Facial mesotherapy: what is it and how is it carried out?

For more than 50 years in cosmetology, such a service as face mesotherapy has been popular. Its constant demand for so many years is due to its effectiveness in the fight against multiple skin problems. The main feature of the procedure and its invaluable advantage is the ability not to resort to surgical intervention. However, before you experience the effect on yourself, it is worth knowing some of the subtleties of the process of conducting a session.

The main purpose of the procedure is to rejuvenate the facial skin. For this, various substances are injected under the skin in different ways. Often these elements are hyaluronic acid, multivitamins, plant extracts.
Initially, the first procedure, carried out in 1952, was designed to rid a woman of cellulite and reduce the amount of fat. Later, the method began to be used to correct the appearance of the skin of the face and neck.
Injection cocktails are selected strictly individually, depending on the type of skin, age, existing problems, as well as the health of the patient herself. A therapeutic injection is made into the middle layer of the dermis. For the procedure, a thin needle is used, it is inserted to a depth of 1.5 to 3.9 mm.

Thanks to intradermal injections, the substances selected as therapeutic agents begin to act from the inside, this is the main advantage of mesotherapy in comparison with external cosmetics, which can only affect the upper skin. Thus, the procedure provides good microcirculation in the blood vessels, makes the dermis more elastic, and helps to increase the tone. At the same time, metabolic processes begin to be active, blood circulation improves, defective cells are restored and healed.
Nowadays, many technologies have been developed for face rejuvenation, including both skin restoration with the help of external cosmetic products and surgical facelifts. It is mesotherapy that occupies an intermediate place between these two methods. It is much more effective than external use of cosmetic products and is almost safe compared to the surgical method.
Especially often, the mesotherapy procedure is chosen by women who are over 40 years old. They are worried about new wrinkles and the resulting ptosis - the procedure can easily cope with these difficulties. Women should know in advance that the result after the technique will not appear immediately, since the healing process begins from the inside. But as soon as the patient notices the effect, then there is no doubt that her face will remain young for a long time.

Skin aging is not the only problem that mesotherapy can deal with.
After carrying out a set of procedures, a woman can see the following result:
getting rid of a double chin;
less greasy film forms on the skin;
the contour takes on sharper outlines;
age and mimic "skin folds" are leveled;
age spots become less noticeable;
acne disappears;
stretch marks and scars are lightened, they are almost invisible;
skin previously suffering from dryness is hydrated;
blackheads disappear;
the skin becomes healthier and fresher, it is smoother and more elastic.

Many women have heard about side effects and complications after cosmetic procedures, and of course such cases are possible, but nevertheless these are rather exceptions to the rule, and such situations are rare.
To be sure that the result will meet expectations, it is worth choosing a well-proven beauty center, choosing a highly qualified specialist, observing all his appointments, answering essentially during a conversation with a doctor, and then the mesotherapy procedure will pass without problems, and the patient will perceive the result with delight.

The modern world of cosmetology offers several types of procedures. Each of them is used for specific purposes, has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider them in more detail.

Non-injection (needleless, non-invasive)
During this sensation, the integrity of the skin is not physically damaged. The drugs are injected under the skin without using needles; alternative methods are used for this. A significant advantage of this service in comparison with other types is the smaller number of contraindications, and therefore the procedure can be performed on almost every patient.

Needleless mesotherapy can be performed in different ways, the following are the most common.
Electroporation. In this case, the drug is delivered under the skin by means of electrical impulses and an electromagnetic field.
Laser. The transmittance of the dermis under the influence of the laser increases, which contributes to the unhindered penetration of the drug.
Ultrasound. The medicinal composition is introduced into the body under the influence of ultrasonic waves.
Gas-liquid mesotherapy. This method involves the delivery of a drug under the skin in the form of a mixture of a liquid solution and air, which is directed under high pressure to the upper lining of the dermis.
Below, each of the methods will be considered in more detail, and the actual non-injection mesotherapy is a combination of the use of several needleless technologies.

