantly after the first application.
To get the maximum effect from the procedure, you need to choose the right massage glove. Attention when choosing should be focused on the material from which it is made, and density.
Many people prefer silk products. There is also a demand for options from a mixture of fabrics, cotton, models made on the basis of artificial fibers. The structure should be thin but dense.

Indications and contraindications
The main indication for the use of kese gloves is skin peeling. It is an effective way to remove dead skin cells. A massage performed using such a glove stimulates cell renewal and helps to cleanse the skin.
But before you buy a Turkish mitten, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications to its use. This list includes:
- ulcers;
- dermatitis;
- severe acne;
- burns;
- open wounds.
A hard washcloth can injure the epidermis and spread the infection throughout the body.

Kese mittens are classified not only by the material of manufacture, but also by the degree of rigidity. They are soft and hard. There are also medium hardness options.
For those who have not previously had experience with such a thing, it is recommended to start with soft version. It provides delicate cleansing of the skin, does not injure them. Prepares the epidermis for the subsequent use of tougher gloves. This is an ideal solution for girls with sensitive skin.
Glove medium hard is considered a universal option, it suits almost everyone. It is enough to control the strength of the impact.
Mitten with hard texture provides active cleansing of the skin. It should be used carefully.
Increase the rigidity of the glove gradually.

How to use?
It is important to know how to properly use a Turkish mitten so as not to harm your skin.
Residents of Turkey and Moroccans do peeling with a kese glove in a bath. They use the mitten only after steaming the skin. With open pores, keratinized particles peel off faster; rubbing the body with a glove is not required.
The use of kese mittens at home has its own nuances.
- The skin needs to be steamed by taking a bath or shower.
- During the water procedure, lather yourself with soap or use a shower gel.
- Before using Turkish gloves, remove them from the skin surface. The use of a scrub is prohibited.
- Put on a glove and secure it to your wrist.
- Start a gentle body massage.
- After a few minutes of massage, pellets or exfoliated particles form on the surface of the skin. They need to be washed off with water, and the body should be smeared with cream.

Turkish glove used exclusively on clean skin... If you need to provide gentle exfoliation, do not wet the mitten, it is enough to moisturize the epidermis. This is especially important for skin that is not yet accustomed to this procedure.
In classic Turkish use gloves are pre-soaked or kept briefly under running water. The specificity of the kese mitt is such that as it gets wet, the fibers become tougher, as a result, the intensity of the effect on the skin increases. It is important to control the strength of the pressure. They start with light movements, gradually strengthening them. If a feeling of discomfort or pain appears, the effect should be weakened.
Massage with special care in areas where the skin is thinner and more tender.... For example, on the inner thighs, in the neckline.
When using gloves, it is unacceptable to imitate movements similar to those performed when applying scrubs. You cannot act sweepingly and intensively.
Excessive pressure on the mitten is fraught with damage to the epidermis.
In areas where the skin is coarser, you can increase the effect. At the end of the procedure, remove excess moisture with a towel.

This accessory not intended for daily use. Once a week is enough. After each procedure, the glove must be washed and dried. It is prohibited to process it with chemicals and to wash it in a typewriter. Store the massage glove in a clean, dry place.
Even with proper care, it is undesirable to use the same accessory for more than six months (with rare use, the period increases). It is undesirable for several people to use the same glove. If the material has become too soft, and the effect of using the mitten has diminished, it must be replaced.
Kese perfectly replaces scrubs. Combined use of mittens and exfoliating agents is excluded. If the procedure is performed on the face, at the end of the procedure, first apply a mask, and then a cream.
Cosmetics will have the maximum effect when interacting with cleansed, steamed skin.

Review overview
Most people have good impressions of the peeling procedure performed with the help of a Turkish mitten. Buyers leave positive reviews, believing that the glove is doing its job perfectly.
Users say that kese is best alternative to scrub... The mitten provides delicate and thorough cleansing of the skin, does not provoke irritation. It can be used for both body and face.
This procedure serves excellent preparation for the use of caring cosmetics... The peeling effect is visible after the first time. The epidermis becomes velvety and smooth.
Negative comments, if ever, are rare: some do not like the color of the accessory, others - the shape. But these are minor cons. The pluses of the mittens include not only ease of use, but also an affordable price.
With regular use of kese, the skin will be in excellent condition.

You can learn how to properly peel with a kese glove in the next video.