Laser facial rejuvenation: features, types and technology

In the modern world, every lady does her best to stay young and attractive as long as possible. Today cosmetology offers a huge number of methods that are designed to improve the condition of the skin, rejuvenate a woman and give her more beauty. Of course, every year you have to seek the help of professional cosmetologists more and more often. To maintain attractiveness and youthfulness as long as possible, it is necessary to constantly resort to the help of caring procedures. One of these procedures is considered to be laser facial rejuvenation, which is the most popular among women of middle and old age.

What it is?
Laser facial rejuvenation is one of the most important procedures in cosmetology, the essence of which is the complete elimination of pigmentation and wrinkles from the face. This result is achieved thanks to laser equipment. It includes a huge variety of options with which the cosmetologist controls the temperature and depth of penetration of the beam. The most important part of the procedure is choosing the right parameters.
That is why it is recommended to carefully choose specialists, because even the smallest mistake can lead to the fact that a woman will receive burns or other skin changes that cannot be reversed.

When choosing the optimal regimen, the cosmetologist takes into account the individual characteristics of the body, the type of skin, its thickness and the range of processing. In addition, it is important what kind of problem the patient is trying to solve. It should be noted that getting rid of wrinkles in one session will not work. To do this, you will have to go through a whole course of laser facial rejuvenation. Only under the condition of competent and correct selection of parameters can you achieve the desired results and not harm the body. Laser beams boast a destructive effect due to their high temperature, due to which the cells of the cover are completely burned out and tissue renewal occurs.

Laser rejuvenation is very popular due to a number of benefits, among which are the following.
- During and after processing, there will be no marks on the face. This result can be achieved thanks to a point effect on skin imperfections. Already after 4 days, any signs that this procedure was recently carried out completely disappear.
- Laser rejuvenation allows you to treat a large area of skin in a short period of time (1-2 sessions). The result can be seen after the first procedure.
- The procedure almost does not cause painful sensations. Even women with a small pain threshold will feel a slight tingling sensation and that's it. In most cases, there is no need to use painkillers to carry out such manipulations.
- The ability to quickly return youth and attractiveness not only to the face, but also to the décolleté area and the area around the eyes. These areas of the skin are most sensitive to pain.
Thus, laser facial rejuvenation is characterized by a minimum amount of pain and no side effects, which makes it so popular among women of almost any age.

Indications for use
It should be noted that this technology should only be used if other soft technologies could not cope with the problem and were not effective. The fact is that laser rejuvenation is a radical way of renewal. The procedure is effective for lifting the eyelids and skin, eliminating wrinkles in the area of the nose and lips, changes in the outline of the face, getting rid of pigmentation and the consequences of demodicosis.
A professional cosmetologist advises on a mandatory basis to use laser rejuvenation in cases where the skin does not respond to other procedures or the problems are so serious that it will not be possible to eliminate them using conventional methods.

Any salon procedures have their own contraindications, and laser skin treatment is no exception. Otherwise, the negative effect of manipulation can cause serious harm to the body. Such procedures are prohibited for patients with the following body characteristics:
- with immunodeficiency, as a result of which they often suffer from infectious diseases;
- during pregnancy or breastfeeding;
- in the presence of oncological diseases;
- with blood diseases and diabetes of any degree.

In addition, the procedure should be abandoned in cases where retinoids have been taken in the last six months. There are also a number of certain diseases in which it is possible to resort to laser facial rejuvenation only after consulting a specialist. If there are contraindications, it is better to first wait for a complete recovery so that the body is as ready as possible for the laser. Despite the fact that the procedure itself is completely safe, in the presence of certain diseases, it can provoke their accelerated development.
If, due to the presence of contraindications, this method of rejuvenation cannot be used, then you can give preference to others.

Modern cosmetology centers offer their clients a huge selection of types of laser rejuvenation.They try to take into account not only the effectiveness of such manipulations, but also provide a choice of a certain variety, taking into account the depth of penetration and the degree of influence on the skin. Depending on this criterion, the following types are distinguished.
- Ablative rejuvenation. A distinctive feature of this procedure is that there is an effect of laser beams on the skin. Thanks to this, it is possible to eliminate skin microparticles, and the treated area heals more efficiently. The results from such rejuvenation can be seen after the first procedure.
- Non-ablative. The main difference between this method is that it involves a deeper penetration of rays without affecting the outer layer of the skin. This process takes more time, but its efficiency is much higher.