To carry out this type of service, it is necessary to use a special apparatus. The advantages of the procedure include the minimum number of complications and side effects. This is due to the non-interference in treatment of the human factor, which reduces the number of medical errors.
The devices used during the session are divided into:
The first option involves the use of thin needles. The method allows you to control the gap between the areas where the injection is injected and determine the depth. Microinjections mechanically destroy the integrity of the epidermis, due to which collagen production is activated, immune cells begin to work hard, and blood circulation increases.

In the case of using the non-injection method, cosmetologists resort to the help of special devices. In this situation, not only medications are selected individually, but also the parameters to which the device must be adjusted.
When choosing between injection and directly apparatus mesotherapy, it is worth considering the peculiarity of the problem. If a large area of skin needs correction, then it is better to choose a procedure that will be carried out using a special device. If a small-scale skin problem has arisen, then you can resort to injection technology. Especially well a professional cosmetologist can manually remove a pigment spot or a spider vein - for these purposes, there is no point in overpaying for the device.

The procedure using this device can be carried out even at home. This is a convenient installation like a roller, on the surface of which the needles are located. The device is available for purchase both in specialized departments and in online stores. In beauty salons, treatment with different types of mesoscooters is usually offered, which are suitable for a particular type of problem.
When using this unit, the skin surface is slightly damaged, but this has a positive effect on her condition. Next, a therapeutic agent is applied to the face, which easily enters the cells through the depressions produced by the mesoscooter. At home, some women use this device even without medication, the mechanical effect of this "needle roller" can be considered a preventive measure against early skin aging and other cosmetic defects.

Before the very procedure of administering drugs, the woman's face is processed with laser equipment. Under the influence of the device, keratinized cells are eliminated from the dermis, thereby opening up access for drugs to the inner layers. Often this type is chosen by patients because the technology is absolutely painless. In this case, not only the use of the medicinal product, but also the action of the laser itself, has a positive effect on the skin again.
The method is shown in the following situations:
prevention and care of the skin of the face;
removal of changes characteristic of aging;
elimination of acne and age spots.

In this case, cosmetologists perform injections under the skin with special devices. Injections are given at regular intervals and the depth of penetration is carefully controlled. This technology involves the use of very thin needles, directly through which the drug enters. At the same time, the dermis is little injured, and therefore no anesthesia is required before the procedure. The advantage is the small number of restrictions.
This also includes the fractional option, providing for the creation of punctures at a distance of 0.5 mm, usually not more than 4 mm deep. The procedure is recommended for combating scars, stretch marks, wrinkles, age spots or post-acne.

This variety is indicated for skin regeneration and a healthy complexion. In this case, agents are used that affect the skin cells that secrete dark pigment (melanocytes) and the tone of the blood vessels. Medicines are prescribed taking into account the individual situation of the patient. To achieve the maximum effect, usually 1-2 courses are carried out.

In this case, cosmetologists use medicinal substances that can positively affect vascular cells. Diffusion is accelerated by expanding the walls, thus releasing harmful chemicals from the skin. The tissues are thereby cleansed. The method allows you to return not only the beauty of the skin of the face, but can also be assigned to work on other parts of the body, for example, in the fight against excess weight.

For this variety, cosmetologists select a specific cocktail of drugs, namely a mixture of vasoactive elements. As in the previous situation, the procedure is intended to cleanse the walls of blood vessels. The principles are also similar. The trunk type can be performed for the general improvement of the skin of the face or the prevention of poor metabolism.

