Facial masks

Korean cloth face masks: a review of the best, tips for choosing and using

Korean cloth face masks: a review of the best, tips for choosing and using
  1. Pros of cloth masks
  2. Are there any disadvantages?
  3. Rating of the best
  4. Selection Tips
  5. Recommendations for use

Korean cloth masks became a real hit in all stores immediately after hitting the shelves. Inexpensive, but at the same time effective and easy to use - they allowed most women to carry out salon procedures at home. In this article, we will talk about the benefits of facial care products, review the best products offered by Asians, and learn how to properly use moisturizing layers.

Pros of cloth masks

Sheet face masks originally from Ancient Egypt, while girls soaked towels in a variety of oils and milk-honey mixtures, and then put them on themselves. These procedures helped to get rid of skin problems, they relieve irritation, remove redness and even out the relief. Modern cloth masks are a sheet of soft cloth with openings for the nose, mouth and eyes.

Korean cosmetics broke into the global market about ten years ago, but their boom did not happen until five years later. Asian care products quickly gained ground and are firmly rooted in the shelves of many girls. Every year there are more and more original and bright packages with a useful agent inside, which have a different effect on the skin. They create moisturizing sheets using a special technology, impregnating the layers in special highly concentrated serums. Then the mask is folded and placed in a bag, which is tightly closed.

Cosmetics, depending on the main component and its properties, can act as a nutritious product, moisturizing, medicinal or complex. This type of care products are divided into two types according to the material of the layer itself.


Such products are the most common. Microfiber perfectly absorbs serum, is easy to apply and does not slip off the face, but, on the contrary, fits it tightly. This is a big plus of these funds, since they allow a woman to simultaneously take care of the skin and go about her business. Apart from their main function, cotton sheet masks can cheer up family members. The sense of humor of the Koreans helped create a whole line of interesting sheets with various funny inscriptions and animal faces. Depending on your mood, you can become a tigress, a dog, a kitten, a panda, a fox, or a bear. Some moms put on real shows for their babies with Asian makeup.


The hydrogel base fits smoothly and neatly on the face, adhering tightly to it. Such layers are water-soluble, so the serum penetrates deeper into the epidermis. The big advantage of this type is the possibility of reusable use. Twenty minutes after the start of the procedure, the sheet can be folded and returned to the serum package.

The composition, saturated with useful substances, penetrates deeply into the skin and helps to improve its condition.

Each mask has its own main ingredient, however there is a list of ingredients that is necessarily present in almost every one. First of all, these are various oils and extracts of fruits or plants, which provide deep hydration of the skin, even out the complexion, and soothe it after peeling or deep cleansing. The next element that has become very popular and is used in almost all types of Korean cosmetics is snail mucin. It contributes to the correction of facial contours and rejuvenates the skin, saturating it with vitamins and nutrients.

An indispensable component for a tissue mask is collagen, which allows you to maintain the elasticity of the epidermis and initiates natural regeneration processes. And also collagen increases elasticity. Hyaluronic acid is responsible for deep hydration, elimination of internal inflammation and smoothing of fine wrinkles. Asians were among the first to use gold in their cosmetics. It helps the serum penetrate even deeper into the epidermis and activate intracellular work.

With weekly application of Korean cloth masks, the skin will be softer, elastic, light, the complexion will even out, fine wrinkles will disappear, internal radiance and hydration will appear. The surrounding will surely notice a stunning effect. A huge plus of sheet masks is the instant results that have a positive effect on the skin. But the main thing is that cosmetics have a cumulative character. That is, constant hydration of the dermis will allow the face to always remain elastic and radiant.

It should be noted that the cost of care products is quite democratic. Depending on the brand, the price for one product varies from fifty to three hundred rubles. It is thanks to this policy that every woman can afford to buy fabric masks and arrange a real salon procedure at home.

Are there any disadvantages?

There are very few disadvantages to Asian cosmetics, but they are still there, and they must be taken into account when buying. Some ingredients can cause an allergic reaction on the skin, therefore, owners of a sensitive type should first study the composition. This cosmetics is not suitable for every woman, since it is still designed for Asian skin, and not Slavic, therefore it contributes to more moisture and protection from the sun's rays.

You should not expect miracles from fabric masks, especially if you have not taken great care of your facial skin before. They will not be able to smooth out deep expression wrinkles, but at the same time they will only help to cope with nascent and small ones. In case of serious problems, you should contact a beautician or dermatologist, and not rely on the effect of masks. Derma care should be comprehensive, once or twice a week, a mask will help only for a while. It is important to regularly monitor the condition of the skin and moisturize it, and leafy Asian products will only help the face become more radiant and fresh.

Rating of the best

The widespread adoption of Korean cosmetics has taken its toll on store shelves. A variety of masks with hyaluronic acid, collagen, herbs, plant or animal extracts, fruit extracts and algae lie on the shelves awaiting purchase.

