Non-surgical blepharoplasty: features and technology

Modern women go to great lengths to hide the signs of skin aging. Often, age-related changes begin in the skin around the eyes. The first folds, bags under the eyes, protrusion of fatty tissue appear. One of the means aimed at solving these problems is non-surgical blepharoplasty. What it is, how the procedure is carried out, what are its varieties, this article will tell.

What it is?
Non-surgical blepharoplasty is an innovative technology to eliminate the signs of aging of the skin around the eyes. The technique has several varieties, each of which is aimed at getting rid of the wen of the upper and lower eyelids, wrinkles and other troubles. This is a kind of alternative to rejuvenation through plastic surgery, but in this case, serious intervention is not required.
Unlike surgical methods, the procedure does not have such side effects as distortion of the eye shape or the appearance of asymmetry. Several types of procedures allow you to find an individual approach to each patient, to choose the most gentle option.

This cosmetic technology is characterized by minimal skin trauma. It is painless and designed for collagen-deficient skin (even thin and sensitive). It can eliminate the severity of wrinkles, smooth them, reduce the volume of sagging dermis. Depending on the type and characteristics of the patient's skin, it is carried out by means of apparatus or injections.This allows you to dissolve the fat layer, remove excess fluid, and also regenerate damaged skin layers.
The process is safe, has practically no complications, and is characterized by a short rehabilitation period. After the session, the patient can leave the clinic. Traces of manipulation will disappear after two or three days. In addition, the technique does not require the use of anesthesia, and this significantly reduces the risk of harm to health.
The procedure completely excludes such manipulations as hidden or visible cuts. In the process of its implementation, bleeding does not occur, as well as tissue infection. In addition, the procedure allows you to tighten the skin due to the lifting effect.
However, when applying for such a rejuvenation, it is important to take into account the age - it is advisable to spend it up to 45 years.

All currently existing blepharoplasty techniques without surgery can be divided into two types: injection and hardware. In turn, each type is subdivided into several varieties. At the same time, different tools and preparations are used in the work.
This technology involves the introduction of special drugs under the skin. Typically, the injections are multiple and spaced at a specific pitch. After such procedures, the skin around the eyes smoothes, becomes firm and elastic. Depending on the type of exposure, it is possible to achieve a specific effect that is important for the client.
Injections, allowing to eliminate excess subcutaneous tissue on the eyelids, are performed using lipolysis injections. This allows you to enhance the permeability of cell membranes, due to which it turns out to act on the fatty layer. As a rule, the main components of such preparations are multivitamins, herbal extracts, and also enzymes. To achieve the desired effect, these fluids are injected deep enough to touch the fat layer itself.
In the same way, the fight against swelling and swelling of the eyelids takes place, which is one of the urgent problems of modern women. After rehabilitation, the puffiness subsides, the soreness of the sight disappears.

When it is necessary to change the contours of the eyelids and smooth the skin around the eyes, so-called fillers are used, the main component of which is hyaluronic acid (or hyaluron). This liquid is characterized by high density. When exposed to weak and dehydrated cells of the epidermis, it promotes the activation of collagen and elastin synthesis. Due to its even concentration under the skin, it smoothes it, and also promotes lifting, eliminating pronounced folds.
Any type of injection procedure takes no more than half an hour. In most cases, one session is not enough to achieve and consolidate the effect. The number of procedures is selected by the doctor, at the same time determining the intervals between sessions. In some cases, the number of procedures can be up to 5-6.
The interval in each case will depend on the characteristics of the skin, its ability to regenerate, the patient's condition, and his health.

This category of non-surgical eyelid skin rejuvenation includes several techniques.
The most effective are:
- laser;
- ultrasonic;
- electric;
- radio frequency;
- thermolifting;
- electromagnetic.
- DROT therapy.
These technologies are referred to as non-injection technologies, since they use a special apparatus to perform them. Each method has its own characteristics and the principle of action, which allows you to achieve the desired effect, excluding plastic surgery.