Ultrasonic waves of a certain frequency allow medicinal substances to enter at different depths into the epidermis.
This non-injection method, performed by an ultrasound machine, is appreciated by cosmetologists and clients for certain advantages:
the method is devoid of mechanical interference with the skin layer;
thanks to the use of the device, the risk of becoming a victim of a medical error is significantly reduced;
no bruising, infections and other complications and side effects;
by themselves, ultrasonic waves, even without the administration of a drug, have a beneficial effect on the skin, stimulate metabolic processes.
All these advantages are also combined with the high efficiency of the procedure, however, you need to be prepared for some disadvantages, namely the high cost. The absence of micro-trauma to the dermis can also be considered a minus in a certain situation - nevertheless, mechanical damage ensures the natural regeneration of cells.

Another type of needleless mesotreatment. For implementation, a device is used that produces a medicinal solution and delivers it under high pressure. The healing mixture in the form of microscopic drops is injected deep into the skin at high speed.
Technology advantages:
complications are quite rare;
enrichment of the dermis with oxygen;
elimination of dead cells;
massage effect;
the possibility of using almost all of the proposed drugs.
Direct contact of devices or needles is usually beneficial for the skin, as it activates cell growth, but this technology does not have this effect, which is one of the disadvantages of the technique.
Also, the complexity of calculating the required amount of a therapeutic agent can be considered a negative point.

The technology is similar to the previous one. It is the delivery of a thin, powerful and high-speed jet of pure oxygen. The pressure can be adjusted if necessary. It is possible to combine oxygen and microcurrent therapy in one session. It is customary to apply gas-liquid peeling before the procedure. Then the top layer of the skin is covered with a selected cocktail, after which a special device is used. The device supplies oxygen at a point under pressure in two atmospheres, the necessary elements are freely introduced into the inner layers.

It involves the introduction of injections deep into the skin. Each individual case requires an injection to a certain depth in the specified markings of the areas, a specific thickness of the needles. Usually, each injection involves the use of a dose of 0.02 - 0.2 ml of the medicinal composition. The classical method involves the use of drugs that are positively perceived by the body.

Contour plastic
In the framework of this method, dense gels are injected under the skin, which often contain hyaluronic acid. The technology gives the weakened area the desired shape. Usually used by women who wish to get rid of wrinkles. The gel that enters the skin causes tension on the surface cells for a long period of time, which contributes to the long-term elimination of the signs of aging. The result can please the patient for many years.

The procedure is designed to improve the overall appearance of the facial skin. Various technologies can be used. Usually the client herself turns to the medical center for aesthetic mesotherapy. In other words, there is no need to wait for a doctor's appointment, the procedure is focused on the beauty of the face, and not on the treatment of the skin.

The most common goal of mesotherapy is facial rejuvenation. However, this is far from the only purpose of this procedure. The indications are quite extensive. This is due to the possibility of using almost any medicinal substance that has a positive effect on the internal cells of the skin.
Indications for the procedure:
dry skin;
the opposite problem is oily skin, enlarged pores through which sebaceous secretions are secreted;
ptosis that has begun to develop;
rosacea, scars and scars;
both age and expression wrinkles;
dark circles under the eyes, their puffiness;
fatty deposits under the skin;
weakening of the turgor of the dermis;
pallor of the skin;
excessive pigmentation;
loss of facial muscle tone;
the presence of a double chin;
acne, acne;
rehabilitation after facial surgery;
unhealthy skin condition caused by negative climatic conditions.

Like any cosmetic procedure, mesotherapy has a number of limitations. The technique is available only for persons who have reached the age of majority. It is better to refuse the service and women who have a phobia before injections. Even if the hardware method is chosen, the patient will experience discomfort and tension, this condition will interfere with the specialist's work.
Other contraindications before mesotherapy:
allergies and individual intolerance to the components that make up the selected drugs: before the procedure, it is imperative to go through all the necessary tests and make sure that the drug is suitable;
dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and other skin diseases are a serious obstacle to performing mesotherapy;
oncological processes;
kidney and liver diseases;
hypertension, cardiovascular disorders;
epilepsy and some other mental illness are contraindications for injections;
slow tissue healing, as well as a tendency to scarring, passive circulation, diabetes mellitus;
infections, herpes;
menstruation, pregnancy, lactation.
In any case, before the procedure, the patient should consult with a therapist and dermatocosmetologist. This conversation will help you avoid complications.

