Facebook building: description, selection of exercises and effectiveness

Any woman wants to keep her skin fresh, taut and wrinkle-free for as long as possible. This issue should be resolved as early as possible. If in adulthood there is a desire to avoid visiting doctors, using expensive injections or braces, then at about 30 years old it is time to turn to gymnastics for a person, called face building. All exercises used in this system are quite simple and straightforward, they can be performed at home and not spend long hours on beauty procedures.
What it is?
Gymnastics for the face, called face building, which translates as "face building", has arisen relatively recently.

Its author was a German-born medical specialist named Reinhold Benz. He concluded that a toned, youthful face is not the result of numerous cosmetic procedures or expensive means, but the performance of certain exercises. As a rule, most people devote enough time to training the muscles of the body, but completely ignore the training of the muscles of the face.

Reinhold Benz, knowing exactly how these muscles function, was able to develop the perfect training complex to help keep the face in good shape.
If you focus your attention not on "pumping up", but on maintaining, then you can avoid such troubles as wrinkles, flabbiness, bruises and others. The doctor concluded that facelift can help any woman, regardless of her age, skin condition and other factors. If you start performing simple and light exercises at the age of twenty, then you may never encounter senile changes at all.

For a start, it is better to train no more than 7 minutes a day, and after gaining experience, bring this figure to 15 or 20 minutes. The full course lasts for three months, after which you can take a break for about a year.
As you know, there are more than a hundred muscles in the areas of the neck and the face itself. If you do not give them physical activity, then they, like other muscles, will begin to weaken and "swell". If you regularly arrange training, then they will slightly increase in volume, which will not visually spoil the face, but, on the contrary, will create a smooth and solid "foundation".

In addition, exercise allows more oxygen to flow to the cells and increases blood circulation. As a result, the face becomes healthy and radiant. The best part is that due to the thinness and smaller area of the facial muscles, they quickly begin to feel the effect of constant training. You don't need any aids to practice - only your own fingers.

Benefit and harm
Of course, the benefits of facebuilding lie in the many effects of its use. There is not only general rejuvenation and improvement, but also the strengthening of the facial muscles and their tightening. In a short time, it will be possible to eliminate the general laxity and drooping eyelids, give the face a clear contour, remove wrinkles and bags and even nasolabial folds. In addition, the corners of the lips will rise and the chin will tighten.

The skin color becomes even and pinkish, the effect of fatigue disappears and toxins are eliminated. Some patients report effects such as shrinking pores, eliminated blackheads and acne, improved facial expressions and, in some cases, diction.
By exercising regularly, you can remove bruises under your eyes and even enlarge your lips. Experts believe that the results obtained are comparable to the use of collagen, botox and hyaluronic acid. Initially, face building was even used to recover from accidents or strokes, which indicates how effective training is.

There were no negative effects from facebuilding, the only thing that can harm is non-compliance with the rules. For example, strong loads, together with the lack of fixation of muscles with fingers, can damage the connective tissues or pump them over.
In addition, it is important to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications. Gymnastics should not be done by those who have wounds on the skin or any diseases, as well as fungus.
Those who are not particularly resistant to immunity will also have to abstain. Finally, it is dangerous to exercise immediately after a skin tightening or laser resurfacing.

There is one more important point that cannot be ignored: sometimes training still does not give the desired effect. Firstly, if you "take up your mind" only after forty years, then some age-related changes still cannot be eliminated. Secondly, rare performance of a set of exercises will also have no effect.

Finally, face building in the absence of proper skin care is unlikely to live up to expectations. Proper nutrition, exercise, the use of cosmetics - all this also helps to slow down the aging process.
And of course, do not expect instant results - the earliest of them will appear only in a month.

Where to begin?
You will have to start doing face-building with a set of preparatory measures, the main purpose of which is to relax the facial muscles. To begin with, you should try to control your face - not actively grimace, not be very sad, not frown. It is important to learn how to release clamps and tension and completely relax the skin. Self-motivation should also be taken care of. At first, it can be boring, difficult and very tedious to do the same exercises over a period of time. But, of course, when the first results appear in a month, it will become clear that everything was not in vain.

Exercise should be regular.Therefore, it is important to consider when exactly they will be done.
There is no need to become attached to constant conditions of performance - you can do face-building in a free minute at work, and on a walk, and at home in front of the TV. Also, it's worth mentioning that doing exercise regularly means doing it daily. If you train every other day, the result will be much less significant.