The non-injection laser technique implies the stimulation of the internal reserve of the body by warming up the skin layers. As a rule, the required degree of heating is provided by the penetration of the laser into the deep layers of the dermis.The technique gives a pronounced result without damaging the cells. It is safe, does not leave scars, forcing the production of collagen and elastin.
Thanks to this, the skin around the eyes begins to smooth out. Basically, for such manipulations, a carbon dioxide or erbium laser is used. The patient can see a pronounced effect after the first session. Processing can take about half an hour. The number of procedures per course is about 3-4.

This technique is also called SMAS lifting of the upper and lower eyelids. Skin rejuvenation occurs due to exposure to ultraviolet rays. During the manipulations, the collagen fibers are twisted, from which the muscle skeleton contracts. Therefore, the skin is smoothed out, getting rid of wrinkles and crow's feet.
Despite the fact that the procedure is not painful, the patient may feel some discomfort during the procedure. In addition to the warmth when exposed to the skin with ultrasound, the client may feel a slight tingling sensation. The duration of such a procedure with an experienced specialist is no more than half an hour. The number of procedures in one course, depending on the severity of the problem, can be up to four.

Radio frequency
This technique (thermage) involves exposure of the skin to radio waves. This method of cell rejuvenation is considered one of the safest and most effective. In its implementation, the beautician uses an anesthetic, since the technique can be painful. It lasts longer, usually about 40-45 minutes.
In terms of effectiveness, the procedure has a profound effect on the skin. Usually it is done only once. This is enough to obtain a long-lasting and maximum rejuvenation effect.

This technology is called Raylife. This is an excellent technique for reducing the depth and severity of existing wrinkles around the eyes. It is also effective in relation to hernias, it allows you to get rid of them by a non-surgical method. One session of such hardware cosmetology takes about 20 minutes.
Electromagnetic waves curl collagen fibers. This allows the skin to gain firmness and elasticity. As a result of such manipulations, it is smoothed out, so the face looks younger.
A pleasant moment of this method is the fact that due to the use of an additional attachment, a specialist can get close to the ciliary edge, which cannot be done with other types of hardware technologies.

In this case, in order to bring the skin around the eyes in order and restore its youth, a low-frequency current is used. The principle is based on the fact that in the process of processing the skin, certain zones are heated. The session does not need anesthesia. In terms of its effectiveness, this technology is comparable to surgical blepharoplasty. However, unlike her, she has no side effects or complications.
Depending on the severity of the problem, the course can be from 4 to 8 procedures with mandatory intervals necessary for the complete restoration of cells. Duration of 1 session - no more than half an hour.

In this case, the principle of heating is used to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. There is a normalization of metabolism, activation of cell growth, tissue regeneration. In this case, the action on the cells is carried out by infrared rays. After exposure to problem areas, the skin gains elasticity and firmness. Dark circles around the eyes disappear, swelling decreases, wrinkles become less deep. One session can take from 30 to 40 minutes, for a course it may take from 2 to 6 procedures.

DROT therapy
This method is characterized by a point-like effect on problem areas of the skin. As with other technologies, it aims to activate collagen production.The course does not require more than two procedures for the skin to become elastic and firm. However, the procedure may seem painful, so it is often done with anesthesia. You can evaluate the effectiveness a week after the manipulation.

If we compare the duration of the effect, it is worth noting that it can be achieved when:
- injection techniques - up to 2 years;
- laser and ultrasound treatment - up to 7 years;
- thermolifting - about 4 years;
- exposure to low-frequency current and DROT-therapy - no more than 5 years;
- Raylife - from 3 to 5 years old;
- thermage - about 5 years.

The main reasons why a specialist can prescribe a similar procedure are:
- dystrophy of epidermal cells;
- the appearance of a nasolacrimal groove;
- the appearance of dark circles around the eyes;
- swelling and puffiness;
- the need to smooth the wrinkled mesh under the eyes;
- ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelids);
- lack of moisture in skin cells;
- fat folds.

Despite the relative safety, non-surgical blepharoplasty is not always possible.
The main reasons why a qualified doctor will not do it are:
- acute viral infections, including herpes;
- diabetes;
- barley;
- systemic lupus;
- spider veins on the skin;
- fragility of blood vessels;
- autoimmune pathologies;
- oncology and hemophilia;
- poor blood clotting;
- an allergic reaction to the components of the drugs used;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- colds.