The skin on the face has many blood vessels, the nerves are located close to the upper skin, so you cannot inject yourself, otherwise the nerve may be damaged. This is fraught with paralysis of facial muscles, ptosis and other problems may occur. The procedure must be entrusted to a highly qualified specialist.
However, in this case, women should be aware of some complications:
microhematomas: these are bruises that form as a result of too deep injection or weak capillaries;
patechiae: the so-called redness at the sites where the needle is inserted, the reasons for their appearance are also the great depth of the injection and the fragility of the capillaries;
erythema: looks like a red injection mark, normally disappears half an hour after the procedure, but if this does not happen, then you need to see a doctor;
necrosis: caused by infection; also, necrosis can be triggered by a deep injection, at the site of which a swelling forms, developing into a lump, gradually filling with pus;
allergies: may appear immediately after the procedure in the form of edema or blisters; late manifestation in the form of a rash is possible.
To avoid these problems, it is necessary to carefully study all the contraindications to the procedure, as well as perform a number of examinations of your body in order to understand whether it is possible to undergo mesotherapy at all. You cannot hide existing health problems from the doctor, you need to carefully prepare for the procedure and observe all the restrictions prescribed by a specialist before that, be sure to follow all the doctor's prescriptions during rehabilitation.

How many procedures are required?
The number of procedures required for the most successful result depends on the individual aesthetic problems on the facial skin. Usually older women need a longer course. The effect is noticeable after 2-3 procedures.
The standard course is 5-6 procedures. Each session is carried out 7-10 days after the previous one. To achieve a successful and lasting result, the patient's skin requires a corrective procedure, which is performed every 1-2 months. A repeated course is carried out in six months or a year - this moment is determined by the period of preservation of the effect of the previous course.
After the session, the woman may feel pain. This is considered a normal body response to injury caused by injections or drug exposure. At the same time, the skin acquires a red tint, but this effect should go away in half an hour. Physical discomfort should also quickly disappear.
The result of mesotherapy resembles the effect after a surgical facelift, but in this case the patient does not need long-term recovery, there are practically no serious complications, and the woman can return to normal life the very next day after the procedure.

The doctor assessing the patient's skin condition is obliged to choose the most preferable drug in her case.
Several criteria influence the choice of a medicine, namely:
nature and scope of the problem;
the state of health of the woman;
the individual characteristics of her skin;

Usually, in a situation of low skin tone, drugs include elements that promote the activation of the release of collagen and elastin substances by cells. For dry skin that is prone to aging processes, formulations with hyaluronic acid are suitable. If the client is worried about a faded complexion and wrinkles, then the doctor chooses medicines that contain vitamins, trace elements and amino acids. Formulated for the complex rejuvenation of the inner and outer layers, cocktails include herbal extracts, hyaluronic acid, some vitamins, minerals, collagen, elastin and other substances.
The drugs can also differ in their action, among them are:
lipolytic, which eliminate lymph stagnation, establish good blood circulation, help eliminate edema;
diuretics, the main purpose of which is to eliminate puffiness;
antiseptic, designed to eliminate acne and acne;
anti-aging, designed to activate cell regeneration, tighten the formed folds, promote increased production of collagen and elastin.

