5 recipes to get rid of dull complexions and give your skin a glow

An even tone, firmness and an elusive glow - we all dream of beautiful and healthy skin, on which you do not have to apply foundation in the morning and moisturizing masks in the evenings. Here's how to turn flabby and lifeless skin into glossy and radiant.
First of all, it is necessary to identify the causes of a dull complexion. Collected a few of the most common ones.
When dehydrated, the skin does not renew itself well and loses its usual color, becoming gray and dull. Any skin, dry or oily, can be dehydrated. Insufficient water consumption and improper care are usually to blame - the use of alcohol, soap, or too much acid.

In 2010, a study came out in which it was found that smoking, in addition to several systemic diseases, causes skin problems - including premature aging, acne, psoriasis and hair loss.
Poor and varied food
As well as alcohol abuse. Fun Friday Night - Guaranteed tired and dull skin on Saturday.

Stress negatively affects the entire body - including the face. Usually it is a vicious circle: you worry about skin problems, which leads to stress, which leads to skin problems, which leads to stress ... Breaking free can be difficult.
Improper care
Neglecting hydration, scrubbing too hard, lacking sunscreen or insufficient cleansing are some of the most common mistakes that can lead to poor skin condition and appearance.

What to do?
Start getting enough sleep. The easiest way to get rested skin is to rest.Try to adjust the daily routine: go to bed and get up at the same time, do not use your phone or computer an hour before bed, or at least switch them to night mode (it is believed that the blue light of the screen is no less harmful than the sun).
Each person is different, so it is difficult to say exactly how many hours you need to sleep to get enough sleep, but on average, doctors advise adults to rest for about 7-8 hours.
Take care of your vitamins. Eat a variety of foods and include as many vegetables as possible in your diet. The main rule: your plate should be bright, that is, there should always be food of different colors on it. This way you can easily get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs.
If you can't keep track of your diet, then start taking vitamins - this is a great way to get those substances that you do not get from food. Choose only trusted brands so as not to hurt yourself or waste money on dummies.
And don't forget about water balance. Drinking 2.5 liters a day is not necessary at all, it is better to just have a reusable bottle that you will refill throughout the day and sip from it every 20-30 minutes. Uniformity is just as important as quantity.
Use sunscreen and learn to do it right. Sunscreen must be applied in a thick layer and in sufficient quantity (about a third of a teaspoon, but it all depends on the level of protection: the higher it is, the less cream you need), renew it before going outside or every two hours if you are already there, and do not forget rinse thoroughly in two steps. The rules are really complex, but few things affect the skin and its condition as intensely as sunlight.
Reconsider your care - it may not work for you. Start with the base: cleansing and moisturizing. Even if you have oily skin, cleansing should be gentle so as not to wash away the natural defenses from your face, and hydration should be sufficient. A visit to a beautician can help you: a specialist will look at the condition of your face and help you choose the right care.
Take a carbon peeling course. While you are with a beautician, find out if he does laser carbon peeling. This procedure improves the appearance and quality of the skin, and its results are noticeable immediately - there is no recovery period, the face will be fresh and rested already upon leaving the office. It is better to go through a whole course at once (they advise about 3-8 procedures with an interval of 1-2 weeks), but since carbon peeling can be done at any time of the year, there will be no problems with this.
Carbon peeling is a fairly painless procedure, but it can still cause a little discomfort, so find out if your clinic or salon has an Innovatione PRO device - it will take the least time on it (since the device has a neodymium laser with two crystals) , but will not lose in efficiency.

It is best, of course, to act in a complex way: drink more water, eat right, sleep enough hours, go to a beautician and take a course of carbon peeling - so your skin will definitely shine. But if changing your whole life is so radically scary, start with a beautician - professional procedures will improve the appearance of your skin without additional changes, and a beautiful and radiant face will inspire further action. And the result of complex work will remain for a lifetime.