When going to the store it is recommended to read not only the reviews of ordinary people, but also professional cosmetologistswho are well versed in the compositions of these funds. They all agree that sheet masks from Korea can replace salon care to moisturize the skin. Serum compositions are mostly natural, the presence of aggressive components has not been established. The affordability of cosmetics makes it possible for every woman to take care of the condition of the skin. However, cosmetologists also note that in order to obtain a good result, one should adhere to comprehensive care, since no remedy alone can cope with the problematic dermis.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with a small rating of Korean cloth masks, which will definitely help you decide on the choice of one or another remedy.

FoodAHolic Natural Essence 3D Mask

Sheet masks are very tight to the face and allow you to go about your business while the skin is moisturized. The brand offers products with cucumber, orange, tomato, aloe, collagen, bamboo, potatoes, green tea and many more. All of them have an anti-aging effect, soothe the epidermis, deeply moisturize and even out the complexion. Masks with pomegranate, snail mucin and algae fight skin problems. A huge advantage of these fabric masks, in addition to high quality, is the democratic cost of 65 rubles.

Secret Key Snail + EGF Repairing Mask

One of the most famous Korean brands offers a snail mucus product that helps restore the firmness and elasticity of the dermis, enhancing natural regeneration. The price is only 80 rubles. The company offers a hydrogel analogue of the Secret Key Snail + EGF Repairing Hydrogel Mask, which acts even deeper and more efficiently, but it also costs 260 rubles.

Sally'S Box Loverecipe Mask

First of all, the packaging of masks in gentle, pastel colors, which will adorn the shelf in the bathroom, catches the eye. With regular use, the complexion is evened out, a natural radiance and freshness appear. The advantage of funds is an instant result, which is sometimes necessary. The company offers masks with grapes, aloe, apple, lemon, strawberries and other fruits. The price is 95 rubles.

Tony Moly I'm Real Mask

One of the best Asian brands offers a wide range of leafy products with ingredients ranging from tea tree extract to broccoli mask. In general, Tony Molly formations are divided into three types: watery, milky and emulsion. The first type gives the epidermis a radiance and freshness, the second works to nourish and moisturize, and the third helps to tighten pores. The price of one mask is about 130 rubles.

Illi sheet mask

A luxury line of fabric products with lotus, camellia, orchid, silk and other expensive ingredients is shown for women 40+. The products provide lifting care, making the skin firmer, more elastic and hydrated. The cost is 150 rubles.

Petitfee Koelf Jewelry Mask

Another luxury line based on pearls, gold, snail slime and ruby.Masks promote cell regeneration, deeply moisturize the epidermis, increase microcirculation, improve complexion and give it a natural shine and freshness. Masks are shown to girls with dull skin. The cost is 400 rubles for 5 masks.

Selection Tips

Modern cosmetics stores offer a wide range of Korean tissue sheets. They should be chosen according to the type of skin, the main ingredient, or the problem that you want to get rid of with this product. It is imperative to study the composition of cosmetics, as skin prone to allergies may react negatively to some components.

For owners of dry dermis, deeply moisturizing products with hyaluronic acid are suitable, arbutin, and fruit or vegetable extracts. Oily skin with enlarged pores will say thanks to a mask with coenzyme, collagen and a snail. Women over thirty are advised to purchase masks with seaweed, ginseng, snail mucin, royal jelly and tomatoes.

The cost of the funds is low, so you can try each type and choose the one you like especially. You can also be guided by the reviews of friends who have already tried out on themselves the wonderful effect of Asian cosmetics.

Recommendations for use

A big plus of Asian sheet masks is their ease of use. It takes place in three stages: cleaning, opening the package and applying. Then you just need to relax and enjoy the deep moisturizing procedure for the skin. Let's consider each stage in more detail.


This stage consists in a good face cleansing. First of all, with the help of micellar water or milk, make-up should be removed, then wash with a cleanser. It is necessary to thoroughly lather the product on the face so that it penetrates deeper and better cope with its task. Then the skin must be dried with a clean towel and applied with a tonic or hydrolat.


This stage is the most enjoyable. The mask should be applied from the forehead to the chin, smoothing it with your fingers. It is recommended to lie on your back after application and relax. You can turn on your favorite music and enjoy. Each product has its own absorption time, which is written on the package. The minimum time period is fifteen minutes, the maximum is about forty.

Since the masks do not slip and stick tightly on the face, after applying them, you can go about your household chores.

    Some girls simultaneously moisturize their skin and read a book, sit on the phone or work at the computer. It is advisable to apply fabric masks at least once a week, but there are times when you can break the usual schedule. For example, if the evening is expected to go out, use a care product before applying cosmetics, thanks to which the cosmetics will lay down much better. An Asian mask is indispensable during a long flight, you can moisturize your skin half an hour before landing and leave the transport fresh and radiant. In winter, the skin loses a lot of moisture, so in cold weather it is recommended to apply a cloth mask at least twice a week, especially for those with dry skin types.

    An overview of Korean cloth face masks in the video below.

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