Each individual case requires a strict selection of drugs.
There are several groups.
Synthesized. Developed artificially. These products include hyaluronic acid.Its feature is the ability to retain moisture, and therefore this option is usually used to moisturize the face.
Plant extracts. Due to exclusively natural components, these drugs have practically no contraindications and are well suited both for complex treatment of facial skin and as preventive measures.
Means based on animal products. This group includes collagen and elastin. These substances are able to give the face youth, and make the skin more elastic.
Vitamins. It is generally accepted to use A, C, E, P, group B. These substances have antioxidant qualities that allow you to improve your complexion and overall appearance.
Minerals. In this group, the most common substances are salts of micro- and macroelements, for example, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium. Each element affects a specific part of the problem, and therefore the choice of the minerals used must be carried out by a highly qualified specialist, otherwise the effect of the procedure will simply not be there.
Organic acids. Pyruvic and glycolic acids are used more often. With the help of these elements it is possible to achieve a peeling effect. The cells of the epidermis are actively beginning to recover.
Medicines. They are special tools that can be used exclusively for individual indications.

You can buy drugs both online and in pharmacy departments. In the first case, it is necessary to buy funds only on the official website of the manufacturer after a thorough study of the products. It is also possible to buy drugs in pharmacies, but not all of them are available.
Most often, cosmetologists recommend purchasing cocktails under the Skinasil brand. The funds are monopreparations that are used to correct cosmetic problems of the facial skin.

Specialists also speak well of the preparations under the Sakura brand, which contain placenta, elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid.
Dermaheal products are more affordable. The advantage of the products is the target orientation to a specific type of problem. Among the presented formulation options, you can choose a specialized drug to eliminate an individual problem.
The best option would be to buy drugs directly from the medical center, where the procedure is scheduled. The doctor takes full responsibility for the result, and therefore you can be confident in the quality of the products that he will offer to buy for mesotherapy. In addition, the same specialist will be able to find the right dose for a specific type of problem, which will save money. The minimum price for one procedure is from 3500 rubles.

Carrying out technology
The method of mesotherapy is the introduction of a biologically active substance with a needle into the epidermis. The same drugs can be used externally, but, covering the surface, they cannot reach the inner layer of the skin, and this is the main disadvantage before the mesotherapy procedure.
It is mesotherapy of the face that women are most often interested in, since nothing can be hidden on it. However, the facial skin is the most difficult part of the procedure. For each area of the dermis, there are different types of treatments. The type of technology is influenced by the level of skin tension, tissue type, and anatomical features. For example, there is almost no adipose tissue in the nasal area, the skin is located on top of bone and cartilage, and therefore injections are injected at a minimum depth.
And in the area of the chin, on the contrary, fat accumulates, respectively, in this area the injections will penetrate deeper.

If a woman decides to get rid of wrinkles, then, most likely, a manual type of procedure will be recommended to her. This will allow you to accurately and accurately inject the medicine into the desired area of the skin.In addition, this method is effective for treating vulnerable areas such as the mouth, eyelids, and around the eyes. Also, manual technology allows you to avoid damage to small vessels as much as possible.
Another advantage of this technique is the formation of a stock of the drug in the skin layers. This means that the effect after the procedure will persist for a long time, since the skin will be constantly nourished by the reserves introduced into the inner layers.
The duration of the session is 15 - 20 minutes. A couple of days before the procedure, the patient must comply with certain conditions, namely, give up alcohol and the use of certain medications. More detailed requirements can be indicated by the doctor individually.

The main stages of the session
Interview with the identification of contraindications. The doctor talks with the patient, finds out her motives, examines information about her state of health.
After that, the specialist examines the properties of the woman's skin and specifies what result it is desirable to obtain.
Based on the information collected, the doctor selects drugs that will satisfy the patient's aesthetic needs, will have a healing effect and will not cause harm.
An allergy test is carried out: for this, the component is injected into the wrist area, after which the doctor observes the body's reaction. If the result is negative, the specialist proceeds to the session.
Before starting the procedure, the cosmetologist cleans the skin of the face from cosmetics and applies peeling.

Then the selected site is treated with anesthetic cream.
Throughout the area, the doctor makes injections, focusing on the previously made markings.
After the procedure, a massage is performed to distribute the drug in the skin and to reduce swelling.
Then the skin is treated with a soothing spray.
Then a cooling mask and anti-inflammatory cream are applied.