You should memorize the rules for performing each exercise and follow the instructions. In ready-made programs, they are all divided into muscle groups, so the exclusion of one of them will lead to a decrease in efficiency.
Reinhold Benz believed that, ideally, face building should be done five times a week in two sets, and the rest days cannot go one after the other.
In addition, the author of the technique offered several more recommendations. Firstly, before and after the beginning, the skin must be thoroughly cleaned, since the access of oxygen to it is important. Make-up is removed from both the face and the décolleté area as needed. You can even scrub problem contaminated areas. Secondly, the face will need to be warmed up - apply a warm compress for five minutes, or easily massage. You should pinch your cheeks a little. The procedure should end with washing with cold water.

You should not do gymnastics late in the evening - about three hours should remain before going to bed. The increase in the intensity of classes should occur gradually.
Face-building is done while standing or sitting in front of a mirror. The back should be straightened, the abdomen should be drawn in, and the breathing should be even and deep. Each exercise is performed at least four times. Gymnastics should be supplemented with breathing exercises. After Facebook building, it would be good to use quality cosmetics.

How to do it at home?
The most effective exercises can be done independently at home. The main thing is to work out one muscle complex after another. You can start from any part of the face, but it is important to follow a certain sequence: muscle preparation, the main purpose of which is to warm them up, then the exercises themselves and, finally, relaxation.
In order to start doing gymnastics, you should not wait for a certain skin condition or age: you are allowed to start at 30, 40, and 50 years old.
Speaking about older women, it would be good to mention that the main emphasis should be on strength exercises - that is, not only internal influences, but also external ones, with the help of hands. In addition, it is necessary to work on nutrition, making it healthy and rich in essential elements. If you follow all the rules, then the skin will look younger, wrinkles will be smoothed out, and the second chin will even disappear.

When doing face-building, it is important to make sure that the muscle being worked out is fixed with your fingers, and the rest relax at this time.
You need to start training according to the instructions in front of a mirror, but then additional devices are not even required. There is no need to worry about the burning or tingling that occurs - this only indicates the release of lactic acid, which means that everything is going as it should. You can work out all the facial areas or those that need maximum attention.
As a rule, the areas of the mouth, forehead and eyes are most often worked out - it is there that senile signs are most clearly manifested. Experts recommend starting with two sessions a day: morning and evening. Morning can be combined with exercise, which will doubly allow you to tune in to a new day.

It should be mentioned that face building works not only on various areas of the face, but also on the neck. For example, you can do the following exercise to eliminate wrinkles and pull up. A person lies down on a straight surface and wraps his arms around his neck on both sides.
It is necessary that the fingers are firmly pressed against the lateral zones, and the wrists are in contact with each other.
Having taken this position, the student raises his head and, accordingly, his neck about a centimeter up and fixes this position for several seconds. Then the head smoothly returns into place. This combination should be repeated about 35 times.

When working with the laxity of the neck, you can simply strain it by pulling the lip down with the jaw. Another simple exercise is the usual throwing of the head back, combined with the movement of the tongue towards the nose. In addition, by throwing your head back, you can tilt your chin forward a little, and then start tilting your head to the right and left. At the same time, the chin tends to the shoulder.

For eyes
The simplest exercise for the eyelids is to open and close them 20 times. After that, you can tightly close your eyes and frown strongly. Finally, using your fingers, the eyelids are stroked towards the temples. To achieve a clear look, as well as to get rid of wrinkles and bags, the following step is suitable. The fingertips are placed on the corners of the eyes, outer and inner. The fingers should form a W and press lightly on the face.

You need to look up. Then you have to squint and then relax your eyes for 10 times. It is important to feel the pulsation of the muscles. After completing this exercise, you have to keep the eyelids tense for 40 seconds.
Loose eyelids are removed with the thumbs of both hands. They are pressed against the outer corners of the eyes, while all other fingers remain clenched into a fist in the forehead. Having fixed the eyelids in this state, you need to try to look up. Another effective action is to roll your eyes with your eyes closed. Without lifting the eyelids, you need to rotate the eyeballs. The problem of "crow's feet" will be solved by the index fingers on the eyelids on the outside of the eyes. The eyes themselves should be closed, while the fingers move to the central zone.

For lips
You cannot ignore such a part of the face as the lips, because facebuilding even allows you to remove the nasolabial folds. You should start from the basics: with the fingers of one hand, both corners of the lips are held, at this time they have to be pulled inward. Typically, this action is performed 4 to 12 times.
The next exercise is just as easy: the lips form the letter "o", are fixed with your fingers, and you need to try to pull them in again. Then you can perform a slightly more complex combination to help eliminate wrinkles in this area. The lips tighten so much that the corners begin to resemble nodules, where the index fingers of both hands are then set.