Professional cosmetologists advise to combine several types of laser rejuvenation to obtain a full and long-lasting effect.
Another fairly popular type is considered to be laser biorevitalization. The bottom line is that preparations based on hyaluronic acid and collagen are injected under the skin, after which the skin is exposed to low-intensity rays. The main advantage of the technique is that facial tissues practically do not heat up: the temperature can rise by a maximum of 1 degree Celsius. Thanks to this, skin cells are not damaged and no painful sensations arise.

4D laser rejuvenation is also very popular today. This technique is considered one of the most effective and efficient. It includes 4 laser technologies, including an innovative one - gaining access to the deep layers of the skin through the oral mucosa.
Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient's body and the type of problem, a procedure is performed with a different level of impact. The choice is made by a specialist, and the skin condition can improve in a matter of minutes.
After 4D laser rejuvenation, the face contour is tightened, wrinkles are eliminated, and the tone is improved. The skin becomes velvety and smooth, and the pores are tightened.

Among the main advantages of this procedure are the following:
- carried out once, and the effect lasts for 1.5 years;
- does not need a recovery period - immediately after the session, you can sunbathe in the sun, visit the pool or sauna;
- safety and effectiveness - any side effects are excluded;
- 4D rejuvenation is performed without anesthesia and prior preparation.

Among the contraindications to this type of rejuvenation are pregnancy, the use of retinoids and the presence of infectious diseases.
The process itself is carried out in 4 stages, in which a combination of several lasers is used. For each device, a certain level of exposure is set, due to which the effect is enhanced several times. First, the nasolabial folds and cheeks are exposed to laser action, after which the handpiece is inserted into the oral cavity. As a result, it is possible to smooth out the folds and tighten the deep layers of the epidermis.
During the second stage, the structure of the skin is restored, thereby improving its elasticity, tone and getting rid of wrinkles.

The Fraxel laser rejuvenation technology is also in great demand today, which is one of the safest and most effective techniques in hardware cosmetology. It makes it possible to eliminate cosmetic defects in a short period of time. The procedure got its name because it is carried out on the basis of the advanced Fraxel SR1500 laser system. The device is based on the principle of focal action on certain areas of the skin.
Among the distinctive advantages of the Fraxel technology are the following:
- significant improvement in the skin;
- renewal of integuments at the cellular level due to regeneration;
- point effect on small areas of the skin;
- the ability to quickly eliminate age-related changes;
- the ability to treat all areas, including the skin around the eyes;
- the procedure is so gentle that it can be performed even on the thinnest skin;
- maximum safety thanks to beam intensity control.
Among the indications for the use of Fraxel are skin aging, melasma, wrinkles and stretch marks.

Another type of laser rejuvenation is lifting, which is considered an excellent substitute for plastic surgery. The warming energy of the laser system ensures the production of its own collagen, as a result of which the skin tightens and wrinkles are smoothed out. In addition, the procedure has a positive effect on blood circulation and improves complexion.
A distinctive feature of laser lifting is that it does not bring any pain or discomfort, and does not require a long recovery period from the patient.
Despite the fact that this procedure can be performed on any part of the skin, it is often used to improve the condition of the skin of the face or décolleté.

Among the distinctive advantages of laser lifting against the background of other methods of rejuvenation, the following can be distinguished:
- during the implementation of this procedure, the skin is not damaged;
- this rejuvenation technique can be performed on any skin;
- advanced devices are used to control the wavelength;
- complete absence of side effects;
- the effect can be seen after the first procedure;
- carried out without the use of anesthesia.

Laser lifting is the most gentle and painless way of rejuvenation. Using this procedure allows you to look much younger, eliminate skin laxity and restore its tone. The technique is based on non-surgical intervention, which makes it possible to get rid of most cosmetic defects in a few hours.
At home, such work cannot be done, since it requires professional skills and expensive equipment.