If the fractional method is chosen for the session, then the doctor needs to use a special device. Each area of the face requires an individual selection of the thickness of the needles, which are constantly changing. The cartridge is disposable; after the procedure, it is disposed of. The device operates at a speed of 900 punctures per minute, which ensures the activation of regenerative processes at the cellular level.
Soreness due to the use of anesthetics is practically not felt. After the session, there is reddening of the skin, small bruises, vascular patterns, which normally should go away after 3 hours.
If the procedure is performed at home using a mesoscooter, then you should pay special attention to the choice of serum. It is better to consult a doctor and purchase the prescribed remedy from a specialized department.

If the question arose of choosing a device, then experts recommend purchasing the following options:
Perfect Photo Poration;
Beauty Iris Gezatone;
Gezatone m9900.
These are sophisticated professional devices. If their price is not available, then you can purchase Korean devices Micro Needle Roller System, Mesoderm Eyes E008 or TianDe.
The mesoscooter is used on the principle of a massager. During a health-improving event, it is customary to operate the device, moving from the bridge of the nose to the temples, then guide the device from the wings of the nose to the ears and from the chin to the earlobes. In each direction, you need to make 10 movements, while you should not put too much pressure on the device.

Stages of mesotherapy at home:
cleanse the skin of the face qualitatively;
apply an antiseptic;
apply an anesthetic, lidocaine will do;
thoroughly disinfect the head of the device, for example, hold it for some time in alcohol;
treat the skin with the selected drug;
massage with a mesoscooter;
soothe the skin with a nourishing mask.
You should not wait for the perfect effect after the first session, the result will be noticeable after several procedures.
During this time, the home master will gain experience, and each time the process will lead to a more successful outcome.

Follow-up care
It will take some time for the microscopic wounds left after the mesotherapy procedure to heal completely. However, for a quick recovery, the patient must comply with special conditions. The main one is that the skin should not be injured. The skin should be at constant rest, and only then the cracks left by the injections will heal without problems.
Otherwise, a woman who has experienced this procedure on her face will face a number of complications:
poor result after the procedure or its complete absence;
allergic skin reactions;
swelling and redness;
dry skin;
the formation of age spots;
the minimum speed of wound healing.

About 85% of all complications after the procedure are due to non-compliance with contraindications and skin care rules during the rehabilitation period.
To avoid these highly undesirable effects, the patient must fulfill a number of conditions.
After the procedure, it is forbidden to visit the sauna and bath, as well as taking a hot bath. High temperatures can cause the release of drugs, which will invalidate the result.
You cannot carry out various cosmetic actions on your face, for example, peeling, epilation and depilation, use cosmetics.
Protect skin areas damaged by the procedure from mechanical stress. You should try to touch the skin as little as possible or not touch it at all.
It is recommended to refuse massage and visits to reservoirs.
Washing your face in the first days after mesotherapy is also undesirable.
It is worth postponing physical activity. Physical activity increases the pressure in the capillaries, which causes swelling. In addition, the sweat generated during exercise can flush the medication out from under the skin.
The effect of ultraviolet radiation will negatively affect the skin. Women should refuse to go to the solarium; they should not take sunbathing either.
It is worth excluding alcoholic beverages and coffee from the diet. They have an effect on blood vessels. Weakened skin cannot cope with such influence, because of this, bruises appear on the face.
All these conditions must be observed no more than a week. Usually the rehabilitation period is 4-7 days.

In addition to the above restrictions, a woman needs to monitor the condition of her skin these days and perform the following manipulations:
daily for three days to treat the skin of the face with "Chlorhexidine";
twice a day apply a special gel designed for early healing of wounds (usually cosmetologists recommend "Panthenol" or "Bepanten");
it is necessary every time before going outside, apply a cream to the skin of the face that creates protection from ultraviolet rays;
in the event of bruising, it is allowed to apply the cream "Lyoton" or "Troxevasin".
Each cosmetologist selects a more detailed list of appointments and recommendations individually. Compliance with all conditions will not only speed up the healing process of the skin, but also prevent the occurrence of undesirable consequences and complications.
The end of the rehabilitation period does not mean that a woman can neglect care, relying on the effect of mesotherapy.
Now you need to look after your skin more carefully, wash your face every day, thoroughly wash off cosmetics, use toning lotions, apply moisturizers, and also choose the right quality makeup products.