Compressing your lips, it is important to raise and lower the corners, as if smiling and making a sad grimace. The exercise is performed 10 to 15 times, after which you need to lightly tap the edges of the lips with your fingers 30 times.
To cope with nasolabial folds, you need to imagine on the upper and lower lips at a point in the middle. Then you should open your mouth so that an oval is formed along these points - the lips should press against the teeth. From the corners of the lips to the wings of the nose, the fingers are easily raised and then lowered, and the movements should be rubbing. The exercise is repeated until the nasolabial folds begin to burn. After that, all movements are repeated, but not rubbing, but pulsating for half a minute.

The constantly lowered corners of the mouth will rise if a person starts smiling with a tightly closed mouth. In this case, folds are formed on the sides, which will need to be pressed with the index fingers, placing them at an angle of 90 degrees. After that, the face relaxes. A simple action will help to enlarge the lips and make them more plump: the corners of the mouth are pressed with the index fingers, and then the mouth is compressed. Expression lines will go away if you start to protrude the lower lip towards the chin.

For nose
First, you need to put the tips of the fingers of both hands on the bridge of the nose and try to pull the skin up. In this case, the nose should be wrinkled and fixed in this state.This exercise will be repeated 4 to 12 times. Then the middle fingers should be fixed at the level of the bridge of the nose near the nose, observing a 45-degree angle of the fingers. The skin also stretches, but this time downward, and is fixed in a static position for 10 seconds. Finally, the upper lip should be clamped between the teeth, and then with the middle fingers of the hands, move along the edges of the nostrils.

In the event that the tip of the nose sags, the following recipe comes in handy: you need to prop it up with your index finger, at the same time pulling the upper lip down. The blurry contour of a part of the body can be given a border if you put your index fingers on the bridge of the nose from both sides, and then begin to puff out the nostrils and wrinkle the nose.

For the forehead
The simplest exercise for the frontal muscles is to raise and lower the eyebrows 10 times with the fingers. Moving your eyebrows towards each other with your fingers is no more difficult. The following exercise will help smooth out wrinkles and even lift tired eyebrows. The index fingers are placed in the middle of the forehead, parallel to the eyebrows. Pressing lightly, they go down to the eyebrows, with the eyes looking up. Then the eyebrows begin to move up and down until a specific sensation appears - it can begin to burn or throb. After completing the exercise, you need to massage the area with circling movements.

You can also place your ring fingers flat on your eyebrows, and then begin to lift them, as if surprised.
This exercise is aimed at combating deep horizontal wrinkles. If wrinkles appear between the eyebrows, then you need to press the centers of the eyebrows with your index fingers, and then frown strongly several times. In addition, the palms can be positioned so that the thumbs are on the outer edges, and the tips of the rest are along the hairline. Then the muscles try to lift up, but the eyebrows themselves go down.

For cheeks
Exercises for the cheeks, as a rule, are based on their inflating and deflation, as well as moving air from one side to the other. Regular gymnastics will help shape the cheekbones, as well as get rid of the wings, that is, saggy cheeks. For example, you can perform the following exercise: the mouth opens so that the lower lip “goes away” behind the teeth, and the upper lip, on the contrary, is pressed tightly. The corners of the lips are pulled back. The index finger is placed on the chin, after which the mouth begins to open and close. The movement should resemble an excavator bucket. At this time, the chin moves forward one centimeter.

As soon as there is a feeling of warmth, you need to relax your neck and tilt your head so that your chin looks up, being parallel to the ceiling. In this position, the head freezes for 30 seconds.
If the cheeks sag due to age, then Facebook offers the following sequence of actions: open your mouth, put the index fingers of both hands on your teeth and begin to connect them with your lips, as if pronouncing the sound "o". To strengthen the cheeks, alternately inflating them will also help - you should take in more air and try to roll it from side to side. The following exercises will also help fight the nasolabials: the index fingers are placed on the problem area, after which the mouth opens so that the lips are "pulled" over the teeth. After that, making efforts, one has to demonstrate either the upper or lower teeth.

Popular techniques
Although Reinhold Benz is believed to be the founder of facebuilding, there are currently many slightly different facial training techniques. However, the essence of all of them is the same - to strengthen the muscles of the face, tighten, rejuvenate and outwardly change for the better. For example, Carol Maggio's system is widely known. The main plus of 14 exercises is that they can be practiced without being distracted from routine duties. The whole practice takes about 11 minutes and is great for beginners.
In 3 minutes, you can significantly improve the condition of the face by working out one of the muscle groups according to the method of Evgenia Baglyk, the most famous facebuilding coach who speaks Russian.