One of the advantages of laser facial rejuvenation is that the procedure does not require any preliminary preparation. Despite this, doctors advise to exclude the use of alcohol a few days before this, since its presence in the blood can negatively affect the patient's well-being when using anesthesia.

How is the procedure going?
The main advantage of this procedure is that it does not bring any pain or discomfort. This is another plus for people who are afraid of pain.
The course of laser rejuvenation can be divided into the following stages.
- Application of surface anesthesia, so that during the action of the laser the patient will not feel any pain. In the worst case, slight tingling sensations are possible. Anesthetic composition is mainly used as anesthesia, applied before the start of the session.
- Carrying out rejuvenation using a special device, the principle of which is focused on a fractional laser. The duration of the session does not exceed one hour, although the exact time depends on the number of zones that will be processed.
- Application of a cream to the surface of the skin for an accelerated recovery.
- Examination and consultation with a specialist.

After laser rejuvenation of the face, it will take at least a week for the skin to get a new look, and the marks will disappear within 3-4 days. This is a fairly short period of time when compared with surgical interventions.
Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, in the first few days, swelling or redness may persist on the face, however, immediately with the peeling of the skin, dead cells begin to leave.

Follow-up care
A distinctive feature of laser rejuvenation is that after such a cosmetic procedure, there is no need for a rehabilitation period. The very next day you can use foundation and other cosmetics. In addition, you can sunbathe in the sun, visit the sauna or pool.

Possible complications
Due to the fact that over the past 10 years, laser technology has improved significantly, potential complications are reduced to almost zero. One of the most frequent complications during this procedure is the “gauze effect” and the appearance of foci of hyperpigmentation.
The essence of the "gauze effect" is that atrophic scars appear on the face. Typically, this phenomenon can be seen when using a CO2 laser, which involves the penetration of the laser beam in the form of a grid. It should be noted that such a problem arises solely due to the inexperience and unprofessionalism of the cosmetologist. If the specialist incorrectly determined the thickness of the skin and did not take into account all the characteristics of the body, then the erroneous setting of the parameters can cause the "gauze effect". That is why the consultation of an experienced cosmetologist is a mandatory step before starting fractional skin improvement.
Other typical troubles of laser rejuvenation include the appearance of bubbles with liquid of different colors. These blisters can create scarring or areas of minimal pigmentation. The appearance of hematomas is also likely, which are inevitable in cases where the vessels have been damaged.

Do not worry if the following is noticeable on the face after such a procedure.
- Erythema - the treated parts of the skin become very red due to the effect of the laser. Here, everything is influenced by the strength of the apparatus and the characteristics of the circulatory system.
- Peeling - occurs almost always, and all consequences are eliminated on the third day.
- Darkening of the skin, which also goes away quickly.
- High sensitivity of the skin, which is observed due to exposure to laser beams.

It should be noted that laser rejuvenation is a serious procedure that in some cases can lead to health problems. Therefore, it is extremely important to follow all the doctor's prescriptions and not have any contraindications to the procedure.
Among the most negative consequences, which are extremely rare, the following can be distinguished.
- Persistent erythema that lasts 6 to 12 months and usually goes away on its own. Most often, such complications are observed in people who suffer from rosacea. If the redness is too noticeable, then the doctor prescribes special drugs to quickly eliminate them.
- Herpetic infection. The main danger is that scars can form after them. For prevention, doctors usually prescribe a special course of drugs before laser rejuvenation. This is extremely important for people who have herpes sores.
- Increased acne may appear due to the intense work of the sebaceous glands. Antibiotics are used to eliminate it.
In order to avoid any complications and consequences, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of a clinic and a specialist, as well as strictly follow the recommendations of specialists and do everything that was prescribed.

Most women who resort to laser facial rejuvenation note the high efficiency of this procedure and its painlessness. It is these two criteria that make it so popular all over the world. Almost every lady who has completed one course undergoes it again several years later, making sure of the reliability and safety of such rejuvenation.
Laser rejuvenation is a modern procedure that boasts efficiency, reliability and painlessness. Provided a competent approach, it does not have any side effects, and the result obtained lasts for many years.

For information on how the laser facial rejuvenation procedure goes, see the next video.
I have not yet reached the laser, the maximum is biorevitalization by a beautician and proper nutrition.