There are also other restrictions. For example, blepharoplasty should not be performed during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding and menstruation. This is due to a change in hormonal levels. As for "menstruation", the first few days after the end of the problem days are considered the best period for the procedure.
Another contraindication is the age category under 20 years old. As a rule, at this age, there is no point in blepharoplasty. You can not carry out similar manipulations and patients wearing a pacemaker.

How is it going?
Before proceeding with the rejuvenation itself, the specialist will appoint a consultation and conduct a full anamnesis. In this case, the presence of allergies, as well as contraindications, is determined. If the doctor thinks that the procedure is possible, he measures and evaluates the thickness of the skin around the eyes. He also finds out the degree of its deformation.
The local technique itself can follow different algorithms, depending on the variety. But in all cases, before exposure to the skin, it is cleansed. Make-up is removed completely using cosmetic milk or dermatological soap. After that, a special gel with an anesthetic effect can be applied to the skin (if necessary).
If laser blepharoplasty is performed, in order to prevent damage to the eyeballs, they are protected with special lenses. Then proceed to the main manipulations for rejuvenation. At the very end of the session, the treated areas around the eyes are soothed with cold compresses. In addition, they can be coated with antiseptic drugs to reduce the risk of infection in the patient's body.

The rehabilitation period after such procedures is short, so this does not particularly affect social activity. As a rule, inflammations begin to pass quickly enough. In some cases, slight swelling and redness are possible. Usually, redness begins to disappear on the second day. Small bruises sometimes appear.
Swelling that appears immediately is not a complication. This is the reaction of the skin to an irritant. The doctor may prescribe a special drug to get rid of it within five to seven days. Sometimes, along with the appearance of edema during the rehabilitation period, the patient has lacrimation of the eyes, the cause of which is the narrowing of the lacrimal canals.In this case, the specialist can prescribe a conical probe. Other possible skin reactions include subcutaneous hematomas. Puncture is rarely required to remove them, since they usually go away on their own.

The main rules that accelerate the healing of the skin at home is to protect it from negative environmental factors. It is important to avoid prolonged sun exposure. If atypical signs appear, you should immediately contact a dermatologist. In the early days, you can soothe your skin with a cream.
It is undesirable to wash your face immediately (especially after injection techniques). Until the skin is restored, it is worth excluding visits to the solarium, baths, saunas and even the pool. When going outside, it is advisable to wear a hat. Often during the rehabilitation period, cosmetologists recommend giving up physical exertion, sudden movements and training, as well as bad habits.
It is important to understand that the rate of rehabilitation will depend on the patient's age, as well as on the degree of exposure and hormonal levels. In some cases, after the procedure, there may be itching at the sites of treatment.
It is important to understand that the less you touch your skin, the faster it will rebuild its structure. It is undesirable to sleep with your face buried in a pillow, you can not scratch your eyelids and rub them.

In order for the skin of the treated areas to heal quickly and without complications, experts recommend not using decorative cosmetics for several days. Do not clog the pores and mask the treatment sites with foundation or powder. Do not use creams that the patient has not previously used (this can lead to allergies). The first few days after the manipulation, it is better to do without eyelash staining, as well as various correctors.
It is necessary to give the skin the opportunity to recover without additional stress. If the eyelids are not inflamed, do not use the cream again. Another thing is when there is redness that does not go away within two days. If edema progresses at the site of treatment, an urgent need to go to the doctor.
For the procedure to be successful, you need to start with choosing the right clinic. You can find it by studying the reviews of those who have already carried out similar procedures several times. It is worth choosing several options available in your area in order to be able to compare the opinions of specialists at the initial consultation. It is also advisable to ask for the appropriate permits for conducting such sessions.

Non-surgical blepharoplasty is quite effective. This is the opinion of those who have done this procedure more than once. It does not completely remove wrinkles from the skin, but it noticeably reduces their number and severity, which is proved by photographs of women. Visually, the differences are more than obvious: bags and puffiness under the eyes are eliminated, the look becomes open and light. Due to this, the face looks rejuvenated and rested.

For a review of non-surgical blepharoplasty, see the next video.