How to use milk serum for face at home?

The use of milk serum for the face is a wonderful way to care for your skin, allowing you to achieve very good results. Regularly applying such a tool, you can literally transform. After reading this article, you will learn how to use whey for your face at home, as well as how to prepare it properly.

The effectiveness of whey made from goat or regular milk is provided by the components that make up it. It contains vitamins of group B, H, E, C, retinol, potassium, calcium. The composition of such whey also includes other useful elements: lactose, amino acids, and so on.

Benefits for the skin of the face
Such a natural remedy effectively restores and rejuvenates the skin. It slows down the aging process, after using it, the face looks fresher. The use of milk serum for the face in cosmetology is especially important for the fair sex, whose age is over 30 years.
It acts on tissues as follows:
- provides protection from UV rays;
- helps to strengthen cells;
- nourishes;
- provides a thorough cleansing of the face;
- renews, regenerates cells;
- moisturizes;
- eliminates peeling, puffiness, irritation;
- makes fabrics more elastic, resilient;
- regulates the formation of sebum;
- eliminates inflammation;

- provides a lifting effect;
- improves metabolism in tissues;
- brightens the skin;
- eliminates wrinkles;
- promotes collagen production;
- promotes the absorption of nutrients.
If you regularly use such a remedy, you will soon notice that the complexion has improved significantly, the cheeks are flushed, the skin looks younger and healthier. Various imperfections will disappear or become less noticeable. The main thing is to choose the right product and create it, strictly focusing on the recipe.

Harm and contraindications
A natural dairy product is generally safe, but in some cases an allergy occurs. To avoid negative consequences, tissue sensitivity should be tested before using the component.
Contraindications to the use of such a remedy are tissue damage. Wait until the wounds disappear before using the component, otherwise the skin may become inflamed. Do not apply this product to sensitive areas (such as near the eyes). An expired product should not be used: its shelf life is about 3 days.

How to cook?
There are three ways to create such a dairy product. It is worth considering each of them.
- Get fresh kefir. Its packaging can be any: polyethylene, plastic, paper. Place the food in the freezer. It should completely harden. When this happens, let it thaw and strain.
By making whey in this way, you will retain all the beneficial elements in it. It can be applied immediately. It is not necessary to additionally process such a product (for example, using heat).

- Pour fresh milk out of a carton or bag into a container with a lid and leave it warm: it should turn sour. To make this happen faster, you can put rye bread there (a small piece will be enough). After waiting for sourness, put the container with milk on low heat. Curdled milk forms whey and curd. When this happens, remove the container from the stove and wait for it to cool. Then take cheesecloth (you need several layers) and strain the curdled milk through it. The result is a curd mass that can be eaten, as well as the necessary dairy product.
- Pour fresh milk into a container, boil it. Stir constantly and add the lemon juice (½ lemon). Remove the curdled milk from the stove, wait for it to cool and strain the product as described above.

Application methods
Milk serum can be used to wipe the skin, wash your face, make masks, compresses, and peeling products from it. Products with such a component are suitable for different types of skin, but if it is dry, it is better not to use oily additional ingredients. Let's consider the most popular methods of using this component.
This option is the most straightforward. You can wash your face with milk whey twice a day: after waking up and before going to bed. However, once a day is usually sufficient. In the morning you will need to wash with water. Then remove the liquid from the skin with a towel and apply the serum. Rinse off excess product with water or remove using a tissue. In the evening before using the serum, you will need to cleanse your face more thoroughly, using not only water for this.
The serum can be exposed to low temperatures and you will end up with ice cubes. Such a remedy is usually used after waking up. It effectively tones the skin, helps to strengthen blood vessels. This product can also be used in the evening: so you can remove signs of fatigue from your face after a hard day at work. It will become more rosy, fresher.

Toner and lotion
With the help of such a dairy product, dead skin particles can be removed. Take cotton wool, dip it in the product, remove the excess and wipe your face (movements should be massage). Attention should also be paid to the neckline and neck. Hold the cotton wool longer on areas where there are defects, such as acne or age spots.

To make a scrub with which you can thoroughly cleanse the skin, you should mix a dairy product with a base. The resulting product will need to be applied to the face and gently rubbed. Places where the skin is sensitive should be avoided. The scrub should work within a few minutes. Then remove it with warm water and moisturize your face with a cream. If your skin is normal or oily, mix the dairy product with coffee grounds (which have already been used) or sea salt. For owners of sensitive or dry skin, rye bread is more suitable, more precisely, its pulp. You can use ground oatmeal instead.
With the help of a compress from such a product, you can give clarity to the contours of the face, make the skin more hydrated. Fold gauze or soft material in several layers, punch holes for breathing. Dip the material in a heated product, place it on your skin and wait about half an hour.
It is recommended to do such a compress once every other day. If you use it more often, there is a risk that the beneficial elements will begin to be absorbed worse.

Such tools can be created from different components.
The most popular are the following options.
- Mix 2 tablespoons of the main ingredient with 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese. The result should be a homogeneous mass. Such a tool is universal, but it should be borne in mind that for skin prone to dryness, you should choose a rather fatty cottage cheese, for greasy - a lighter product in terms of fat content.
- If the skin is greasy, take the white of one egg, if normal or prone to dryness - the yolk. Prepare also flour, 2 tablespoons of dairy product. Stir the yolk lightly or whisk the white, then add the main ingredient. Mix this mass with flour: the consistency should be such that the product is well applied and does not drip from the skin. This mask makes pores narrower and effectively dries oily skin.
- The product with pea flour eliminates wrinkles, visibly rejuvenates the face. It is universal. To make such a mask, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of dairy product and the same amount of pea flour.

- The product with oatmeal provides a lifting effect, improves skin color and makes it more hydrated. This mask is especially suitable for older women. Soften a medium-sized apple, add a tablespoon of flour and 2 tablespoons of milk product. Stir the product thoroughly and gently distribute it over the skin. Wait a quarter of an hour and wash off the mass.
- This product makes the skin more elastic and hydrated. It works well for dry skin. Melt the cocoa butter in a water bath (10 g of such a component will suffice), add 5 ml of aloe extract and 10 ml of dairy product to it. After removing this product from the skin, you will need to use a nourishing cream.
- This mask effectively restores the skin and smoothes wrinkles. Mix 10 g of starch, 5 ml of vitamin A, a teaspoon of sour cream and a tablespoon of the main ingredient. The mixture should be fairly thick so that it doesn't run off your face.
- This remedy eliminates acne, inflammation, dries the skin well. Mix thoroughly 10 g of clay (blue or green), 5 ml of calendula oil, 20 ml of the main component. Keep the product on your face, remove it and disinfect your skin with a special cream.

In their reviews, the ladies note that after using such a dairy product, the skin of the face becomes more hydrated and does not require additional care. Women consider such a tool to be quite effective, but at the same time they note that in order to achieve better results, it must be applied not from time to time, but regularly.
Some note that the properties of the serum are not much inferior to the purchased moisturizers for wrinkles.

For information on how to use milk serum for the face, see the next video.
Great article! The serum is very helpful. Not only does it alkalize the body, it also solves problems with the liver, intestines and biliary tract.
The article is excellent. But I think that it is better to use ready-made serum, in "Magnet" it is 11 rubles. worth it and make it only from whole milk, it will not work from powder.