Another technique, which is very popular, belongs to Patricia Horoway. This author not only gives ten basic exercises that can tighten the facial muscles, but also offers an original massage system.
All actions taken are supported by scientific evidence.
A set of exercises might look something like this. Make-up is removed from the face, if desired, it is scrubbed. Hair is removed so as not to interfere. The first step is to warm up the skin. To do this, the palms rub against each other, after which they are applied to the forehead, cheekbones, cheeks and lower part.

Then you can gently pat the skin with your fingertips. You need to start the exercises with the study of the frontal muscle. The palm is pressed to the forehead, after which the eyebrows are raised ten times up and down the same amount. Then the index fingers are placed directly on the eyebrows and, under the influence, they begin to move towards the bridge of the nose. The exercise is also repeated 10 times.

Next, it's time to start with the eyes. At first, they swing wide open and are kept as open as possible for 20 seconds. Then you need to blink rapidly 10 to 15 times. After that, the corners of the eyes are pulled up with the tips of the fingers, where they are fixed for ten seconds. The exercise is also performed ten times.

The next step is dedicated to the cheeks. You have to take in air and roll it ten times from one cheek to another. Then re-draw air and slowly blow it off for 10 times. Finally, you can take turns trying to pout your lips. For the latter, another simple action is suitable: the index finger of one hand is placed on one corner, and the middle finger of the same hand on the other. After that, the lips are drawn in and back into place. It is repeated all 10 times.

To work out the contour of the face, you will need to tilt the head back, and then open your mouth quite wide. The lower jaw moves to the right and left ten times. Then the tongue protrudes and an attempt is made to reach the chin. This action is again repeated ten times. At the next stage, you will need to tackle the nose. You will have to bite your upper lip and place your fingers on your nostrils. First, the nose moves up and down. Then the index and middle fingers of both hands are shifted to the lateral surface of the bridge of the nose. You have to pull the skin up, wrinkling your nose in parallel, and stay in this position for a few seconds. Each exercise is repeated 10 times.

Beautiful cheekbones are the dream of many women, so this area cannot be excluded from gymnastics. The palms are placed on the cheeks so that the fingertips are near the ears. The cheeks begin to puff out, while the palms press on them, trying to deflate. You need to do this ten times. Then the tips move to the bottom of the cheek and begin to pull it down. At this time, the cheeks themselves are trying to rise up. The exercise is repeated ten times.

The penultimate treatment area is the chin area. The right hand is clenched into a fist, the chin is placed on it. The mouth opens by pushing downward while the fist creates resistance. You will have to do it 10 times, after which you can open your mouth and tilt your head back. The lips stretch into a smile, but they don't open. Hands move to the neck, where they try to pull the skin down.

You need to complete the complex with exercises for the neck. First, the lower lip is turned out ten times and screwed in so that the teeth are shown. Then the mouth opens wide and the chin begins to stretch forward. The number of approaches is traditional.
Effect of the procedure
Many facebuilding experts recommend that clients take before and after photographs to compare the results with those before.It is also recommended to be photographed once a month for control in profile and full face. Reviews suggest that the effects of the procedures will appear, regardless of the age at which they are done, but, of course, there will be differences in the intensity and speed of manifestation.

If you start doing facial gymnastics at the age of 25, then you can live your whole life without deformations, if only after 50, then the appearance will certainly improve, but not so clearly.
The only prerequisite is to regularly start gymnastics. Many women claim that they have a muscle frame, the skin on which stretches and straightens. The eyes stop being "swollen", and even the lips increase in size. You have to do no more than 20 minutes a day.

Of course, there are also some "buts". For example, many users point out that if you stop exercising, even for a short time, then the entire effect will quickly disappear. There is even such an unusual point of view that from time to time it is necessary to change the course and specialists. It is advised to expect the first results in about a month, and already significant improvements in four. Exercising for many years, you can prevent the appearance of creases between the eyebrows, nasolabial folds, crow's feet, sagging cheeks and other troubles. The face is very noticeably tightened, and the fat below the chin disappears. The situation with an overhanging eyelid is progressing quite difficult, but the eyes still slowly begin to seem larger and brighter.

A very useful recommendation from patients is to supplement facial gymnastics with self-massage, daily exercises and a variety of physical activities. It is important to restore correct blood circulation, then there will be no swelling on the face, and the effectiveness of face-building will only increase. When starting the exercises themselves, you should maintain the pace, do not forget about fixation and follow the instructions exactly.

You can learn more about Facebook building in this video.
I want to say that it really works, but only in a complex and if done systematically. I saw the first results after 4 weeks, I was very happy. I did exercises on the eyes, nasolabials; sleep must also be monitored. It's been half a year of such work, and my before and after photos are admirable. Everything is in our hands, girls.