So that the facial skin after mesotherapy recovers faster and retains the effect for a long time, it is worth listening to a few more recommendations of cosmetologists.
It is necessary to adjust the diet. It would be good to reduce the amount of protein consumed, as it significantly impairs cellular regeneration. By reducing its consumption, you can speed up the process of dermis regeneration after the procedure.
It is important to avoid hot drinks and food.Their consumption can cause sweating, which will lead to the withdrawal of medications.
For quick healing of wounds, you can refer to folk recipes. Cucumber or sour cream masks, as well as ice compresses, cope well with cell recovery.
The use of regenerating ointments is advisable only in situations where it is required to eliminate edema or redness. Their frequent use causes a negative effect on drugs injected under the skin and reduces their absorption.
After the procedure, women need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. A correct sleep and wakefulness regimen promotes active tissue regeneration, lack of sleep and fatigue impair the regeneration processes.
Drinking plenty of fluids is recommended. It is especially good to drink clean water, juices, green tea. This will help relieve the swelling. Antihistamines can also overcome this problem, but before taking them, you should consult a cosmetologist.

If a woman decides to undergo a mesotherapy procedure, then it is necessary to find a good medical center and a doctor. It depends on the salon how modern and efficient devices are used, what consumables and cosmetics are used. The qualification and experience of the doctor determines the duration of the session, the psychological mood of the patient and, most importantly, the result of the procedure itself.
When choosing a cosmetologist and salon, use the following recommendations.
Choose a specialist who is ready to present a diploma in medical education. A doctor who has completed short courses is not to be trusted.
It is better to consult a beautician with at least two years of experience in the field of medical physiotherapy.
Don't trust a doctor who promises instant results that last a lifetime. This procedure is regular. Most likely, these promises are made not by a professional, but by an amateur.
Check the licenses of the selected beauty salon.
Among several options where it is possible to perform the procedure, choose the institutes of cosmetology.

Basically, the feedback from clients about the mesotherapy procedure is positive. Women note a long-term effect, and they consider the classic version of the session to be more reliable. The girls emphasize the quick results despite the cumulative effect - mimic wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin acquires a healthy color. Many of them appreciate the ability to rejuvenate their skin at home with a mesoscooter. Also, ladies note the versatility of mesotherapy. The ability to mix cocktails from preparations for various purposes provides an effective result in the fight against several problems at once.
The main disadvantages of the procedure, according to women, are the price, soreness and discomfort during the session. Also, not everyone is happy with the fact that after a while mesotherapy ceases to please with its effect, however, in this case, the ladies are inclined to believe that they have chosen the wrong salon or specialist.
Some girls switch from hardware to injection technique, as they consider it more effective.

Thus, mesotherapy is an effective procedure for rejuvenating and improving the skin of the face, which can solve most of the cosmetic problems. However, for a successful result, it is necessary to contact a highly qualified doctor, who will select the required technology option, the number of procedures, the drug for each individual case, and also prescribe a list of recommendations during the rehabilitation period.
You will learn more about facial mesotherapy in the following video.
I appreciated the article for 5 points! Indeed, sometimes you read negative reviews, and there it is clear that the care after the procedure was not followed or was done somewhere in the salon, it is not clear from whom. I would also add that for a good result you need to complete the entire course, and not 1-2 procedures. I finished the course of the face, around the eyes, now I'm doing the neck. The results are positive, the skin is noticeably fresher and fine wrinkles disappeared.